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SonicBebs 05.09.2012 01:58 AM

north carolina
You fucking twats

!@#$%! 05.09.2012 02:19 AM

god told them to be complete fucktards. it's in the bible.

EVOLghost 05.09.2012 04:31 AM


SonicBebs 05.09.2012 04:46 AM

i hadn't realised that 29 other states also have a ban (as the uk do)

EVOLghost 05.09.2012 05:29 AM


sonic sphere 05.09.2012 05:35 AM

what if your cousin is your gay lover?

gmku 05.09.2012 06:55 AM

It's not a proud moment here. If I could move out of this yokel state, I would.

So what is the rationale, other than "moral" or "religious"? I have to think there's a financial motiviation. Less expensive for insurance companies?|Frontpage

evollove 05.09.2012 08:50 AM

This whole issue is bullshit.

Even aside from the right to marry, gays are denied any number of other rights in the US. I mean, there are pockets of this country, even in my relatively sane state, where homosexuals can be denied housing. In 2012.

"Civil union" is the left's pussified way of dealing with the situation. "Seperate but equal," they say, because that worked so well in the past.

We need a COMPREHENSIVE civil rights amendment or federal act so that non-criminal, tax-paying citizens are afforded the exact same rights as everyone else.

Til then, even the gay rights activists pushing for marriage are just tinkering.

tripsk 05.09.2012 08:54 AM

marriage is kinda stupid anyway, isn't it more of a religious thing? if they're not religious, what's the point?

rocky 05.09.2012 10:18 AM

Vote manipulation isn't only with main presidential elections!

:( I am sad though and really upset. Why setbacks? Oh but wait maybe it will also backfire for the person who would be the worst governor in state history. ; ) Oops! :D

!@#$%! 05.09.2012 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by tripsk
marriage is kinda stupid anyway, isn't it more of a religious thing? if they're not religious, what's the point?

a civil marriage is a specific contract that establishes a family in the eyes of the law and has nothing to do with religion.

it determines stuff like who can adopt children as a couple, who gets to inherit your IRA, who gets to make decisions about your children, who gets what if a couple splits, who is eligible for medical benefits, what foreign citizen can legally come into the country as a family member, who gets to call the shots when you're in a coma, and all that "kinda stupid" shit that children don't think about when they live with their parents.

floatingslowly 05.09.2012 10:58 AM

If I were THE GAY, I'd be more focused on getting gay sex legalized first.

Yes, gay sex will send you to jail where there will be more gay sex, and the cycle continues.....


tripsk 05.09.2012 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
a civil marriage is a specific contract that establishes a family in the eyes of the law and has nothing to do with religion.

it determines stuff like who can adopt children as a couple, who gets to inherit your IRA, who gets to make decisions about your children, who gets what if a couple splits, who is eligible for medical benefits, who can legally come into the country as a family member, who gets to call the shots when you're in a coma, and all that "kinda stupid" shit that children don't think about when they live with their parents.

and then the woman gets all of the money and the kids when she divorces me right

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.09.2012 11:54 AM

here is the more interesting question. All sociocultural baggage aside, considering that a civil marriage is essentially an economic contract legally recognized and upheld by the powers and mechanisms of the state, including the penal system, then why does the business community not push forward gay marriage? America has proven that when push comes to shove, prejudice is shallow. We used to have slaves!! We used to have rigidly enforced Jim Crow across the whole damned country!! Now if I were to tell my godchildren who are just small children that the world used to be that way, it would be so absolutely foreign to them as to seem unreal. It would be pure fantasy, beyond their comprehension. That being said, Americans prejudices against homosexuality are not as rigidly indestructable as folks may want them to be. The question is not what do the people want, people are manipulatable one way or the other. The question is what does the business want. Why did slavery end? Simple answer, slavery was dollar for dollar more expensive than a free labor market. The South resisted because for them, the market value of slaves themselves collectively represented more than monetary value of all the other commodities combined. Money talks. In the end, the businesses in the North fuelled the South, and their interests won the day. Why did segregation end? WWII proved that both "minorities" and also women were ridiculously productive and valuable labour force. It was more profitable to find ways to ghettoize America and develop classes of labor than to have folks rotting away in rural settings. So folks were encouraged by incentivization, by recruiting, by outright eviction, to find work in urban environs, to join the business world. So now, honestly, if marriage is really just an economic contract in America, in which insurance companies, employers, and the government determine the costs and benefits of various services, wouldn't it be more profitable in the long run to include more people in an "all-in" approach? Just as with slavery, and then segregation before, it turns out those were unprofitable and unproductive systems. So is discrimination against homosexuality equally then an anachronism from an economic stand point? So that is what surprises me.. That the business interest haven't steam rolled this social change forward..

gmku 05.09.2012 06:33 PM

If gay men get married, they could also get divorced, right? That would mean our Nation's divorce rate could go up. We can't have that. I'm now against gay marriage!

Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.09.2012 07:37 PM

Being against gay marriage seems far more evil to me than most of the things the Christian-right disapprove of.

tw2113 05.09.2012 08:03 PM

I say if homosexuals want to enter the alleged hell that is marriage, they should be able to.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.09.2012 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
I say if homosexuals want to enter the alleged hell that is marriage, they should be able to.


ann ashtray 05.10.2012 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by tripsk
marriage is kinda stupid anyway, isn't it more of a religious thing? if they're not religious, what's the point?

I'm with this mostly....

Only issue is certain rights that straight married couples have, that homosexuals (being unable to marry) do not.

But yeah, marriage is definitely stupid + mostly religious thing.

EVOLghost 05.10.2012 04:12 AM

^ I don't understand this....when peope say it's a "religious" thing. Maybe a moral thing but religious? I call bull.

ann ashtray 05.10.2012 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
^ I don't understand this....when peope say it's a "religious" thing. Maybe a moral thing but religious? I call bull.

I did say "mostly religious".

In some cultures maybe, in others far as the U.S. is concerned, it has pretty much always been more or less viewed as a religious thing ("holy matrimony"). Of course, certain aspects of it have changed over time (as has Christianity itself, as of now still the top ranking religion across the U.S.), but from what I can tell this is still generally the case.

Willing to bet money most that choose to never get married are not religious, while most that do are. At least here. It all boils down to traditional bullshit despite one's take on it.

I say "Christianity" only because most morons that have an issue with gay marriage, again, at least here, tend to be Christian.

And only a moron views it as some sort of moral thing. Sure, one can throw out a weak/watered down argument as to why getting married is the moral thing to do...but, it's ALWAYS total garbage. I wouldn't need a ceremony (religious or non) in order to demonstrate to someone, or even worse their family, that I love them and want to be with them for whatever time remains of my life.

gmku 05.10.2012 06:06 AM

As a couple you choose the personal basis for your marriage. For many, it's religious, for others it's an expression of love and fidelity, etc. It doesn't have to be religious.

gmku 05.10.2012 06:55 AM

And incredibly, 60 percent of North Carolina voters had no idea that Ammendment One bans recognition of all unmarried couples, both same gender and male-female. This wasn't about gay marriage--it was about marriage, about dividing those who live in "holy matrimony" and those who "live in sin."

EVOLghost 05.10.2012 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
As a couple you choose the personal basis for your marriage. For many, it's religious, for others it's an expression of love and fidelity, etc. It doesn't have to be religious.

Yeh, I was going to post somethin' lke this but I'm was a bit busy at work.

ann ashtray 05.11.2012 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
As a couple you choose the personal basis for your marriage. For many, it's religious, for others it's an expression of love and fidelity, etc. It doesn't have to be religious.

I agree.

Genteel Death 05.11.2012 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
This whole issue is bullshit.

Even aside from the right to marry, gays are denied any number of other rights in the US. I mean, there are pockets of this country, even in my relatively sane state, where homosexuals can be denied housing. In 2012.

"Civil union" is the left's pussified way of dealing with the situation. "Seperate but equal," they say, because that worked so well in the past.

We need a COMPREHENSIVE civil rights amendment or federal act so that non-criminal, tax-paying citizens are afforded the exact same rights as everyone else.

Til then, even the gay rights activists pushing for marriage are just tinkering.

100% agreed. The main issue here is not about the nature of marriage or why people choose to marry. I am gay and I happen to be against marriage for other reasons that transcend how I manage my own sexuality. The issue here is about gays not receiving the same rights as straight couples and my constant concern is that gay rights activists mess around too much on this issue.

fugazifan 05.11.2012 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
ppfffffffttt... you can't just say.... "i'll stay with you forever baby".

why not?

Genteel Death 05.11.2012 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
oh excuse me. it works for you.:mad: i guess i was being naive.

You hate yourself. You shouldn't. Gay is fine. It's good.

fugazifan 05.11.2012 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
oh excuse me. it works for you.:mad: i guess i was being naive.

i don't object to marriage as a gesture or even a ceremony, i actually like the jewish wedding rites a lot. but i don't like making it official and involving the law. there are plenty of people in committed relationships who do not feel the need to get married. it is not naive at all of me to think that there are other ways. and reminds me again what the divorce rate in the US is these days?

and regarding your last post to genteel death, he can obviously speak for himself, but i am wondering if it was really necessary to use the word fag?

gmku 05.13.2012 07:58 AM

Originally Posted by ann ashtray
I wouldn't need a ceremony (religious or non) in order to demonstrate to someone, or even worse their family, that I love them and want to be with them for whatever time remains of my life.
To ashtray, you don't need a ceremony, and getting married is not about the ceremony. To some people, the ceremony is important as a symbolic act, but that's all it is, symbolic. The ceremony is not the marriage, and it's not proving to somebody that you love them and will be faithful etc. It's a way of commemorating your getting married, of celebrating getting married.

Nothing wrong with a little celebrating.

ann ashtray 05.13.2012 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
what?!?!?^^^^^ none of this makes any since, i know plenty of people who marry and not because of religion. why is religion such a big deal to you? huh? i call BULLSHIT. what world you live in?

black girl weave with red rooster fuck me alert while riding with joe. i give you 20 dollars. you have such beautiful eyes, whats your name. "ummm cklintom".....

just sayin, i've read your comments about the south and other shit in the past and think your full of shit.

I don't think I am.

ann ashtray 05.13.2012 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
^^^ or this stupid ass shit. HAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!! fairytale land.^^^^financial support is also important to most people./

Yes, there are those morons that marry for financial reasons to. How many of these are later financially fucked w/ divorce? lol..

gmku 05.13.2012 12:30 PM

Anybody with any sense at all knows that the worst reason to be in a relationship, married or otherwise, is financial.

ann ashtray 05.13.2012 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Anybody with any sense at all knows that the worst reason to be in a relationship, married or otherwise, is financial.


Likewise, anyone with any sense knows building up an arsenal of friends of the opposite sex to help w/ the financial shit can be smart. During my heavy, heavy drinking days being broke was never a good excuse to not be drunk. Someone (almost always usually females) would feel sorry enough to come over w/ some booze. Damn, I was a little shit.

EVOLghost 05.18.2012 04:16 AM

Beat Takeshi compares gay marriage to bestiality

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.18.2012 09:42 PM

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to foreverasskiss again.

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