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floatingslowly 03.02.2012 02:22 PM

Is sexistminded.

If,.like myself, you have a large penis, dont give him money.

he wont deliver the future.


gast30 03.02.2012 02:26 PM

no, i don't have large penis
+ had complain of woman who said i was not good in bed

gast30 03.02.2012 02:27 PM

and then she returns drunk and dives in my bed
and i say no, no, no
you wanna make me boy toy


i sink too low
soo low
that i had ended it

gast30 03.02.2012 02:30 PM

the closes thing to love i have around me is the spam from dating sites :'(

floatingslowly 03.02.2012 02:45 PM

If someone would like to pay me daily, I am very good in bed and I am running a March special of three for one orgasms.

Hit me up.

!@#$%! 03.02.2012 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
If someone would like to pay me daily, I am very good in bed and I am running a March special of three for one orgasms.

Hit me up.

come on, you can do better than that! lazy bastard!

floatingslowly 03.02.2012 02:49 PM

$$$$$$ Money is Futureking $$$$$$

gast30 03.02.2012 02:56 PM

you know
if you want my love
you just have to take it
take my love

this song can't express it any better

ps don't commit suicide after that song

gast30 03.02.2012 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
$$$$$$ Money is Futureking $$$$$$

you forgot surving order

pioneers create the modern world and the money
it's only a tool
like you all are in my experiment of 'from here starts the future 2012'

floatingslowly 03.02.2012 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
come on, you can do better than that! lazy bastard!

Pay for goldmember_ship.

We'll talk.

Please note: no actual sex involved. I use intl.mind power.

gast30 03.02.2012 03:02 PM

latest report of gast
2 days very stoned
drifting now to warmer vibrations with some dub

gast30 03.02.2012 03:03 PM

at thought this was about me

my 15 minutes of fame

floatingslowly 03.02.2012 03:05 PM

Only two days???


!@#$%! 03.02.2012 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Pay for goldmember_ship.

We'll talk.

Please note: no actual sex involved. I use intl.mind power.

i meant lazy with your jokes, but hey, if you offer to up the orgasm rate, maybe you can petsit my chickens while i travel.


gast30 03.02.2012 03:07 PM

i'll only want to make you beg for more
more future light
more future light will they be begging
and one day i'll be gone and dead

and the creatures are left with their arms in the air talking to 'something'
like they have an online connection to another world

gast30 03.02.2012 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Only two days???


it's strong weed, not that strong that i'll walk around barefoot
not there jet

it it was warmer weather maybe

gast30 03.02.2012 03:10 PM

going to bed early
enough of all this internet stuff sonic gossip penis vagina

!@#$%! 03.02.2012 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
going to bed early
enough of all this internet stuff sonic gossip penis vagina

the internet penis vagina is the worst penis vagina. it's not even penis vagina.

gast30 03.02.2012 03:12 PM

someone has something importand to say to me make it quick

gast30 03.02.2012 03:13 PM

last spliff is about to get fabricated

floatingslowly 03.02.2012 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i meant lazy with your jokes, but hey, if you offer to up the orgasm rate, maybe you can petsit my chickens while i travel.


>>implying that I've ever 'tried'.


gast30 03.02.2012 03:21 PM

a last sleepsong and i'm ready
to wake up another day
but first i have to sleep

floatingslowly 03.02.2012 03:23 PM

Chickens? Yes.

6 $ a day.

floatingslowly 03.02.2012 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
a last sleepsong and i'm ready
to wake up another day
but first i have to sleep

Its not evwn 230 and you charge hy the,day???

gast30 03.02.2012 03:25 PM

bye bye everyone
bye bye 15 minutes of fame
wonder what for historic crater i have left behind
and i close my eyes
and i hope i never wake up like those people in that movie of robin hood with kevin costner
that there where kings and lords and popes and priest walking around

good bye lol

gast30 03.02.2012 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Its not evwn 230 and you charge hy the,day???

this only has to do with your biological clock in the brain
even we speak in same time
our brains function in another time

gast30 03.03.2012 09:28 AM

to make a quick and painless death to this thread

you have won flowty
you have won with your big penis

i know evolution

big penis make more chance baby

good luck with future baby's and future erections

floatingslowly 03.03.2012 01:06 PM

There is no luck involved with my futurepenis errections.

There is DESTINY.

And there will be babies. O yes. An army of babies.

gast30 03.03.2012 03:57 PM

DESTINY is equal to stardust that is transformed to life
parallel with the expanding of the universe
may the force be with you

gast30 03.03.2012 03:58 PM

in major coolness i leave

gast30 03.03.2012 04:00 PM

and there is nothing in the universe that can stop that

floatingslowly 03.04.2012 12:11 AM

Nothing? Could the Satellite King stop you? Stop you in your tracks. Freezetime.


floatingslowly 03.04.2012 12:22 AM


EVOLghost 03.04.2012 01:10 AM

Welcome to chitzen itza pizza!

gast30 03.04.2012 06:03 AM

not in the mood

glad the winter is over
have to think how i know going to spent the summer without alternative juppy midclass fucks and all other shit that thinks it alternative
they only come when they are die'ing of boredom

well i'm die'ing of boredom for many years
what you want?

look around me
the only pigs that have money are the politicians and the rich
and the humantrafficers, pimps and whores
popes and priest, presidents and multinationals

what they all have in common is 98% chimpansee simulair dna

but that is information for the year 2200

now today
the apes that have abused and destroyed the future world
are gonna stay a loooooooooooonnnnnngggggg time
in ape power function

don't knwo what the summer is going to be
as i don't know what apes are going to do

i'm going for a special summer alone
like all the summer i had in my life
hermit avenue [a*]

gast30 03.04.2012 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Nothing? Could the Satellite King stop you? Stop you in your tracks. Freezetime.


you don't understand the world of the satellite king
be very very glad that you don't

gast30 03.04.2012 06:07 AM

the world is such shit
i wish there was 1 cool girl that can understand how hard this ape planet sucks

only 1 cool girl

that's not much asked from 7 billion treeclimers

gast30 03.04.2012 06:11 AM

well i accept that animals can be loaded with shit from their birth to death

find it very sad too

but it was YOU that should wake up and debrainwash all the shit of sapians that got into your ape brain

it's all very sad and now???

what are 7 billion apes on earth gonna do know?

what now?

this planet is sick and abused and destroyed by the old apes

the young pes should stay awake and not follow old apes

most realistic vieuw to have on the animal sapian

gast30 03.04.2012 06:15 AM

what you think that i work for national geographic the study of a sapian?

please you brainwashed animals wake up

you are only a biological lifeform that happens only once
like your dna

you can national geographic your own apelife
+ everyone can afford soon a webcam
and then you can look back at the things the ape did
and say
look at me

that ape is me recorded with modern technology

gast30 03.04.2012 06:16 AM

please do it for yourself

i'm debrainwashed long ago

and i know it's not easy

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