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porkmarras 09.09.2006 09:45 AM

Ask Pookie
Since i haven't gone out to get the paper yet,i've decided that pookie shall answer all the important and relevant questions concerning my life and so you should too.Here Pookie gives advice on marriage,mortgage,bank loans,girl/boy problems,gayness,sex and the like.So........
Dear pookie,
I'm feeling a bit frisky.What should i do?

Barbara Antonia


Glice 09.09.2006 09:48 AM

Dear Pookie,

My toenails are slightly skew-wiff on my left foot. What should I do?


Trevor Mellifluous, Hull.

Pookie 09.09.2006 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Dear pookie,
I'm feeling a bit frisky.What should i do?

Barbara Antonia


Find a horny Italian, if that's not a tautology.

porkmarras 09.09.2006 09:52 AM

Dear Pookie,
My bus is always packed in the morning.Should i start using the tube?

Kind Regards

Roger Erogenous

Turnbridge Wells

Pookie 09.09.2006 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
Dear Pookie,

My toenails are slightly skew-wiff on my left foot. What should I do?


Trevor Mellifluous, Hull.

I think you'll find that's "skew-whiff" Mr. Mellifluous.

And how do you know it's not the right foot's toenails that are in the wrong?

Glice 09.09.2006 09:56 AM

Dear Pookie,

I have a bizarre obsession with a cock-obsessed fictional internet person. Should I let him bum me?


Nigella Lawson.

jon boy 09.09.2006 09:58 AM

dear pookie,

my mouth is always very dry and i drink lots of water. can you give me any advice as to how to overcome this?

sue gekalois, wrexham.

Pookie 09.09.2006 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Roger Erogenous
Dear Pookie,
My bus is always packed in the morning.Should i start using the tube?

Kind Regards

Roger Erogenous

Turnbridge Wells



Originally Posted by Nigella Lawson
Dear Pookie,

I have a bizarre obsession with a cock-obsessed fictional internet person. Should I let him bum me?


Nigella Lawson.



Originally Posted by sue gekalois

dear pookie,

my mouth is always very dry and i drink lots of water. can you give me any advice as to how to overcome this?

sue gekalois, wrexham.

Why would you want to overcome drinking lots of water?

porkmarras 09.09.2006 10:08 AM

Dear Pookie,
I've found an old smelly shoe in the attic the other day.Should i flog it or use it for sexual purposes?

Mariella Butt


Everyneurotic 09.09.2006 10:11 AM

dear pookie,

i'm not even going to try to be funny, i need money, fast.

gill chesterson


Glice 09.09.2006 10:11 AM

Dear Pookie,

I sometimes like to have ice with my G & T, sometimes not. Should I?


Constantine Clarence-Toppington-Smithington, Burnham.

Pookie 09.09.2006 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Mariella Butt
Dear Pookie,
I've found an old smelly shoe in the attic the other day.Should i flog it or use it for sexual purposes?

Mariella Butt


Use it for flogging.


Originally Posted by gill chesterton
dear pookie,

i'm not even going to try to be funny, i need money, fast.

gill chesterson


I'm sorry gill, but if you're not even going to TRY to be funny...


Originally Posted by Constantine Clarence-Toppington-Smithington
Dear Pookie,

I sometimes like to have ice with my G & T, sometimes not. Should I?


Constantine Clarence-Toppington-Smithington, Burnham.

Yes you should sometimes & sometimes not.

And while we're at it, go to the beach in Burnham and deflate the fucking bouncy castle that my daughter broke her ankle on.

jon boy 09.09.2006 10:18 AM

dear pookie,

i have a terrible rash on the sould of myright foot. its been there for a few months now, any advice?

richard water, leicester.

porkmarras 09.09.2006 10:19 AM

Dear Pookie,
I cannae find me glasses.Help!


Retarda Woollenball

East Ham

jon boy 09.09.2006 10:20 AM

(this is becoming my favourite thread)

Pookie 09.09.2006 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by richard water
dear pookie,

i have a terrible rash on the sould of myright foot. its been there for a few months now, any advice?

richard water, leicester.

Generally, the longer you've had a rash, the more likely you need to see a doctor if you're concerned about it. Deciding if that mole you've had on your skin for the past twenty years is looking cancerous or not is something you want an expert to do.

Most of the time a rash that has been present for a couple of days will go away on its own. Warning signs that should send you to the doctor sooner rather than later are pain, rapid swelling causing shortness of breath, bleeding blisters in the mouth or eyes, skin that is rapidly turning dusky or black, and large amounts of skin peeling in sheets.

Pookie 09.09.2006 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Retarda Woollenball
Dear Pookie,
I cannae find me glasses.Help!


Retarda Woollenball

East Ham

They'll be in the last place you look.

Everyneurotic 09.09.2006 10:23 AM

dear pookie,

i have little to no will power; in fact, i can't gather the energies i need to go to the can whenever nature calls. so my question is, should i buy a can of onion soup to piss while watching the telly?

hassan "butch" al-akrut.

cheesequake, new jersey.

Glice 09.09.2006 10:23 AM

Dear Pookie,

I REFUSE TO DIE. Should I do a duet with Robbie Williams?


Bono, in space. That's right, space, that's how rich I am, pauper.

space_monkey 09.09.2006 10:24 AM

dragi pookie i have a problem!

vec dosta dugo nemam curu,nikako nemogu naći ,u depresiji sam ,sta da radim? niko me neće ,zar sam ružan??
pozdrav ! ! ! you must understand that

Gulasch Noir 09.09.2006 10:26 AM

Dear Pook,
i want to convince my girlfriend of the benefits of anal sex. Now you are an experienced man. What should I do/say?

jon boy 09.09.2006 10:26 AM

dear pookie,

i am a real cunt to everyone but in my heart i love every single person dearly. i have problems expresing this. what sould i do?

van morrison, your mums bed.

Gulasch Noir 09.09.2006 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by space_monkey
dragi pookie i have a problem!

vec dosta dugo nemam curu,nikako nemogu naći ,u depresiji sam ,sta da radim? niko me neće ,zar sam ružan??
pozdrav ! ! ! you must understand that

Croatia has the most wonderful women I have seen. And with wonderful I mean great "balcony". My girlfriend concurs.

Everyneurotic 09.09.2006 10:30 AM

hey pookie,

all these years i'm startin' to feel loneley, so i was wondering if it was time to reveal myself to the public again. i want to end those myths about me dying in the can.

shake it baby!

elvis "a picture of me with bigfoot gets you $15 000" presley

space_monkey 09.09.2006 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Gulasch Noir
Croatia has the most wonderful women I have seen. And with wonderful I mean great "balcony". My girlfriend concurs.

danke schoene ,everybody says that croatian are the most beuthiful girl ..maybe... but i saw fucking good italian girls ,,fuck they are wonderful...but stupid!

Pookie 09.09.2006 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by hassan "butch" al-akrut
dear pookie,

i have little to no will power; in fact, i can't gather the energies i need to go to the can whenever nature calls. so my question is, should i buy a can of onion soup to piss while watching the telly?

hassan "butch" al-akrut.

cheesequake, new jersey.

Get yourself an Edgar Allan


Originally Posted by Bono
Dear Pookie,

I REFUSE TO DIE. Should I do a duet with Robbie Williams?


Bono, in space. That's right, space, that's how rich I am, pauper.

You should, because he also refuses to die.


dragi pookie i have a problem!

vec dosta dugo nemam curu,nikako nemogu naći ,u depresiji sam ,sta da radim? niko me neće ,zar sam ružan??
pozdrav ! ! ! you must understand that

I do, I do. You're not alone.

porkmarras 09.09.2006 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by space_monkey
danke schoene ,everybody says that croatian are the most beuthiful girl ..maybe... but i saw fucking good italian girls ,,fuck they are wonderful...but stupid!

What,because perhaps they shunned you?

porkmarras 09.09.2006 10:37 AM

Dear Pookie,
I haven't decided about my tipple of choice tonight.Any advice?


Lulu De La Fayette

Glice 09.09.2006 10:40 AM

Dear Pookie.

I'm terribly shy. What's the best way to pursuade Moustachioed Germans to suck my dong in a public toilet?


Peter Palimpsest.

fishmonkey 09.09.2006 10:42 AM

Dear Pookie..

10 years ago my husband left me and 5 years ago the kids melted, i've started dating a 48 stone trucker called "Big Al" who spends a lot of time on the road. He swears to me he's true but why do i feel so blue? How can i keep the man when my vagina is drooping about 2 inches from the floor at all times?

Mrs Baggy Box

Pookie 09.09.2006 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Gulasch Noir
Dear Pook,
i want to convince my girlfriend of the benefits of anal sex. Now you are an experienced man. What should I do/say?

Sorry, you've entered the wrong website, you need:


Originally Posted by Van Morrison
dear pookie,

i am a real cunt to everyone but in my heart i love every single person dearly. i have problems expresing this. what sould i do?

van morrison, your mums bed.

Don't worry, everybody knows you're a real cunt, you express it very well.


Originally Posted by elvis
hey pookie,

all these years i'm startin' to feel loneley, so i was wondering if it was time to reveal myself to the public again. i want to end those myths about me dying in the can.

shake it baby!

elvis "a picture of me with bigfoot gets you $15 000" presley

Yes, but come back as cool young elvis please. And be warned:


Everyneurotic 09.09.2006 10:44 AM

dear pookie,

i have a poisonous snake and fat greasy men fetish, but last time my 400 pound boyfriend, our pet cobra sparkle and me tried to make sweet sweet love, i just couldn't get it up. do you think it has anything to do with the 68 snake bites i have received in my willy and what should i do?

conrad "skinny" ries-myers.


Pookie 09.09.2006 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Lulu De La Fayette
Dear Pookie,
I haven't decided about my nipple of choice tonight.Any advice?


Lulu De La Fayette

Try this one:



Originally Posted by Peter Palimpsest
Dear Pookie.

I'm terribly shy. What's the best way to pursuade Moustachioed Germans to suck my dong in a public toilet?


Peter Palimpsest.

Try and stop them.

Gulasch Noir 09.09.2006 10:48 AM

Dir Pookie, i have a preference for that kind of fellatio pictures, where the fellatricis nose is held by the guy. Is this yet normal?

Gulasch Noir

jon boy 09.09.2006 10:49 AM

dear pookie,

i have terrible water retention in my ankles, is this due to the menapause?

margaret swathord, hampshire.

nicfit 09.09.2006 10:51 AM

Dear pookie....oh,sorry i wanted to drop a line to poochie!

p.s. are you his punk brother?

erwina dementia

Pookie 09.09.2006 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Mrs Baggy Box
Dear Pookie..

10 years ago my husband left me and 5 years ago the kids melted, i've started dating a 48 stone trucker called "Big Al" who spends a lot of time on the road. He swears to me he's true but why do i feel so blue? How can i keep the man when my vagina is drooping about 2 inches from the floor at all times?

Mrs Baggy Box

That shouldn't be a problem if his name is anything to go by.


Originally Posted by conrad "skinny" ries-myers
dear pookie,

i have a poisonous snake and fat greasy men fetish, but last time my 400 pound boyfriend, our pet cobra sparkle and me tried to make sweet sweet love, i just couldn't get it up. do you think it has anything to do with the 68 bites i have received in my willy and what should i do?

conrad "skinny" ries-myers.


Tell your boyfriend to stop biting your willy.

Glice 09.09.2006 10:55 AM

Dear Pookie,

I'm afraid of the sun! Why is it such a cunt? Tell it to fuck off. The fucking bastard.

Graham Nascent.

porkmarras 09.09.2006 10:56 AM

Dear Pookie,
I have a small willy and the doctor told me that it wont grow any bigger either.I'm 45 years old and have been waiting for some miracles to happen for years to no avail.The choice of remedies is varied but they don't seem to work for me so i'm contemplating the idea of having plastic surgery to have it replaced.Any good words for me?


Barbarous Zappa

Bora Bora

Everyneurotic 09.09.2006 11:00 AM

dear pookie,

i'm an existentialist and i have read the works of the greats and the more obscure thinkers, yet i'm still feeling a little empty on the subject; i've had many a sleepless night trying to figure it out but i just can't stop thinking about it.

so, i ask you, twizzlers or red vines?

ferdinand "barney" chernovetzky.

st. petersburg, russia.

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