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Pedro Micho 03.06.2012 02:30 PM

hey its perdomicho
hare krsna hoo hoos from the sonic youthia. this is perdo micho, the legendary post your art or die inventor. wow i started this thread like 10 years and now i came back after like 10 years ago and its still going on yupeeeee. how have you been? is anyone here. im more on facebook man: Purujit Das. in case you`re wondering i actually turned into a hare krsna monk, so now i have shaven head and robes, but hey im still the same!!!!! HAREEEEEEEEEE upee

Pedro Micho 03.06.2012 02:30 PM

wow that was so cooool to write

floatingslowly 03.06.2012 02:32 PM

Yeah. Cool, daddy.

Who the hell are you?

!@#$%! 03.06.2012 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Yeah. Cool, daddy.

Who the hell are you?

he was gast before gast but from michigan


floatingslowly 03.06.2012 02:42 PM

The best day was the one where LAX banned Hare's from assaulting innocents with their dreadful flowers and horrific chanting.

Gast > _________

Pedro Micho 03.06.2012 02:44 PM name is purujit dasa and i used to come here like 10 years ago under a name pedromicho. i used to have many friends here and we used to have very nice intergalactic conversations and experimental communications with all kinds of sonic pixie people here. i even met a girl here and we lived with one another for 1 month and then she went back to paris. it was a very exciting time and i started this thread post your art or die, where i would encourage people to post their art and dont worry about criticism, cuz that sucks if someone is criticizing your heart`s contents(true art, no?) and it really caught hold of the waves and now its still going on although i wasnt here like for 10 years almost, so its like a child growing up on his her own without my supervision.
right now i live in a small place in montreal and i run it as an unground hare krsna temple. hare krsna is really cool cuz its free and its based on philosophy. i work alone so im like a lonely krsna guy and its like really really interesting trip of life. i wake up at 4, chant hare krsna on my beads, cook for krsna. krsna is btw god. and so on and i go and try to basically preach, but i mean not like hey people you have to accept this, but its basically hmm kind of like hey people check this out and mainly its about the chanting and dancing and then i serve the people some nice vegetarian meals and its cool cuz you can do it too and you kind of like totally get free from the system by your consciousness not necessarily by material means, cuz like my body is still here right? but i mean through consciousness that you refuse to participate on the nonsense of materialism and basicallly animalism, aalthough animals are of course sometime evene better than humans but i mean like animal in the sense that i want what i want and i dont care about anything else than how to get it and i will kick on your stupid face if you dare to interefer kind of thing, you know? so its like really cool cuz krsna is like a realy ecstasy, the total pleasure coming from within in a natural way instead of munching on acid, but with the difference that you just go high and high and high and you never actually come back to the so-called real world, which has been planned out for you by someone else.

keep poppin pimples 03.06.2012 02:45 PM

was this the album that made you krishna? i bought it for the krs-one sample and that was around the time i started losing my hair and buying looser fitting clothing


floatingslowly 03.06.2012 02:46 PM

I think I've seen you at Burning Man.

Pedro Micho 03.06.2012 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
The best day was the one where LAX banned Hare's from assaulting innocents with their dreadful flowers and horrific chanting.

Gast > _________

AAAALRIGHT! Catch catch! boxer gloves! put them on ! and LETS GO!!!!!

Pedro Micho 03.06.2012 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
was this the album that made you krishna? i bought it for the krs-one sample and that was around the time i started losing my hair and buying looser fitting clothing


no, i read the Bhagavadgita As It Is. i read the book. but this might be also good. hey can anyone just give me a rough idea of what you know about hare krsna?

floatingslowly 03.06.2012 02:49 PM

No. Lets make love instead.


gast30 03.06.2012 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
he was gast before gast but from michigan


what the hell are all talking about
look listen here
you know that YOU !@#$%! camed out of a vagina
for the rest i don't know what you are talking about or that people who are different/or not make YOU feel superior

are you a midclass juppy in the alternative scene

cauze i'm use to this retarded image creating from me
from midclass yuppies in alternative scenes and festivals

wait no on festivals people ask if i'm an indian < since i got long hair ha ha

if you wanna look down on me !@#$%!
go and take a deep look into the vagina where you came out of
and shove your highness in the alternative baboon scene in there

gast30 03.06.2012 02:53 PM

i'm waiting for answer
are you a midclass juppy, yes or no?

Pedro Micho 03.06.2012 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
No. Lets make love instead.


i cant!!! im a monk! eeeeh wait letme go into time machine......wwwooooooommmmm. ok ..wait..let me check the mirror: LOL!!! LOL!!!! sorry....sorry.. ijust can`t stop laughing.......alright alright now i`m gonna be serious for a while...alright alright. love im gonna be a robot and im gonna push my love button..HEY WHO STOLE MY LOVE BUTTON???

floatingslowly 03.06.2012 02:55 PM

I am the lower-right Hand of Shiva.

Pedro Micho 03.06.2012 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
i'm waiting for answer
are you a midclass juppy, yes or no?

i am i am. i am is a transcendental portable kookie cha cha from the kichi planet. everyone repeat after me : I LOVE THE KICHI PLANET!!! c`mon!

floatingslowly 03.06.2012 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Pedro Micho
i cant!!! im a monk! eeeeh wait letme go into time machine......wwwooooooommmmm. ok ..wait..let me check the mirror: LOL!!! LOL!!!! sorry....sorry.. ijust can`t stop laughing.......alright alright now i`m gonna be serious for a while...alright alright. love im gonna be a robot and im gonna push my love button..HEY WHO STOLE MY LOVE BUTTON???

Are you trying to hit on me???

It's working. :o

Pedro Micho 03.06.2012 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I am the lower-right Hand of Shiva.

shiva? he is cool.

floatingslowly 03.06.2012 02:59 PM

Cool like a world-ender should.

Would you like to touch my trident????

gast30 03.06.2012 03:02 PM

hi pedro
don't make me regret saying hallow to you

jon boy 03.06.2012 03:04 PM

i remember you. as i recall you had long hair and a beard or something?

!@#$%! 03.06.2012 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
what the hell are all talking about
look listen here
you know that YOU !@#$%! camed out of a vagina
for the rest i don't know what you are talking about or that people who are different/or not make YOU feel superior

are you a midclass juppy in the alternative scene

cauze i'm use to this retarded image creating from me
from midclass yuppies in alternative scenes and festivals

wait no on festivals people ask if i'm an indian < since i got long hair ha ha

if you wanna look down on me !@#$%!
go and take a deep look into the vagina where you came out of
and shove your highness in the alternative baboon scene in there

lol no need to get defensive, pedro micho was the original psychedelic citizen of SYG and made some awesome art.

but if you don't wanna be tought of that way, fine :(

floatingslowly 03.06.2012 04:20 PM

Fuck this phone

You search youtub "floatingslowly". You find

floatingslowly 03.06.2012 04:20 PM

Oh.cunt off.internet

!@#$%! 03.06.2012 04:38 PM

PEDRO: the website looks nice, i'd work a bit on the typography (increase letter/background contrast slightly, pick a more readable font, work on kerning/leading). best wishes!

gast30 03.07.2012 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
lol no need to get defensive, pedro micho was the original psychedelic citizen of SYG and made some awesome art.

but if you don't wanna be tought of that way, fine :(

ok then, then it just sounded a bit different then what you really wanted to say
that i'm a wonderfull artist

floatingslowly 03.07.2012 11:30 AM

I like pinchemadre. I hope she stays.

Pedro Micho 03.15.2012 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
PEDRO: the website looks nice, i'd work a bit on the typography (increase letter/background contrast slightly, pick a more readable font, work on kerning/leading). best wishes!

hey hey, cool you`re still here! i rememebr you too. thanks for the feedback on the site. it`s all preset so i can`t do anything unfortunately. i focus more on the content and just upload every week through library. its like super cool. im running a hare krsna center from my apartment in my apartment and inviting people off the street to come and jump for krsna and then i feed them up with krsna food. i`m a monk now. i wanna stick around. i still make art check out my posters :

Pedro Micho 03.15.2012 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
hello pedro micho:) hope you stick around.

hare krsna!* now i really wanna when you said it! I got like plenty of stuff to share like movies, stories and lots of writing i did for the last 10 years and here people were always nice and nonjudgmental and always ready to chat, kind of like alive as opposed to normals who suck. normals are a terrible speices of people who like to be normal and we have to destroy them with the power of krsna. yopee

*hello in the hare krsna language

keep poppin pimples 03.15.2012 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
what the hell are all talking about
look listen here
you know that YOU !@#$%! camed out of a vagina
for the rest i don't know what you are talking about or that people who are different/or not make YOU feel superior

are you a midclass juppy in the alternative scene

cauze i'm use to this retarded image creating from me
from midclass yuppies in alternative scenes and festivals

wait no on festivals people ask if i'm an indian < since i got long hair ha ha

if you wanna look down on me !@#$%!
go and take a deep look into the vagina where you came out of
and shove your highness in the alternative baboon scene in there

gast30 is nothing like midclass yuppi

because he can pass for native american in belgium


floatingslowly 03.15.2012 02:21 PM

Look deep into your mum's vagina.

rocky 03.15.2012 04:44 PM

I am so happy that you came back! : )

!@#$%! 03.15.2012 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
ok then, then it just sounded a bit different then what you really wanted to say
that i'm a wonderfull artist

meh. a day late and a dollar short. i retract my words! you're no artist :P

Pedro Micho 10.30.2012 03:08 PM

hare krsna everybody come to papa purujit for a hare krsna food orgy when you're in montreal i cook a love feast with millions of gallons of krsna love in it!

EVOLghost 10.30.2012 03:11 PM

How did I miss this the first time around??

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.30.2012 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Yeah. Cool, daddy.

Who the hell are you?

And you call yourself an SYG veterano :cool:

That is fucking pedro yo!


Originally Posted by gast30
you know that YOU !@#$%! camed out of a vagina



TheMadcapLaughs 10.30.2012 03:21 PM

hey pedro, you still playing guitar? i think i remembered that you liked to cover the whole murray street album no?

floatingslowly 10.30.2012 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pedro Micho
hare krsna everybody come to papa purujit for a hare krsna food orgy when you're in montreal i cook a love feast with millions of gallons of krsna love in it!

This sounded very tasty up to the point where you mentioned " gallonsof krsnalovein it!"

What in krsna's name are you really doing back inside your kitchen??

Pedro Micho 10.30.2012 03:26 PM

havent played the guitar for a long while. funny my life has changed a lot. but i play a krsna thingy called harmonium. i chant hare krsna every day and its ecstatic like hell man!

floatingslowly 10.30.2012 03:26 PM

I wish I knew the name of the Hare group that plays center camp at Burning Man every year. It's always a good time.

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