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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 02.18.2010 07:19 PM

Let's massacre a band volume 4- Animal Collective.
They fucking blow.

Skuj 02.18.2010 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
They fucking blow.


Really, I cannot understand the lack of love for BSS at this forum. But, to each their own.

I can't fucking wait till May! The 2005 s/t was fucking epic and brilliant says I.

Skuj 02.18.2010 10:49 PM

Oh jesus fucking christ, I'm obv very tired or something. I read AC as BSS. WTF? I'm so embarrassed.

But anyway......AC 2009 was fucking great.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 02.19.2010 01:28 AM

Merriweather Post Pavillion is the music equivalent of Star Wars Attack of the Clones.

Who is BSS?

SuperCreep 02.19.2010 01:49 AM

^broken social scene.

anyway, i like animal collective in general (and i really like stuff like "spirit..." and "feels" and panda bear solo), but they're basically a clusterfuck of plagiarisation of a lot of other shit. it's kinda baffling how people taut them as the most innovative shit ever. whatever, though. innovation isn't everything. more often than not, they're good at what they do.

hevusa 02.19.2010 02:25 AM

*REVERB* drugs *REVERB* drugs synth

atsonicpark 02.19.2010 02:34 AM

They've got some alright stuff, some of their solo stuff is not bad. For a popular band, they're not too bad. Some decent melodies. I find it interesting how popular they are, though, when you consider that about half their output is pretty much unlistenable (and I mean.. unlistenable to anybody, not singling out hipsters or music snobs). Just get more and more boring with every release. Ultimately, they're probably a good gateway drug band, as I can see them getting people into better music. They're not great, they're not even very good, and most of their material is shit. But they've got enough alright stuff to make me not completely hate them.

nowideau 02.19.2010 09:19 AM

Peace Bone is an amazing song, with a fucking great chorus (that octave leap!). Catchy and memorable in the best possible way.

Trasher02 02.19.2010 09:40 AM

Don't hate them but right now I'm not really that psyched about them either. I think they're the type of band you LOVE for about a month and completely forget about them afterwards. Good stuff, just not very memorable.


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I find it interesting how popular they are, though, when you consider that about half their output is pretty much unlistenable.

I like to think it's because their music is "cute" or something, which (to me) seems to be the latest music succes-formule. I mean, look at Vampire Weekend. Same shit, Shittier band.

Rob Instigator 02.19.2010 10:29 AM

HATE THEM and their boring wank so MUCH

automatic bzooty 02.19.2010 10:34 AM

here comes the indian is one of the worst albums i've ever listened to.

dionysusundone 02.19.2010 03:31 PM

The weird thing about this band for me is that I always hate their stuff at first, then when I go back to it a few months later realize I love it.

finding nobody 02.28.2010 12:19 AM

They blow as much as peanut butter and jelly
which does not blow. at all.

pbradley 02.28.2010 12:26 AM

Too similar to the Beach Bores.

HaydenAsche 02.28.2010 04:11 PM

Animal Collective puts out some amazing things. Some less so. But who gives a fuck? They make some super groovy shit.

TheMadcapLaughs 02.28.2010 04:44 PM

hate them

dazedcola 02.28.2010 05:54 PM

I really enjoyed sung tongs with its warmth in the acoustic tracks and theyre spectacular sense of harmonies but i hate that new merriweather one. They go all electronic and use these shitty synths and keyboards from the 80s. What is it vogue now to think those cheesy 80s sounds were cool?

noisereductions 02.28.2010 06:02 PM

these are the worst fucking threads on this board. And I mean it. They're counter-intuitive to who we are as a forum. We used to be board that was open-minded and shared things. So why would we want to be a bunch of fucking snarky elistist douchebags that draw lines in the sands of what is cool and what bands the rest of us should be embarrassed to listen to? Unless y'all are planning to send yr resumes to Pitchfork, I suggest we bury these fucking Let's Massacre A Band threads and pretend they never happened. Who's with me?

pbradley 02.28.2010 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
Unless y'all are planning to send yr resumes to Pitchfork

Wouldn't we need to love Animal Collective?

HaydenAsche 02.28.2010 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
these are the worst fucking threads on this board. And I mean it. They're counter-intuitive to who we are as a forum. We used to be board that was open-minded and shared things. So why would we want to be a bunch of fucking snarky elistist douchebags that draw lines in the sands of what is cool and what bands the rest of us should be embarrassed to listen to? Unless y'all are planning to send yr resumes to Pitchfork, I suggest we bury these fucking Let's Massacre A Band threads and pretend they never happened. Who's with me?

Amen, brother.

TheMadcapLaughs 02.28.2010 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
these are the worst fucking threads on this board. And I mean it. They're counter-intuitive to who we are as a forum. We used to be board that was open-minded and shared things. So why would we want to be a bunch of fucking snarky elistist douchebags that draw lines in the sands of what is cool and what bands the rest of us should be embarrassed to listen to? Unless y'all are planning to send yr resumes to Pitchfork, I suggest we bury these fucking Let's Massacre A Band threads and pretend they never happened. Who's with me?

hahaha, what board have you been on? pretty much every thread where someone big ups a band, it degenerates into the exact same thing. "well i like them" vs. "well you are twat if you do". i think its funny to approach it from the other side. even though it ends up being the exact same fucking thing.

noisereductions 02.28.2010 07:22 PM

I have nearly 24 times as many posts as you and you're asking which board I've been on? Who extactly are you for that matter?

automatic bzooty 02.28.2010 07:38 PM

person pitch roooooolz

TheMadcapLaughs 02.28.2010 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I have nearly 24 times as many posts as you and you're asking which board I've been on? Who extactly are you for that matter?

just cause i don't post my opinion on every little fucking thing that cames up doesn't i dont see the threads. usually i just have nothing to add to them. ive been on this since 2002 (i think). not that i feel like i have to prove anything to you sir. but really, message boards are not about being the bigger man. its about finding out new shit and arguing and agreeing. say someone says. oh animal collective is just a fucking rip-off this band. then if you didnt know that band, you can ck. em out and figure it out for yourself. its still constructive. c'mon buddy. theres been fighting forever. remember the khchris and atari fights. classic stuff.

Decayed Rhapsody 02.28.2010 10:02 PM

Panda Bear is probably the most tolerable of the bunch. Their popularity is certainly a phenomenon.

Terminal Boredom has the most hilarious AC hate on the entire interwebz.

Genteel Death 02.28.2010 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Decayed Rhapsody

Terminal Boredom has the most hilarious AC hate on the entire interwebz.


Decayed Rhapsody 02.28.2010 10:34 PM

Genteel Death 02.28.2010 10:41 PM

Also on the same forum I found hilarious the wavves-bashing threads with many pictures of dogs surfing.

Decayed Rhapsody 02.28.2010 10:49 PM

TB has turned me on to some awesome shit, including stuff right in my backyard that I had no idea about... but there's also a general conservatism/bias towards a certain type of guitar music that is very American. I think it might be a generational/geographical thing as a lot of them are older and from the Midwest.

Genteel Death 02.28.2010 10:55 PM

Yeah, there are times when I can't be bothered with much of their drug-talking, baseball-watching punk rockers. Generally I like it as a forum, even though there are a number of posters on there who clearly have a massive chip on the shouler when it comes to music that isn't american. All in all is a very good forum, though.

SonicBebs 08.19.2012 07:28 AM

I had never heard of ac until merryweather came out, and that album kind of blew me away. These days i listen to strawberry jam more, but mpp has some beautiful moments.
Looking forward to the new album too. I've only heard Today is Supernatural (or whatever its called) and i really liked that

dressedindreams 08.20.2012 10:28 AM

new album rules.

Im not ashamed of my animal collective fandom, and in fact I'm surprised more people around here don't like them, at least some of their stuff

noisereductions 08.24.2012 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I have nearly 24 times as many posts as you and you're asking which board I've been on? Who extactly are you for that matter?

^wow, did I really say this? Damn I sounded like a total douche. If yr still around MadCap, I seriously apologize for being such a jerk.

louder 08.24.2012 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by dressedindreams
new album rules.

Im not ashamed of my animal collective fandom, and in fact I'm surprised more people around here don't like them, at least some of their stuff


noisereductions 08.24.2012 07:24 PM

I'm definitely a fan. Except Dance Manate. I hate that album. But the rest, I love.

the ikara cult 08.24.2012 07:40 PM

Im in the same territory as Cooley, theyre 50% great and 50% terrible

TheMadcapLaughs 08.24.2012 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
^wow, did I really say this? Damn I sounded like a total douche. If yr still around MadCap, I seriously apologize for being such a jerk.

haha, i just saw this thread and saw those old posts again. i totally forgot about this, no hard feelings at all old chap **crosses noisreductions off of hit list, puts on lip stick and relaxes**

noisereductions 08.24.2012 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by TheMadcapLaughs
haha, i just saw this thread and saw those old posts again. i totally forgot about this, no hard feelings at all old chap **crosses noisreductions off of hit list, puts on lip stick and relaxes**

"man am I glad I called that guy!"



SpaceCadetHayden 08.24.2012 11:50 PM

prospect hummer was completely perfect and forest gospel is one of my favorite songs of all time but they haven't released anything more than tolerable since then

hypertonic 08.28.2012 02:06 PM

I'd say I'm now down to only 70% fandom...

I did get the opportunity to see them at an absolutely great point... 2007 in St. Louis in a basement classroom at Washington University. I live a few hours away, and convinced a friend to try to make it up there last minute. We barely made it in, as it was pretty small and packed... was pretty much already oversold... Tickley Feather was neat opener and AnCo had the sick skeleton backstage setup with glowing eyes and shit...

It was LOUD AS FUCK. I stood a couple feet in front of Panda Bear the whole show while my older techno DJ friend stood in back (big mistake as he later realized it was so loud it actually damaged his ear). AnCo were using the college hallways and resonance as a natural reverb chamber. It was sick. They would ramp up the volume or use vocal sounds to project and you could hear it echoing through the building. It was great. They were loaded. So the fuck what. I posted before but I have the entire performance in 4gb file. The college recorded it pro style. Its on YouTube. The entire performance is very challenging to sit through.

At that point they played SJ stuff and some very early unfinished MPP stuff. For some reason I don't listen to them as much anymore. It just doesn't come to mind. (Maybe I subconsciously assoc them with my ex-girlfriend)

I do prefer their Sung Tongs, and Danse Manatee/Spirit albums. I think if they returned to a more basic album approach they might still have some decent albums I could get into. Dont have to ditch the electronics, but I think their "spirit" comes through more clearly with organic arrangements.

Cobwebs is probably one of my favorite songs.

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