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Do you mean this Suchy?
where is the text from? |
What? and it came from BBC |
an army marches on it's wallet.
show me someone who fights free and I'll show you a fucking liar. |
I mean wheres your link? |
yes, but this army started from scratch from a bunch of otherwise non-mercenary type basketball shoe wearing kind of people, and has been radically highjacked by the traditional African warlordism, and as such, has become a cry for money. Not there may not be any legitimate need, but these "rebels" have not exactly been freedom fighters since the beginning of all this, and now the truth really comes out. First it was, send us bombing raids and Western military intervention, now its just cut us the check like the rest of the corrupt assholes across the world living on American bribery. Fuck it. That's why I became an Orthodox Christian, it was the most radical of all philosophies. It teaches that since the world is such an absolutely crass and corrupt place, radically reject confrontation by going perpetually inwards. In Orthodox, all the world's problems are only your own, so you must go inwards not outside. There is never anyone more to blame for anything in the world than yourself. |
the reason i asked for that is you can never know where these things are coming from without a link
I didn't post the link because I saw this same story on several news sources so I though it was already front page and commonly accepted as then legitimate (thought not necessarily) |
for me, if the money has to go somewhere it has to go to the rebels.
The thing about Iraq is Saddam should have been removed in the first Gulf war, and there had to be a no fly zone over Northern Iraq for a decade when he wasnt. Then there were the sanctions which were unavoidable as long as he stayed in power. You just dont want that situation happening again, because then a war might be started 10 years from now to remove Gadaffi, and nobody likes how that turned out before. |
the first clue should have came early on when they made it a point to secure the oil port and the congratulatory news that "the rebels" were able to get a tanker-full sent off to the world market.
suck it down, europe. taste the revolution. |
If you think it was going to be a Green, GM-Free, chip-fat-fuelled revolution youre living in la la land. you seem to think that the natural resources of Libya being in the hands of its people rather than a dictator is a bad thing?
oh, I love the story of Robin Hood, but if you really think that the Qatari checks paying for those "rebel" tankers are ending up in the "hands of it's people" and not the pockets of some fatcats in France and Italy then you, kind sir, are deluded. |
and I reckon that the mere threat of that ever changing spurred NATO into action, because we all know the French army couldn't do it alone.
it's hard to win ground and surrender at the same time. |
And Gadaffi is better? Political corruption is bad but its alot better than a massacre. These things arent black and white, of course, there will be elements in the rebel movement who want to seize power for themselves. Im under no illusions that the "arab Spring" is entirely led by secular trade unionists, but the best thing we have done is stop the masscre in Benghazi with military force. I get that youre cynical about certain aspects of the people fighting against Gadaffi, but do you have any constructive criticism? Or are you just another man with a keyboard blaming everything on Oil and America? |
where have I blamed America? I believe I said Qatar, Italy and France. America does not buy any oil from Libya.
Gaddafi is nothing but a glorified playboy warlord. "the people" would certainly be better off without him, but ultimatley, at the higher echelons of this "revolution" you will surely find the same corrupting greed. there is simply too much fucking money at stake. all of that said, I applaud your idealism. maybe someday we can do it right. |
for the record, I have hated Gaddafi passionately since 1988 when his agents destroyed the Pan Am flight carrying MY monthly subscription to White Dwarf magazine.
fucking prick needs his head mounted on the gates of Tripoli. |
nothing to disagree with in your last 2 posts, especially the White Dwarf reference. Perhaps you are less optimistic than I am, but i think the internet's second greatest achievement after bringing you and I together is allowing the revolutions we've seen to take place, and giving opressed people easy access to information from the outside world. For me the rebel movement in Libya needs to be encouraged, theyve got a long long way to go, they wont turn into France overnight, but in a choice of two my support goes to them. |
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to floatingslowly again. Quote:
not necessarily, who are these dudes, where do they come from? In African politics in particular and in Libya as well, its generally warlords. If you look at what this rebellion has evolved into in the past months, its just that. Compare it to say what happened concurrently in Ivory Coast, yet another unfortunately typical African situation. A lot of lives were lost in cruel and callous pitch battles in the street. For a few weeks it was as bad as it every was in Ivory Coast, which is a country that has seen no lack of hardships. Now the international community and foreign military under UN blue helmets gave Outtara and his own warlords and militias the thumbs up, and he moved in his forces even with French air support. Now he and his warlords are firmly in power with full international support. Is Outtaro a better asshole than Gbagbo, of course, it goes without saying. However in the end, what does it really all come down to? The same thing as in Libya.. Quote:
And if Gaddafi is such a heartless Hitler and is purely humanitarian intervention, then why is Yemen, Bahrain, and Syria entirely off the hook for what is turning out to be far more atrocious crises. In Libya, Gaddafi is fighting a civil war against an armed uprising, where as in those other places I mentioned genuine, unarmed, civil protesters have been slaughtered in the street by the hundreds now just in a few passing weeks :( I do not necessarily say the foreign military should go invade anywhere else, after all, what have the foreign militaries managed to do in Libya? Have they stopped anyone from killing anybody? Nonsense, in fact quite the opposite, the foreign militaries have been having a blast doing what it is that militaries do best, killing people :( No, I bring up Syria and Yemen and Ivory Coast to point out exactly to the point that there is something blatantly wrong in Libya, and it looks like it has a lot more do to with money than anything else, after all, there are a dozen larger scale humanitarian crises going on concurrently and yet somehow Libya takes the top priority consistently. And then these rebels have the nerve to ask for $3 BILLION with a straight face? Its literally unprecedented, that is some serious ferria.. |
Plenty of unarmed people have been killed in Libya too I want to answer your point about "a dozen larger scale humanitarian crises going on concurrently and yet somehow Libya takes the top priority consistently" thats a great point, and a point that never goes away. But the thing about international politics is the events in Libya have much more of a pervcussive effect on the region; the solution in Syria changes with the situation in Libya, as does the most important state in the region; Iran My ideals are that the Ivory Coast, Sudan, Zimbabwe, and other African nations under similar oppressive regimes become free. I believe in universal human rights, the people in those countries deserve the liberties you and I have. The fact is that the Arab/Persian world is politically more important in the advancement of those liberties. If i could push a button and bring an end to the war in Darfur, even if it meant i had to swear loyalty to Jesus Effin Christ, id do it. Fact is we live ina world where evil people have power. |
do you know what it means to have a revolution? I believe in your ideals, and share them, and they are not ideals, they are realistic goals I assure you. However I think you've missed the bigger point of this thread, that with these rebels in Libya, just because they are not Gaddafi, does not inherently mean they are any better than Gaddafi, if anything, history has thousands of examples where it becomes quite worse. These rebels are not sharing your ideals, they are just in it for the same thing as any other gunman and bandit, the money ;) |
I indeed addressed the bigger point in my post earlier in the thread. As i said before, i accept that the rebels do not share all my ideals, but I dont think theyd be fighting against almost insurmountable odds just for the sake of a bit more money. |
you might be surprised how little money people will kill over, its unfortunate really :( |
Its sad indeed. But Gadaffi stamped much more than money on those people's heads, I just dont think they should be dismissed as moneygrabbers. The sale of oil to finance their operations are purely practical at the moment. If it gets to the stage where they instigate their own "Great Terror" then i'll be the first to denounce it.
"hey e-40 belafonte, what is yo take on the situation in Libya, Syria, or Yemen?"
![]() It's All bad.. It's All Bad.. |
you and your popular culture icons. Will you never learn??? |
duuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh whats your point? |
duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh fair enough |
It is isnt it? So much so that i have to resort to wine. |
lol |
thank you! I was going to say something but I didn't want to look like a dick, so I'm glad somebody else did! Quote:
There was genuine protests and uprisings in the country initially same as the rest of the broader region, but it was quickly coopted by Western stooges as while the Col. isn't any worse than all their other client dictators he does have problem in that he is independent.
I dunno if anyone can see this post, but im unable to access the last page of this thread?
Let the conspiracy theories begin; THE LIBERAL MEDIA WANTS TO SILENCE ME! THE JEWISH LOBBY IS PROTECTING ITS ASSETS ONCE AGAIN! BBC BIAS! ITS ALL DOWN TO BBC BIAS! edit: It seems its displaying a third page where none exists... this just adds fuel to the pyre of conspiracy... I cant trust noone on here any more... |
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