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gmku 10.12.2006 11:22 AM

The last albums you bought but hate

Love - Forever Changes (puts me to sleep!)

Spoon - Kill the Moonlight (can you say, boring)

The Sonics - Introducing.... (neandrathal frat rock at its dumbest)

Trasher02 10.12.2006 11:23 AM

Lou Reed - The bells (What a fucking piece of shit!)

_slavo_ 10.12.2006 11:24 AM

DJ Krush - Kakusei
Sufjan Stevens - The Avalanche
Ida - Will You Find Me (faggy slowcore)

gmku 10.12.2006 11:27 AM

What do you do with albums you hate? I can't bring myself to trade them in, knowing I'd only get like a measly 3 bucks a piece, at best, for them. They sit on the shelf and remind me of their disgusting lack of merit every time I want to play music.

_slavo_ 10.12.2006 11:27 AM

they collect dust.

Savage Clone 10.12.2006 11:28 AM

I do periodic purges.
Luckily for me, a lot of the stuff I buy seems to retain or even accrue value whether I hate it or not. Being a vinyl buyer has its upside that way.

gmku 10.12.2006 11:28 AM

Yeh, I guess I've learned to hang on to even the cheesiest stuff. You never know...

I can bring myself to trade in CDs much easier, but there's something to be said for hanging on to vinyl these days. Maybe in another 30 years selling my Sundazed copy of Forever Changes on eBay will help me pay my nursing home bill! If Kim Jong II lets me get that far along...

Inhuman 10.12.2006 11:30 AM

I really like Kill the Moonight myself. I could reccomend not checking out Gimmie Fiction, it's terrible compared to moonlight

gmku 10.12.2006 11:32 AM

I keep thinking I'll like it. I get it out, play it, and just get bored w/ it before the end of the first side, every time.

Glice 10.12.2006 11:34 AM

Most of my friends are into decent stuff, so if I don't like an album I'll swap it for something they have that they don't like. Recently, I got a terrible Homestead label punk record that I traded for a Man or Astroman Picture disc. Both were worth an amount more than paid for, both appreciated by their respective swapees.

I find often that records I really hate are worth sticking with and waiting a few years until my taste changes. Cobra Killer's first album was the worst album I heard when I got it, but my taste has changed and I actually quite enjoy it now. I was bequeathed a load of jazz records when I was 15 or so. I listened to them at the time, hated them, and put them away. 6 or 7 years later I realised I was sat on a shitload of great stuff. Less haste, more good records, as the phrase doesn't say.

gmku 10.12.2006 11:37 AM

I've also probably traded and then regretted trading and then had to rebuy more records than anyone else I know. Another reason I don't trade them in anymore.

Glice 10.12.2006 11:39 AM

Oh dear. I worry about getting to that point. One of my big concerns about my record collection is if I forget to let some records go. I think there are very, very few records in my collection that are genuinely good enough to merit being entirely 'essential' that I own it.

Rob Instigator 10.12.2006 11:41 AM

I try not to buy any album unless I have heard at least 2 songs from the band, which are ussually enough to let me know if I will enoy their albums.

Sometimes I buy things on word of mouth, or because of who the artist is and it sucks. The last such album I bought was Mike Johnson's (ex- dinosaur bassist) album which was mope rock in the extreme all dull and shit. also, jason lowensteins (of sebadoh) solo album which I bought at his solo show sucked ass. generic punky rock.

gmku 10.12.2006 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Oh dear. I worry about getting to that point. One of my big concerns about my record collection is if I forget to let some records go. I think there are very, very few records in my collection that are genuinely good enough to merit being entirely 'essential' that I own it.

that was quite a few years ago that I was doing that. Went through sort of a broke period where the only way I could get new stuff was to trade in old stuff. That was before the Internet, downloading, etc. I would have done better to hang on to all the old shit becuz in most cases the shit I was trading was halfway valuable (collectible, label-wise, or out-of-print, etc.) and the new shit was not as enjoyable. I've learned my lesson.

I think it really hit home when I brought in my ORIGINAL ISSUE !! copy of The Modern Lovers on the Beserkley label. Guy looks at me, hands over a twenty, then runs back to his office and I hear him on the phone, "You'll never BELIEVE what some kid just brought in!" Me: sinking feeling in pit of stomach, what did I just DO????

I have to say, too, that I don't make many record purchases I don't like anymore--but the bad ones I do make really annoy me. Like Forever Changes. I hate that shit.

LittlePuppetBoy 10.12.2006 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I try not to buy any album unless I have heard at least 2 songs from the band, which are ussually enough to let me know if I will enoy their albums.

That is exactly what I do too. Therefore, I have no albums in my collection that I have regretted.

gmku 10.12.2006 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by LittlePuppetBoy
That is exactly what I do too. Therefore, I have no albums in my collection that I have regretted.

None!? Wow.

Some of my album regrets are albums I've outgrown. Maybe that's what comes from decades of collecting. Like, you know, Clapton's 461 Ocean Blvd was hot shit in August of 1974 when I picked it up. Now it's a cold gray moldy piece of crap in my LP closet.

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 04:05 PM


He probably has 10 LPs.

I regret alot of the albums I purchased. I've spent so much money on limited edition 7 inches it's not even funny.

Everyneurotic 10.12.2006 04:06 PM

hey money wasters: i have a solution for you.

it's called "downloading"

inhuman: i absolutely love gimme fiction, one of the best albums of last year.

even the ridiculous shit i have gets spun every once in a while for nostalgic reasons.

gmku 10.12.2006 04:07 PM

Hey, H.A., Any of those limited 7-inchers on old (circa 1988-91) SubPop? I have a weakness for anything SubPop, good or bad (and there was a lot of bad back then).

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 04:10 PM

A few of them are. I have a nirvana single. I forget what one it is.

I have a ton of Xiu Xiu 7 inches. I have 4 of the 200 Devendra/XX purple 7 inches.

Everyneurotic 10.12.2006 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I have a ton of Xiu Xiu 7 inches. I have 4 of the 200 Devendra/XX purple 7 inches.

those are obscenely overpriced (well, not obscenely, but they are overpriced)

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
those are obscenely overpriced (well, not obscenely, but they are overpriced)

I got all of mine for under 5 bucks.

gmku 10.12.2006 04:15 PM

Well, H.A., ahem... If you want to get rid of those nasty SubPop things...

Everyneurotic 10.12.2006 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I got all of mine for under 5 bucks.

i've always seen them for 5-plus bucks. 5 bucks for a 7" is a lot.

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 04:16 PM

You could purchase them off of me for a really steep price.

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
i've always seen them for 5-plus bucks. 5 bucks for a 7" is a lot.

UNDER 5 bucks. Most of them were 3 bucks or so.

I'm a 7 inch junky.

Everyneurotic 10.12.2006 04:17 PM

every time i've seen them it's more than 5, whatever.

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 04:19 PM

It's because I won.

gmku 10.12.2006 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
You could purchase them off of me for a really steep price.

Well, I don't know about steep. Maybe moderately steep. What're your asking prices, and what ya got?

The ones I have are mostly from the old SubPop Singles Club mailings. I have Poster Children, a split Fluid/Nirvana, a great pink vinyl Smashing Pumpkins, and one or two others.

terminal pharmacy 10.12.2006 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I do periodic purges.
Luckily for me, a lot of the stuff I buy seems to retain or even accrue value whether I hate it or not. Being a vinyl buyer has its upside that way.

yeah i purge once a year, works well

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Well, I don't know about steep. Maybe moderately steep. What're your asking prices, and what ya got?

The ones I have are mostly from the old SubPop Singles Club mailings. I have Poster Children, a split Fluid/Nirvana, a great pink vinyl Smashing Pumpkins, and one or two others.

I have the Fluid/Nirvana split too. Most of my stuff is still in boxes from moving. I'll have to dig it all out.

Cantankerous 10.12.2006 10:12 PM

i haven't bought anything i hate in a loooong time since i know my tastes. i'll go with


Norma J 10.13.2006 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
Spoon - Kill the Moonlight (can you say, boring)

Yeah, I bought this album a few years ago. Has a few memorable songs on it, but the overall content of the cd doesn't, and never did, draw me into it.

Norma J 10.13.2006 02:35 AM

It's only money. I buy alot of used vinyl and cds. I don't mind the gamble or the surprise.

Glice 10.13.2006 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i haven't bought anything i hate in a loooong time since i know my tastes. i'll go with

Then your record buying habits are entirely wrong. 'Knowing your taste' tells me you buy exclusively shit records. Go outside, now, and buy a proper pop album with three good singles and a load of filler. It's the only way you'll learn.

therealglenstyler 10.13.2006 08:38 AM

forever changes is the one for me too, I keep giving it a go and it always bores me after track one. and dj krush kakusei is dull as shit too.

HaydenAsche 10.13.2006 08:43 AM

The new Beck. I knew it was gonna suck but somewhere, deep inside of me, is a love for his musicianship. I'm pissed it sucked that bad.

gmku 10.13.2006 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Norma J
It's only money. I buy alot of used vinyl and cds. I don't mind the gamble or the surprise.

I have to say, that's sort of my philosophy, too. I think record buying is much more interesting that way (although generally these days I know what I'm getting into--and sorry, I don't like downloading stuff). So I guess I have to just realize that taking that kind of risk means sometimes ending up with stuff I don't love.

HaydenAsche 10.13.2006 08:49 AM

I usually have people upload something I'm interested in for me. If I don't like it I delete it from my harddrive. If I do, I order the record.

gmku 10.13.2006 09:18 AM

Of course, not so many years ago, one could not upload or even hear samples of songs from an album, unless one could convince the record store owner to let you listen before buying (very rare), heard an album in its entirety on the radio (yeah, right), or borrowed records from friends (this is assuming your friends have good records, likelihood of which is thrown into doubt when they too have to rely on the record store and radio).

So, many of my LPs were bought based on reviews, word of mouth, hearing one song, or out of curiosity. That said, I think it's a wonder that most (80 percent) of my collection is actually very decent. It's a wonder, too, that I bought such gems as Horses, Modern Lovers, Ramones, Marquee Moon, Blank Generation, etc., when they first came out, because in most cases I was buying them purely on instinct, liking how they looked or what I remembered hearing about them.

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