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porkmarras 10.20.2006 04:13 AM

Do you use condoms while having sex?
For the girls:do you expect your sexual patner to produce one before sexual intercourse?I would hope that most of the answers are 'Of Course!' as i get the impression that with some folks it is not always the case.

Tokolosh 10.20.2006 04:21 AM

No, and I have my reasons for that.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 10.20.2006 04:27 AM

Dear Alice, My girlfriend and I have begun having sex recently. The first few times we did, we used condoms. Lately, we haven't. I always pull out before I come. Is this still safe? Is it safe to re-enter after this? Someone told me that if we don't want to use a condom, we should use a spermicide. Is this safe by itself? I appreciate all that help. Thanx.

Dear Reader,
Safe in what way? Two issues need to be considered: sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy. Let's take STIs first — the answer is NO! A condom will help prevent the spread of most STIs, provided you wear it the entire time you are having sex. Putting a condom on at some point after you've already been inside, but before you reach orgasm, is not an effective disease-prevention method. Most disease-causing microorganisms do not depend on ejaculation for transmission.
STIs may not be an issue if both of you were virgins before this relationship, or if both of you were tested for STIs before you started having sex with each other. If you don't fall under either of these categories, you can be screened for STIs. Columbia students can do this at Health Services at Columbia (x4-2284). A primary health care provider or an STI clinic are two other options for testing.
If you are concerned about pregnancy, pulling out (a.k.a., withdrawal) is not the most reliable or forgiving form of contraception. Re-inserting your penis after you've ejaculated (outside the vagina) is not safe either. Within the first few hours after ejaculation, there is usually some sperm left in the urethra. The amount left behind is nowhere near the amount of sperm in the typical ejaculate, but it still presents a risk.
Spermicides, used alone, have the highest failure rates of all methods of birth control — even higher than withdrawal! If pregnancy prevention is important to you, spermicide alone is not the best contraceptive for you. However, you could use a spermicide in addition to withdrawal. The spermicide would offer a "back-up" in the event that you do not pull out in time. Spermicides come in many forms — foams, creams, jellies, suppositories, and vaginal contraceptive films. Some spermicides are made specifically for use with diaphragms, cervical caps, and IUDs, while other spermicides have been adapted for use alone. Most drug stores and pharmacies sell a variety of spermicides — you and your girlfriend may want to experiment with a few to find one that works best. Of course, as with any contraceptive, make sure you read the directions carefully, especially since spermicides have a time frame within which they are effective.
As a primary means of contraception, withdrawal has several disadvantages. First, there's the pre-ejaculate fluid (pre-cum) on which withdrawal will have no effect since it's released well before you ejaculate. This fluid may contain sperm and, thus, it does present a risk of pregnancy. Next, and perhaps more important, is the issue of consistency and self-control. Can you be perfectly consistent at withdrawing each time you have sex? If not, then what's done is done. Of course, you do have the option of emergency contraception (the Emergency Contraception Hotline is 1.888.NOT.2.LATE).
However, on the positive side, withdrawal does have its advantages. It's free, always available, and free of side effects. Second, no side effects are associated with this form of contraception. Estimated failure rate for typical use (meaning you're not totally consistent) is around 20 percent. When practiced perfectly, some researchers estimate the failure rate to be around 5 percent. This means 5 to 20 women out of every 100 who use withdrawal as their contraceptive method get pregnant.
If you haven't already, perhaps you and your girlfriend could talk about your concerns and work toward reaching a mutual decision on what form(s) of contraception and/or safer sex you both want to use. Besides the issue of STIs, you need to assess how much risk you're willing to take. Talk about what each of you thinks you would do if a pregnancy occurred. Withdrawal is definitely more risky than, say, the Pill. But, if both of you are okay and comfortable with the risk involved, then you may decide that withdrawal is a good method for you. To make a decision like this, it is helpful to have as much information as possible. You could speak with a health care provider about your contraceptive options and choices. You will also find many questions related to birth control in Alice's Sexual Health archive.
Stay safe!

Pookie 10.20.2006 04:38 AM

No, that's why we keep having babies.

Onani Nic 10.20.2006 05:00 AM


porkmarras 10.20.2006 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
No, that's why we keep having babies.

I assume that some of them will be given up for adoption to Madonna and some Hollywood stars?

sonicl 10.20.2006 05:08 AM

If Pookie's giving up his babies for adoption, then I want first refusal on Kitty!

alteredcourse 10.20.2006 05:17 AM

NO !!!!
my dad doesnt like them .

jon boy 10.20.2006 05:19 AM

yes i do. not that i am some ind of lothario who gets it all the time.

wax 10.20.2006 05:39 AM

of course, but i find most girls are less bothered about it than me. whenever i dont use one (which isnt often) i get crazy paranoid about my sexual health after.
after all, if the girl you are sleeping with isnt fussed whether or not you wear one, then her sexual health is in question.
im not as bothered in japan though. it may just be an illusion, but i perceive japanese girls as clean. im probably wrong though. completely wrong.

porkmarras 10.20.2006 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by wax
of course, but i find most girls are less bothered about it than me. whenever i dont use one (which isnt often) i get crazy paranoid about my sexual health after.
after all, if the girl you are sleeping with isnt fussed whether or not you wear one, then her sexual health is in question.
im not as bothered in japan though. it may just be an illusion, but i perceive japanese girls as clean. im probably wrong though. completely wrong.

Yes i'm afraid you are wrong on this one,wax.That same assumption is responsable for a huge rise in STIs in heterosexuals every year.I'd say be careful with that.

sonicl 10.20.2006 06:30 AM

Do you mean because they need to take viagra or else they couldn't (ahem) "get it up", or because they take it to enhance "it" when "it" is already "up"?

Pookie 10.20.2006 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
sorry to change bit the subject. but have you heard of many incidents of men in their 30ties taking viagra? (be strong, dont take it personally!)

Points for the strangest question ever.

sonicl 10.20.2006 06:35 AM

Actually the answer's the same for both - no.

Pookie 10.20.2006 06:37 AM

It's not the kind of thing people (men) would, ahem, raise in polite company, you strange woman.

Toilet & Bowels 10.20.2006 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by wax
im not as bothered in japan though. it may just be an illusion, but i perceive japanese girls as clean. im probably wrong though. completely wrong.

you are completely wrong, if i had more time right now i'd look for some facts to quote but the rate of STDs among japanese is much much higher than you would think.

i don't use condoms as often as i ought to, but generally speaking i do use them.

Pookie 10.20.2006 06:50 AM

What kinds of stories?

sonicl 10.20.2006 06:52 AM

Judging by the amount of spam emails selling Viagra that we get coming into our in-boxes where I work, its use as a performance-enhancer among the already able is very very popular.

Gulasch Noir 10.20.2006 07:33 AM

No. I have a girlfriend now, so I don't need to. I remember last spring, I had a one night stand and didn't use a condom. I really should have used one, because it was really obvious that she lives promiscuously. The result was three months of suspense. Then I took an aids-test and, thank god, it was negative.

sonic sphere 10.20.2006 08:31 AM

i wear them but haven't had any reason to for about 6 months! god damn

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 10.20.2006 08:47 AM

I've never had sex. There were a few places where if I would have had a condom, I probably would have, but, I'm glad I didn't. Not carrying a condom with me prevents me from having sex with someone I'd regret having sex with a week or two later.

I'll get a box when the right girl rolls around, although we might miss on a spontaneous opportunity or two because of my reluctance to have them on me early in relationships or when I'm single. But I'm ok with that.

Glice 10.20.2006 08:58 AM

Condoms are a complete nightmare. Horrible things. But much better than a death sentence or, even worse, having a cock which no women in her right mind would go near. I'm a resounding yes, except when in long-term relationships, and even then only after all that passion-killing check ups and bollocks like that.

There are now more new cases of HIV in heteros than in bummers. Straight people have been complacent for too long.

Oh, and I know a chap in his early 30s who took viagra recreationally... and gave himself permenent damage to the tissue of his penis. Had something like a twelve-hour erection. He knew it was viagra, but snorted far too much of it. I know a few people who take it for the same reason some people take pills and then have sex... lasts longer. I've not resorted to it, what with having an enormous and long-lasting cock.

jon boy 10.20.2006 09:13 AM

i would never have sex without a condom unless it was a long term relationship with someone. the mere thought of an sti is terrifying to me.

Glice 10.20.2006 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
plus hetero sex almost always involves penetration as opposed to gay sex.

oh jeez-sorry for that chap.
and a chap i know, said smth about a viagra that lasts 24hours. (that you are able to have an erection "easily" during 24hours)
dont understand why they dont care about their health taking this thing!

Don't feel sorry for him, he's a complete idiot. Someone I know rather than a friend.

screamingskull 10.20.2006 09:16 AM

i would expect the guy to have a condom, i'm done with taking the pill, it makes you fat.

Glice 10.20.2006 09:22 AM

Sometimes fat in nice places though. That's always nice.

screamingskull 10.20.2006 09:22 AM

like where?

jon boy 10.20.2006 09:22 AM

the pill can give you cancer too.

glice will be reffering to the posterior. i dont mind a bit of fat, in the right places also.

Glice 10.20.2006 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
like where?

I happen to like the fuller bottom over the boney type. Ocassionally the pill takes a pleasant rump up a few notches to a 'whoa, look out guys, here comes my ass' type.

I'm sorry, I promised myself I was going to cut down on faintly misogynist-speak, it's quite revolting. But yes. It's there now.

Savage Clone 10.20.2006 09:31 AM

"Does my butt look big in these pants?"

"No, it doesn't. Maybe you should try another pair instead."

Glice 10.20.2006 09:38 AM

"Does this make my arse look big?"

"No, your gargantuan arse makes your arse look big".

Inhuman 10.20.2006 09:41 AM

I use the lube tube usually, but it cuts down on sensitivity, and the "thins" break continuously, so that defeats the whole purpose, especially when they break inside and you don't feel it.

porkmarras 10.20.2006 09:45 AM

'Does my arse look big in this?'

'Yes it does.'


_slavo_ 10.20.2006 09:49 AM

I always use it. It's good to be safe.

static-harmony 10.20.2006 02:53 PM

If you are straight and with a long-term relationship you should still wear a condom, because the girl might get pregnant. And don't believe I am taking the pill crap. That happened to my brother, so I know what I am talking about. Yes I do use condoms,but not anymore cause me and my boyfriend are clean and tested and all that crap.

!@#$%! 10.20.2006 03:55 PM

i shan't comment

Savage Clone 10.20.2006 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by static-harmony
If you are straight and with a long-term relationship you should still wear a condom, because the girl might get pregnant. And don't believe I am taking the pill crap. That happened to my brother, so I know what I am talking about.

Vasectomies ease a lot of worries in this department.

Cantankerous 10.20.2006 05:47 PM



works every time.

Cantankerous 10.20.2006 05:47 PM

"does my ass look fat in this?"

"your ass looks fat in everything."

static-harmony 10.20.2006 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Vasectomies ease a lot of worries in this department.

But Vasectomies only work around 85% of it.That leaves a big 15% to get a girl pregnant.

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