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RanaldoNecro 06.16.2011 09:05 AM

Lou Reed is recording with....

The Watcher 06.16.2011 09:44 AM

Holy christ, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit....... talk about a match made in the blackest pits of hell (and not in the good way).........

Derek 06.16.2011 09:49 AM

Yeah, poor Metallica. :(

The Watcher 06.16.2011 10:47 AM

Both Are Not Good In The Present But Both Were Once Good In The Past.......

GeneticKiss 06.16.2011 12:58 PM

This COULD be interesting...

Genteel Death 06.16.2011 01:24 PM

He would have been better off collaborating with one of the dogs him and Laurie Anderson played a gig for.

Pelle 06.17.2011 09:43 AM

Holy shit noo... :O

Metallica are a bunch of moneyhungry fgs. Lou Reed kix arse though...

It WILL be interesting though to hear it...but still ridicolus..just NO.

The Watcher 06.17.2011 10:17 AM

I don't care if people were comparing Death Magnetic to "the classic first four" they lost all credibility with Load, and I didn't even listen....... they will never ever ever ever ever ever have any again never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever...........

hevusa 06.17.2011 10:50 AM

assholes gravitating towards each other.

Mortte Jousimo 06.17.2011 11:16 AM

I think it will not been worse than Death Magnetic. I like St. Anger a lot, I think itīs as good as Master Of Puppets and Justice. Death Magnetic is very poor.

Pelle 06.17.2011 12:06 PM

The question still remains, what the fuck will Lou reed do on a metallica record?

Derek 06.17.2011 12:24 PM

Be a boring old asshole who's prime passed him long ago.

GeneticKiss 06.17.2011 01:34 PM

It's nice to hear such open-minded objectivity from everyone here.

Death Magnetic is awesome, by the way. St. Anger is OK, but it would've benefited from heavy editing and actually letting Kirk Hammett play a solo or two instead of giving in to popular opinion of the time.

Savage Clone 06.17.2011 01:39 PM

The music made by both has been objectively bad for some time.

cagedbird 06.17.2011 02:21 PM

Lou Reed is a mind-blower. Y'all are afraid of having your minds blown!

Pookie 06.17.2011 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
The music made by both has been objectively bad for some time.

This. Although "forever" in Metallica's case.

The Watcher 06.17.2011 02:53 PM

I'm about as open minded as the next guy, but there's no way I'm going to be "objective" about Lou Reed bro-ing it up with Lars and James...... frankly I'd rather be taken down to the local penitentary and sodomized.......

The Watcher 06.17.2011 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie
This. Although "forever" in Metallica's case.

Now just wait one gosh darn minute here......

Derek 06.17.2011 04:54 PM

Lou Reed is soooo relevant.

Genteel Death 06.17.2011 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
Lou Reed is soooo relevant.

He's more than you are.

Derek 06.17.2011 05:07 PM

I forgot I was an old rock dinosaur who made my best music in 1967.

The Watcher 06.17.2011 05:13 PM

I can't tell who is or isn't being sarcastic here...... I'd rather watch Derek fill out his taxes than watch Lou Reed put on the best performance of his life in 2011......

The Watcher 06.17.2011 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
I forgot I was an old rock dinosaur

I wish I was a dinosaur...... :mad:

Derek 06.17.2011 05:16 PM

Don't worry, you'll look like one when you reach the age of Grandpa Lou.

Genteel Death 06.17.2011 05:22 PM

Truth is, he influenced more young musicians than you while he was still young. You haven't. Get over it.

The Watcher 06.17.2011 05:28 PM

I even like John Cale more than Lou Reed...... but of course that's obvious he influenced more people than our friend Derek ehre, that doesn't mean we have to think he's still relevant...... Metallica was my favorite band from age 11-16 but that doesn't mean I'd even want to have a conversation with Lars or James...... Kirk is okay I guess.........

The Watcher 06.17.2011 05:29 PM

And fuck that Robert Trujillio guy, did you know he was the guy Sharon hired to go in and redo the bass on those early Ozzy albums? What a bunch of fucking bullshit. I hope Sharon Osbourne gets pink eye........

Genteel Death 06.17.2011 05:31 PM

I think he's been shit for years.

The Watcher 06.17.2011 05:34 PM

Derek or Lou Reed?

The Watcher 06.17.2011 05:34 PM

Or Robert Trujillio?

Genteel Death 06.17.2011 05:40 PM

Derek makes some really beautiful music. I'm listening to it right now.

The Watcher 06.17.2011 05:43 PM

It's true, I'm a big fan of that CD-R I received in the mail last week......

Derek 06.17.2011 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Truth is, he influenced more young musicians than you while he was still young. You haven't. Get over it.

I've still got time heheh.

But I'm saying he himself is irrelevant, obviously his influence isn't. The new Lou Reed album 2011 isn't influencing legions of young musicians.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 06.17.2011 07:18 PM

Hahahaha this is gonna suck so much ass.

Although I can't help but be reminded of MTV's Icon: Metallica they did about 10 yrs back. You had Snoop Dogg singing Sad But True, Avril singing Fuel, KoRn performing One and Limp Bizkit did Sanitarium. Master of Puppets was even covered by Sum 41, of all bands. If anyone is curious - there's videos of it all over YouTube. Pretty damn irrelevant to this thread but yeah.

GeneticKiss 06.17.2011 07:57 PM

Actually, Korn and Limp Bizkit were the LEAST embarassing of all those guys. Sum 41 were OK. But yeah, Avril and Snoop Dogg...Snoop Dogg's usually good, but that...nnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooo

Dr. Eugene Felikson 06.17.2011 08:32 PM

I'm pretty sure Snoop was just having fun with it, since his style didn't really fit the bill. Haha, kinda like when Marilyn Manson would occasionaly come out and awkwardly scream the chorus of "The Way I Am" during Eminem's live shows.

I agree that KoRn and Bizkit did best. I can't believe how stellar the Bizkit cover was actually. I liked Avril too, just 'cause. Sum 41.... I could care less. Bleh.

Mortte Jousimo 06.17.2011 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
It's nice to hear such open-minded objectivity from everyone here.

Death Magnetic is awesome, by the way. St. Anger is OK, but it would've benefited from heavy editing and actually letting Kirk Hammett play a solo or two instead of giving in to popular opinion of the time.

In my opinion they tried to do what fans want in Death Magnetic. It seemed they listened carefully Ride the Lightning, Puppets and Justice, picked there riffs, changed them a little and then put riffs from the different "original" songs into a same song. And I just canīt work! (Well it seems many fans swallowed that). I think it is just great there is no solos in St. Anger, there is already too much useless solos in the world. And I think thereīs nothing to edit, I love it all!

Mortte Jousimo 06.17.2011 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
I forgot I was an old rock dinosaur who made my best music in 1967.

I think Lou made great work also in Transformer and Berlin...

flashlight69 06.18.2011 04:39 AM

lou did also very great work on:
  • Lou Reed (1972)
  • Transformer (1972)
  • Berlin (1973)
  • Sally Can't Dance (1974)
  • Metal Machine Music (1975)
  • Coney Island Baby (1976)
  • Rock 'n' Roll Heart (1976)
  • Street Hassle (1978)
  • The Bells (1979)
  • Growing Up in Public (1980)
  • The Blue Mask (1982)
  • Legendary Hearts (1983)
  • New Sensations (1984)
  • Mistrial (1986)
  • New York (1989)
  • Magic and Loss (1992)
  • Set the Twilight Reeling (1996)
  • Ecstasy (2000)
  • The Raven (2003)
  • Hudson River Wind Meditations (2007)
i listened to ecstasy yesterday and i think itīs a very very very good record.

Derek 06.18.2011 11:03 AM

Haha sure.

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