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snare_boy 11.04.2006 06:03 AM

The Destroyed Room is a 79:33 minutes long release
1 Attachment(s)
I took all my SY mp3s and created a folder with TDR tracks in its original tracklisting order, so by my windows media player it says the album will be 79 minutes and 33 seconds (where 3 of the 12 tracks will take around 60% of the album..).

PAULYBEE2656 11.04.2006 06:06 AM

fuck sake. you think they could have made up another 26 seconds of stuff to give us a full disc??? selfish bastards!!!!

noisemachine 11.04.2006 12:43 PM

I still wish they would have just done a more complete collection by doing some kind of multi-disc package.

static-harmony 11.04.2006 01:55 PM

Yeah, why won't they do anything before the geffen era.

atari 2600 11.04.2006 02:10 PM

Oh that's okay, I hardly even--

Here's the name and number of a doctor
who will look at it for you. You
will receive no bill. He's a good
man, and thorough.

That's really thoughtful but I--

Please see him, Jeffrey. He's a
good man, and thorough.

snare_boy 11.04.2006 04:19 PM

i know, a b-sides and rarities collection from sy can easily fill one sexy box set, but a 12 tracks cd is just not enough, it's a disgrace!

atari 2600 11.04.2006 06:11 PM

You're a good man, and thorough.

PAULYBEE2656 11.04.2006 07:20 PM

In Fairness. We Should Be Fucking Grateful Of At Least This Release. I Have Most Of The Songs Already But Not The Artwork And Packaging And Liner Notes. Im Actually Looking Forward To This Release And They Will Be Of Better Quality Without Any Mp3 Angels Whispers On Em!

trainyard bliss 11.05.2006 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
Oh that's okay, I hardly even--

Here's the name and number of a doctor
who will look at it for you. You
will receive no bill. He's a good
man, and thorough.

That's really thoughtful but I--

Please see him, Jeffrey. He's a
good man, and thorough.

i fucking love that movie. i just saw it again recently. they had a showing in some building on campus and "the dude" that jeff bridge's character was based on came and talked to us. he had some interesting stories, but he's not all that much like the big lebowski. he's not burnt out like that--he's some producer. co-founded the sundance film festival and other shit.

habibtheantiamericanbitch 11.05.2006 03:29 AM

This is what happens, Larry, when you FUCK A STRANGER IN THE ASS!!!!

best film ever.......never a day goes by i don't quote it. even the wife calls me 'Dude'............. 11.05.2006 03:43 AM

Life Does Not Stop And Start At Your Convenience, You Miserable Piece Of Shit!

EvdWee 11.05.2006 05:00 AM

i am the walrus

trainyard bliss 11.05.2006 06:08 PM

well, that's just like . . . your opinion, man.

snare_boy 11.07.2006 05:59 AM

geffen can easily make a most delicious rarities and b-sides collection.. let's hope for a better tomorrow.
in the meantime, i dunno if anyone saw it but here's the front cover. a bit obvious, to my opinion, becuz of the title, but it is a nice photo.

porkmarras 11.07.2006 06:01 AM

The cover is fantastic!

sonicl 11.07.2006 06:10 AM

I'm not sure about "fantastic" - it's a bit too literal for that. I wonder who did the artwork?

Jef Mertens 11.07.2006 06:52 AM

This cover sucks. It's just a pic of the destroyed room by Jeff Wall.
God, I even wanted to post this pic some weeks ago as a joke!

Edit - this looks like a fake cover, though it is through amazon.
Edit II - Real, just plain ugly

nicfit 11.07.2006 07:06 AM

Yep,looks a bit "fake" but it could be the real one too...mistery ensuing.

porkmarras 11.07.2006 07:06 AM

Whatever.I think the fact that it is so graphic works very well with a band like them but then i am pretty ace and you are not.

porkmarras 11.07.2006 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit
Yep,looks a bit "fake" but it could be the real one too...mistery ensuing.

Exactly why i like it....because it doesn't look like the real deal much.

nicfit 11.07.2006 07:17 AM

Buh, I quite like it, mainly because it reminds me of NYC G&F booklet's inner pages, and I love those. Now I'll celebrate with a new avatar.

toxic johnny 11.07.2006 08:11 AM

I like it...
The Destroyed Room - Jeff Wall 1978

'My first pictures like The Destroyed Room emerged from a re-encounter with nineteenth-century art', Wall has said. Here, the work in question is The Death of Sardanapalus (1827) by Eugène Delacroix, which depicts the Assyrian monarch on his deathbed, commanding the destruction of his possessions and slaughter of his concubines in a last act of defiance against invading armies.
Wall echoes Delacroix's composition, with its central sweeping diagonal and sumptuous palette of blood reds, while acknowledging its staged atmosphere by re-composing the scene as a roughly fabricated stage-set, absent of any players. 'Through the door you can see that it's only a set held up by supports, that this is not a real space, this is no-one's house,' he has commented. Though clearly a woman's bedroom, the cause of the violence is unexplained, leaving the viewer to speculate on the sequence of events.

toxic johnny 11.07.2006 08:17 AM

The Death of Sardanapalus - Eugène Delacroix 1827

porkmarras 11.07.2006 08:27 AM

Thanks for that Toxic Johnny!

toxic johnny 11.07.2006 02:38 PM

My guess is that the photograph was the original inspiration for the song... or they saw the title and decided to use it... so they are merely revealing the source by using it on the sleeve of the compilation... not being throwaway or too literal as some people have mentioned.

I'm willing to bet on it.

snare_boy 11.08.2006 03:26 AM

i also assumed they titled their song (which for some reason is NOT on the album) coz it's a photo reflectting the band's taste in art. one of a million, to be exact :)

Hip Priest 11.08.2006 05:19 AM

I like the fact that the delicate figurine still stands safely in place, aloof and unaffected by the chaos surrounding it. It suggests that the room was destroyed in a deliberate and almost controlled act, as though someone was searching for some hidden item rather than through anger.

porkmarras 11.08.2006 05:29 AM

It is not only a good image but also a disburbing one on a par with this one:

The feeling that violence or mental illness inhabited the room is quite powerful.

Hip Priest 11.08.2006 05:33 AM

I was kind of thinking of mental illness or paranoia, or something along those lines. Searching for something that's entirely in the mind of the searcher.

Hip Priest 11.08.2006 05:38 AM

porkmarras: your dancing cat reminds me of the character Cat Kit from Rakuga Kids, a silly beat-em-up game on the N64. He had a taunt very similar to that.

porkmarras 11.08.2006 05:44 AM

haha.Thanks Hip Priest.I've found the image particularly affecting because it reminds me of going to see a friend who has some anger management problems and takes it out on the furniture of his flat.Spotting the odd door missing or something smashed and left on the floor makes me feel slightly uncomfortable round his,sometimes.

whorefrost 11.08.2006 06:29 AM

the destroyed room - as an expression of frustration this isn't wholly invalid

PAULYBEE2656 11.08.2006 03:15 PM

the destroyed room- a dirty era b side reworking of an old goo era instrumental, they put a kim vocal on it and ruined the song hence the bedroom became the destroyed room......

not making a point just randomly posting...........

greenlight 12.03.2006 03:18 PM


Androol 12.10.2006 02:21 AM

ok just started it and fire engine dream is completely kicking my ass right now.

EvdWee 12.10.2006 07:48 AM

it is here for a listen (free)

static-harmony 12.10.2006 01:33 PM

Thanks for the link.

val-holla-ing 12.10.2006 05:32 PM

we got the album at the radio station i work for, and i seem to remember it being a band photo on the cover. i was a bit drunk when i saw it, though, so i could be wrong.

pokkeherrie 12.14.2006 11:46 AM

maybe your radio station has a promo copy? there's a band photo (with jim o'rourke) on the back. i saw it in the shops yesterday, but didn't buy it yet.

against_the_grain 12.18.2006 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by snare_boy
I took all my SY mp3s and created a folder with TDR tracks in its original tracklisting order, so by my windows media player it says the album will be 79 minutes and 33 seconds (where 3 of the 12 tracks will take around 60% of the album..).

the destroyed room- a dirty era b side reworking of an old goo era instrumental, they put a kim vocal on it and ruined the song hence the bedroom became the destroyed room......

not making a point just randomly posting...........

The above 'extra' quote is by Paulbeebee ..sp ?...

Anyway...I just got this cd. There are only 11 tracks on doesn't have "It's my body" the the originial thread starter says is on it.....

He said it was 79+ minutes and mine is 76+ minutes....It's my body is there's the discrepancy. Does anyone know what happened ? Where's the error ? In the intial tracklist ?

I already have it's my body on, I think, the Goo deluxe I won't miss it...but I wonder why they left it off....hmmmm...

And....The Bedroom was supposed to be on it...with added vocals ?....I don't quite understand....

Anyone help ?...thanx...

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