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noisemachine 09.29.2006 12:05 PM

To the fuckers that were booing during 16 Bitch Pile-Up's set last night...
Last night at the Wiltern, there were quite a few people who felt it necessary to make asses of themselves and the rest of the audience by booing and yelling things like "go home!" and "You suck" as well as other assinine comments while the band 16 Bitch Pile-Up was playing.

I just want to express my extreme disapproval and hatred of what these people were doing. If you dont like the band thats playing, leave the fucking room and go sit in the lobby until they are done. Nobody is making you stay there. If its not your cup of tea, fine. Just dont ruin the experience for the rest of us. I know you people think you are funny or clever shouting negative comments throughout the entire set, but its just fucking rude. Its extremely rude to the band on stage and its rude to the members of the audience (like me) who are enjoying it. And I know some of you may not be able to comprehend this, but its very rude to sonic youth. They are the ones that chose the band to open. So by dissing the band during their set, you are also dissing Sonic Youth and their taste in music. And how is Sonic Youth supposed to explain this type of behavior to the band? "Oh, sorry we have such closed-minded douchebags for fans..."?

If you don't like what you hear and you want to express your opinion, the fine. But yelling "get off the stage" at the top of your lungs while the band is in the middle of their set is absolutely not the way to do it. 16 Bitch Pile-Up is a noise band. Im sorry sonic youth didnt choose your indie-pop-flavor-of-the month band to open for them. Its something different, so maybe keep an open mind? And if any of these people booing were really sonic youth fans, they would know that Sonic Youth fucking loves this kind of stuff.

Im sorry for ranting and I know Im probably more or less preaching to the choir on this issue, but I was extremely pissed last night and needed to get this off my chest. I was truly embarassed and ashamed to be in the crowd last night. I've never seen so many closed minded individuals. Hopefully one of the lurkers that reads this will be one of the culprits. And to you I say: just have some fucking respect.

Thats all.

Glice 09.29.2006 12:22 PM

I think the problem is that, if you're a noise band, you invite this kind of behaviour... well, maybe not invite, but I doubt it's the first time they've had it. It's par for the course with noise shows. I say this assuming they were actually noise, I haven't heard them meself. It's annoying, but presumably they were loud enough for it not to matter.

There were hecklers when I saw Ashtray Navigations. They were ejected, and it was only then that I realised they were heckling (it was too bloody loud to hear what they were saying).

Savage Clone 09.29.2006 12:37 PM

The only time I have ever been heckled was playing guitar rock while opening for Sonic Youth, but I maintain that it was deserved because we were terrible that night.
You don't have to be a noise band to be heckled in the opening slot at an SY show is all I'm saying, but I would think the average noisenik would get off on some heckling from the uninitiated.

Chaffie 09.29.2006 12:40 PM

I agree with you to a certain extent. I was there, and half the people I saw in the crowd were teens who likes they just bought Dirty that morning, and "old schoolers" who wanted to hear some Daydream Nation tracks. I sat through it all and didn't heckle because I know that that's fucking rude but having these bands open for a pretty melodic album tour, you have to expect some sort of boo'ing. There's always the assholes, anyway. Halfway when their set got super loud, I smiled because I know it was making the assholes hate the music all the much more.

Glice 09.29.2006 12:50 PM

And I'm sure the heckling was nothing compared to that of the crowd at the Goodbye 20th Century gig in London. Which was, in a way, excellent, although it was exceptionally off-putting (and there was a lot of people doing it).

mooger_fooger 09.29.2006 02:44 PM

Hair Police got a pretty bad heckling in Toronto a few years bad...they sort of sucked...but it's no excuse, if you could do better, you'd be up there not them, that's always been my boo-urns to booing, that and how fucking stupid/ignorant you look/sound

PAULYBEE2656 09.29.2006 03:57 PM

booing 16bpu, the stupidity of it. im sure the bitches couldnt have cared less tho. booing sucks end of story. my attitude is if you dont like em just dont listen to em....................go for a joint, a beer, a piss, whatever..........

spudsilo 09.29.2006 03:58 PM

I was at the show last night. 16 Bitch Pileup at least made a small attempt to be interesting. The Skaters (or whatever they were called) truly sucked. 20 minutes of unvarying drone in complete darkness was utterly pointless. Mind you, it's the unvarying part I object too. Were they doing anything at all? I certainly couldn't tell. C'mon guys, we've heard it before from a zillion other noizemakers.

m^a(t)h 09.29.2006 04:08 PM

honestly, i would rather pay to see the skaters and 16 bitch pileup than see sonic youth.

racehorse 09.29.2006 04:42 PM

heckling is evil, i had it quite alot in my last band i was in, people sitting on the floor with their fingers in their ears etc etc. although that was pretty cool, we got a picture and used it as our ep cover.

god that post went abit off from the point i was trying to make.
but heckling isn't cool guys. and 16pitchpileup are fucking brilliant.

static-harmony 09.29.2006 05:09 PM

I don't know who they are, but if you are going to a Sonic Youth show, expect noise bands or different bands you are not used to. If these people were teens fuck them, they don't know music.

HaydenAsche 09.29.2006 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by m^a(t)h
honestly, i would rather pay to see the skaters and 16 bitch pileup than see sonic youth.

16BPU is fantastic.

John Violence 09.30.2006 12:09 AM

It's a fucking show! People are gonna cheer, boo, heckle and do what they want. If people can't boo at a show then there should be no cheering or anything. Some of the people who were there giving the opening bands shit were probably keeping their spots for Sonic Youth. The last show I played there was a drunk guy yelling shit the whole time and even got up in our faces at one point. You have to deal with that shit because it's life and that's how certian people are gonna act...especially at a show.

Everyneurotic 09.30.2006 12:12 AM

16 bitch pile up should've told the crowd to fuck off and stay onstage longer, or at least make fun of the hecklers.

"are you saying 'boo' or 'boo-rns'?"

pantophobia 09.30.2006 12:30 AM

i remember at the hoboken shows last year, some guy was yelling "rapeman" and "albini"

what the hell does that even mean?!?!

HaydenAsche 09.30.2006 12:31 AM

At 16 Bitch?

Or some band that sounded like Rapeman?

pantophobia 09.30.2006 12:40 AM

Sonic Youth

HaydenAsche 09.30.2006 12:41 AM

Weird. That's fucking stupid. Rapemen are awesome, though.

Everyneurotic 09.30.2006 12:43 AM

dude most have thought it would piss the band, he might think they hate albini for "kim gordon's panties"

acousticrock87 09.30.2006 02:22 PM

I didn't even know The Skaters were up until it was over. I thought they were playing a loop or something while they prepared. 16 Bitch was great, though. It was very rhythmic for noise music. I've never understood how people can boo bands, even if they suck. It's rude, it's mean, it doesn't accomplish anything. But it's just an element of the business.

guitarpro 10.02.2006 12:54 PM

I didn't boo em but they were pretty fucked up though I thought the 1st band was better.

top 40 squeeze 10.02.2006 02:26 PM


fluxequalsrad 10.02.2006 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by mooger_fooger
Hair Police got a pretty bad heckling in Toronto a few years bad...they sort of sucked...but it's no excuse, if you could do better, you'd be up there not them, that's always been my boo-urns to booing, that and how fucking stupid/ignorant you look/sound

Haha! that was sort of one guy heckling them, the audience was dead silent during the whole crazy set, and then one guy was like "YOUR FUCKING CRAZY!" -- "TALK TO US YOU FUCKING NIHILIST!" i..Hair police showed absolutely no emotion other then the terrifying lead singer just going on with the set acting if the crowd wasn't their....but not like he was ignoring it...he's a weird guy

Katy 10.03.2006 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by fluxequalsrad
the audience was dead silent during the whole crazy set, and then one guy was like "YOUR FUCKING CRAZY!" -- "TALK TO US YOU FUCKING NIHILIST!"

That's a pretty great heckle.

trainyard bliss 10.03.2006 07:43 PM

if it matters at all, the crowd response for 16 bitch pile-up was positive in san francisco, absolutely no booing.

noisemachine 10.03.2006 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by trainyard bliss
if it matters at all, the crowd response for 16 bitch pile-up was positive in san francisco, absolutely no booing.

Thats good to know. I come from the bay area and when I saw Wolf Eyes open for them in 2004 the crowd response seemed pretty positive as well. I guess LA is just full of mostly stuck up indie pop type brats that think all music should sound the same.

Im kidding of course. But it is interesting that the reactions were different.

blunderbuss 10.17.2008 04:01 AM

I'd sooner that people heckle than talk amongst themselves.

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