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schizophrenicroom 07.08.2006 01:22 AM

Hayden got banned?
He told me over IM he logged out, and when he tried to log back in he found apparently he's been banned. The hell?

drrrtyboots 07.08.2006 01:25 AM

WTF NO NO NO NO. Hayden too? Has it come to this?

schizophrenicroom 07.08.2006 01:25 AM

i guess so.

fuck it all. i love hayden.

drrrtyboots 07.08.2006 01:26 AM

Yeah..that liar.

schizophrenicroom 07.08.2006 01:27 AM

He can't see the boards, Saturnine, so it's probably just his IP is banned.

HaydenAsche 07.08.2006 01:28 AM


It finally let me on. ASSBLASTER banned?

I'm fucking leaving.

drrrtyboots 07.08.2006 01:29 AM

Fuck that, let's just petition this shit.

HaydenAsche 07.08.2006 01:33 AM


I'm rather pissed AB wasn't a hoax.

HaydenAsche 07.08.2006 01:34 AM

Anyone have AssBlaster's e-mail adress?

drrrtyboots 07.08.2006 01:35 AM

Now who will double team Daycare with you Hayden? Who?!

HaydenAsche 07.08.2006 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by drrrtyboots
Now who will double team Daycare with you Hayden? Who?!

No idea. I'll probably just stop coming here.

iSketch is the new Sonic Youth Gossip.

drrrtyboots 07.08.2006 01:37 AM

Hahaha iSketch. I'm there.

HaydenAsche 07.08.2006 01:39 AM

I'm too busy right now. Is AB in there?

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.08.2006 01:43 AM

YAYYone less faggoit

HaydenAsche 07.08.2006 01:44 AM

Shut up you mexican dirtbag.

porkmarras 07.08.2006 04:15 AM

How sad.You guys are joking aren't you?He didn't get banned for real,i don't believe that.Where are you Hayden?

Glice 07.08.2006 07:17 AM

Sorry, no, really? Assblaster? Banned? What?

I'm hungover, someone makethismake sense. Why would AB be banned when there are people who are utter wastes of space? Why him and not khcunt? What's going on? Or is it still a hoax?


RdTv 07.08.2006 07:23 AM

Seems Mr. Blaster is banned indeed. Where it would say invito al cielo it says banned...

jon boy 07.08.2006 07:38 AM

it does seem strange that ab would be banned unless he said something really bad or did something really bad. there are people on here who probably should be banned or whatever for doing worse.

PAULYBEE2656 07.08.2006 07:46 AM

is everyone getting this banned thing wrong. is it just a number of posts title thing like expressway, 100%. both ab and hayden dont deserve to be banned... a few others do tho... no names mentioned of course...

we chabib to look in on this

Glice 07.08.2006 07:48 AM

Those of you checkng PM's may want to forward PM's to those not checking PM's and not talk about the PM's here for fear of giving people ideas.

whorefrost 07.08.2006 09:43 AM

seems assblaster ain't on the member's list anymore...

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.08.2006 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Saturnine
you wuvv your pee pee, shut up.

ohhh! who am i kidding

against_the_grain 07.08.2006 09:57 AM

What does constitute banning here ? Indecency(whatever that is)...or personal attacks....or what ?

It seems pretty free here.

fishmonkey 07.08.2006 10:03 AM

shit, this is a load of shite.

who else got banned, did AB?

PAULYBEE2656 07.08.2006 10:19 AM

ab aint on members list anyway. hayden is and no banning signs there!

as i said. we need a chabibism on this subject

Alex's Trip 07.08.2006 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche

I'm rather pissed AB wasn't a hoax.

Assblaster was getting annoying. His account doesn't even exist anymore, according to the member list. Damn you beat me to it, Paul.

Chabib needs to come back and set some shit straight.

Toilet & Bowels 07.08.2006 10:36 AM

why would he get banned?

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.08.2006 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
why would he get banned?

might have been the "muslim" comment

which, im totaly sure he was not serious about.
even though i dont really like the guy too much, i dont think he should be banned.

Alex's Trip 07.08.2006 10:38 AM

Why wouldn't he get banned?

Trasher02 07.08.2006 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Saturnine
you wuvv your pee pee, shut up.

Hayden = funny as hell

Since when did the sy-board start banning members? this is ridiculous.

Inhuman 07.08.2006 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
might have been the "muslim" comment

haha, I laughed when I read this. I better go make sure Vodka Gobblin still has an account...

Toilet & Bowels 07.08.2006 10:45 AM

he's been making muslim jokes for months, why are they banning him for that now?

Daycare Nation 07.08.2006 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
it does seem strange that ab would be banned unless he said something really bad or did something really bad. there are people on here who probably should be banned or whatever for doing worse.

Maybe he was banned for sexually harrassing Laila and making fun her God. I think he also said something about killing me. He wasn't exactly a nice person.

jon boy 07.08.2006 10:46 AM

really, i dont pay much attention to those sort of posts.

Trasher02 07.08.2006 10:48 AM

The Muslim stuff probably isn't the reason.
Maybe Hayden is trying to get attention by saying he's banned? Though that's a little far fetched...

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.08.2006 11:10 AM

i dont know but i dont like the kid anyway

Daycare Nation 07.08.2006 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
i dont know but i dont like the kid anyway

you're not alone....Laila doesn't like him either.

porkmarras 07.08.2006 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
he's been making muslim jokes for months, why are they banning him for that now?

It could,perhaps,have been a joke too far.Some people might not take to being referred to as muslim trash that lightly.The sort of etiquette that applies to life might apply to internet message boards.Still,it's unfair that they got banned because they are nice kids,it's just that they don't know when to stop,that's all.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.08.2006 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
It could,perhaps,have been a joke too far.Some people might not take to being referred to as muslim trash that lightly.The sort of etiquette that applies to life might apply to internet message boards.Still,it's unfair that they got banned because they are nice kids,it's just that they don't know when to stop,that's all.

no reason to ban the guy

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