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ni'k 05.19.2010 01:55 AM

worst artists/people in culture



atsonicpark 05.19.2010 02:04 AM

almost everyone, who are making simplistic boring easy bullshit.

Better_Than_Deux 05.19.2010 02:06 AM

I thought it was a good question to ask. Especially considering I don't feel like the 00's really owns a genre. They're just a bunch of copy cats.

Better_Than_Deux 05.19.2010 02:07 AM

Not even a genre. A movement. Or anything. This new millenium shit sucks.

amerikangod 05.19.2010 02:21 AM

I bet I know the combination to that lock.

ink. 05.19.2010 04:14 AM

fucking Hirst.

I dont know anyone so banal. At least most others are kind of trying. More. Or less. The amount he tries is just wrong. I propose he may well believe himself to be Warhol, unfortunately he is 50 years too late and in the wrong skin.

atsonicpark 05.19.2010 04:24 AM

You can spell n'ik with the word ink.

ni'k 05.19.2010 04:32 AM


ni'k 05.19.2010 04:38 AM

ok well since everyone seems to want to do the thred nows.

it originally said:

worst artists/people in culture

who are the worst people that's influence you wish was not an acceptable or used reference point. people who you think "if only they weren't acceptable anymore, we would not have to suffer thru so much mediocre shit nowadays."

i don't just mean people that are shit, i mean people who need to be relegated to the forgotten/old/outdated realm. people whose influence is still used to justify shit that is just stale.

so for example, warhol OB-V-FUCKING-IOUSLY

cobain/courtney. in fact anyone left over from 90's grunge alt... rem.

all hair metal, 80's metal, cheesy death glory power metal crap. anything not post metal, like anything not ISIS.

emo. but what has grown out of that seems to be this fetid mix of emo and a sort of semi 80's power/glory metal aesthetic. horrible.

ink said hirst which is of course right on the mark.

PUNK. generic punk, anything that looks like it came out of the sex shop circa 1979. rigid mohawk type conserva punk.


Lurker 05.19.2010 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by ink.
fucking Hirst.

I dont know anyone so banal. At least most others are kind of trying. More. Or less. The amount he tries is just wrong. I propose he may well believe himself to be Warhol, unfortunately he is 50 years too late and in the wrong skin.

Fucking yes, Hirst is a joke. I wouldn't even call it art. It's completely unaesthetic and pointless.

Now my turn: Tracey Emin...aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!

atsonicpark 05.19.2010 04:45 AM

Yeah, definitely Radiohead. Neutral Milk Hotel. The Cure.

ni'k 05.19.2010 04:49 AM

the cure and GOTH itself. its over. fucking romantic bullshit. deal with it.

Toilet & Bowels 05.19.2010 06:05 AM

hirst and emin have both done a couple of good things in their time. when i say a couple i mean precisely 3 good piece of work between the two of them.

demonrail666 05.19.2010 08:46 AM

Charles Saatchi

Rob Instigator 05.19.2010 09:46 AM

Thomas Kinkade

Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.19.2010 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
The Cure.


Originally Posted by ni'k
the cure and GOTH itself. its over. fucking romantic bullshit. deal with it.

I officially don't like either one of you anymore.

Go jerk off to your Smiths 7"s, and then cry because each record is twice the size of your dicks, combined.

atsonicpark 05.19.2010 10:22 AM

Nah, I'll listen to Red Lorry Yellow Lorry. My dick is 7 inches long. And I don't mind a song or two by the Cure, this thread isn't about artists you outright hate, just ones that you're sick of being namedropped.

space 05.19.2010 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Go jerk off to your Smiths 7"s, and then cry because each record is twice the size of your dicks, combined.

ok! help me decide which one first....

My Big Bear and My Lil Pony are no help at alllll!!1


ni'k 05.19.2010 11:08 AM

i hate the smiths

Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.19.2010 11:10 AM


Genteel Death 05.19.2010 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by ni'k
i hate the smiths

Even though I don't hate them, I have decided some time ago the morrisey is one the worst influences on other people since the 80s. I like the fall a lot but can't hear their influence on many contemporary uk bands.

loubarret 05.19.2010 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Lurker
Fucking yes, Hirst is a joke. I wouldn't even call it art. It's completely unaesthetic and pointless.



Well yeah he is bloody awful. He is like the ikea of modern art.

Rob Instigator 05.19.2010 12:23 PM

While I am down on alll the Hirst is overrated talk, I LOVE his phormaldehyde animals, and his sliced up carcasses


Rob Instigator 05.19.2010 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k



I counter with


Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.19.2010 12:39 PM

Human Centipede?

amerikangod 05.19.2010 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Human Centipede?

Ha, I was just about to post this. Now I just want to share a plate of spaghetti with you. And if we're both sucking down the same piece and accidentally kiss, it'll be a happy coincidence.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.19.2010 12:53 PM


space 05.19.2010 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
Ha, I was just about to post this. Now I just want to share a plate of spaghetti with you. And if we're both sucking down the same piece and accidentally kiss, it'll be a happy coincidence.

are you lady or the tramp?

Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.19.2010 12:59 PM

He's the lady, I'm the tramp.

tw2113 05.19.2010 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I counter with


I'm pretty sure I've seen the video that came from.

amerikangod 05.19.2010 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
He's the lady, I'm the tramp.

Nah bro, two tramps. Ladies eating spaghetti ain't sexy.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.19.2010 01:50 PM

Not even when they slurp?

chicka 05.19.2010 02:12 PM

whatever possessed the guy to shave? As for the guy with all jewelry hes going to get that shit infected pretty quick I'd say. More importantly how the hell can he get that thing in without pain?

amerikangod 05.19.2010 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Not even when they slurp?

Maybe if it was one really thick piece of spaghetti, with like a 5" circumference. Otherwise it's just watching women taken in unnecessary carbs. And carbs are gross. I like my women on the Atkins diet. All meat, all the time. Their digestive tract should just be a meat conveyor belt, sausage steadily entering the mouth and out the ass.

Lurker 05.19.2010 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by loubarret


Well yeah he is bloody awful. He is like the ikea of modern art.

Yeah, except with Ikea you have to put the furniture together yourself whereas Hirst gets other people to do it for him. HAHAHAHAHAHAH

ink. 05.20.2010 07:58 AM

I dont mind Tracey Emin, I find her raw fetidity and honesty in her work quite touching. Perhaps you need to be female to identify.

I like the cure and I like the smiths.

nik imho there is a difference between 'worst' and those who you say should be left behind because they are 'dated'. Do you just mean you're sick of people drawing references to artists who are not longer relevant ( despite having an impact or being relevant at one stage) or do you mean artists who are truely shite?

ink. 05.20.2010 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
While I am down on alll the Hirst is overrated talk, I LOVE his phormaldehyde animals, and his sliced up carcasses


I might like them if they were as shocking as the average thing you could find in a museum, (Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité) or 19th century taxidermy. They aren't shocking though. They're nothing new... (imho.. before you come out with fucks and I thinks)

ni'k 05.20.2010 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by ink.
I dont mind Tracey Emin, I find her raw fetidity and honesty in her work quite touching. Perhaps you need to be female to identify.

I like the cure and I like the smiths.

nik imho there is a difference between 'worst' and those who you say should be left behind because they are 'dated'. Do you just mean you're sick of people drawing references to artists who are not longer relevant ( despite having an impact or being relevant at one stage) or do you mean artists who are truely shite?

the former.

but the former usually includes the latter.

i think its useful to try and imagine a world were there is no warhol or punk for example, becuase we are at a stage of such cultural overload that there is little space to meditate without the interference of some media or another, or some sort of unnoticeable assumptive framework clouding your perspective. there's little time for gaps between things, either you are plugged into the matrix on hyper mode consuming too many albums/movies without enough time to reflect on them or you are bored and surrounded by too much empty reality.

like i have massive problems triyng to write music or lyrics because it is so hard to get out of these frames of what i think they are supposed to be judging on what's gone before. i getting caught up in crappy ideas about what music is supposed to be right now and what im supposed to say. its harder than ever in the era of instand narcisstic selfhood, facebook and reality tv to withdraw and not get trapped under a gaze of self concioussness.

the most useful thing about slagging off particular artists is that it helps to move things forward. like, NO, it is not acceptable to be referencing that anymore or doing something in that style, fuck off back to the drawing board. so many people need to be told that. especially in the noise/drone/experimental scenes. its not experimental if you are not actually doing something new. if there are no actual experiments being done.

like if you are playing random crap that doesn't sound like a pop song, its not experimental, thats not a good excuse. its not drone if you just play slow drawn out notes and cant take it anywhere. its not noise if you are just wailing feedback for no reason and not actually trying to weave some sort of picture out of it. if you play like 3 seconds of cool noise then cant come up with something else after those 3 seconds its not acceptable to just make more boring randomness for another 25mins and call it a noise album. its supposed to be called noise because it is music or anti music that can only be described as noise because its structureless yet makes that very structurelessness into a structure. noise just for the sake of it is mostly boring, except for in the hands of a few. same can be said for pop i guess.

altho, reading back on that its kinda just a retread of the same anti noise argument everyone who doesnt have the patience for it makes. i guess im just saying, add more layers to it. you have the technology and the time now. there needs to be a new format for noise, like the best of, only something like one of those old megamixes you would get pop bands doing, were the track is just a mix of all their biggest hooks flowing into each other. i like to see a band like acid mothers temple doing something were they made an epic album synthesing parts of all their other releases into one big piece.

and im so fucking sick of pop art. its not art anymore. its just crap.

SONIC GAIL 05.20.2010 08:25 AM

I agree sometime it is just better to strip away everything and start over from the ground up.

knox 05.20.2010 08:48 AM

Most people overlook this.
But these are the most disgusting, dangerous people in culture.

this stupid bitch

rebel girl


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