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porkmarras 08.28.2006 05:26 PM

Are we all retarded for the most part or is it just an impression?
Let's see.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 08.28.2006 05:35 PM

we all just act like we're home alone.

static-harmony 08.28.2006 05:38 PM

Yes we are, human beings don't have the capacity to understand knowledge.

Toilet & Bowels 08.28.2006 07:24 PM

i just did three really good farts in a row. as is always the case when i do good farts though, there was nobody else around to hear it.

acousticrock87 08.28.2006 07:32 PM

That's not even a yes or no question. I abstain.

Pookie 08.29.2006 01:21 AM

I for one do a great impression of a retard.

static-harmony 08.29.2006 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
I for one do a great impresiion of a retard.

totally repped.

Signpost 08.29.2006 04:47 AM

I am.

Tokolosh 08.29.2006 05:10 AM

Elaborate please.

porkmarras 08.29.2006 05:11 AM

Hush up Tokolosh,what do you want to have elaborated for you eh?

Tokolosh 08.29.2006 05:15 AM

Your vocabulary is shrinking by the day pork.
I was just asking you to be more specific, and you start getting cocky again.

porkmarras 08.29.2006 05:17 AM

Yeah yeah whaaaeeeva!

Tokolosh 08.29.2006 05:24 AM

I'm sure 80% of your 7431 post are just as retarded as this thread.

Pookie 08.29.2006 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
I'm sure 80% of your 7431 post are just as retarded as this thread.

That's why we love him so.

Pookie 08.29.2006 05:28 AM

And don't do a disservice to this thread, it's WAY more retarded than his others.

Tokolosh 08.29.2006 05:28 AM

I gathered.

Pookie 08.29.2006 05:28 AM

Sorry, my last post should have ended with a ;)

porkmarras 08.29.2006 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
I'm sure 80% of your 7431 post are just as retarded as this thread.

I still don't understand how someone could decide to post on a thread that they think is retarded.It can't be that difficult......................................... ....................BECAUSE I'M KCHRIS AND I'M NOT STRESSED!I'M NOT!I'M NOT!

Tokolosh 08.29.2006 07:52 AM

Take a pill and chill pork. You're screaming again.

porkmarras 08.29.2006 07:55 AM


porkmarras 08.29.2006 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
stop this, i ll start crying.


Tokolosh 08.29.2006 08:00 AM

It's absurd that after all the bitching and moaning..... I still actually like you porkmarras.

porkmarras 08.29.2006 08:02 AM

wHAAAA???The moaning is done by you on the forum Tokolosh.

Tokolosh 08.29.2006 08:08 AM

That's maybe true to some extent, but bitching's your speciality. :)
Edit: Where's sonicl gone to, by the way?

porkmarras 08.29.2006 08:22 AM

hmmmm....maybe.Bitching means slagging off people for no reason and it's not something i specialize in at all.Duh!

porkmarras 08.29.2006 08:23 AM

sonicl is probably busy moving house.

Tokolosh 08.29.2006 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
sonicl is probably busy moving house.

What? Are the british boardies collectively moving in London.
First you, now him, who's next?
Are ya settled and feeling comfy in your new home?

Pookie 08.29.2006 08:47 AM

Just because we're from England doesn't mean we all live in London. sonicl doesn't.

porkmarras 08.29.2006 08:49 AM

He lives in Slough.And his real name is David Brent.

Tokolosh 08.29.2006 08:52 AM

You're right. I should of known Pooko.

gmku 08.29.2006 09:57 AM

Since scientists say we don't use most of our brain's capacity, we really are all retarded, aren't we?

Toilet & Bowels 08.29.2006 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
am sooo used to the above that my fear is that if anyone comes and lives with me, i should be more careful with that stuff.

not sure of my vote yet, that might be positive of me.

yeah, but i was disappointed nobody heard.

anyway, i'm moving house next month. pookie, do you live in london too?

jon boy 08.29.2006 10:12 AM

i am perfect in an empty room.

Everyneurotic 08.29.2006 10:17 AM

just the yeah yeah yeah fans amongst us.

Glice 08.29.2006 12:36 PM

Although I don't actually live in London, and haven't done so for a while, I'm fully aware of the fact that the rest of the world thinks that England is roughly the size of a swimming pool and we all wear top hats and drink tea and have awful teeth and listen to the Fall. Which is all, of course, true.

Glice 08.29.2006 12:36 PM

Oh, did I not mention: Yes, as retarded as a broom with down syndrome.

Pookie 08.29.2006 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
yeah, but i was disappointed nobody heard.

anyway, i'm moving house next month. pookie, do you live in london too?

No I don't live in London. I live a comfortable distance away, about 45 mins on the train. Just far enough away to escape the smell.

Cantankerous 08.29.2006 03:49 PM

use your head, porkchop.

porkmarras 08.29.2006 03:53 PM

If only..........

Cantankerous 08.29.2006 03:54 PM

by making this thread i think you pretty much answered your own question.

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