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This Insane Clown Posse interview is AMAZING
Seriously. This entirely made my day. "Have you ever stood next to an elephant, my friend?" asks Violent J. "A fucking elephant is a miracle. If people can't see a fucking miracle in a fucking elephant, then life must suck for them, because an elephant is a fucking miracle. So is a giraffe."
haha thanks. These guys are brilliant. I watch Spun and there they are, doing Juggalo Championshit Wrestling. I play video games and there they are, doing Backyard Wrestling. I can't walk down a street without seeing a jugallo in this town.. I'd seriously guess 10% of this town is juggalos.. stickers, t-shirts, hats, there are cars that are just covered with hatchetman and shit... they admit they have no talent, can't play music, can't rap, and write shitty lyrics, and they're fucking RICH. What an inspirational band -- they're completely indepdent (now, at least; they used to be on "big" record labels until they relized they could, y'know, take ALL the profits, instead of just $1 per cd sell, by making their own label)... they make something ridiculous like $10,000,000 PROFIT a year, and they're on yreally popular in the midwest... so, let's say, 10-15 states are making them $10,000,000-ish. PROFIT. Fucking insane. I mean, that's mindblowing. That's a position EVERY BAND wants to be in.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to watch big money rustla$. |
I can't say I'm surprised. There's loads of secret Christians out there. They're just some of the more obvious ones. They always seem like sweet guys, and I like that they've done it all off their own back, and don't seem concerned at all with fashion. It's just a shame the music is so very, very poor.
ICP fans = dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.
They're transparently dumb though. Unlike, say, SY fans who tend to waltz around in a delirious state of sneering condescension based on spurious notions of superiority over normal people
that song was the stupidest song i ever heard. the snl version wasn't funny because the original version is even stupider than the parody.
This 'news' is 10 years old! :confused:
Cool interview though. I especially liked, Quote:
I've never actually seen/read them treat that issue with such honesty before. Thanks for that. Quote:
:rolleyes: And what would you say about me? Someone who is literally torn between Sonic Youth and ICP when asked "What's your favorite band?" Am I some sort of idiot savant? |
no you've just got no ability to differentiate between a something great or a turd
Oh, okay.
Insane Clown Posse in Cynical Marketing Shocker!
They're quite the little Max Webers, aren't they.
The fact that you'd describe yourself as an 'idiot savant' suggests you're closer to being a SY fan, and thus a complete dickhead. Plus, what & Bowels said. EDIT: Also (and I'm surprised I didn't notice this earlier) you're not 'literally' torn, unless you've found some way of having an entirely autonomous complete torsal bisectomy. In which case you'd be some sort of worm, and thus GTFO my forum, worm. |
I like when they were on Howard Stern some years ago...talking shit to some guy that called in, making threats, then backing out when they discovered the guy was across the street and willing to meet 'em outside.
yeah...this pretty much sums up all my opinions regarding these guys. |
I bet these two have made well over a billion dollars. Just unreal.
Millions, no doubt.
It's America though, people do it every day. |
the Eastbound and Down crew should make a HBO comedy series about juggalos. I don't know why, but I feel it'd be hilarious.
they announced they were Christians on the first Wraith DVD. Didn't they? (back me up Joe).
anyway: Clown society From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Clown society is a term used in anthropology and sociology for an organization of comedic entertainers (Heyoka or "clowns") who have a formalized role in a culture or society. // [edit] Description and Function Sometimes clown societies have a sacred role, to represent a trickster character in religious ceremonies.[citation needed] Other times the purpose served by members of a clown society is only to parody excessive seriousness, or to deflate pomposity.[citation needed] In the sense of how clowns serve their culture:[citation needed]
In the case of the Zuni clown society of the Pueblo Indians, "one is initiated into the Ne'wekwe order by a ritual of filth-eating" where "mud are smeared on the body for the clown performance, and parts of the performance may consist of sporting with mud, smearing and daubing it, or drinking and pouring it onto one another".[1][2] The sacred clown and his apparently antisocial behavior is condoned in Indian ceremonies.[3] While in their costume, clowns have special permission from their society to parody or criticize defective aspects of their own culture. They are always required to be funny. Other persons living within the same culture may recognize a clown when they see one, but seldom consciously understand what the clowns do for their society. The typical explanation is "He's just a funny man."[citation needed] In the case of the jester at the English Royal Court with his cap of bells and pig's bladder stick he was allowed to make fun of, be indelicate and sometimes downright rude to members of the royal family and their entourage without fear of reprisal. Clown societies usually train new members to become clowns. The training normally takes place by an apprentice system, although there may be some rote schooling as well.[citation needed] Sometimes the training is improvisational comedy, but usually a clown society trains members in well known forms of costume, pantomime, song, dance, and common visual gags. Occasionally these include a scripted performance, or skit, which is part of a standard repertoire that "never gets old," and is expected by members of the culture that the clown society is part of. In Native North America. humor assumes "a sacred position within ceremonials"[4]; examples are found in Trickster traditions, Pueblo clown societies, Cherokee "Booger" dances, and aspects of the Northwest Coast Potlatch.[5] Humor is a fundamental aspect of Native American life, and has many purposes related to sacred rituals and social cohesion.[5] [edit] Examples
A clown society is different from, but closely related to a school for comedians. Comedians serve many of the same social functions of parody and social criticism, and also embody the role of the trickster, but a comedian usually only uses slightly exaggerated mannerisms to show that he/she is joking. Comedians who are not also clowns do not wear a blatantly outrageous or formalized costume.[citation needed] Also, a comedian has to take personal responsibility for his/her humour and its consequences, whereas a person in clown-costume has some protection from reprisal. As a general rule, a comedian says funny things, a comic does funny things, and a clown does things funny. |
Why even care? And why bother on a SY board? Fucking weird. ICP and their fans are the retards of American society. Encouraging it got old in the aughts. |
quoted for truth (@ hevusa) |
You don't have to LIKE Insane Clown Posse. I could care less if anyone likes them or not. But if you can't appreciate what they're doing based on ^ then yr just being stubborn. |
Hahaha.. The truth in regards to ICP. Fucking adorable! |
You really are quite a spastic, aren't you?
That's a rhetorical question mark. |
Sometimes I watch children's TV shows just so I can suggest better words they could've used to express themselves. Instead of 'squidgy', I often suggest 'rotund' or 'concupiscent'. That'll learn those puppety fuckers. |
I know exactly what you're talking about. It's on YouTube. I guess a few people started calling in, and dissing 'em, so they started talking mad shit, obviously hamming it up for the radio interview (you know...being wicked clownz) and the guy who they were threatening just happened to be a few blocks down, and he unexpectedly walked over to the station. They told Howard to let him into the recording room that they were in, but Stern wouldn't have any of it. J did mention that he really didn't wanna fight, since they had a show that night, and he didn't want to risk being hauled off to jail - Shaggy, on the other hand, just remained mostly silent, biting his lip, wanting to take the motherfucker out. You have to remember, before there was the Insane Clown Posse, there was the Inner City Posse, a legitimate southwest Detroit street gang, who had the respect of other local gangs such as the Axe-Men, the Cobras, and the Counts. Joe Bruce, and Joey Utsler are certainly not afraid to scrap, if necessary. Quote:
Yeah, they officially announced it in the abysmal song 'Thy Unveiling' about 10 years ago. But it wasn't that hard to figure out that many of the Jokers' cards were based around Christian mythology, even before they announced it. The Riddlebox, and The Ringmaster are obviously allusions to St. Peter. The entire concept of the Dark Carnival, and the Insane Clown Posse is actually based on a recurring dream that J would have about a clown with haunting black, and white facepaint running through the slums of Detroit, and others where the clown would be doing Tarot car....errr....Jokers' card spreads in a demented circus, with ferris wheels, big tops, and roller coasters that towered high above the clouds. They wanted to do something horror-based, and develop their own franchise like Esham had done...so the Insane Clown Posse was born! I think the whole Christianity thing only weaseled it's way in there, since J is such a devout Christian. |
break it down? |
I was looking into the etymology of carnival today. I had assumed it was etymologically linked to 'carnal'; which it is, but not in the way I expected. The 'Carn' is the same as Italian's 'carne', meat or flesh; Carn- eval (from levare, 'to raise') was the period of merriment before lent - and given that some meats were often not consumed during lent, I'd assume it's a festival involving meat-eating. So I suppose you could say there's an element of the indulgence before the penitential purging to ICP. I'd highly doubt they're aware of that sort of thing, but it's always interesting to impose these sorts of narratives on things, no?
It's that middle ground mundanity. The Stereophonics, basically. Not quite absurdly hetero enough to be entertaining (Moterhead) or gay enough to be interesting (fischerspooner)... lacking in gay in both directions. |
hevusa talks like a 12 year old who just last week discovered logic, doesn't he? always with the Big Pronouncements. i have nothing to say about the original topic, by the way. |
Really? No comment about ICP? *shakes head* They are sooooooooooooo worth discussing on a sonic youth forum. |
alright, well what do you have to say about Sonic Youth that's going to blow our minds? |
glice is one of those queers that fucks women but really he'd be the first to proposition you inapropriately when he's not getting enough attention or just bored. he said he would have fucked me if i was near him. HELL NO. unlike genteel who is just a timid fart queen too afraid of his own paedosity. probably. why not. genteel would fuck you awkwardly and want to fart on you and then afterwards he would make up hysterical and stupid excuses for you to leave so he COULD BE ALONE. then next time he saw you he'd stab you. both glice and genteel are just old pathetic hipsters who spend their time on messageboards trying to impress kids with their knowledge of old rock and pop music. whatever gaping wound this temporarily patches over... fuck i don't want to know that's the type of abyss you don't want to go near.
genteel is weird, i don't know if he is straight up freak but its fun to say since you know it he's terrified of the accusation. he's angsty and self pitying and would probably start behaving strangely with you in a bar to test the limits of the crap you will take from him. i can definitely see him involved in some boy george/singer from gorgoroth type torture incident only he'll never be rich enough to get away with it and he knows it. glice does shitty noise and genteel does mediocre +1 noise that is just depressing in its its underground professionalism. its sad because noone cares really and he's getting old. really they are just 2 losers trying to impress kids and bolster their battered egos with their knowledge of underground pop culture. but at least genteels music is listenable and maybe even good if not bland and lacking in a vocalist and mad shreds and some rythm and structure. it could at least have some use as a film soundtrack. glice is just wank noodling and releasing it on CS so he can have released something. well i only say this because you both need boots up your asses. that transient binge thread. someone should have slapped you in the fucking face before you even thought of typing that shit. didn't your father ever take you outside and kick you in the face and say "son, don't be a self obsessed neurotic, the world does not need your whiny hipsterism"? he should have. the he should have ripped out a mad shred or a keyboard solo. all your music is shit and there isn't even solos. glice just plays like its one big long solo but he cant actually solo, and he calls it "noise". here is a suitable role model for you two http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7yh5...eature=related now there's a good use of talent. shows you what hard work and dedication can do. that's a young man whose set to go far. but i guess you two slackers would rather go out and suck some dick and then use the depression you get from the aids eating at your body to "noise jam". BECAUSE IM SPECIAL AND I MAKE ART DADDY. degenerate faggots. you want some old mid life crisis dude to fall in love with your ass pussy so he can be dazzled by your hipness due to your opinions on lady gaga and other popular media entertainment figures. you need someone like him since he's trying so hard to be cool and failing and needs you to appear "with it" but you can disavow any connection and bitch about him behind his back if someone cooler comes along. even if it did happen you slackers would never use the money to do anything other than blow it in the first shop you find. you are just masochists doomed to spend life drinking alone or in pubs getting even desperater and bitterer for your hip consumer entertainment product taste to be validated by someone so you can realise you don't like them anymore because you always have to be one step ahead. its hard to respect you as human beings, let alone as musicians since you just play degenerate hipster noise which pretends it can anti solo when it just wants to shred but is too self conciouss and unable to put in the effort. there are many fine guitar technique books you can find at your local music emporium or internet retailer. also i would suggest you fidgety fags stick to the one instrument and try to improve your skills on it rather than farting about on whatever piece of crap you bought so you could entertain the fantasy it would be like your new thing and you always thought it was so cool on the way home from the shop. genteel will probably be arrested for torture or stalking some female siltbreeze musician who comes over on tour. he will start chatting to her and try to impress her with his detailed knowledge of her career and some of the "cool old stuff that used to be out on siltbreeze yeah um... I BOUGHT YOUR VINYL WHEN DOES MY VAGINA START TO GROW? HOW MUCH ART DO I NEED TO DO FOR IT TO GROW?". because he thinks by fluttering around her he can somehow gain access to her feminine secrets. but really her female biology is non transferable since physically he can only use his ass as a mock vagina and no man really wants to take it for that purpose. all he can find are other gays like him that want the rewards of female narcissism but don't realise they don't have vaginas. genteel is a mess of emotions but you can understand because he's foreign it must be tough being in london. at least the music he makes could have some sort of purpose or sound good on some film soundtrack. but you notice he never out and out admits to his queerness, always talks about gayness as some subject seperate from him that he has ironic distanciation from. here is another track for you to listen so you might learn something about music. hint - gossiping about journalists from the wire as if you know them on first name basis isn't anything to do with music it's just you being acting like the 12 year old girls that you want to have inside your hearts who act like bitches and then project this bitchiness onto other by calling them twats and get away with it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--wAw7gBQxU you should pay attention to the dynamism of the mood and the keyboard. i suggest you ask your local retailer for the motion picture soundtrack and learn something about showmanship. here is another display of talent and skill which comes with hard work and practice not dick sucking like you seem to think guys . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOqKBnb6GK8 anyway they are both just kids hanging on to their rotting hormones and how they made you feel about incesticide when you were 13. that morphed into the delusion that your "taste" matters for shit. what is irritating about glice is that he is an old dude but he still does this "you really are a fucking spastic aren't you" type insult that went out of fashion when i was still a kid. he does that whole "you're SUCH A FUCKING CUNT but i'm also so well spoken and prissy" thing with his insults. it is tedious to say the least. but i suppose this is the guy who was telling me that MCR wrote great lyrics so i guess i just find his taste in things laughably teen emo. |
i don't always agree with rob but i think he discovered logic much earlier in life and is therefore capable of nuanced thought (in spite of his stentorian rhetoric). |
Oh, they are totally in the closet ICP fans naturally. |
MCR do write great lyrics. You're on the money there. Also, I laughed. The customer care team have been notified of your complaint. They said 'fuck off with your arse-banditry, spazz'. |
Heterophobe. |
I forgot that after age 30, we are supposed to "renew."
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