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viewtiful alan redux 05.02.2010 08:09 PM

viewtiful alan 2.0
You may not remember me but I'm back. I started to miss the board, but was having trouble getting on my old account.
Well... I guess that's all I had to say. Nice to be back America.

EVOLghost 05.02.2010 08:30 PM


viewtiful alan redux 05.02.2010 08:33 PM

Haha hey, I almost dont recognize ya with the new avatar and all..

HaydenAsche 05.02.2010 09:21 PM

I don't remember you. To be fair, I don't remember who Sonic Youth is or why I post here.

space 05.02.2010 09:55 PM

Hi. I'm space. You may know me better by my other name, Kim Gordon.


viewtiful alan redux 05.02.2010 10:03 PM

space is trollin me right? And it was quite awesome bytor, the venue was quite nice too, thanks for asking/welcoming me back.

floatingslowly 05.02.2010 10:30 PM

no, she's totally serious. she must like you because very few people know that secret.

welcome back!

space 05.02.2010 10:33 PM

Thank you, floatingslowly. :)

I like you too.

What color panties are you wearing?

floatingslowly 05.02.2010 10:34 PM


I was about to ask you the same. ;)

space 05.02.2010 10:36 PM

You know very well that I do not wear panties.


floatingslowly 05.02.2010 10:36 PM

if I asked nicely, would you let me touch you 'there'?

space 05.02.2010 10:38 PM


You are such a BAD BOY.

(Yes, a thousand times, YES!!)

Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.02.2010 10:45 PM

Welcome back dude.

atsonicpark 05.02.2010 10:55 PM


SYRFox 05.02.2010 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I don't remember you. To be fair, I don't remember who Sonic Youth is or why I post here.


noisereductions 05.03.2010 07:27 AM

welcome back son. Maybe you had trouble logging in to yr old name cuz it was Viewtiful ALIEN not Alan?

Anway, I'm glad yr back man. Now me, Earl, batreleaser & Hayden have someone else to keep bumpign the hip hop threads!

Glice 05.03.2010 07:52 AM

Wait, space is a girl?


ploesj 05.03.2010 07:59 AM

welcome back!

noisereductions 05.03.2010 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
It may just be the way I'm reading the post......but is it possible some are questioning the authenticity of the redux Viewtiful?

you are mis-reading it. I know for a fact is him. I was just saying MAYBE he was thinking his board name was viewtiful alan, forgetting that it had been alien. (Since he chose ALAN REDUX this time around).

space 05.03.2010 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
Wait, space is a girl?


you couldn't handle my screen-cap gallery.

Glice 05.03.2010 10:00 AM

Baby, I can handle whatever junk you got. I got some big hands all up in this motherfucker.

space 05.03.2010 10:05 AM

who said anything about junk? this is prime shit that I'm holding.

and by holding, I mean, with both hands.

Glice 05.03.2010 10:08 AM

I wouldn't mind a side of that prime cut for my love barbecue, know what I'm saying?

space 05.03.2010 10:11 AM

speaking of bbq. I've heard a rumor that you have a tiny sausage.

is it true what pookie says? he said it didn't even hurt (much).

no pain, no gain, or so they say.

Rob Instigator 05.03.2010 10:16 AM

sup viewtiful alain!!!!

welcome back man.

How's the skronk treating you?

Glice 05.03.2010 10:17 AM

They call my cock the monolith. That's ONE BIG ROCK.

space 05.03.2010 10:35 AM

he with the biggest bone, claims the pig.

also sprach Zarathustra.

Savage Clone 05.03.2010 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by space
also sprach Zarathustra.

SYRFox 05.03.2010 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
you are mis-reading it. I know for a fact is him. I was just saying MAYBE he was thinking his board name was viewtiful alan, forgetting that it had been alien. (Since he chose ALAN REDUX this time around).

aren't you confusing with alien anal? i'm pretty sure it was viewtiful_alan ?

noisereductions 05.03.2010 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
aren't you confusing with alien anal? i'm pretty sure it was viewtiful_alan ?

that's really weird. The entire time he was on this board before I thought it was "alien"... I guess I misread it once and just always thought that was his name. Weird.

EDIT: I actually always assumed it was a cross between Viewtiful Joe and Alien Homminid.

Rob Instigator 05.03.2010 12:38 PM

I just know the guy likes to RAWK

Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.03.2010 01:03 PM

Henshin A Go Go Baby


!@#$%! 05.03.2010 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by viewtiful alan redux
You may not remember me but I'm back. I started to miss the board, but was having trouble getting on my old account.
Well... I guess that's all I had to say. Nice to be back America.

you're the guy who didn't like swordfights, right?


i'm a Federal Board Inspector

Derek 05.03.2010 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
Anway, I'm glad yr back man. Now me, Earl, batreleaser & Hayden have someone else to keep bumpign the hip hop threads!

I try my best as well!

noisereductions 05.03.2010 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
I try my best as well!

true! No disrespect!

Derek 05.03.2010 02:39 PM

Haha word.

SYRFox 05.04.2010 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
that's really weird. The entire time he was on this board before I thought it was "alien"... I guess I misread it once and just always thought that was his name. Weird.

EDIT: I actually always assumed it was a cross between Viewtiful Joe and Alien Homminid.


- And from this day on, noise "failproof" reductions was to be called noise "fail" reductions

Also, I believe you should just post those threads in that section of the board, not in the Non Sonic Sounds; it would be more relevant, as hip hop is not music! it's just two notes!

noisereductions 05.04.2010 07:15 AM

SYRFox still rules, ok?

Derek 05.04.2010 07:19 AM

John Cage's 4'33" has no notes yet is still considered music. What you gotta say about THAT gualbert?

noisereductions 05.04.2010 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
John Cage's 4'33" has no notes yet is still considered music. What you gotta say about THAT gualbert?

torture muhfukka!!

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