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porkmarras 10.03.2006 03:57 PM

When Kid 606 was good.......
.............he made stuff like this:

porkmarras 10.03.2006 03:59 PM

Tigerboy's track is also a corker on there!

Glice 10.03.2006 04:02 PM

Oh, he did, he did. Those were the days, eh? Reminds me of the days when mixing Missy Elliot with almost anything wasn't incredibly annoying, Lightening Bolt were vastly underrated and Wolf Eyes weren't known by even the hippest of hipsters.

porkmarras 10.03.2006 04:05 PM

I mean,listen to what poor G.Michael gets on here.It's still hilarious:

porkmarras 10.03.2006 04:06 PM

Some of the stuff these folks come up with is beautiful and some of it is more of the same.

Glice 10.03.2006 04:08 PM

Brainwashed is essential. Fucking love that site. It's where I first read about the divine D. Galas (bear in mind I'm still quite young). I was doing some research into TG and... well, the rest is history.

porkmarras 10.03.2006 04:09 PM


posh spliced / spiller

7" vinyl
Buy this 7"

porkmarras 10.03.2006 04:12 PM


porkmarras 10.03.2006 04:13 PM


the queen mother is dead boys

7" royal blue vinyl.

Glice 10.03.2006 04:13 PM

Edit - this was referring to the Posh Spliced one: I've got that one. It was a 3" CD as well, no? My favourite one of that series was the Aphex Twin ones. Surprisingly, a load of electronica types I know were genuinely offended by it.

Oh, and that Christmas album. Arguably more essential than the Low one.

porkmarras 10.03.2006 04:17 PM

Yeah i have the aphex one too.My favourite is 'the sick love' album because he's done some really great stuff on it.The krankies comp is cool too.

Glice 10.03.2006 04:20 PM

What was the Harold Shipman one? I lent that to someone a few years ago and never got it back. Did you ever hear the Speedranch/ Jansky noise stuff, before they got really excited about VVM? I have some of that stuff. It's mighty good sure.

Glice 10.03.2006 04:21 PM

And, while I'm thinking about it, have you noticed that with a certain type of music, there are only so many people on this board who even feign having an interest?

porkmarras 10.03.2006 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
What was the Harold Shipman one? I lent that to someone a few years ago and never got it back. Did you ever hear the Speedranch/ Jansky noise stuff, before they got really excited about VVM? I have some of that stuff. It's mighty good sure.

I have 'welcome to.....' and it's like taking acid,going to a party and crying big fat tears.Awesome stuff,if you ever need to annoy the neighbours that is one of them.

Everyneurotic 10.03.2006 04:24 PM

kid 606 is (was?) the shit, for some reason, i have neglected myself to explore more by him...reminds me of atomsmasher a.k.a. phantomsmasher

porkmarras 10.03.2006 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
And, while I'm thinking about it, have you noticed that with a certain type of music, there are only so many people on this board who even feign having an interest?


Savage Clone 10.03.2006 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
And, while I'm thinking about it, have you noticed that concerning each and every post I make, there are only so many people on this board who even feign having an interest?


porkmarras 10.03.2006 04:26 PM

Harold Shipman :one of my most prized possessions(the 3'' cd that is)

porkmarras 10.03.2006 04:26 PM

What is that smiley doing there?

Inhuman 10.03.2006 05:55 PM


...I love that song

Rob Instigator 10.04.2006 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
And, while I'm thinking about it, have you noticed that with a certain type of music, there are only so many people on this board who even feign having an interest?

would you rather people pretended to talk about music they don;t know, or don't like?

I myself am deadly bored by DJ music. I can dance to it at a club and I can enjoy it for that, but I am nearly instantly bored by it the moment I put it on at home or in my car. I find it tedious. I have listened to and own kid koala, kid 606, mouse on mars, RJD2, etc, and it is simply boring after a few listens.

I like peope playing instruments. Cornelius' music can soujd like DJ pastiche but he actually plays and records every instrument himself for the most part. it is actual instrumentation. he then teaches it to his friends and they go on tour.

paying 20 bucks to watch a dude on a turntable and a mixer and a computer is my idea of braindeath.

porkmarras 10.04.2006 10:02 AM

But then paying 20 bucks to watch a bloke with all that equipment when he could have done the same exact thing with much less stuff around him is just as criminal.Also,compared to a lot of musicians Cornelius really isn't all that, methinks.

Glice 10.04.2006 10:07 AM

Depends on the artist. I saw DJ Shadow a few years ago, and I walked out because I was so very bored. There are loads of people who make up for the lack of a stage show with exciting visuals or other things. Basement Jazz, for instance, put on a blinding live show. Orbital used to. Christian Marclay and Alvo Noto do wonderful things. Someone like Francesco Lopez would've been amazing to see*, I imagine. And with someone like Merzbow it doesn't matter about the visuals, the music's amazing.

Personally, I don't get excited by seeing 'live' instruments. For every guitar bands who do very little onstage but are still good (Mogwai, for instance) there are a million say-nothing do-nothing bores.

*or not see, as he performed in a pitch black tent in a darkened room.

Pookie 10.04.2006 10:14 AM

Agreed (with Glice that is). I've seen visually dull electronic artists live (Squarepusher) and fantastic ones (Jamie Lidell). I don't see why four men with guitars/drums automatically makes them more interesting.

A good show depends on more than the instruments being played.

Glice 10.04.2006 10:22 AM

Interesting. Might I suggest taking copious quantities of drugs next time you see Squarepusher?

Savage Clone 10.04.2006 10:23 AM

I have seen a few all-electronic shows that were very good, but most of them have been a bore. It has to feel "live" to work in a live setting. I have seen a damn lot of super-boring guitar rock shows too, and it wasn't for lack of attempting to "rock."
It's definitely about the music, and whether or not things seem inspired.

I really do fucking hate seeing one guy sitting at a table in a hoodie in front of a fucking laptop though. Call me a Luddite if you like; in this case I am immune to your taunting.

Pookie 10.04.2006 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
Interesting. Might I suggest taking copious quantities of drugs next time you see Squarepusher?

He was actually fantastic, but visually it was nothing to write home about.

Incidentally, I really love what I've heard of his new album.

Pookie 10.04.2006 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I have seen a few all-electronic shows that were very good, but most of them have been a bore. It has to feel "live" to work in a live setting. I have seen a damn lot of super-boring guitar rock shows too, and it wasn't for lack of attempting to "rock."
It's definitely about the music, and whether or not things seem inspired.

I really do fucking hate seeing one guy sitting at a table in a hoodie in front of a fucking laptop though. Call me a Luddite if you like; in this case I am immune to your taunting.


Savage Clone 10.04.2006 10:26 AM

I am immune!

Everyneurotic 10.04.2006 10:39 AM

i saw fatboy slim live and he was fantastic.

Glice 10.04.2006 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I have seen a few all-electronic shows that were very good, but most of them have been a bore. It has to feel "live" to work in a live setting. I have seen a damn lot of super-boring guitar rock shows too, and it wasn't for lack of attempting to "rock."
It's definitely about the music, and whether or not things seem inspired.

I really do fucking hate seeing one guy sitting at a table in a hoodie in front of a fucking laptop though. Call me a Luddite if you like; in this case I am immune to your taunting.

It's not about being a luddite. It is boring. Equally as boring as your ten-a-penny stand there do-nothing indie band. I only object to the singling out of electronic artists. I heartily agree with any sentiment to the effect that the majority of live music is dull.

Rob Instigator 10.04.2006 11:38 AM

Too many boring live shows is indeed a rampant problem.

I think the sound is different between a live band and a DJ. there is more variation. For example, When I saw the Roots on their last tour, the music pulses, and the beats and the melodies are crisp and loud and jumpin'. It is a very different sound-feel from a rapper/DJ combo. Whether it was Ice Cube, De La Soul, Digable Planets, Master P, whoever, the music behind the rapper just lacks some OOMPH. Many times it is hard to discern the music's melodies.

Mouse on Mars puts on an entertaining show, I cannot fault him for that, but after the 3rd or 4th song it all starts to bleed in my ear. Give me a real life drummer anyday.

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