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Tokolosh 12.12.2006 01:54 PM

Macho racist pigdogs deserve to be shot!!!!
I've just come back from dining at a restaurant, where I almost got into a fight with some fucking skinhead farm boy redneck fuckbags.

I was sitting at a table and they were all telling eachother racist jokes, and being unfriendly to the people around them. Then one of them proudly told a story about a couple he knew. Apparently they were both caucasians and their kid was coloured. So fucking what? He then went on to say that the wife (whore) must have cheated on her husband with a nigger (those were his exact words) and he wasn't shy in shouting it out loud, so that everyone could hear it. I got up halfway through my meal after loosing my appetite, and walked out giving the cunts who were all still laughing a dirty look. I was waiting for one of them to say something, and I swear that I'd kick the shit out of him right there and then.
Can't stand people with the IQ of a fucking wood worm. When things like this spoil my evening, I feel like getting myself an army and wipe macho racist cunts like that, of the planet!
Completely ruined my day.
I'm now sitting in my hotel room contemplating on whether I should go back and trash the lot of them with a blunt instrument...

Bastian 12.12.2006 01:57 PM

I feel the same when I meet people like that. All nazis should be kicked in the teeth! They're the scum of the Earth.

king_buzzo 12.12.2006 01:58 PM

shoot the fuckers.

i hate skinheads and racists. where are you now? (when you say youre in a hotel)

jon boy 12.12.2006 02:00 PM

where abouts are you toko? sorry to hear about that man. my advice is not to let it ruin your night even though it probably has.

!@#$%! 12.12.2006 02:01 PM

that's fucked up

my experience with dutch racism was more awkward (you're in holland, right?). i met this dude who played for the ajax juvenile team, nice guy, friendly, very cool, one day we get drunk he starts talking about "nigger bitches" in his country, by which he mean dutch girls who like black guys i guess, and i'm like "what the fuck man? are you on crack?" funny thing is another time he was drunk he got weepy eyed about not living like a good christian. wtf is up?

anyway, about racist motherfuckers, i'm not sure kicking their ass would make them less racists-- ignorance is often the source, and how the fuck do you deal with that? i have no fucking idea...

Tokolosh 12.12.2006 02:09 PM

The world is full of cunts like that. Thick wooden planks, is what they are!!
When the next great war arrives, I'll be armed to the teeth, ready for action. Snipe the lot of them!

porkmarras 12.12.2006 02:11 PM

Like we used to say in my teen militancy in a communist party:
'No reasoning with them but just kicks in the face!'

king_buzzo 12.12.2006 02:16 PM

last month i saw this skinhead asshole thats about 17 yrs old beat up a 12 yr old kid because he was english

yep. dutch people are total assholes, they hate english people. and just the english language

!@#$%! 12.12.2006 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Like we used to say in my teen militancy in a comunist party:
'No reasoning with them but just kicks in the face!'

communist? oh man, you DO have your scary side. well, at least italian communism gave birth to the slow foods movement.

yes! slow foods!! now we're talking...

porkmarras 12.12.2006 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
communist? oh man, you DO have your scary side. well, at least italian communism gave birth to the slow foods movement.

yes! slow foods!! now we're talking...

Actually,i'm not talking about the italian 'communist' party but then.............

!@#$%! 12.12.2006 02:20 PM

oh. "a" communist party. unspecified. i see.

but slow foods!! oh yummy...

Tokolosh 12.12.2006 04:00 PM

Just got back from the restaurant. I forgot to pay them for my meal before I stormed out. The twats were gone by the time I got back,
but I could still feel the tension. Had a chat with the owner, and apparently it got worse after I left.
The police were called in to sort it out. Cunts!

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.12.2006 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
When the next great war arrives, I'll be armed to the teeth, ready for action. Snipe the lot of them!

hell yeah, duder

EMMAh 12.12.2006 04:11 PM

I can't stand racist people. There's this kid in the section at my school who is always jumps at the chance to bash every race except Caucasians. Yet when you call him a racist he totally denies it.

I'm sorry you had to listen to that crap Tokolosh.

atari 2600 12.12.2006 05:25 PM

I was at break once on this job I had and these two new guys who were friends with each other were out with the rest of us smoking cigarettes. They started talking and laughing rather loudly about their history of torturing cats and were planning aloud what they were gonna do to this other cat, one supposed, sometime soon. I muttered some stuff under my breath at them that they didn't hear, so I grumbled again even louder, but they still didn't hear me over their jovial celebration of causing little animals pain. I felt like everyone within earshot of this converstation must surely be thinking along with me that these are two very weird fuckers and something should be said. I got up from smoking (probably my second cig...I was sitting on some steps) ,and when I did so, I told them that I didn't appreciate having to hear them talking about torturing pets and animals. The one guy who was the taller of the two (taller than me) got up in my face about it, and some more words were exchanged, but just as the confrontation may have escalated, the manager came downstairs to the door to let us know breaktime was over with. The cool thing is neither one of them ever showed up to work again after that. At one point, I did overextend myself and tell them that they couldn't work at that office and that I would see to it, so maybe that's why they didn't come back. Gladly, it didn't turn into a whole situation.

DemonBox 12.12.2006 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Like we used to say in my teen militancy in a communist party:
'No reasoning with them but just kicks in the face!'


I'm sorry to hear that Tokolosh, I grew up with shitheads like that, but things have improved now, now that I've moved to bigger city. Of course there are rasict jerks here too, but I don't meet them in class everyday.

val-holla-ing 12.12.2006 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that's fucked up

my experience with dutch racism was more awkward (you're in holland, right?). i met this dude who played for the ajax juvenile team, nice guy, friendly, very cool, one day we get drunk he starts talking about "nigger bitches" in his country, by which he mean dutch girls who like black guys i guess, and i'm like "what the fuck man? are you on crack?" funny thing is another time he was drunk he got weepy eyed about not living like a good christian. wtf is up?

anyway, about racist motherfuckers, i'm not sure kicking their ass would make them less racists-- ignorance is often the source, and how the fuck do you deal with that? i have no fucking idea...

man...don't even get me started on zwarte piet.

val-holla-ing 12.12.2006 06:13 PM

you're a good person. had it been me, i would've been all in their asses (no homo).

i got called a "fucking nigger" by someone earlier this year, and the only reason i didn't seriously hurt this guy is because he's about 80 years old and damn near dead anyways. instead of hitting him, i spit in his face. a week later (in a completely unrelated incident), his apartment burned up and he barely lived.

i'm generally well tempered, but when it comes to that kind of shit, i tend to fly off the handle.

Danny Himself 12.12.2006 07:02 PM

Racism runs riot in my school. It seems to be the norm. I was labelled a 'sympathiser' once after defending Jews in a history class?

I have a heard a moronic bastard say 'I hate the way Americans talk' in a thick, drawling scouse accent, his voice dripping with idiocy. Imagine it.

golden child 12.12.2006 07:20 PM



Better_Than_You 12.12.2006 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
I was at break once on this job I had and these two new guys who were friends with each other were out with the rest of us smoking cigarettes. They started talking and laughing rather loudly about their history of torturing cats and were planning aloud what they were gonna do to this other cat, one supposed, sometime soon. I muttered some stuff under my breath at them that they didn't hear, so I grumbled again even louder, but they still didn't hear me over their jovial celebration of causing little animals pain. I felt like everyone within earshot of this converstation must surely be thinking along with me that these are two very weird fuckers and something should be said. I got up from smoking (probably my second cig...I was sitting on some steps) ,and when I did so, I told them that I didn't appreciate having to hear them talking about torturing pets and animals. The one guy who was the taller of the two (taller than me) got up in my face about it, and some more words were exchanged, but just as the confrontation may have escalated, the manager came downstairs to the door to let us know breaktime was over with. The cool thing is neither one of them ever showed up to work again after that. At one point, I did overextend myself and tell them that they couldn't work at that office and that I would see to it, so maybe that's why they didn't come back. Gladly, it didn't turn into a whole situation.

Thats horrible. I hate hearing about people being unnecessarily cruel to animals. Especially hunters who take joy in giving deer or birds slow, painful deaths. My cousins occasionaly tell us "funny" stories about their hunting trips, and they make my mom and I want to puke.

As for the racism, thats absolutly terrible. Although... I am a little racist against somolians. I try not to let that get in the way of how I treat them though.

golden child 12.12.2006 08:47 PM

like quick and easy is any worse than slow and painful?
the thing is dead no matter which way you cut it.

Better_Than_You 12.12.2006 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by golden child
like quick and easy is any worse than slow and painful?
the thing is dead no matter which way you cut it.

I didn't say that killing an animal quick and easy was worse than killing it slowly and painfully. I'm going to assume you meant to put 'better' in there instead.

And it is better to kill something quick, easy, and as pain-free as possible. There is no arguement about it.

golden child 12.13.2006 12:17 AM

blah blah blah, thats like arguing over whether a fetus feels pain.
you're still killing a baby.

ALIEN ANAL 12.13.2006 05:24 AM

how is an opinion a race?

Tokolosh 12.13.2006 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
you sound like a racist yrself. hurting someone simply cause their opinions are different than yrs (no matter how stupid their opinions are...and they obviously are stupid) is going to solve what exaclty?

will kikin thier asses make them turn "unracist"?

For those who don't understand the definition of racism:

Any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise, on equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, or any other field of public life.

I strongly believe in freedom of speech, but it carries certain duties and responsibilities:

1. For respect of the rights or reputations of others.
2. For the protection of national security or of public order, or of public health or morals.
The right also prohibits war propaganda, incitement to violence and certain forms of hate speech.

I my friend, am not a racist, and my expressed anger is understandable in such situations.

UVRAY 12.13.2006 05:58 AM

>> Can't stand people with the IQ of a fucking wood worm <<

You over estimate the capacity of these people.

And that is extremely unkind to wood worms, who are only being the best wood worm they can be.

Unlike these bozos who have no idea of their own potential as a human being, nor any inclination to be a better one.

Tokolosh 12.13.2006 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by UVRAY
>> Can't stand people with the IQ of a fucking wood worm <<

You over estimate the capacity of these people.

And that is extremely unkind to wood worms, who are only being the best wood worm they can be.

Unlike these bozos who have no idea of their own potential as a human being, nor any inclination to be a better one.

Ha! You're right. I apologise for discriminating wood worms.

_slavo_ 12.13.2006 06:29 AM

There are fuckers like that everywhere, and it gets much worse when right-wing nationalists come and take part in leading the country (a right-wing party called SNS has been a member of three-coalition in Slovakia since summer last year). There's especially great tension towards gipsy people and Hungarians in here (historic and demographic reasons), which is really embarassing, since all of European Union sees this shit and we come out of it as total assholes.

But, returning to low-end Nazi skinhead fucks, there are lots of them here too. Fortunately, there's quite a strong anarchist community here that gets into clashes with them on a regular basis.

ALIEN ANAL 12.13.2006 07:44 AM

Yar a dik

Tokolosh 12.13.2006 08:05 AM

Oh really? So now I'm a fascist 'cause I wanted to "kick someones asses because of difference"...
I'm not in any way a reactionary or dictatorial person. and I'm certainly not a right-wing conservative.

Your forum name says it all, by the way.

sway (sw)
v. swayed, sway·ing, sways
1. To swing back and forth or to and fro. See Synonyms at swing.
2. To incline or bend to one side; veer: She swayed and put out a hand to steady herself.
a. To incline toward change, as in opinion or feeling.
b. To fluctuate, as in outlook.
1. To cause to swing back and forth or to and fro.
2. To cause to incline or bend to one side.
3. Nautical To hoist (a mast or yard) into position.
a. To divert; deflect.
b. To exert influence on or control over: His speech swayed the voters.
5. Archaic
a. To rule or govern.
b. To wield, as a weapon or scepter.
1. The act of moving from side to side with a swinging motion.
2. Power; influence.
3. Dominion or control.

Enough said.

porkmarras 12.13.2006 08:06 AM


ALIEN ANAL 12.13.2006 08:13 AM

who lets the dogs out who who who who

Tokolosh 12.13.2006 08:23 AM

I don't intend on kicking anyones ass, and I have no issues with you.

Edit: My aggression yesterday was a form of expression. Nothing more, nothing less.

porkmarras 12.13.2006 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)

maybe yr too much of a meat head to have a decent response to a question ive already asked in more or less words...but what would kikin these dudes asses solve?

and what exactly would be yr reasoning for doing so?

and how is it any different than a skin kicking some jews ass?

What a pile of rubbish this post is.

porkmarras 12.13.2006 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)

Well,the mentality of extremists is certainly not that of people who are open to reasoning in any way and this is only something to start with.Also, are you trying to say that if you were jewish or whatever THESE VIOLENT pricks happen to target and in the middle of getting battered,you wouldn't resort to violence in order to defend yourself?And what if you happened to witness that someone was getting punched just because they were black/gay etc?would you try to go and talk to them(as if they'd listen) in a mild mannered way or you'd try to defend that person from these pieces of shit?You don't make sense.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.13.2006 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)

maybe yr too much of a meat head to have a decent response to a question ive already asked in more or less words...but what would kikin these dudes asses solve?

and what exactly would be yr reasoning for doing so?

and how is it any different than a skin kicking some jews ass?

dude, bro
what the fuck is your deal?
just let him be
he was just expressing his anger
its not like he was going to act out on it

porkmarras 12.13.2006 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
well...i do think kicking someones ass because of something theyve said is a bit extremist.

maybe if they were actually physically hurting someone.

I see that we agree on something.

Tokolosh 12.13.2006 09:00 AM

I'm not the type of person to use violence as a means of solving problems,
but if I'm walking down the street and some skins are kicking the shit out of someone for being
black, gay, handicapped, whatever, I'll do anything in my power to stop it.
Yesterday wasn't such a day. It didn't go further than verbal abuse, so I'll let them off this time.

porkmarras 12.13.2006 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
I'm not the type of person to use violence as a means of solving problems, but if I'm walking down the street and some skins are kicking the shit out of someone for being black, gay, handicapped, whatever, I'll do anything in my power to stop it.

I got that from the first post in the thread.If everyone was as beautiful,reasonable and intelligent like me there would be less pointless arguments in the world.I can't help it but being the extraordinary human being that i am.

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