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Rob Instigator 08.13.2010 02:03 PM

Music/Songs from your hometown by
Everyone that hits their local shows for any length of time has experienced the following. You catch a great local act, think, "holy fuck this band is great" and try to go see them as often as you can. Sometimes these acts get bigger and bigger, and move to greener pastures to make their fame and fortune. Other times, the band gigs for a year , then breaks up, for one of the multitude of reasons bands break up. In other situations the band's lifetime just peters out, after years on the local circuit.
Life has a way of changing people's plans.

With the advent of Youtube and other such sites acts long-forgotten can be revived or at least enjoyed again.
This is one of my old faves, from back in 1991, when I graduated H.S. and moved onto Univ. of Houston.

The Mike Gunn were GIANTS in the Houston scene, playing with similarly heavy, noisy, warped acts from Houston such as the PAIN TEENS, DRY NOD, RUSTED SHUT, etc. They had three LP's before calling it quits, and those damn LP's are selling for $40-$70 a pop. It seems that heavy sludge stoner proggy rock from back in the day has a huge following among collectors locally and on the Ebay.

This song is my fave Mike Gunn song.


so please use this thread to share bands and songs from the local bar/club/shows that you have attended, played, etc. Spread the word about yr local acts, past and present.

SONIC GAIL 08.13.2010 02:32 PM

This is one of my mom's songs she wrote. SHe was a guitarist, singer and songwriter. She would go play shows with her band Rebel Grass at local bars and restaraunts. SHe also made some money by plaing for people in resthomes. They loved her. I know its not most peoples cup of tea (not even my chosen style of music) but my momma was a great musician and she gave me her voice.:)

Rob Instigator 08.13.2010 02:55 PM

that's so cool that yr mom used to play gigs.

no matter the music type it takes balls to put yrself out there.

what a weird lyrical end to that song SG!

_slavo_ 08.13.2010 02:58 PM

Kolowrat, a band from my small hometown, and my favourite national band.

SONIC GAIL 08.13.2010 03:01 PM

Thanks!!!! My dream too. She had a taped recoerded in a studio and I later took it and paid to get it in digital form. I made a cool cd cover and everything and gave em to mt siblings for christmas. I know i mentioned before that she passed along time ago so it is very special to me.

At one of her rest home appearances for thanksgiving she made a turkey costume and wore it during the show. It was fucking hillarious.

Rob Instigator 08.13.2010 03:08 PM

_slavo_, how do your pronounce that band's name my man?

I dig the tune a lot. Looks like a fun band to catch at a local show man. I love rock tunes where, like Lee's songs, a melodic vocal is backed by shards and walls of guitar wailing.

Rob Instigator 08.13.2010 03:15 PM

Gotta give a little love to THE PAIN TEENS
The Pain Teens were quite the freaks back in the day. They were the opening act in Houston for the SY Pretty Fucking Dirty Tour, with Pavement.
Their shows were always crazy. all the Houston bands around 1989-1995 were fucking crazy. They were too fucking UGLY sounding to make it big at the time. Funny how RUSTED SHUT now as a following and tour and gig, many years later.

Bliss Blood used to work at the local Sound Exchange and she was notorious for being a very difficult person, and for showing her boobs on stage at shows, and cutting hersel.f

The Basement

_slavo_ 08.13.2010 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
_slavo_, how do your pronounce that band's name my man?

I dig the tune a lot. Looks like a fun band to catch at a local show man. I love rock tunes where, like Lee's songs, a melodic vocal is backed by shards and walls of guitar wailing.

oh that will be hard with english pronounciation ...



something like that. anyway, the most powerful tool of this band is the lyrics....cold and bleak and truly reflecting the very essence of the city I grew up in.

demonrail666 08.13.2010 03:34 PM

It's harder to think in terms of local 'hometown' bands in London. Even bands that play and live here I rarely think of in that way. Maybe some grime stuff, but not much else.

screamingskull 08.13.2010 03:54 PM sabbath?

Rob Instigator 08.13.2010 04:03 PM

You guys do not go see small local acts in the UK?

or do all yr acts get swallowed up by the UK hype machine, get chewed up for a few weeks, and the spit out again?

demonrail666 08.13.2010 04:18 PM

I've never been to see a band in London and even considered whether they're local. A band can be described as a 'London band' and then they open their mouths and you're confronted with three scotsman, someone from Brighton and a kiwi. It all gets a bit arbitrary, to be honest.

Edit: I have no objection to people from Brighton, Scotland and New Zealand forming bands in London.

Toilet & Bowels 08.16.2010 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
You guys do not go see small local acts in the UK?

or do all yr acts get swallowed up by the UK hype machine, get chewed up for a few weeks, and the spit out again?

more that there haven't been many (any?) good bands from london in the last 10 years, there are plenty of bands that you will see regularly opening for touring bands from the states, but mostly they suck.

stu666 08.16.2010 09:15 AM

I like these two local(ish) bands

(((Oh Dear


Rob Instigator 08.16.2010 09:45 AM

shitsock! great name.....

Rob Instigator 08.16.2010 09:46 AM

Maybe this thread is for folks that are older and have seen waves of bands come and go at local shows...

stu666 08.16.2010 09:56 AM

Extreme Noise Terror

Glice 08.16.2010 10:07 AM

Itchy Tasty
Hunting Lodge
Scarlatti Tilt
White Trash Ambition

All split or on interminable hiatus. Unfortunately, there's a load of bands that don't seem to have made it to youtube yet. Like the brilliantly-named Gas Cunt.

Glice 08.16.2010 10:09 AM

Also, 'no great bands from London in the last 10 years' - I'm having none of that. You need to get out to gigs more, that's what I'm saying. Though I accept Herr Rail's point that no-one is actually from London, except a lot of the Grime guys.

Rob Instigator 08.16.2010 10:12 AM

Gas Cunt!

Glice 08.16.2010 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
You guys do not go see small local acts in the UK?

or do all yr acts get swallowed up by the UK hype machine, get chewed up for a few weeks, and the spit out again?

I'd say the opposite. I could probably name 30 or more great local acts who'll never get any further than playing to no-one on a wet Wednesday night in Bath. There's no money in it is my take on things, but that's a different matter.

Glice 08.16.2010 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Gas Cunt!

Gas Cunt

chicka 08.16.2010 10:16 AM

Back in the day J. Geils used to be the Friday nite house band at Leicester Airport a local nite club. We used to see Aerosmith all the time all over the area. In fact the first time I saw them they were a backup band for my friend's band. First songs I remember were Dream On, Mama Kim and Walking the Dog. For J. Geils First I look at the Purse, Whammer Jammer
and Serves you Right to Suffer.

Glice 08.16.2010 11:04 AM

Oh, did I mention that I played with Fuck Buttons in front of about 20 people once? That's an alright claim to fame.

SYRFox 08.16.2010 12:47 PM

There are lots of great bands in Lille.

DAT Politics is one of the few that get some recognition worldwide (they've even been reviewed on Pitchfork...). Actually I'm not sure whether they're still local... They've toured the whole world. But they play Lille really often so I guess I'll mention them... Their records kind of suck, but live they totally rock. Stupid electronic music but in a good way: simple beats (kick clap kick clap), simple melodies, chiptune / acid sounds, stupid lyrics repeated by a girl, it may sound atrocious but it's actually great live. Loads of energy:
Motorway (live)
This Way <- this song and video are super funny and catchy. WTF is that crocodile doing I have no idea.

(that'll be the only electronic band Rob ahahah)

Shiko Shiko is one band that might really become famous. I've seen them twice last year in 50/100 people venues and they rocked the place both times. This year they've played on a 2000-person venue opening for Vampire Weekend and then in a big stage at a festival... They're like noise-rock with a dance touch, lots of percussions, tribal drums, epileptic guitar / synth riffs. Good band, super fun. I can't find any video that really does them justice... I guess this one might do: but there's much much more energy in their live shows.

There are great noise / noise rock bands too...
There's the Et Pourtant Ca Avait Bien Commencé label, which I've already talked about on here... Lots of good bands releasing CD-Rs / LPs limited to 50/100 copies... I own a lot of them, and I know some of the guys from the label. Some bands:
When Day Chokes The Night, amazing ambient project... Saw him playing last year in front of 20 people, was excellent.
Death By Horsecock, just like their name suggest, they're super loud noise, but they're fun before and after their shows (and sometimes in the middle of it). Loud as fuck. The line-up changes and goes up to 6 members... I spoke to the dude on the right at a lot of shows we both attended and we're friends now.
Drive With A Dead Girl sound a lot like Sonic Youth no wave era, but they're great. Especially live, they killed it both times I've seen them. One of the guys is a teacher at the school I used to go to!
I don't think Berline 0.33 has released anything on Et Pourtant..., but they're friends with those guys so I'll name them here. Another good noise-rock band... I was at that gig! This venue is awesome... Free shows every Thursday from the local scene. Great!
Tardigrades is also excellent, but I can't find any vids of him online...

Brouillard Minute opened for Foot Village when I saw them and he killed it. Nobody knew what to expect and he really delivered. He plays drums like a madman while launching samples and melodies and stuff. Mad show. I wish I could see him again. Not sure if he's from Lille but he's from the area... This video is from the show I was at.

I really enjoyed the show from Le Principe D'Inconstance I saw this year, ambient / noise with spoken word vocals, but it seems like the only video from the show has been deleted since... Too bad. There was a power cut during his show.

Hmm actually I lied when I said DAT Politics were the only electronic band, Lepolair also plays IDM music ala Boards Of Canada. Great music... He was nice when I saw him, and funny - didn't seem convinced by what he was doing, always nodding negatively ahah.

There's another pure noise project called Toys'R'Noise but I can't find any video of them. They write all their music using circuit-bent toys and items, which gives a funnier, but also insane aspect to their music - hearing vocals from a Winnie The Pooh kid computer in the middle of intense low frequency drones is quite weird. Saw them twice, they're good...

GOMM is a band I really enjoy. They've already released 2 albums, drawing influences from krautrock, Sonic Youth, etc etc etc... Both of their albums are good.

Cercueil is another good band, though the singer's english accent is really terrible... Dark electronic pop with great vocals (except for the accent). Saw them twice and they blew me away... I was at the gig on the video. GOMM's drummer plays with them live... They also have a more experimental side project called Puce Moment, saw them opening for The Present and it was really awesome! The guitarist and the
singer attend a lot of gigs I go to...

Sexual Earthquake In Kobe is one of the most well-known band in the Lille scene... Groovy punk/funk with a crazy singer. Haven't seen them yet unfortunately, but the singer attends a lot of gigs I'm at too.

Sim #6 plays melancholic electronic pop. Saw him last year and it was a cool show. He has a project with Sexual Earthquake In Kobe's singer but I haven't seen them nor heard anything from them. Can't find a video that does him justice...

There are many, many other bands but you've got the best ones I guess. I love Lille's local scene... Such an amazing city!

Genteel Death 08.16.2010 01:22 PM

I haven't seen a local band in London that really blew me away live in forever. From elsewhere in the UK I was really taken with Charles Hayward and Ashtray Navigations recently, but they are not satisfyingly young. I like Hype Williams, who if I'm not mistaken are from East London or live there, or whatever. I was going to see them play and I didn't because of other commitments, so I've checked out some live videos and they range from mediocre to good. I still wanna see them, though, because I mostly like their recorded output. I saw Gum Takes Tooth recently, who were good but not mindblowing. There's a group of Japanese residents called Bo Ningen who are wild. Again, not mindblowing, even though I saw their drummer playing in a duo with some other guy and they were THE SHIT.

Rob Instigator 08.16.2010 01:24 PM

the thread is more about older bands no longer around that never made it huge but gigged local and were good.

you must have seen a ton man, come on!

Genteel Death 08.16.2010 01:31 PM

Sorry I only read the last few posts and went from there. :)
Why just the older that didn't make it?

Toilet & Bowels 08.16.2010 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Also, 'no great bands from London in the last 10 years' - I'm having none of that. You need to get out to gigs more, that's what I'm saying. Though I accept Herr Rail's point that no-one is actually from London, except a lot of the Grime guys.

there's good music from london in terms of grime, dubstep & improv, but i'm having a hard time thinking of any decent actual bands from london. the only thing that springs to mind is this band i saw once that was the new band from one of the former members of add n to x, who played one gig i went to and then i never heard of them again. who can you think of?

Toilet & Bowels 08.16.2010 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox

DAT Politics

i saw them live about 10 years ago and they were very good, especially for a laptop group.

Toilet & Bowels 08.16.2010 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
I haven't seen a local band in London that really blew me away live in forever. From elsewhere in the UK I was really taken with Charles Hayward and Ashtray Navigations recently, but they are not satisfyingly young. I like Hype Williams, who if I'm not mistaken are from East London or live there, or whatever. I was going to see them play and I didn't because of other commitments, so I've checked out some live videos and they range from mediocre to good. I still wanna see them, though, because I mostly like their recorded output. I saw Gum Takes Tooth recently, who were good but not mindblowing. There's a group of Japanese residents called Bo Ningen who are wild. Again, not mindblowing, even though I saw their drummer playing in a duo with some other guy and they were THE SHIT.

i've not seen bo ningen yet, even though they seem to play every bloody gig at the moment.
my friend saw hype williams the other day and said they were great.

Glice 08.16.2010 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
there's good music from london in terms of grime, dubstep & improv, but i'm having a hard time thinking of any decent actual bands from london. the only thing that springs to mind is this band i saw once that was the new band from one of the former members of add n to x, who played one gig i went to and then i never heard of them again. who can you think of?

I can't think of anyone off the top of my head, but part of the thing with local scenes is that they tend to stay local. London might be an exception to that though. I've seen a few alright warehouse hardcore shows before... essentially, I'm grabbing at straws though, because I don't really like guitar-y music except when I'm watching it, so I tend not to pick up on it on t'interbox.

Edit: I sound about a million years old now, right?

Glice 08.16.2010 03:35 PM

Oh, and +1 on DAT Politics. I think they might have been the band that changed my mind about whether a laptop is a bad idea in a band.

Genteel Death 08.16.2010 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
i've not seen bo ningen yet, even though they seem to play every bloody gig at the moment.
my friend saw hype williams the other day and said they were great.

When I saw Bo Ningen they played a set that reminded of a way more competent and much less sloppy version of Les Rallizes Denudes. It was good but a little too stylized for me. With Hype Williams I feel like they have an air of mischievousness to them which I find attractive, plus I like the fact that they seem to be having fun and don't stick to the rules, so I look forward to seeing them live soon at some point.

Phlegmscope 08.16.2010 03:57 PM

I'd imagine there has to be tons of good shit in a city as big as london, but what do I know about that, eh...
Comanechi are good in their simple way and Todd are one of the best things I've heard in long time. Both from london I believe (though not entirely)
not that I really pay attention to the location of the band.

As for my town...
These are good stuff, at least live:

I don't really know much about the music scene in my former town (which is still my proper hometown), but my friends over there have a band, who have their good moments:

I've lived only in small places and most of the stuff I've witnessed is either total suck or rather generic indie rubbish.

Genteel Death 08.16.2010 04:01 PM

There's another band that I saw a couple of times and turned out to be good. I think their name is The Racists. The second time I saw them were much, much better than the first. They play super fast hardcore punk with mathwhatever breaks. I'm assuming they're a London band. Not sure though.

EVOLghost 08.16.2010 04:40 PM

this band. fotosputnik

these guys are awesome. I missed a show on Saturday thanks to work. I'm actually quite mad. I've been waiting a while to see these doods.

Toilet & Bowels 08.16.2010 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I can't think of anyone off the top of my head, but part of the thing with local scenes is that they tend to stay local. London might be an exception to that though. I've seen a few alright warehouse hardcore shows before... essentially, I'm grabbing at straws though, because I don't really like guitar-y music except when I'm watching it, so I tend not to pick up on it on t'interbox.

Edit: I sound about a million years old now, right?

i've seen a number of fairly decent don cab/fugazi type bands but i never know who they are or where they're from (generally i assume they're not from london as the music they're playing is too unfashionable and bands from london tend to be trend following/gimmick type bands) and even though they're often decent they're all pretty interchangeable

Glice 08.16.2010 06:01 PM

I think you're probably right, but it wouldn't surprise me if there weren't little pockets of genuine Londoners making deeply unfashionable music. I could imagine if you lived in, say, Plaistow you might just as well be in Yeovil for all the relationship it has with Hoxton.

Savage Clone 08.16.2010 06:06 PM

Voyager, the young progressive outfit.
Some of them went on to be in Moonstone Continuum (who are also excellent), but I am glad to see Voyager back again.

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