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dazedcola 03.29.2006 08:35 PM

What Music Do You Listen To When You Sleep ?
Right before you fall asleep and are lying in bed. what music do you put on ? I always put on some kind of music to sleep to every night, it's become a pattern. I dont think I haven't listened to music before i sleep in over 4 or 5 yrs.

Some great records to Sleep To:
Velvet Underground- S/t, Loaded, VU and the Quine Tapes
SY- Evol, Washing Machine, Nurse, Murray Street, EJTNS
Beck- One Foot in The Grave, Mutations
Neil Young - any record
Built To Spill- any record
Smashing Pumpkins- any record
Television- Marquee Moon
My Bloody Valentine- Loveless
REM- Eponymous, Automatic For the people
Nirvana- Unplugged
Superchunk- Tossing Seeds, No Pocket For Kitty
Beatles- White Album, Abbey Road
Meat Puppets- II, Too High To Die
Sebadoh- III, The Freed Weed
Amps- Pacer
Mazzy Star- So Tonight That I Might See

What about you guys ?

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 03.29.2006 08:37 PM

well I watch television when going to bed. But I want to get out of the habbit. Usually Ill listen to something long, it takes me a while to sleep. A few nights ago I listened some live derek and the dominos. Really repetive stuff also.

soapbars 03.29.2006 08:38 PM

loveless is a good album,

also anything by people like ulrich schnauss or m83,

sonicl 03.30.2006 03:31 AM

Lately it's been Pelican and Explosions in the Sky, but I bought the new Mogwai yesterday, so last night it was that.

There's been a bit of Steve Hillage's Rainbow Dome Musick recently too.

Hip Priest 03.30.2006 03:32 AM

Not music, but I like to have the elctric fan blowing over me. The whirrr is very relaxing.

screamingskull 03.30.2006 03:42 AM

mazzy star - roseblood, before i sleep, halah

Soundtrax 03.30.2006 03:48 AM

this is my most ussual playlist for falling asleep, easy listening repetative meditative atmospheric post-rock without heavy parts:

1. Lunar - Reverberateur Numerique
2. Kinski - I Think I Blew It (7:59)
3. Tarentel - For Carl Sagan (20:57)
4. Do Make Say Think - Goodbye Enemy Airship (12:37)
5. Do Make Say Think - Classic Noodlanding (5:26)
6. Tarentel - Looking For Things (15:09)
7. Tarentel - The Waltz (15:13)
8. Tarentel - Searching For Things (24:22)
9. Tarentel - Two Sides Of Myself (Part I) (6:24)
10. Tarentel - Steede Bonnet (12:00)
11. Ganger - Blaufest (3:30)
12. Ganger - Blau (4:42)
13. Tank - Ishellir
14. Do Make Say Think - All Of This Is True (7:46)
15. Do Make Say Think - Bruce E Kinesis (3:39)
16. Do Make Say Think - The Fare To Get There (19:32)
17. Do Make Say Think - Soul And Onward (5:29)
18. Gregor Samsa - Untitled (6:52)
19. Lanterna - Clear Blue (5:06)
20. Sigur Ros - Svefn G Englar (10:06)
21. Do Make Say Think - Anything For Now (9:14)
22. Polmo Polpo - Farewell
23. Polmo Polpo - Dreaming (Again) (4:50)
24. The Album Leaf - We Once Were (Two) (4:36)
25. Album Leaf - On Your Way (4:31)
26. Magyar Posse - (Untitled) (5:46)
27. Mono - Op Beach (5:48)
28. Mono - L'America (4:37)
29. Mono - Human Highway (9:05)
30. Mogwai - Cody (6:33)
31. Mogwai - Punk Rock (2:08)
32. Tarentel - Bridge 2 (7:25)
33. Labradford - Recorded And Mixed At Sound Of Music, Richmond, Va. (7:50)
34. Mogwai - May Nothing But Happiness Come Through Your Door (8:29)
35. Magyar Posse - Lufthan (6:49)
36. 1 Mile North - Evil Architecture (9:52)
37. Album Leaf - The Mp (6:21)
38. Mogwai - Golden Porsche (2:49)
39. Tristeza - Building Peaks (4:51)
40. Lanterna - Adriatic (6:40)
41. Below The Sea - Luka Matijevic (3:30)
42. 1 Mile North - In 1983 He Loved To Fly (9:04)
43. Lanterna - Last Practice (8:54)
44. Tortoise - Dear Grandma And Grandpa (2:49)
45. Tortoise - A Survey (2:52)
46. Explosions In The Sky - First Breath After Coma (9:33)
47. Sigur Ros - (06) (8:35)
48. Sigur Ros - Olsen Olsen (8:05)
49. Mogwai - Hunted By A Freak (4:16)
50. Sigur Ros - (04) (7:03)
51. Pan American - Tract (5:42)
52. Mono - Ode (7:06)
53. Placebo - Bonus Track (7:31)
54. Fly Pan Am - Nice Est En Feu! (9:35)
55. Sigur Ros - (03) (6:33)
56. Mogwai - Close Encounters (3:55)
57. Below The Sea - Tropic Of Cancer (4:42)
58. Slint - Washer (8:50)
59. Do Make Say Think - Highway 420 (8:55)
60. Do Make Say Think - The Apartment Song (3:52)
61. Do Make Say Think - Minmin (8:23)
62. Do Make Say Think - White Light Of (6:56)
63. Aurore Rien - Hearts Murmur Under Halogen Lights (9:30)
64. Explosions In The Sky - The Moon Is Down (10:02)
65. Below The Sea - Black Monday For Investors (7:51)
66. Explosions In The Sky - With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept (12:04)
67. Album Leaf - Thule (4:23)
68. Album Leaf - The Audio Pool (4:57)
69. Maserati - Ambassador Of Cinema (6:05)
70. Mercury Program, Maserati - Closer Than You Know How (6:16)
71. Mercury Program, Maserati - A Crusading Theme (4:45)
72. Mercury Program, Maserati - Saint Rose Of Lima (5:24)
73. Mercury Program, Maserati - You Give Me Problems About My Business (5:38)
74. Miztura - So Begi (6:51)
75. Surface Of Eceyon - Victory Of Ice And Magyk (5:52)
76. Tortoise - Glass Museum (5:29)
77. Tortoise - Along The Banks Of The River (5:51)
78. Paul Newman - 02 - Untitled

Sn@ke 03.30.2006 05:07 AM

Yesterday I was listening:

Confusion is Sex.

A Thousand Threads 03.30.2006 05:18 AM

yesterday it was MUGISON
the day before it was RADIAN

Kannibal 03.30.2006 05:30 AM

it's sort of dumb to listen music while sleeping, brain tends to need some rest too, you know.

A Thousand Threads 03.30.2006 05:39 AM

it´s not i i listen to music while sleeping
i listen to it while falling asleep

Kannibal 03.30.2006 05:40 AM

yes, and your brain has extrawork until the music finishes.

A Thousand Threads 03.30.2006 05:47 AM

that is not true

music can help your brain to relax

Kannibal 03.30.2006 10:50 AM

right... of course during that time when it needs to deal on it's own.

Inhuman 03.30.2006 06:26 PM

Simon Guibord
Don Caballero
Weights and Measures

nomadicfollower 03.30.2006 09:08 PM

I can't sleep with music playing. But if I had to it would definetly be Do Make Say Think.

hey alex 03.30.2006 10:36 PM

I normally like to play something in the restless time before I doze off. Like when I'm not totally tired but have nothing else to do but lie and listen... for that i like...
mazzy starr
ravi shankar
boards of canada
animal collective's sung tong or a comp of acoustic radio sessions
trainspotting sdtk
VU's s/t
walkmen's bow and arrows

calm or something

schizophrenicroom 03.30.2006 10:45 PM

Brian Eno (usually "Music For Airports") and My Bloody Valentine.

Try listening to Freezer Burn/I Wanna Be Yr Dog in the dark with your eyes closed. I couldn't close my eyes for an hour afterwards.

John Violence 03.30.2006 10:57 PM

I usually just listen to a sleep mix on my ipod. Sometimes when I sleep I wake up to the chaotic part of the Diamond Sea and have no idea what's going on.

screamingskull 03.31.2006 04:51 AM

i also like to listen to sonic youth's sweet shine, that puts me to sleep really easily, but at the end of the song there's about 2 minutes silence then theres alot of screeching, that wakes me up.

sonikold 03.31.2006 02:04 PM

usually it's:
robert rich- below zero
tangerine dream- zeit
TUU- 1,000 Years
ashratempel- new age of earth
anything by penguin cafe orchestra, tim buckley or syd barrett

i have trouble falling asleep without music on, especially living in a noisy dorm.

HaydenAsche 03.31.2006 05:14 PM

Explosions in the Sky
A Silver Mt. Zion
Do Make Say Think
Murray Street
the Unicorns
Xiu Xiu - A Promise

noumenal 03.31.2006 05:16 PM

I can't listen to music while I'm falling asleep. It will keep me awake.

toxic johnny 03.31.2006 06:35 PM

Yeah neither can I... I usually don't want to miss out on anything.

A long time ago I was listening to the John Peel show in bed and fell asleep... only to be woken up by Alan Vega's unearthly piercing screams during 'Frankie Teardrop' in a cold sweat... that was my introduction to Suicide.
I've never looked back.

The 97th Hammer 03.31.2006 07:51 PM

I have music on a lot of the time when I'm home so my stereo goes to bed at the same time as me in that I always insist on properly emptying it then shutting at down. Late at night I like:
Stars of the Lid
The quiter moments of Birchville Cat Motel
Brian Eno's Music for Airports
Disc four of Pan Sonic's Kesto: It's an hour long electronic drone. It's perfect when you're drunk or have consumed inhuman amounts of coffee to make yourself stay up and finish a paper.

John Violence 03.31.2006 10:39 PM

I remember listening to Murray Street when It came out when I was sleeping. I didn't know that Individual Thought Patterns by Death was the next CD. I woke up to Death and was very confused.

m^a(t)h 03.31.2006 11:57 PM


Inhuman 04.01.2006 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by John Violence
I usually just listen to a sleep mix on my ipod. Sometimes when I sleep I wake up to the chaotic part of the Diamond Sea and have no idea what's going on.

This happened to me countless times haha. I'll play washing machine from start to finish, and I always fall asleep at Diamond Sea and wake up later to it

thewall91 04.01.2006 09:56 AM

kind of cliche, but i put on Air's Moon Safari when I can't sleep.

In high school I used to put on bongwater's Too Much Sleep every night - I'd flip the tape every night and I was always asleep by the end of either side.

samuel 04.01.2006 09:56 AM

Kotton Krown

Trasher02 04.01.2006 11:10 AM

THE best song to listen to when yr sleeping is
the Velvet Underground - Venus in Furs
i totally love that song

therealglenstyler 04.01.2006 12:32 PM

the spheres

sonikold 04.01.2006 01:26 PM

i used to have a 50 disc cd player and one time i woke up & it was playing system of a down's toxicity- my half-asleep brain could not handle that. i slept through the whole album, too, it was on the secret track...

al shabbray 04.01.2006 04:57 PM

great for dreaming away:
especially "the campfire headphase"
clouddead are also good, and of course sonic youth, but be prepared of being waken up violently by some noise disturbing your dream machine

hey alex 04.01.2006 05:01 PM

campire songs by animal collective

really good becuz it's like an hour of whirling acoustic guitars

Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski 04.02.2006 05:27 PM

REM's Murmur is the best album to fall asleep to...

It's almost so good though, that I don't want to sleep.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 04.02.2006 05:32 PM

fans are good

Grete 04.03.2006 07:42 AM

it depends...but sigur ros are the best!;-)

krastian 04.03.2006 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski
REM's Murmur is the best album to fall asleep to...

It's almost so good though, that I don't want to sleep.

That's a good call there.

Soundtrax 04.03.2006 02:50 PM

The ultimate Sonic Youth Lullabye playlist:

1. Sonic Youth - Becuz (4:43)
2. Sonic Youth - Saucer-Like (4:25)
3. Sonic Youth - Skip Tracer (3:48)
4. Sonic Youth - Washing Machine (9:33)
5. Sonic Youth - JC (4:03)
6. Sonic Youth - On The Strip (5:42)
7. Sonic Youth - Tunic (Song For Karen) (6:21)
8. Sonic Youth - Kotton Krown (5:07)
9. Sonic Youth - Winner's Blues (2:07)
10. Sonic Youth - Shoot (5:17)
11. Sonic Youth - Anagrama (9:31)
12. Thurston Moore - Elegy For All The Dead Rocks (19:46)
13. Sonic Youth - Intro (1:11)
14. Sonic Youth - Unwind (6:02)
15. Sonic Youth - Beauty Lies In The Eye (2:19)
16. Sonic Youth - I Love Golden Blue (7:03)
17. Sonic Youth - Shadow Of A Doubt (3:32)
18. Sonic Youth - Hoarfrost (5:01)
19. Sonic Youth - Sweet Shine (5:30)
20. Sonic Youth - Tremens (3:22)
21. Sonic Youth - Skink (4:12)
22. Sonic Youth - Snare, Girl (6:38)
23. Sonic Youth - Little Trouble Girl (4:29)
24. Thurston Moore - Female Cop (5:25)
25. Sonic Youth - The Diamond Sea (19:36)
26. Sonic Youth - I Dreamed I Dream (Remastered Original Record) (5:16)

what do you think?

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