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noisereductions 10.28.2012 08:41 PM

wish me luck y'all.

floatingslowly 10.28.2012 08:48 PM

although I certainly wish you the best, I secretly hope that it tears shit up.

Sandy is my mother's name.


noisereductions 10.28.2012 08:55 PM

floslow, I know yr shortcoming. You will secretly be upset if something bad happens to me. You will feel it's yr mom's fault.

floatingslowly 10.28.2012 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
floslow, I know yr shortcoming. You will secretly be upset if something bad happens to me. You will feel it's yr mom's fault.

C'mon, what could possibly go wrong????

My mom wouldn't hurt a fly!

Seriously....clean the bathtub with bleach now, so that you can drink from it later. At least, that's what my mom would do.

SpaceCadetHayden 10.28.2012 09:50 PM

i'm in minnesota i hope the east coast doesn't come here if it's in ruins

floatingslowly 10.28.2012 09:54 PM

Other than hot kolaches, why would ANYONE want to go to Minnesota?

Do you reckon they serve hot kolaches at the Thunderbolt Pagoda show?

I'll take mine with bacon.

SpaceCadetHayden 10.28.2012 10:24 PM

I am minnesotan as shit and do not even know what that is? we have really good tater tot hotdish, though

floatingslowly 10.28.2012 10:41 PM

Don't lie just to keep people out. There are lives on the line here, man.

I almost doubted my BIG GIANT BRAIN until wiki confirmed that Minnesota is the fucking "kolacky" capitol of the world...OF THE FUCKING WORLD.

Now....make it bacon, and make it snappy.

dale_gribble 10.29.2012 12:06 AM

kolacky are polish cookies,thought more vikings than poles live in minnesota.

noisereductions 10.29.2012 06:39 AM

I'm in southcoast MA. Right now it's not too bad. Winds sposed to get 40-60 mph today though.

I don't have twitter. I'm not sure how that wuold help with a storm? Haha.

floatingslowly 10.29.2012 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by dale_gribble
kolacky are polish cookies,thought more vikings than poles live in minnesota.

They're nothing like cookies. It's more like a hot roll stuffed with meat, and if rationed properly, can sustain a hungry family of New England refugees for a week.

EVOLghost 10.29.2012 09:03 AM

Yo doo...just parry dat shit.


Rob Instigator 10.29.2012 10:09 AM

Hope you got your batteries in check yo.

Us 3rd Coast folks are well used to hurricanes. This one is a cat 1, as weak as they come, it is just a BIG (in size) storm. All hurricanes are shitty but hopefully this one will not cause too much damage. Power lines will be down.


floatingslowly 10.29.2012 10:36 AM

It's not so much the size. It's the fact that two conflicting fronts will hold it in place over the NE and prevent it from disappating.

!@#$%! 10.29.2012 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
If you have to live without electricity for a prolonged period of time, sending tweets via standard text is a great way to save battery life on your cell phone.

or, you know, read a book

Rob Instigator 10.29.2012 11:29 AM

The wife and I were without power for 8 days in the Montrose area of Houston after last hurricane. That shit was crazy! It was hot as fuck, but I cannot imagine going through a week or two of no power in cold fall/winter weather! That shit is brutal!

Stay safe folks!

EVOLghost 10.29.2012 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Hope you got your batteries in check yo.

Us 3rd Strike Coast folks are well used to hurricanes. This one is a cat 1, as weak as they come, it is just a BIG (in size) storm. All hurricanes are shitty but hopefully this one will not cause too much damage. Power lines will be down.



And yes. stay safe....

floatingslowly 10.29.2012 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
The wife and I were without power for 8 days in the Montrose area of Houston after last hurricane. That shit was crazy! It was hot as fuck, but I cannot imagine going through a week or two of no power in cold fall/winter weather! That shit is brutal!

Stay safe folks!

I still have PTSD from an ice storm, almost 6 years ago that left me without power for 11 days. It was 25 fucking degrees INSIDE!

It was finally cable tv crews from NOLA that saved me.

I won't lie, I'd be a worried little bitch if I lived on the east coast.

EVOLghost 10.29.2012 12:13 PM

Not being able to log into WoW must've been terrible...

floatingslowly 10.29.2012 12:27 PM

At first, when the cable went down, I was dismayed.

The branch that physically ripped the powerbox from my house was a sure sign that nothing was coming back for awhile.

As luck would have it, we were offered an empty condo that still had a working router. I was logged on, and raiding the next day.

floatingslowly 10.29.2012 12:28 PM

And you can suck a fuck. I remember a certain max-level pally....

gast30 10.29.2012 03:00 PM

2 hours left
or 120 minutes
or 7200 seconds

before sandy hits land

sandy an unseen storm who already made a 2.5 billion dollar loss
for how much billions will it have destroyed, in total, after the storm?

a. 5 to 7 billion $
b. 9 to 10 billion $
c. 10 to 12 billion $ or more

noisereductions 10.29.2012 03:03 PM

lights have flickered a few times now. Wind's really picking up.

h8kurdt 10.29.2012 03:04 PM


floatingslowly 10.29.2012 03:19 PM

I agree. East Coast* rap is TERRIBLE.

*East Coast = anything east of Texas.

noisereductions 10.29.2012 03:24 PM

yeah. This just in: Sandy killed rap. Yr mom's a monster, Space.

floatingslowly 10.29.2012 03:39 PM

Yeah it's beautiful here! Even the a/c is turned off.

But now I feel guilty over trolling people who might die at any moment.


I'm a bad man.

floatingslowly 10.29.2012 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
yeah. This just in: Sandy killed rap. Yr mom's a monster, Space.

I truly hope you make it out alive. Very few people still call me space. There was a time, many many moons ago, that I'd never answer otherwise.

SonicBebs 10.29.2012 03:51 PM

best advice i can give is leave your umbrella at home. no point. fucker just turns inside out in the wind. waste of time, really.
other day i got off the bus, popped my brolly and it just turned inside out straight away. got soaked walking to work.

noisereductions 10.29.2012 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I truly hope you make it out alive. Very few people still call me space. There was a time, many many moons ago, that I'd never answer otherwise.

I'll be fine. We're not even getting it is hard as mid-Atlantic folks. My well-wishes to them.

gast30 10.29.2012 05:42 PM

cnn: -14 people rescued from a ship

the hole world knows a heavy storm is on the way
exept the people who found it needed to be on a ship right in the storm
to be rescued then


gast30 10.29.2012 05:46 PM

the people from the ship:- We didn't know. This is a ship of 1832. Satellite navigation ?? What is a satellite ?? Sandy ?? No there is no woman on this ship named Sandy.

!@#$%! 10.29.2012 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
cnn: -14 people rescued from a ship

the hole world knows a heavy storm is on the way
exept the people who found it needed to be on a ship right in the storm
to be rescued then


haaa haaa haaa. yes.

Genteel Death 10.29.2012 06:12 PM


gast30 10.29.2012 06:50 PM

when is that crane gonna fal?

i don't have all night to watch tv

fugazifan 10.30.2012 01:22 AM

hope all you east coasters are safe

Pookie 10.30.2012 01:43 AM

Hope all your record collections don't get damp.

Thirty killed in Asia and hundreds of thousands displaced along the South China Sea as typhoon Son-Tinh hits.

EVOLghost 10.30.2012 09:29 AM

Yooo! Floslo's mom is fuckin' things up fasho!

floatingslowly 10.30.2012 10:51 AM

Is it time to post her tits again???

EVOLghost 10.30.2012 11:12 AM


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