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Pedro Micho 11.08.2012 02:30 PM

This is a recording of our last Krsna Love Feast!!!

listen to the whole thing and dance along with it and chant with it to get high for free. the only condition is that you have to not want to get high by listening and dancing and chanting with it at the same time which is pretty hard, but and now please look into my eyes and repeat after me : DOABLE!!

chant this mantra:


it's gooooooooood

this message has been approved by me the official normals converter hired by Kidnap yourself into Krsna consciousness for free now

Pedro Micho 11.08.2012 02:31 PM

the gaura aratika and jaya radha madhava is sung by my friends and the kirtan song is all of us together, when i said chhant hare krsna along with it i meant the kirtan song. in other words play the kirtan song first if you're in a rush. its the same thing over and over? so whaaat??

EVOLghost 11.08.2012 02:40 PM

What I listen KNoWING I'm not gonba get high...will I then get high?

Genteel Death 11.08.2012 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
What I listen KNoWING I'm not gonba get high...will I then get high?

Are you a spic? Do you really look like a cat with down syndrome?

Pedro Micho 11.11.2012 04:42 PM

its not about getting high, its about becoming a krsna devotee for free through the cunning high hare krsna commercial made by me

EVOLghost 11.11.2012 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Are you a spic? Do you really look like a cat with down syndrome?


spic huh? I haven't heard that insult since grammar school.

floatingslowly 11.12.2012 12:28 PM

Thank you for sharing these sounds. I believe that I could find a place for them amongst my mixes, assuming your permission.

In doing so, they may be edited or digitally modified. If this would be considered sacrilege, I again thank you for sharing and will abstain from using them; if it would be ok, then I thank you again, more profusely.

floatingslowly 11.12.2012 12:32 PM

I'd like to think that Mr. Death does not realize the foulness of his choice of words. Perhaps he does, as it's not the first time in recent memory that he's done so.

Please be better that.

Note: @josé--- you do say 'FAGGOT' a lot. Maybe some cross-demographic kindness is in order, from the both of you.

EVOLghost 11.12.2012 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

Note: @josé--- you do say 'FAGGOT' a lot. Maybe some cross-demographic kindness is in order, from the both of you.

You're right.

However, I don't ever recall calling an actual gay person a faggot(EVER!!!). I'm definitely aware about these type of things(I've experienced quite a bit of discrimination in my earlier years). I'm ALMOST positive I have never referred to Genteel as a faggot, or do I barely even respond to that idiot. And to blatantly pull that shit out of nowhere is fucked up. I don't take that shit personally because that it doesn't means anything coming from from someone I don't know personally or really have any interest in know said person.

P.S. I prefer when people who use the harder route when insulting people because...lets face it.....insulting someone becasue they're gay, black/brown/green/yellow/red AND/OR for whatever reason is beyond their control is WAAAAAAYYYY too easy and is just really bad taste...

floatingslowly 11.12.2012 07:36 PM

Hey, man, I'm not looking for any kind of apology or explanation from anyone! If you feel one's needed, look inside.

Me? I'm fucking love machine.

EVOLghost 11.12.2012 08:07 PM

Yer an ass...

Like I was making some sort of apology......pfffffffffffff

floatingslowly 11.12.2012 08:20 PM

Now you're just trying to hurt my feelings. It's a fruitless effort, gentlebeing, as I assure you, I have none.

EVOLghost 11.12.2012 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Now you're just trying to hurt my feelings. It's a fruitless effort, gentlebeing, as I assure you, I have none.

I'd never!

The only way I wish to hurt you is with my knife...right before I delve into your flesh.

floatingslowly 11.12.2012 08:38 PM

A knife? My name is a killing-word.

EVOLghost 11.12.2012 08:47 PM

Pfff....only for oblivious teenagers.

floatingslowly 11.12.2012 09:09 PM

a man's gotta eat.

dale_gribble 11.13.2012 12:53 AM

nothing but a bunch of spics and fags in this thread....and by that i mean you flotz, you are a hispanic cigarette.

floatingslowly 11.13.2012 08:45 AM

Thank you for your kind words.

Pedro Micho 11.15.2012 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Thank you for sharing these sounds. I believe that I could find a place for them amongst my mixes, assuming your permission.

In doing so, they may be edited or digitally modified. If this would be considered sacrilege, I again thank you for sharing and will abstain from using them; if it would be ok, then I thank you again, more profusely.

no problem especially get the word KRSNA in and HARE and its actually exactly the opposite of sacrilege

floatingslowly 11.15.2012 02:57 PM

If figured so, but wanted to be certain. Thank you again for the sounds.

Pedro Micho 11.15.2012 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
If figured so, but wanted to be certain. Thank you again for the sounds.

send it to me after ok? ill have a listen

floatingslowly 11.15.2012 03:23 PM

I work slowly. Perhaps you may enjoy another.

Pedro Micho 11.15.2012 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I work slowly. Perhaps you may enjoy another.

take your time. i ll wait for the krsna mix.

Genteel Death 11.16.2012 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
You're right.

However, I don't ever recall calling an actual gay person a faggot(EVER!!!). I'm definitely aware about these type of things(I've experienced quite a bit of discrimination in my earlier years). I'm ALMOST positive I have never referred to Genteel as a faggot, or do I barely even respond to that idiot. And to blatantly pull that shit out of nowhere is fucked up. I don't take that shit personally because that it doesn't means anything coming from from someone I don't know personally or really have any interest in know said person.

P.S. I prefer when people who use the harder route when insulting people because...lets face it.....insulting someone becasue they're gay, black/brown/green/yellow/red AND/OR for whatever reason is beyond their control is WAAAAAAYYYY too easy and is just really bad taste...

stu, please ban this faggot.

floatingslowly 11.16.2012 05:27 PM

My colour is OUTRAGE.

Rob Instigator 11.16.2012 05:58 PM

when British people say "faggot" as a derogatory remark, does that relate etymologically to the red, burning ember also named "faggot" or to a cigarette which is named "faggot" after the ember?

when Americans say it it usually means they wish that whoever they are calling "faggot" would fuck them, but they are afraid to actually say so.

Like when guys call women bitches because they won;t have sex with the guy.

EVOLghost 11.16.2012 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
stu, please ban this faggot.


Genteel Death 11.16.2012 06:13 PM

I don't think I've heard a British person ever using "faggot" as a derogatory remark.

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