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Pookie 04.07.2010 04:36 PM

Election 2010
Post your anti Cameron stuff here. It'll make you feel better.

Genteel Death 04.07.2010 04:38 PM


cagedbird 04.07.2010 04:41 PM

cameron is a tory?

excuse my ignorance, but i do not know what the word tory (ever) meant! please, help!

Glice 04.07.2010 04:46 PM





Keeping It Simple 04.07.2010 04:49 PM


Keeping It Simple 04.07.2010 04:51 PM


Glice 04.07.2010 04:51 PM




Keeping It Simple 04.07.2010 04:54 PM


Keeping It Simple 04.07.2010 04:56 PM


Keeping It Simple 04.07.2010 04:57 PM


Keeping It Simple 04.07.2010 05:01 PM


Pookie 04.07.2010 05:08 PM


Pookie 04.07.2010 05:30 PM


Glice 04.07.2010 05:38 PM




Keeping It Simple 04.07.2010 05:41 PM


Keeping It Simple 04.07.2010 05:43 PM


Pookie 04.07.2010 05:59 PM




demonrail666 04.07.2010 10:16 PM

I worry that victory may go to whoever has the sexier 'first lady'.




EVOLghost 04.07.2010 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Glice


this is awesome

jon boy 04.07.2010 10:45 PM

cameron = twat


he has the most twattish punchable face ever.

Glice 04.08.2010 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I worry that victory may go to whoever has the sexier 'first lady'.


She screams 'I will be a complete ballache and not even condescend to make a sandwich afterwards without whinging for 20 minutes'.



Mildly kinky, would make a sandwich. Possibly not on top of keeping it trim.


Secretly a minx, wouldn't make a sandwich but would probably want to go down the local for a few jars of brown. Gets on with your mates and has a sense of humour. I'd happily introduce her to the queen.



Nazi, and therefore the best shag of the lot, but you'd never tell anyone, and you might need a colostomy bag and surgery afterwards.

demonrail666 04.08.2010 06:44 AM

Griffin should marry Danielle Lloyd so he can have sexy racist babies, rather than just racist ones.

jon boy 04.08.2010 07:39 PM

why michael why?


Keeping It Simple 04.09.2010 05:18 AM

Anyone else here notice the twisted xenophobic undertones of the lunatical lefties posts of the board? It's twisted, as the xenophobia is directed toward their own indigenous race rather than a foreign one. Hence why they're backing a party who instigated a policy of social engineering against their own people. One can only liken it to the social genocide of the indigenous population, all in the name of political correctness, which is nothing but a cover for extreme Marxism.

Glice 04.09.2010 05:30 AM

Interestingly, the proper word for what you're describing is 'homophobia'; 'xenophobia' would refer strictly to 'outsiders' (itself a nebulous term). The term 'homophobia' as we understand it is etymologically incorrect - it should be 'homosexualphobia' or similar.

Cameron represents 'my own indigenous race' (itself a meaningless term, especially given you don't know the racial make up of anyone posting, and that the British racial identity is non-homogenous) no more or less than does Labour, Lib Dem, the BNP, the IRA or the Red Army Faction.

I know you're playing the wind-up card, but I'd like to improve your ability to wind people up, because that'll make this whole enterprise a lot more fun - could you at least tone down the hysterical nonsense so it at least looks like you're 'condescending' to be rational? Thanks.

Florya 04.09.2010 05:41 AM

Florya 04.09.2010 05:42 AM


Glice 04.09.2010 05:46 AM

The greens are threatening to get in round your neck of the woods, aren't they Florya?

Keeping It Simple 04.09.2010 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
Interestingly, the proper word for what you're describing is 'homophobia'; 'xenophobia' would refer strictly to 'outsiders' (itself a nebulous term). The term 'homophobia' as we understand it is etymologically incorrect - it should be 'homosexualphobia' or similar.

Cameron represents 'my own indigenous race' (itself a meaningless term, especially given you don't know the racial make up of anyone posting) no more or less than does Labour, Lib Dem, the BNP, the IRA or the Red Army Faction.

I know you're playing the wind-up card, but I'd like to improve your ability to wind people up, because that'll make this whole enterprise a lot more fun - could you at least tone down the hysterical nonsense so it at least looks like you're 'condescending' to be rational? Thanks.

You're clearly unhappy over my exposure of Labour's xenophobia towards the indigenous population. A xenophobia mostly targeted at the people less likely to vote for the Kremlin's lickspittles. Though Labour's spin doctors would naturally call it the oxymoron "positive xenophobia", like that other oxymoron they like to use, which is "positive discrimination". Labour is as racist as any far-right party, but it laughably deludes itself into believing it can mask that fact by simply prefixing the word "positive" in front of a word associated with a controversial issue.

Glice 04.09.2010 05:54 AM

Where has anyone defended Labour? I'm just saying that Cameron is a massive, execrable cunt of the highest order. In so far as I'm emphasising Cameron, I'm not even that worried about the Conservative Party (who I have only a mild disdain towards).

Glice's syllogistic logic, lesson one - a negation of one does not imply an affirmation of the other.

Keeping It Simple 04.09.2010 06:05 AM

I see the lunatical lefties are still patronising us by laughably being anally retentive over the word "indigenous", claiming it's a meaningless term, telling us what we already know about the British people being "non-homogenous". Talk about being xenophobic towards their own race just for the sake of Marxism!

Keeping It Simple 04.09.2010 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
Where has anyone defended Labour? I'm just saying that Cameron is a massive, execrable cunt of the highest order. In so far as I'm emphasising Cameron, I'm not even that worried about the Conservative Party (who I have only a mild disdain towards).

Glice's syllogistic logic, lesson one - a negation of one does not imply an affirmation of the other.

Thank you for uncannily mirroring our opinion of you. I suppose it would take a massive, execrable cunt of the highest order to know another.

Glice 04.09.2010 06:08 AM

If there is such a thing as 'indigenous British', I don't belong to it. I think you're assuming that I'm white.

Keeping It Simple 04.09.2010 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
If there is such a thing as 'indigenous British', I don't belong to it. I think you're assuming that I'm white.

There is such a thing as "indigenous British", they make up 85% of the UK's population. In fact whites in total make up just over 90%. If you feel you don't belong, then why vote for a party made up of Kremlin lickspittles that punishes the 85% that do all in the name of Marxism?

Glice 04.09.2010 06:34 AM

'White' is an exceptionally broad category. If merely 'white' is indigenous, then Britain would be a lot larger than it actually is. 5% of non-indigenous Britons are white, that's interesting though - where are they from? I don't feel I don't belong. I do feel I don't belong to a tiny minority of exceptionally rich people who'll benefit from tax relief, at the behest of millions of not-exceptionally-rich people though.

radarmaker 04.09.2010 06:37 AM

The only problem with the Ignore function is that it doesn't totally obliterate all trace of utter cunts such as KIS here.

Glice 04.09.2010 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by radarmaker
The only problem with the Ignore function is that it doesn't totally obliterate all trace of utter cunts such as KIS here.


Originally Posted by Pookie
Post your anti Cameron stuff here. It'll make you feel better.


cagedbird 04.09.2010 07:41 AM

The play's the thing.
--Hamlet by William Shakespeare

demonrail666 04.09.2010 10:39 AM


Green_mind 04.09.2010 10:57 AM

There's something in Cameron's image that always makes me think of Piers pissing Morgan. Here's a clip of Piers cracking some ribs a few years ago

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