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Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.07.2012 11:44 AM

Another new episode of my sitcom!
Hey guys

Nobody's Laughing Episode 2 finally uploaded some time last night. The rendering/uploading process was literally so brutal that it cost me to miss the release date by a long-shot. Better late than never though, eh?

Check it out! And please, tell me your thoughts. Especially if you're !@#$%! or demonrail666...

It clocks in at over 30 min, so grab some popcorn, and be prepared to laugh (I hope).


EVOLghost 07.07.2012 11:57 AM

FINALLy god damit.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.07.2012 01:48 PM

you're goddamn right

11 hours of uploading. and 3 failed renders. fucked my sht UP

SONIC GAIL 07.07.2012 02:26 PM

i love it!!!!!! Yall listen out for Gabe's mix of the Angel's Spit song. The doctor did a great job!

gast30 07.07.2012 03:06 PM

a coffee and i'll chek it out

gast30 07.07.2012 03:53 PM

good , some parts could be faster, the stand ups can be better prepared, that it does not looks like you are improvising at the moment
so it would miss it's effect
and some more video effects accenting the jokes
would make the jokes better

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.07.2012 04:44 PM

thank you gast

SONIC GAIL 07.07.2012 05:43 PM

the thumbnail turned out awesome!

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.07.2012 06:02 PM

there's a thumbnail? where! i'm still waiting on one =/

Derek 07.07.2012 10:55 PM

i think that's the most comprehensible post gast has ever made.

gast30 07.08.2012 07:24 AM

cool signature derek

i can post like also in the best son in law style
mother and fathers that would directly marry their daughter to me

because i don't want to marry
i write different

no never no no no
never want to marry
never want a child


gast30 07.08.2012 07:31 AM

i remeber now kurt cobain
on the way to mtv show
that was really 'i want to get away from this'
and that is the truth people forget

they don't want this
the golden youth is the track
you see many youth over and over again in the future
or in the past
that are dissapionted by this adult things
wich is totally not free

understand the golden youth
it is the good future
it is the weapon to stop overpopulation

gast30 07.08.2012 07:36 AM

i forget it too sometimes
growing up in difficult times

hug to my alt self

gast30 07.08.2012 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
i think that's the most comprehensible post gast has ever made.

don't do this too much derek
looking for a psychiatric person to have in your hand because there is nothing to do thing
to see me as the only 'wierd' person on earth

i can easely put you back in your corner
where you can think about yourself or behaviour

i can't always go back in my level of iq and try to explain in words

if you are looking for a perfect world or perfect people
keep looking then and don't look at me

gast30 07.08.2012 08:09 AM

c'mon derek
do you really think that i can't write posts
it has no intrest for me because there is no vagina to win
the simpel directions of energy

and from there you can bring yourself out of the puzzel of the lost humans

gast30 07.08.2012 08:32 AM

7 deadly cinema presents " No vagina to win!"

gast30 07.08.2012 08:37 AM

yeah that would be good humour
with the basic of that the last group of healty people on earth
can't reproduce because their level of intelligence is 3 lifetimes beyond
and so they are on the way to extinct
so they start to get creative to have somekind of sort of sex lol

gast30 07.08.2012 08:39 AM

like making fluoricent chemicals that make their seed fluoricent
and ejacuate it in a lava lamp
recycle is the spirit

gast30 07.08.2012 09:48 AM

today i'm going to talk to myself
cheaper then going to the shrink ))))))))))))

charity groups are going to support the vets and the pets
how you actually should read the information is ..
failed to be a smooth bullshitter to get a political job and now living as the next generation politicians
projecting promises to the skies that where already beautifull before there was a politicians walking around
there is help
help is on the way balloon
the guide to the promis land
will get there

gast30 07.08.2012 10:15 AM

my new profession tv-analytic
i can tell by looking at you
you eat too much soap

Derek 07.08.2012 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by gast30
c'mon derek
do you really think that i can't write posts
it has no intrest for me because there is no vagina to win
the simpel directions of energy

and from there you can bring yourself out of the puzzel of the lost humans

"i don't write comprehensible posts cause where da pussy at"

EVOLghost 07.08.2012 01:13 PM

Finally got around to watching it. Intro was hilarious.

EVOLghost 07.08.2012 01:15 PM

Also yer(puke) scene was beautiful.

gast30 07.08.2012 02:10 PM

you failed to score a hot chick derek
see the true'th
forget the foxes on your sweather

gast30 07.08.2012 02:21 PM

emotional freedom techniques
gary craig

i guess the basic start with: "i don't care i don't care"

truncated 07.08.2012 02:36 PM

Now your thread hijacking is genuinely starting to piss me off, gast. It's honestly just rude.

About to watch!

gast30 07.08.2012 05:36 PM

try to stay in the comedy spirit
everthing i do is a crime these days

you are not part of some kind of 'regime' truncated ?

gast30 07.08.2012 05:38 PM

the regime of unhappy with myself
is growing in since ....

good there is internet
i can look it up on wikipedia

gast30 07.08.2012 05:40 PM

no comment from turncated on the 7 deadly cinema's new episode

joke from me

Derek 07.08.2012 07:40 PM

chabib can you just delete this guy? thanks.

!@#$%! 07.10.2012 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Nobody's Laughing Episode 2 finally uploaded some time last night. The rendering/uploading process was literally so brutal that it cost me to miss the release date by a long-shot. Better late than never though, eh?

ah, the "rendering" nightmare. final cut or premiere?

just so you know, w/ a student email address (if you still have) you can score avid media composer for $295 and 5 year free upgrades. only thing to render are FX.

anyway just watched a bit, looks very promising. the first scene was hilarious! good to see the "new" camera angles. will watch when i can & write you a thorough review as soon as possible.


Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.10.2012 03:25 PM

Sony Vegas 10 lol. Somehow a bunch of clock-wipes got added in between cuts where there shouldn't be, and then the credits rolled over. At 2 hours a render, that can be quite detrimental.

PLZ critique. The sound turned out a bit wonkier than I expected. Since we only had 1 sound guy, we sorta used a mic stand instead of a boom pole. Hence the prominence of all of the foot-steps. I think the editing could've been smoother... more fades needed (sound-wise).

And the lighting is pretty bad too. I'm getting a whole new kit before shooting anything else though. So I'll have that taken care of.

Also extremely interested in an Opteka Steadyvid Pro.


!@#$%! 07.10.2012 08:03 PM

alright man. first will offer general comments later , i'm gonna take notes w/ time code repost ad-hoc.

in terms of production values MUCH better than the first one.

#1 sound may not be perfect but i can totally understand what they say. and the annoying canned laughs are gone!

#2 light is also much better than first. yeah you will need to improve things a bit but this is much superior. non-racist technical note: black people need more foot-candles than whitey!

#3 framing + camera moves also way WAY better. you still tend to go for the "lazy" high angle which you should avoid unless for dramatic purpose-- remember: eye level is neutral, standing observer POV isn't neutral & frames weird (foreheads talking).

i like the introduction of OTS shots. they work great most of the time!

and the handheld "crane" over the empty wine bag that goes up to them is really cool!

#4 editing works WAY better too because you have more variety of shots to work with. but there is a weird switch between CU and OTS w/ lisa+her friend in the park bench like the timing is off. like it switches the opposite way it should. i'll explain more later. also arthur+justin do that a bit-- also some sound sync issues. o well

one quick specific note off the top of my head when they look at the vomit there is no need for a dissolve, just do a straight cut-- i think that was one leftover dissolve there.

CONGRATS MAN. really, quick turnaround time, lots of improvement, it's beginning to shape up!

i'll also have comments for you on the story, later on, but i think i have to go and rewatch the first one cuz i don't exactly remember what was going on.

anyway congrats again. when did you make the previous one, like 2 months ago? this is a lot of fast improvement!

ps- for some reason i hate the recent epidemic of on-screen puke but i really enjoy this one, it had a more transgressive flavor (ha) than the usual 30-rock nonsense. you should send a copy of this thing to john waters.

pps- vegas: users seem to love it, i've never worked with it. the stabilizer: if you do a lot of handheld yes-- better than a tripod. but the tripod will improve your framing kung fu by forcing you to pick the shots carefully (when you see a fork in the road, take it).

demonrail666 07.10.2012 10:28 PM

I'm not so up on the technical stuff but I agree with Symbols, the production values are a big improvement (not saying a film needs to be expensive or even 'professional' to be any good but I think the more 'invisible' style works much better here). Don't get too hung up on it either way, though. You can buy technique when the time comes. Despite the hype, it still costs a lot of money to get anything up to real mainstream standards and beyond the basics, it's great characters and good writing that ultimately makes or breaks any comedy, rather than a familiarity with the 180 degree rule. And if things get to another level (assuming you even want them to) you just get the right people in then. Your style is coherent, which at this stage strikes me as fine. If you're interested in some kind of broader, bigger audience, all it takes is for some guy at a station seeing it, thinking it has the potential to be a success and give you some money and the crew to make it broadcast standard. I'm not saying you're thinking of anything like this level, but judging by the earliest pilot scenes for The Office, you're Tarkovsky next to Ricky Gervais.

But yeah, I'd say just really concentrate on the writing and casting and characters at this stage. With all the kit in the world, without those things, any comedy's dead in the water.

EDIT: Having initially said I agree with el symbols, that reads like a total dismissal of his points. I wasn't trying to undermine technique so much as priorities the areas I think really count at this stage. So more of the old guy, loved the final shot with the balloon, the woman reading the warning card at the beginning was genius, still don't like the main guy but load up with more characters like the old guy and you could be a bit like Seinfeld, where people end up watching it for everyone besides its star. Seriously, you're funnier than that guy, and all you did was deliver a pizza and throw up. You could be George to his Jerry.

!@#$%! 07.11.2012 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
EDIT: Having initially said I agree with el symbols, that reads like a total dismissal of his points. I wasn't trying to undermine technique so much as priorities the areas I think really count at this stage.

i am in a bit of a hurry this morning so i'll just answer quickly

i think we concur for the most part on what the goals are and what's important for this, and we have a similar vision of a desired end result, but we're just approaching it from different points of departure. i think too technique has to be transparent/invisible/out of the way (unless it wants to be visible for a reason) and this show doesn't require vilmos zsigmond or thx sound.

my concern with episode 1 was that i couldn't follow the story "due to technical reasons"-- scenes too dark or muffled audio, for example. there has been a huge improvement on that so now the story comes out much clear and you can watch.

the instances i've pointed out here also interfere with the goal of "transparency"-- when the audio is out of sync you don't hear what the characters say, you hear in your head "oh look, his mouth is moving different".

same thing with shots that aren't eye level. eye level is "invisible." shooting people from above calls attention to the camera angle, so if it the angle has no dramatic purpose it gets on the way.

but there are instances also when simple good technique contributes to the story and that can't be discounted. the over the shoulder shot is a simple basic shot that is not meant to dazzle or astound but simply say "look, these two people are talking", and it's been used well here.

similarly, the low angle on the jerkoff scene puts the plastic dick at the forefront-- that's the right angle for it, of course! that and the closeups of its plastic hole-- sure teh story of "there's this chick jerking off this dude and she points his dick at his face in spite of his warming" has the potentioal for humor but the right shots are what makes this actually hilarious-- the story is told in pictures after all.

i'll get to the writing later though... now i gotta run!

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.11.2012 12:55 PM

You guys are awesome. I'm gonna try and respond to these critiques later tonight.

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