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raoulduke71 08.12.2010 05:30 PM

Revisiting Kim Gordon on Arizona
As a native Arizonan (of Mexican descent) living in New York City, I regard Kim Gordon as "semi-intelligent."

She recently said she's always regarded Arizona as "semi-evil." She shouldn't get away with that.

What does she have to say for the racially based-violence in New York City and Long Island, which far exceeds the level of violence in Arizona at any point in history? Violence on Long Island against Latinos is very well documented. The New York Times is one publication that has scores of articles on this issue. That's not a law or a proposal, that's actual physical violence and death.

There was a murder of a Latino man near Prospect Park, which many Latinos in Brooklyn are labelling racially-motivated, after a Sonic Youth concert took place there on July 31. Obviously the violence has nothing to do with Sonic Youth, but demostrates the hypocrisy in referring to Arizona, or any grouping of people, as "semi-evil."

Fact is, Kim Gordon wants to look politically aware by being sensational and comes out looking the exact opposite. Hurting Arizona business doesn't fight SB1070. It actually weakens the power of the citizenry to influence government.

Be against our law, Kim Gordon, as most Arizonans are. I certainly am. Just know that, given the immigration situation near our border, Arizona still has less violence than New York within its borders. Not by volume either, by proportion as well.

Or be consistent and boycott your own city. (If, in fact, you are from New York City. I neither know nor care.)

Just don't think your reactionary understanding of this issue is actually accomplishing anything or helping anyone. Protest Arizona even, it's your right. You should, however, make more intelligent statements about the issue or actually do something productive towards fighting SB1070 with whatever public clout you have, if you actually want to change what's happening. You just came across as someone very ignorant posing as someone who is socially aware.

It's fine if you don't want to "celebrate Arizona" Kim. Arizonans tend not to celebrate the less-than-stellar music you've been putting out for the last 15-20 years. I do, however, and that's why your comments hurt.

Sonic Youth still rocks!

Down with SB1070!

silverfreepress (sdasher) 08.13.2010 02:01 AM

I think the comment about AZ being less than genius was about the governor being hell bent on limiting the rights of humans.

I'm not a mathematician but I'm going to say Brooklyn has a more concentrated/ much higher pop. than say the border area in AZ. Violence happens everywhere and it's mega dumb.

dirtysister 08.13.2010 02:51 AM

This makes me real sad. If they don't come back to Arizona, what will I do?

Rob Instigator 08.13.2010 08:12 AM

Arizona and Massachusets were the only two states whose governors would not ratify the legislation that created the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.

RanaldoNecro 08.13.2010 10:39 AM

Arizona and Massachusets were the only two states whose governors would not ratify the legislation that created the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.

Doing these actions force their hand. Saying someone doesn't recognize something is kinda odd. I don't support state sanctioned racism in any way but this is a strange way of forcing compliance.

These states might have their own way of dealing with things in a legit and non-violent manner.

Raoulduke71 made a valid point and sorry to hear about the murder of a brother. I have felt that some of Kim Gordons statements regarding men seem to be pointed with a broad stroke, when they should be targeted more towards select men.

It shows a lack of integrity of purpose in her argument.

Rob Instigator 08.13.2010 10:50 AM

or it shows that kim gordon is just a busy woman and giving stock answers to repeated interview questions

Rob Instigator 08.13.2010 10:51 AM

it's hard for her to think when she is shivering remembering the sweet sweet o-gasms driven home by the puerto rican pipe

chicka 08.13.2010 11:09 AM

Geez I live in Massachusetts and I remember having MLK day off as a holiday. Yes though I do believe that we one of the last one though to accept the holiday. Our state is so confusing as we were the first to elect a black senator Ed Brooke in 1968. We finally have a black governor Deval Patrick. Yet racial profiling, segregation and prejudices are alive and well
in this state. They just do a good job of hiding it.

Kim Gordon is just a human being and prone to mistakes like anyone else.
Why we think people in Entertainment and Sports should be held to a higher standard than anyone of us is puzzling.

RanaldoNecro 08.13.2010 11:41 AM

Yet racial profiling, segregation and prejudices are alive and well
in this state. They just do a good job of hiding it.

Exactly my point.

Why we think people in Entertainment and Sports should be held to a higher standard than anyone of us is puzzling

Well they do, because people look up to them. Sometimes people who are impressionable. Sad fact for those public people.

Rob Instigator 08.13.2010 11:42 AM

Flagstaff AZ is a beautiful place. still has old Route 66 running through

RanaldoNecro 08.13.2010 12:06 PM

I always love a good fight. Political that is. See where people stand and what they believe in.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.13.2010 12:10 PM

I live in LA, and we have more violence than y'all would know what to do with, BUT we are also mostly sanctuary cities and accept immigrants regardless of petty dompass and vagrancy laws which are the direct tools of enforcing bitter and racist laws, from Jim Crowe to Apartheid, and we are not fooled by SB1070..

the entire problem with illegal immigration is on the corrupt and greedy businesses who exploit people who will work for less money and so the enforcement should entirely rest on business, not the overall population, not the workers or just the people on the street, but these greedy businesses who promote and encourage illegal immigration.

by the way AZ, the vast majority of illegal immigrants did not hop the fence, they came here legally and let their visas expire and because the terrifying climate of racism they are often too afraid to simply get their paperwork renewed and remain legit.

its like when you were a kid, you don't ask your parents for something you think they are going to say no to, its easier to get forgiveness than permission.

its not the law that is wrong, it is the social climate which accepts and even begs for increased and legislated racism.

fuck racism and all its vestiges, both at home and across town, in your own backyard and in somebody elses..

big up Kim! maximum RASpect

tesla69 08.13.2010 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by chicka
Geez I live in Massachusetts... Yet racial profiling, segregation and prejudices are alive and well
in this state. They just do a good job of hiding it..

Not if you're in Southie.

dirtysister 08.14.2010 01:48 AM

when sonic youth came to tucson kim looked really bored. do you think it's because she's mad at me for being too young to vote?

Georgekrz 08.14.2010 09:30 AM

I agree with such friends are dangerous, lets not stop at Arizona, take a close look at the Fed. gov't policies, the so called "Department of Homeland Security" and INS I believe they are doing truly evil work, another day another horror story, just read the news. And all this on Obama watch.

As for people coming out of the woodwork to criticize SY, are you surprised? Look at what happened to Dixie Chicks, Pearl Jam, RATM, all the shut up and sing and getting booed at concerts.

Magic Wheel Memory 08.14.2010 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
and so the enforcement should entirely rest on business, not the overall population, not the workers or just the people on the street, but these greedy businesses who promote and encourage illegal immigration.

What would you propose the government should do, and what benefits would result?

RanaldoNecro 08.14.2010 11:38 AM

I agree with political content in music, a comment like 'semi-evil' is just not really getting anywhere.

I am sure there are many Church-going American housewives who think Kim Gordon is evil for playing bass in a rock band.

We must as Nietzsche said move "beyond good and evil" in the sense of leaving behind the traditional morality.

chicka 08.14.2010 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Not if you're in Southie.

yup they aren't hiding anything in Southie. :rolleyes:

RanaldoNecro 08.14.2010 11:53 AM

the so called "Department of Homeland Security"

Lets remember that both in the US and Canada there is a large contingent of 'security-minded' people that make their living out of law-enforcement, military etc. These people seem to be the silent majority and need jobs.

BTW, the recent G20 summit in Toronto cost each Canadian $100 a piece for security.

Kudos to the artists who are speaking out against 'homeland security' etc.

chicka 08.14.2010 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Georgekrz
I agree with such friends are dangerous, lets not stop at Arizona, take a close look at the Fed. gov't policies, the so called "Department of Homeland Security" and INS I believe they are doing truly evil work, another day another horror story, just read the news. And all this on Obama watch.

As for people coming out of the woodwork to criticize SY, are you surprised? Look at what happened to Dixie Chicks, Pearl Jam, RATM, all the shut up and sing and getting booed at concerts.

Sure it's on Obama watch but let's face it how many Americans believe we need Homeland Security? I'd wager it's like 70-30 in favor of it. People in America would rather give up their rights than their money any day of the week. So he has to sleep with it and use it to get some of his agenda passed. I'm more disappointed that he has done more on bring the troops back home but if you think about we don't have any jobs for them to come home to anyways. We are in a catch 22 and thanks to Bush's extending Free Trade agreements to the rest of the world our wealthiest companies took the opportunity to move their labor forces to these countries how's that working out for us? It's not easy to be the president and if nothing else Bush took every challenge head on unlike Clinton who went to polls before making a decision but to many of his decisions favored his rich friends. For the record I'm in the 30%. I'd rather give up my money than my rights any day of the week.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.14.2010 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Magic Wheel Memory
What would you propose the government should do, and what benefits would result?

It should be a combined effort of government regulation through fining, legislated rules, penal tax programs and other aspects of the "hard" power tool kit that the government at the municipal, state and federal levels has and often uses.

but it has to be a joint effort of government and social involvement. The people themselves have to be directly and proactively involved through awareness/advocacy, appropriate boycotts/protests, and a collective shift in consumer habits/preferences.

This is what changed the sweatshop mentality and business practices of Forever21 here in LA, where the women laborers had to boycott, picket and strike for two years and inevitably at to file a federal lawsuit. The combined effort of workers putting pressure on the business, on growing public awareness and consumer patterns shifting away from support exploitative practices, and the threat of direct government force all pushed and pulled Forever21 into a more equitable business model, which benefits the workers, the customers, and in the precedent the society as a whole :)

Magic Wheel Memory 08.15.2010 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
It should be a combined effort of government regulation through fining, legislated rules, penal tax programs and other aspects of the "hard" power tool kit that the government at the municipal, state and federal levels has and often uses.

But are you suggesting to crack down on businesses that employ illegal immigrants, or only on businesses that pay below minimum wage, allow unsafe work conditions, etc?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.16.2010 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Magic Wheel Memory
But are you suggesting to crack down on businesses that employ illegal immigrants, or only on businesses that pay below minimum wage, allow unsafe work conditions, etc?


They'll do it once, they'll do it again
The world is run by businessmen

He takes your money, you take his word
He tells you things you've never heard
He says "Sign here on the dotted line"
But you don't understand, no you don't understand
But you think it's alright

the original pincho 08.16.2010 09:25 PM

When she said "semi- evil" she was probably refering to all those scary desert people;like in "The Hills have eyes".

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