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demonrail666 07.25.2010 03:11 PM

Ever been tempted to turn your back on everything and live on a caravan site?
Just curious.

atsonicpark 07.25.2010 03:29 PM


ann ashtray 07.25.2010 04:19 PM

I do this all the time, roaming the deserts of my imagination + swimming beaches no one else has seen but me.

Fuck their shit...all their billboards and bright lights and neon things...

jon boy 07.25.2010 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Just curious.

not a caravan site but i have been tempted to leave everything and in a way i have done that in that i live permanently on another continent now.

for the americans, a caravan site is like a trailer park.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.25.2010 05:43 PM


all the time

EVOLghost 07.25.2010 10:40 PM


automatic bzooty 07.25.2010 11:31 PM

turning my back on everything, yes
living on a caravan site, no

!@#$%! 07.25.2010 11:35 PM

hell no

in 'merica they are called "trailer parks" and they are awful

maybe your temptation is some kind of european thing

like cortazar's worst book

here in gringo translation:

the premise is nice (they travel from paris to marseille spending a day in each rest stop), but the book gets so fucking dull mid way

amerikangod 07.25.2010 11:37 PM

Every fucking day.

space 07.25.2010 11:49 PM

free yr mind and yr ass will follow

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.26.2010 03:04 AM


SONIC GAIL 07.26.2010 08:44 AM

Every Fucking Day

SONIC GAIL 07.26.2010 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
Every fucking day.

didnt see this till after i posted we are more alike than i thought....scary

chicka 07.26.2010 09:51 AM

No. Family means to much to me. Why would I want to hurt the ones I love and who love me? Certainly I've taken off for weeks at a time but always touched base somewhere along the line so my people knew I was alive not dead. I had a trailer in a trailer park near the beach that I went to as much as I could.

knox 07.26.2010 09:57 AM

No, but when I was a child and teen I used to fantasize about having a new name, and maybe faking my own death. Turns out it's very tricky.

nicfit 07.26.2010 10:11 AM

i'm not a ladies man, i'm a landmine
filming my own fake death
under an '88 cavalier i go
but-but-but-but nothing but the rear bumper's blown
but i's born for this flight,
united 955 on the fifth of july
back the s over y
i join the dark side
in a thin disguise
on consumer grade video at night

faking suicide for applause
in the food courts of malls
and cursing racing horses on tiered steps
playing the wall at singles bingo
all time gringo
did anyone hear me cry there
through a toilet stall divider
i swear i care, raw

i am an example of a calculated birth
two a star chart for clowns, im not
under robin eggs in a nest, you hit a manila
envelope with one last little robin's egg in it

a hollow bullet yet spent
subject to dismissal
i wish all my pitfalls
could be called my miscalls

ann ashtray 07.26.2010 10:17 AM

This is one reason I avoid putting myself into a situation to where I'd form a family. I think the idea is nice, but this sorta thing can hold me back from doing the things I want to do. I'm a bit selfish..not when it comes to material things, just with my life. I've got friends, but that's all they are. Most of my best friends are married/homeowners and I can't identify w/ them anymore even though I do love them dearly + spend time w/ 'em when I can.

Most of 'em are droppin' off like flies and slowly becoming what are parents were. I see one particular couple (the husband being my best friend in the entire world) already arguing about shit like "when we have kids will they have to go to church w/ us". He says no (atheist), she says yes. The kids will end up going. Due to her (and she IS cool, just uber-conservative) he now seems to think that certain activities are meant for only those under 25. And I can see how this makes sense in his world...I can. It just doesn't make any in mine. I still view everything as being a giant playground. WHile I stay in a lot of the time (lately because it's been soooo hot/humid), I do enjoy going out and getting into things. Creeping around the downtown area and observing the different scenes from an outsider's perspective ("outsider" in the sense that I'm not really a part of these scenes even though sometimes it's fun to pretend to be). I know people, I hang out with them sometimes but I don't identify with most of them either.

I suppose everything has always been about the "now" for me. I do not go for "long term" goals...just short term. Like trying to save up a little money and paying off what little debt I have left.

I can totally relate to those that wanna just drop everything + go off placing themselves in whatever crazy scenerios they wish to.

I date, but I get way claustrophobic (sometimes I wish I didn't, I do still miss a certain chica from my past + this is something that has caused problems in preceding relationships) if I feel too much is expected of me. I don't cheat, nothing like that, but if i wanna go out and do whatever I feel I should be able to do this whenever I want.

I spent too much time in their houses and their schools in their churches asking for their permission and being made to feel guilty when not in agreement with their rules/lifestyles/beliefs. They told me to go to school or I wouldnt be anything, but unlike most of them I've never had to file bankruptcy. They said I'd be better off if I found a steady partner...unlike them I've yet to get a divorce. I don't pay no child support + when I'm hungry, I'm the only person that's hungry. I don't have to look at Sway Jr. over there and feel bad.

I TOTALLY respect, and have nothing but admiration for those that have found a "significant other", and work happily within that love/work/home triangle...but I just see triangles as having three sides and it scares the shit out of me...I want an unlimited amount of sides.

I'm not trying to down on the lifestyles/situations of others...I think everyone should be free to do what they want as long as it doesn't effect me in a negative way (basically, don't steal my guitar, rape my mom, or kill my brother).

gualbert 07.26.2010 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
(and she IS cool, just uber-conservative)

A brand new definition of coolness?

ann ashtray 07.26.2010 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by gualbert
A brand new definition of coolness?

Well I mean, she's sweet...I love that girl. She takes care of my best friend/etc.

Like I said, to each their own.

SONIC GAIL 07.26.2010 10:38 AM

You know yr life for example. I would not change it I love my fam. but i do feel trapped sometimes because I have no choice but to be responsible. Ryan is great been together 25 yrs now. We have hard and good times i never felt tied down by him we are like john and yoko or kim and thurston. I am happy to have my kids but i admit sometimes i wonder what we would be like now if we never had kids and ran off out of florida like i had dreamed of. When it comes down to it though those kids bring me a lot of happiness and keep me out of alot of trouble so it was not meant for me.

I did follow the rules i have filed BR but no divorce here. I take that shit serious. I made a promise to god and i will not break it.

As far as asking permision from my husband or fighting about our religious beliefs ryan and i are lucky to have a similiar mind set on most shit and do not believe that either of us is better than the other equal respect baby!

ann ashtray 07.26.2010 10:40 AM

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SONIC GAIL again.

terriblecanyons 07.26.2010 10:41 AM

caravan site? no.
but I am going to leave the country, soon enough.

hevusa 07.26.2010 11:01 AM

yes... but I have my own farm/greenhouse.

!@#$%! 07.26.2010 11:43 AM

i have a hovel in the mountains and i just spent a week there

there's access to one of these too that sees occasional use. i once spent a winter there on a weird campout.


it's not that model, it's actually a little bigger

it's nice & all and i enjoy spacing out looking at the empty sky but i looooove to be in a city more than anything else

demoņo, wanna trade places? i wouldn't mind a london apartment for a bit. you can live out your fantasies in the middle of nowhere and i can rob your english bookstores.





chicka 07.26.2010 11:56 AM

Well the trick is not to marry until you feel you've sown your wild oats. I didn't marry until I was thirty. I got divorced at fifty so my kids were pretty much grown up or at least old enough that it didn't fuck them up and now I have a second childhood. :) Certainly there are some regrets but for the most part I've enjoyed and I am still enjoying my life.....

demonrail666 07.26.2010 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

demoņo, wanna trade places? i wouldn't mind a london apartment for a bit. you can live out your fantasies in the middle of nowhere and i can rob your english bookstores.

If you're willing to wait until after xmas, yes. srsly

!@#$%! 07.26.2010 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
If you're willing to wait until after xmas, yes. srsly

in winter the snow will bury everything, but to you it might feel outright balmy

though you'll need 4WD to get up there

it's actually sunny most of the year in new mexico-- even when it's cold as fuck

and by sunny i mean "there is no atmosphere, and the UV rays will scorch the enamel off your teeth"


RanaldoNecro 07.26.2010 06:02 PM

there is nothing wrong with it. It just means you value things other than property or maintenance...

space 07.28.2010 12:55 AM

I would like to testify that sometimes following a dream can turn out to be better than anything you ever imagined.

manifest greatness.

terminal pharmacy 07.28.2010 12:57 AM

yeah but i wouldn't live on a fucking caravan reservation

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.28.2010 12:28 PM

"this town, don't feel right, I'm fast to.. get away.. far.. I don't care where just far.."

ann ashtray 07.28.2010 12:55 PM

You + those Deftones lyrics....

I gotta say it, I must say fav. thing about Deftones was always Chino's lyrics, if only 'cause I seldom could make any sense of them.

"...god is moving his tongue".

god is talking? I don't know man waht the fuck I'm drunk.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.28.2010 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
You + those Deftones lyrics....

I gotta say it, I must say fav. thing about Deftones was always Chino's lyrics, if only 'cause I seldom could make any sense of them.

"...god is moving his tongue".

I have already mentioned that Chino is one of the best lyricists and I got a lot of static for it, but I stand by that statement.

shit is potent.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.29.2010 02:00 PM


!@#$%! 07.29.2010 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by terminal pharmacy
yeah but i wouldn't live on a fucking caravan reservation

^^ THIS +++


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue

that too

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