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the ikara cult 06.03.2012 08:06 PM

When the headphones break
Fucking cunting useless bunch of shitesponge that is Shure

what should i buy that will last a little longer than 6 months?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.03.2012 08:11 PM

I rock the little black Sony's they sound good, I get about six months of heavy duty use out of them. I've been using the iPod ones for a similar length of time.. I used to prefer Aiwa headphones exclusively..

the ikara cult 06.03.2012 08:21 PM

Ive still got my Panasonics, these gave me four years of uninterrupted supremecy, im probably gonna go back to them unless anyone here has a better reccomendation for a similar price


hypertonic 06.04.2012 04:31 PM

(Lower end) studio standards Sony 7506's


You'll find MDR-7506 headphones in virtually every recording studio on the planet. Why? Because these exceptionally affordable headphones give you studio-quality sound and impressive sound isolation, but they're still comfortable enough that you can wear them for even the longest tracking or mixing sessions. Their closed-back design and thick earcups keep sound from leaking out into microphones, and they also provide a consistant listening environment anywhere you use them. And unlike most folding headphones, Sony MDR-7506s can easily withstand the abuse of daily wear.

Had mine like 6 years or more. I upgraded the pads to the nicer Beyer Dynamic ones. (the vinyl stuff cracks if you sweat/DJ in them) but the phones are still great.

hypertonic 06.04.2012 04:33 PM

Just realized the Shure ones were the DJ line... What went wrong? The swivel break?

the ikara cult 06.04.2012 04:40 PM

weirdly theyre working alright now after I got fed up and twisted the cord around at the jack end. Obviously thats a problem thats gonna rear its head again sooner rather than later so im not expecting miracles. The reviews i saw said they were equally good for wearing on the go as listening at home, but that turned out to not be true at all.

hypertonic 06.04.2012 04:43 PM

Shure made those huge silver DJ ones that were alright to compete with the Sony v700 (silver DJ), but I haven't heard much about the others.. If your okay at soldering you might be able to fix a connection issue... But lots of those folding cups etc.. do eventually break... esp the V700 Sony's. I've hardly ever seen a broken V7506/V6... The hinges are sturdy metal.

hypertonic 06.04.2012 04:45 PM

I rarely wear the big cups out on the town tho. I feel like Ali G in that Madonna video! Haha. Probably get mugged! If I have the cash, I just shell out for a nice in ear Sony... or rock the phones at home.

the ikara cult 06.04.2012 04:53 PM

I was thinking of getting the big silver ones but they were a bit ostentatious and they were £25 more, the black Shure ones are large but they dont really look silly.

yeah, i reckon i made a miscalculation in buying them really, the sound is pretty superb in fairness its just that they aint practical. Thats the trouble with buying online, headphones are the kind of thing you really want to try out for a day before you get em. When youve got your mp3 in your pocket you need a jack that has a bit of give so the wiring isnt being stressed.

hypertonic 06.04.2012 04:59 PM

Yeah... As much as I love "cans", in public they attract attention, and are generally less practical. I finally just opted for the less visible in ear types. Bose makes some good ones I have heard that fit your ear well.

Savage Clone 06.04.2012 05:41 PM

Grado SR-80s are affordable, comfortable, reliable, excellent-sounding and vented. Recommended.


Savage Clone 06.04.2012 06:04 PM

Sorry. Pic showed up normal on my screen.

the ikara cult 06.04.2012 06:14 PM

nah i got it. Cheers.

gmku 06.04.2012 06:30 PM

I wish I could rep you 1,000 times over! I am huge fan of the Grado phones. I've owned the 60s, they're wonderful. I currently have the 80s AND the 120s. Cannot, I repeat, CANNOT go wrong with Grado Labs cans.


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Grado SR-80s are affordable, comfortable, reliable, excellent-sounding and vented. Recommended.


evollove 06.04.2012 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Grado SR-80s are affordable, comfortable, reliable, excellent-sounding and vented. Recommended.


Unless you treat them with disrespect--as I do, as I tend to do with all material objects--and the foam bits fall off and get lost somehow. Then they are very painful.

And just yesterday, I accidentally stepped on a fine Sony pair and snapped the earpiece off. The glue is drying as I type.

peelslowly 06.05.2012 05:13 PM

As I learned yesterday when the right ear on my able-planet headphones suddenly stopped working, even fairly nice/expensive headphones can break for no apparent reason.

gmku 06.05.2012 06:22 PM

I treat my Grados like they're precious little babies. For a while I was even putting them gently back inside thier boxes after each time I'd use them. Got to be a hassle though.

EVOLghost 06.05.2012 06:34 PM

Jeez you really are old.

gmku 06.05.2012 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
Jeez you really are old.

Your point? I mean, besides pushing my buttons? What does my being 57 have to do with how I treat my cans?

I personally think that, like many people whom I consider complete idiots, you are really young. Too bad for you. I wouldn't want to go through the shit of being that young again for anything in the world!

EVOLghost 06.05.2012 07:09 PM

Only someone as old fashioned as yerself would really go through the hassle of placing yer headphones back in the box after every use. I get it, they'll last A LOT longer...but fuck.

EVOLghost 06.05.2012 07:12 PM

Of course I want to push yer buttons, but not that way. Didn't you read my post that floslo caught right before it's deletion?


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
mm ,mm....gmku. i'd like to smother you in chocolate covered ants while slowly taking time to lick them off of you, one by one. except the ants are spiders and the chocolate is fecal poo that i've spooned out of my anus.

gmku 06.05.2012 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
Only someone as old fashioned as yerself would really go through the hassle of placing yer headphones back in the box after every use. I get it, they'll last A LOT longer...but fuck.

Hmm. So you're so un-materialistic that it's cooler to trash your shit than take care of it. I get it.

Must be nice to afford to be that way.

EVOLghost 06.05.2012 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Hmm. So you're so un-materialistic that it's cooler to trash your shit than take care of it. I get it.

Must be nice to afford to be that way.

well shit, I never said just toss 'em in the corner either...

"gently" placing them in the box just seemed a bit excessive.

gmku 06.05.2012 07:46 PM

Okay, well, obviously you're not an audiophile. But whatever. My kids would "borrow" my Beastie Boys CDs, drive around town with the CDs sans case on the floor of their dirty cars, and then wonder why the CDs skipped when they tried to play them.

Different values, I guess.

Or just stupidity.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 06.05.2012 08:28 PM

Sony or bust

gmku 06.05.2012 08:44 PM

Sony. LOL.

evollove 06.06.2012 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
Okay, well, obviously you're not an audiophile. But whatever. My kids would "borrow" my Beastie Boys CDs, drive around town with the CDs sans case on the floor of their dirty cars, and then wonder why the CDs skipped when they tried to play them.

Different values, I guess.

Or just stupidity.


Objects are fleeting.

gmku 06.06.2012 11:36 AM

All the more reason you shouldn't be careless with them. I thought kids these days were all concerned about conserving resources. How is not taking care of your shit so you have to replace it all the time in line with that value?

I have great stereo equipment that I've owned from the 70s. I take care of it because it sounds great and I don't want the expense and hassle of replacing it with new products, which I am sure are inferior in quality. I also feel that I am being responsible by not becoming a consumer, i.e., spending money when I don't have to and not contributing to accumulation of more stuff and not disposing of more junk to fill the landfill.

Your "value" is the "old" one, more like how my parents treated everything, i.e., it's disposable, junk, not meant to last, we'll just buy another and another and another.

atari 2600 06.06.2012 10:55 PM

the usual short life span of headphone products certainly has been a source of irritation for myself
have gone through too many over the years to remember them all

most recently a pr of pioneer lasted a couple of yrs
of course the completely over the ear ones naturally feature decent wire insulation and a more secure internal solder

and then it was on to earbuds and dollar earbuds and two pr of goodwill ones for a dollar ea or thereabouts until a couple of months ago after the demise of a lower end model for around twenty or so, i bought some sony wireless for fifty plus tax and am happy with far the only remarkable design flaw seems to be that when they are removed from the charging stand, the LED usually turns off and the power cord has to be popped out and back in... the LED then reappears and the headphones are ready

wary of super high end headphones perhaps in a way much like the inclination many have towards avoiding the purchase of expensive sunglasses

SonikJesus 06.06.2012 11:14 PM

I got some pretty good earbuds for about 80 bux from best buy an bought the 8 dollar warranty plan. It lasts fr two years so before it runs out I just break em and go get some new ones free and get a new warranty. So i just pay 8 bux or something every couple years for some pretty good earbuds.

gmku 06.07.2012 06:26 AM

earbuds are not headphones

EVOLghost 06.07.2012 06:36 AM

yeah...I think that's where the confusion was. It just hit me that you guys are talking about shit to plug into a stereo....not a MP3 player or phone or whatevs.

gmku 06.07.2012 06:39 AM

Right. REAL headphones. For REAL stereos.

hypertonic 06.07.2012 03:23 PM

So you just shit on Sony and then don't give us a reason? I follow what yr saying about taking care of things.. (I'm on the extreme end of babying things) ...but don't leave us hangin'?

Yea, they are near the bottom of studio quality, but they are inexpensive, dependable, and in just about every studio... They are basically cheaper Beyer Dynamics.

AKG's used to be real popular? Not sure where the AKG's are these days... I'm not really into the stylish hipster looking cans popularized in the last 5 years. They have $2-300 phones that AREN'T studio quality. And people buy them to play their 196k mp3's!?

I just go by what's generally in use in studios. I like flat, transparent, mixing quality cans, not ones with crazy bass heavy or weird response curves... flat! So I know my music sounds good, not just my eq-ing, or phones. Good music shouldn't need much of anything. I don't have much experience with the newest higher end stuff cause I haven't needed to even think about phones for 6 years now..

And wtf is a "REAL STEREO"? Your talking silver, right? :) Cuz I dont use a Pioneer tuner lol. I'm strait analog Mackie board > phones/monitors. Would be kinda cool if I still had my dad's Pioneer though.. :/

gmku 06.07.2012 03:43 PM

By real stereo I mean components with an amp or receiver and the pieces you need to play your formats (e.g., turntable, tape deck, CD player) and at least 2 "real" speakers, i.e., ones that sit on the floor or at the very least on some shelves and don't look like they came with your laptop.

hypertonic 06.07.2012 03:46 PM

I gotcha... but whats the gripe with the Sony's? Mine have lasted so long I'm outta touch...

gmku 06.07.2012 03:50 PM

Nothing. I used to have Sony equipment.

hypertonic 06.07.2012 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
I used to have Sony equipment.


It's kinda silly to write off an entire company like that... I mean Sony has made some great audio technology, despite being a largely consumer electronics corp. They've made great tape machines, DAT's, MiniDiscs, phones, mics, software... and all sorts of other studio grade technology, so I don't get where your going with that..

Smugness like that is very unbecoming. And here I thought we were having an interesting discussion! :cool:

edit - Sorry man, I'm just noticing a lot of people with the attitude "Everything is shit" (irl not here on SYG)and that mideset is really starting to irk me... Things are what you make them. You can create a masterpiece with a Walkman. This sort of ideogolgy is irrelevant. ;)

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