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ni'k 05.18.2010 08:15 PM

sonic youth are "over"
according to the thurston interview.

so if this is indeed the case and they're gonna split at some point soon what are your thoughts?

i should stress that all this is based on the thurston interview in the other thread, all he says is "sonic youth are over", so make of it what you will.

to be honest i feel guilty for ripping on the eternal on here haha. i actually think anti orgasm and malibu gas station are brilliant. anti orgasm is the song i wanted them to make for years and the direction i always dreamed they would go in, but i don't like all of the rest of the album, or many of the songs on rather ripped. but its not a bad way to go out.

at one time they were my favourite band, i dont really care much about this music now but can never deny that it and its message board got me into so much of what im into know and without it i would have a shittier taste in music and my life would suck.

so thanks for being a node in mainstream culture that was easy to see and had tendrils creeping down to the underground, your influence on people in that respect has been MASSIVE, absolutely. it would be hard to underestimate how many of us got into such great music because of sy.

hevusa 05.18.2010 08:24 PM

they have another 20 years left in the tank! ;)

dionysusundone 05.18.2010 09:08 PM

he was joking and we've had this thread twenty billion times

ni'k 05.18.2010 09:18 PM

well you can have it twenty billion and fucking one times then.

so they aren't gonna split?



scott v 05.18.2010 10:04 PM

uh ok, no one says you need to listen to their music... though i believe most of us agree with your other "points".

ni'k 05.18.2010 10:06 PM

i knew i shouldnt have stepped over onto this board... the wrong side of the tracks... the murky mists of mongtarded morons... it's gonna take a torch and a shotgun to get out of here alive...

ann ashtray 05.18.2010 10:08 PM

Yeah, it was clearly a joke. Sometimes I'm curious as to what would happen if they did break up. If it means more Lee solo material, I'm down.

I think they likely have another couple of good, maybe even great albums in them...but Sonic Youth, as a progressive unit of Sonic Exploration and Challenge have long since been over.

alyasa 05.18.2010 10:19 PM

So no one here thinks they're gonna release the equivalent of Neil Young's 'Rust Never Sleeps' at this stage?

infinitemusic 05.18.2010 10:46 PM

What do you mean? Barring some huge change, I'd say no. Sonic Youth are too arty and cool and iconoclastic and hip and ironic to do that. Unless some kind of tragedy affects them, like 9/11 did. Really, that album was probably their Rust Never Sleeps.

alyasa 05.19.2010 01:10 AM

I knew someone would say that... Murray Street is actually their reverse 'Rust Never Sleeps'... Where Neil found a new electricity, SY found a new organic-ness I think, on Murray Street. Something which has been with them to this day... But yeah, I don't think it's possible for them to pull off a Nevermind, which; to be brutally honest with myself; is what I would love for them to do..

atsonicpark 05.19.2010 01:49 AM

Just want to ask if anyone else thinks malibu gas station sounds exactly like a sparta locals song..

ni'k 05.19.2010 01:59 AM

that one?

yume station

atsonicpark 05.19.2010 02:05 AM

haha sure. I didn't even think about that song, because all their songs have that clangy guitar sound... I didn't think of any song in particular, just kinda the band as a whole.. maybe not the bass, but the guitars definitely..

Great band.

atsonicpark 05.19.2010 02:06 AM

Great guitar lines, always.

noisereductions 05.19.2010 07:59 AM

the world as I know it would implode.

Things would make less sense to me.

I'd probably listen to even less music that has guitars in it.

SYRFox 05.19.2010 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by ni'k
i knew i shouldnt have stepped over onto this board... the wrong side of the tracks... the murky mists of mongtarded morons... it's gonna take a torch and a shotgun to get out of here alive...

best post ever

ni'k 05.19.2010 08:34 AM

its called left for dead 3: syg

you get to play as either me or on special maps chabib who has banning powers. kis is the jockey.

infinitemusic 05.19.2010 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by alyasa
I knew someone would say that... Murray Street is actually their reverse 'Rust Never Sleeps'... Where Neil found a new electricity, SY found a new organic-ness I think, on Murray Street. Something which has been with them to this day... But yeah, I don't think it's possible for them to pull off a Nevermind, which; to be brutally honest with myself; is what I would love for them to do..

That's what I was saying wrt Murray Street. And what do you mean "pull a Nevermind" in what context? Popularity, or sound, or what?

Genteel Death 05.19.2010 02:13 PM

New York has so many cool bands going on at the moment. Sonic Youth for the first time seem too worried about hanging out with pretentious people to notice. I can't see them playing gigs in places like The Silent Barn.

ann ashtray 05.19.2010 04:31 PM

Not that its a bad thing as everyone needs something to identify with, but I just feel as if for many people Sonic Youth are the be all-is all band. They didn't invent noisy experimental rock. They are not responsible for every band that has approached music in similar ways since them.

Right now, Pissed Jeans are totally kicking their ass.

I do think Sonic Youth have reached an age to where they are stuck on a formula. Not such a terrible thing....just not what I once loved about the Youth. I would love to hear them do an acoustic record, or just play around w/ ideas they've only dabbled with. But, they aren't my band and I respect them for doing whatever it is they want to do. If I identify with it or not is another story. We shall see.

I'll always love them no matter what. They were my favorite band for something like ten years.

EVOLghost 05.19.2010 04:36 PM

pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

ni'k 05.19.2010 10:22 PM

evolghost wins.


space 05.20.2010 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
i knew i shouldnt have stepped over onto this board... the wrong side of the tracks... the murky mists of mongtarded morons... it's gonna take a torch and a shotgun to get out of here alive...

amen, sister.

Mortte Jousimo 05.22.2010 02:08 AM

I love "the Eternal" and really think, that it is as good as "EVOL" (maybe I´m the only one in this gossip, who has this opinion). But if Sonic Youth is going to split, they split. I think it is great, if band thinks, they have nothing more to give and decide to split. I think "the Eternal" is best end of the career that any band could have. But of course I´m glad, if SY makes many great albums in the future, now it seems, that there is no reason to split.

EVOLghost 05.22.2010 12:28 PM

The Eternal is great...but not the Album to end it with. I wish their last release would be all of their songs mixed together to make awesome noise or somethin'.

[Sandbag] 05.22.2010 12:30 PM

All of their records are pure gold.

they're not over, it's just the beginning :)

cagedbird 05.22.2010 03:22 PM

Why did Royal Trux break up?

SONIC GAIL 05.24.2010 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
I would love to hear them do an acoustic record, or just play around w/ ideas they've only dabbled with.

That would be sweet.

chicka 05.24.2010 10:15 AM

a double album using more instruments. horns, violins, synth

SYRFox 05.24.2010 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by chicka
a double album using more instruments. horns, violins, synth


GeneticKiss 05.24.2010 10:32 PM

Synth maybe, but for the love of God no violins or horns...

Wait...NYC Ghosts and Flowers and Murray Street had horns...

SYRFox 05.24.2010 11:48 PM

Yeah but they're used quite discretely, as a background or something. They should not be a proeminent element. Also, I love synths but I can't see them working with SY music for some reason...

chicka 05.25.2010 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
Yeah but they're used quite discretely, as a background or something. They should not be a proeminent element. Also, I love synths but I can't see them working with SY music for some reason...

exactly I'm not looking for them to take the lead or do a solo just as an add to or some weird from nowhere sound. SY is a guitar band and it must always be but a few extra instruments here and there might be interesting.
A mandolin, piano there are just so many instruments out there I think it would be interesting to see how they'd use a few of them

EVOLghost 05.25.2010 03:45 PM

They can use whatever the fuck they want. but I'm pretty sure the main idea will lie in the guitars.

SYRFox 05.25.2010 03:49 PM

Honestly I can't see it work if it becomes too noticeable even in the background. To each their own I guess.

SYHamilton 05.25.2010 03:51 PM

They should do another project like Ciccone Youth. Rip into some pop songs.

atsonicpark 05.26.2010 12:56 AM

I think synths could add a cool texture to their sound... but who knows. When Jim was in the band, they had a few additional instruments, organ and harmonica and shit, if I remember correctly.. laptop stuff obviously... but it was all subtle.

Sonic Youth are "under".

Keeping It Simple 05.26.2010 06:24 AM

The Rolling Stones are still going, so why not Sonic Youth? They could tour together as the two longest lasting groups ever.

_slavo_ 05.26.2010 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
Honestly I can't see it work if it becomes too noticeable even in the background. To each their own I guess.

Have you heard a song called I Love You Golden Blue?

SYRFox 05.26.2010 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Have you heard a song called I Love You Golden Blue?

Yes, and as far as I know there is no horns, mandolins, violins or whatever on it.

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