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Rob Instigator 03.26.2013 09:09 AM

Post your Unpopular Opinions here
Tina Fey is NOT FUNNY

evollove 03.26.2013 09:23 AM

Dane Cook is.

evollove 03.26.2013 09:37 AM

Nixon wasn't so bad.*

*= if you ignore everything related to Vietnam and Watergate

Antagon 03.26.2013 10:30 AM

'Drive' is an extremely overrated movie

!@#$%! 03.26.2013 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Tina Fey is NOT FUNNY

she used to be, she's now officially overplayed her schtick and it no longer works. she needs to come up with a fresh character.


Originally Posted by Antagon
'Drive' is an extremely overrated movie

i like it a lot, but i didn't know it was "overrated"-- in fact i thought it was quite underrated, i.e., pretty much unknown

Trama 03.26.2013 01:28 PM

Individualism, capitalism, neoliberalism and anarcho-capitalism/minarchism is the way to go.

h8kurdt 03.26.2013 01:40 PM

The Chelsea Light Moving album isn't that good.

Nefeli 03.26.2013 03:44 PM

^speaking about chelsea light moving, i clicked on a clip the other day and yes, my crush on john moloney took its form.
on the other hand, it doesnt register how he decided to join this band.

about drive..well, no film with gosling in unknown anymore.
the movie itself, i expected more. yeah, it was poor.

matt damon and ben afleck; since the first time i saw them acting together, ifeel that there is smth really off with those two. i cant express what it is exactly, because i dont know it. i get the same feeling especially with matt, even when i see them acting separately.

Rob Instigator 03.26.2013 03:48 PM

Ben Affleck is a terrible terrible actor. he has two facial expressions, dumbfounded stupor, and smug smirk.

Nefeli 03.26.2013 03:50 PM

hahaha i can live with that (explanation)!

Nefeli 03.26.2013 03:50 PM

and in argo, even with hair and beard, he didnt fool me!

Nefeli 03.26.2013 03:58 PM

i reckon it could have been intentional, but 'breaking bad' has been very sexist. it irritated me majorly for that reason.

tesla69 03.27.2013 09:38 AM

Marriage under the State is between a man and a women.

!@#$%! 03.27.2013 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor


EVOLghost 03.27.2013 10:30 AM

Bacon is overrated.

EVOLghost 03.27.2013 10:32 AM

I don't know if I said this in the unpopular music opinion thread....but I enjoy U2's Pop album.

EVOLghost 03.27.2013 10:32 AM

I don't know if I said this in the unpopular music opinion thread....but I enjoy U2's Pop album.

Dude McDude 03.27.2013 11:55 AM

The reputation thingie will probably overheat now.

Oh, and also: socialists are narrowminded and selfrighteous.

demonrail666 03.27.2013 12:07 PM

Ben Affleck makes better films than Martin Scorsese (right now)

dead_battery 03.27.2013 12:23 PM

the self does not exist
free will and volition do not exist
global warming is real
the enlightenment failed
capitalism is dying
the west is in decline
you cannot make yourself happy with happy thoughts
people who say they enjoy life are liars
noone has ever known what the fuck they are talking about
creation is a religious notion, either creationism or the secular worship of art, its all the same stupidity
all art is shit and wont redeem anything

dale_gribble 03.28.2013 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
noone has ever known what the fuck they are talking about

agreed. but your art comment, i would agree on the redemption part although i've never heard anyone make the claim that it would redeem anything haha.

Rob Instigator 03.28.2013 04:11 PM

I would argue that many people know what they are talking about, but that those that do not know, assume the "knowers" are wrong.

!@#$%! 03.28.2013 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor


Rob Instigator 03.29.2013 01:54 PM

or the starter. don;t forget the starter

!@#$%! 03.29.2013 02:03 PM

just wait 5 years

!@#$%! 03.29.2013 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
the self does not exist
free will and volition do not exist
global warming is real
the enlightenment failed
capitalism is dying
the west is in decline
you cannot make yourself happy with happy thoughts
people who say they enjoy life are liars
noone has ever known what the fuck they are talking about
creation is a religious notion, either creationism or the secular worship of art, its all the same stupidity
all art is shit and wont redeem anything

i agree with most of this but why should you be miserable without a god or an "immortal soul"? do you miss them, or something?

(it seems to me that your premises are correct but your conclusions are all wrong.)

!@#$%! 03.29.2013 02:29 PM

-john ford: a lot of people agree with you

-QT: fuck, yes, ugh! but give him at least pulp fiction. i was brilliant when it came out.

-whedon: he's mainly a "snappy dialogue" guy. if that's not your thing, you haven't much reason to like him. i know his weaknesses (he's at times too derivative) but i still like him a lot though.

i'm not really knowledgeable enough to discuss music. had to wikipedia greg sage. can't think of anything i remember by the wipers. yes, that's popular in these boards...

Rob Instigator 03.29.2013 03:08 PM

The Beach Boys suck and have always sucked.

When he wanted to, Paul RAWKED harder than John.

h8kurdt 03.29.2013 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Murmer99
There may be some that are unpopular on this board particularly, but not outside of it... and vice versa.

I'll just post some that fall into this category altogether.

- John Ford may be the greatest film director of all time. Aside from demonrail, I've never really seen the guy mentioned on here for the most part. That's fine, but he really has directed some of the best films in the history of cinema. The Searchers, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Young Mr. Lincoln, My Darling Clementine, Fort Apache, Cheyenne Autumn, Donovan's Reef, Stagecoach, The Grapes of Wrath... yes, he directed all of those and more!

- All four studio albums by the Pixies are excellent, most people only like their first two (at least on here).

- Sound-Dust is a perfect album.

- Greg Sage is my favorite guitar player.

- I don't care at all for Joss Whedon. Although Cabin in the Woods was a pretty decent film.

- Quentin Tarantino is one of the most overrated film directors of all time. I really don't understand what people see in him. This is what I meant by having an opinion that, in this case, is quite popular on the message board for the most part, but not the most popular outside of it.

I know there are a lot more but whatever.

He's a good director, but Grapes Of Wrath was just shit. Oh and so was The Quiet Man.

!@#$%! 03.29.2013 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
The Beach Boys suck and have always sucked.

please tell that to the dolts at bitchdork

look at #1 and 7.


h8kurdt 03.29.2013 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
yeah, but you can't see why Skyler is the one trying to keep everything together, balanced and morally right? right?

her sister is just a typical woman, a controlling bitch with no awareness or concern for herself or anybody else and who suffers from greediness. a woman you should avoid and that represents the kind of mindless "keep yr mouth shut and cook me soup" bitch that is growing on a daily basis.

Well that's hardly true. Whilst it's true Marie could come across as annoying sometimes, she's hardly this one-dimensional character you trying to make out.

The scenes after *SPOILERS*Hank was shot*SPOILERS*did a brilliant job of showing her more depth and character than "a controlling bitch with no awareness or concern for herself "

demonrail666 03.29.2013 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Murmer99

Tarantino: I couldn't even get into Pulp Fiction either to be honest. It had its entertaining moments, but it was mostly superficial and desperately emulative junk. Those are just my thoughts on it ;)

And that's not to say I have anything against resembling other artists. However, when I watch his films, he seems like someone who gets carried away with his inspirations to the point where he lacks depth or a distinguishing factor. It comes off as a rehash of things rather than something that was merely inspired by other films or whatever. Hopefully you know what I mean..

I'm with el Symbols. Give the man Pulp Fiction, at least. I can see how the rehash thing could be applied to his more recent stuff but while PF obviously has its influences I'd say Tarantino treated them in a pretty original way, at least at the time, and definitely compared with most of the countless films it influenced. The sense that it lacks anything distinctive now, may be the result of its style winding up in almost every gangster movies made after it. I like Pulp Fiction, Hard Boiled and Goodfellas a lot, but for their combined influence on recent gangster movies, I almost wish they'd never been made.

Nefeli 03.29.2013 11:34 PM

i like smoking.

its smth of the unpolpular talk, that i wish i could express.
efbieye could could catch me'
pointless- i ll eat and go to bed (post for the tipsy thread).

ok smth else- where are the people of the spirit. these days?
yeah, many of us are and i can say many things, but here are the people of the intellect, to inspire but most of all, to give solutions?
i m fed off talks about what 'got us here', i want to hear about solutions.
i say the above for so long.. ii m tired now. i mean i cant say much on line.
goodmorning. and goodnight. xxx

!@#$%! 03.30.2013 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
ok smth else- where are the people of the spirit. these days?
yeah, many of us are and i can say many things, but here are the people of the intellect, to inspire but most of all, to give solutions?
i m fed off talks about what 'got us here', i want to hear about solutions.

inspire? give solutions? i think nietzsche was on the right track. i think what he proposed in "beyond good and evil" was immensely great, the work of centuries, but nobody has taken up the task yet (instead they talk about him, the academics). but it's there if you want to take a look.

!@#$%! 03.30.2013 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Murmer99
Tarantino: I couldn't even get into Pulp Fiction either to be honest. It had its entertaining moments, but it was mostly superficial and desperately emulative junk. Those are just my thoughts on it ;)

And that's not to say I have anything against resembling other artists. However, when I watch his films, he seems like someone who gets carried away with his inspirations to the point where he lacks depth or a distinguishing factor. It comes off as a rehash of things rather than something that was merely inspired by other films or whatever. Hopefully you know what I mean..

yes i do and i agree with much of it but there is something to be said for metaphors made out of metaphors and completely artificial worlds instead of the customary and expected attempts at realism we always get from film.

i think he succeeded in pulp fiction when it came out. i don't know that the movie would work so well today because it's been so imitated, it's become such a common trope, that its original impact is very hard to perceive.

for me it came some 45 minutes into the movie i was siting in that theatre, nervous as shit with everything that was going on-- gangsters, junkies, violence, blood-- when mia makes that very stupid joke about ketchup. and then i realized-- it's all ketchup, it's all stage blood, it's all a movie. and i couldn't stop laughing after that. the violence, the horror, the atrocity--it had all become a big joke. because it's what it was. it wasn't a documentary. it was just images, made out of other images, to entertain us. and that was great.

but tarantino has the emotional capacity of a 12 year old and fucked it up afterwards.

okay i have to go to the market now but more later


h8kurdt 03.30.2013 09:46 AM

I look forward to it (non-sarcasm).

_slavo_ 03.30.2013 12:53 PM

I must admit I have some prejudice towards Gypsies.

dead_battery 03.30.2013 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i agree with most of this but why should you be miserable without a god or an "immortal soul"? do you miss them, or something?

(it seems to me that your premises are correct but your conclusions are all wrong.)

i do not miss that shit. it's never done me any favours.

to paraphrase john gray "happiness is a fiction i can do without."

!@#$%! 03.30.2013 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
i do not miss that shit. it's never done me any favours.

so why not find pleasure in their absence? it's a huge freedom (and life is short).


Originally Posted by dead_battery
to paraphrase john gray "happiness is a fiction i can do without."

who's that? regardless-- with a name like "gray" i feel one has no chance for happiness. less gray, more ru paul!

but happiness-- i don't know about definitions of that shit. why even construct such a fiction. however-- survival is good, and pleasure abounds, and not just the coarse kind (though coarse ain't bad either).


ps- i just read john gray's wikipedia page. he sounds like a no-fun bitter cunt. fuck him! (morality is an illusion, yet he moralizes like a champ) is that who you follow? find a better prophet-- furreal!

demonrail666 03.30.2013 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
I must admit I have some prejudice towards Gypsies.

You won't be saying that when you next run out of clothes pegs.

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