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SonikJesus 01.12.2010 02:57 AM

remember the old board?
That place was sick. I just remebered about it after having forgotten it. Seems like a long time ago. I was still a teenager in high school and browsed the board a lot and discovered a lot of cool music because of it. I hardly ever come here now haha.

atsonicpark 01.12.2010 03:39 AM

I wish I remembered who made the anti-atsonicpark thread on the old board. That was an awesome read. I never even bothered replying to it.

phoenix 01.12.2010 06:19 AM


nicfit 01.12.2010 06:20 AM

fuck fullerene with a chainsaw?

nicfit 01.12.2010 06:26 AM

thanks Nefeli!

SYRFox 01.12.2010 08:08 AM

I remember it. Not that I posted a lot on there - I must have posted like, two messages. Then the board changed and I was like "well, why not getting on there more often?", which is why I signed on the first or second day the board was on (on this account though: )

floatingslowly 01.12.2010 09:09 AM

you mean the board that looked so budget that it kept me from posting for years?

yeah, I remember that board.

fuck that board!

noisereductions 01.12.2010 09:13 AM

I posted on there a lot. A lot. Under a different name. But I don't really remember much from it. Then the new board started and for some reason that pissed me off, so I didn't join the new board for a while. But I used to lurk all the time. I'm weird about stuff.

stu666 01.12.2010 09:28 AM

i don't think i posted on the old board, i started when it changed.

SYRFox 01.12.2010 09:40 AM

SYRFox 01.12.2010 09:45 AM


Members logged in (16) :: PAULYBEE A Thousand Threads screamingscull ricechex hotknives q o n o x you asshole 6L6GC deaf billy sonikdeathmonkey strayslack contrelefuckingsexisme kegmama torncurtain noumenal emma blowgun

Toilet & Bowels 01.12.2010 09:59 AM

i found it a bit weird when the old board was being closed down and all these people were trying to archive it so they could go back and reread old threads, it made me wonder if they tape record their conversations and listen back to them too

SYRFox 01.12.2010 10:03 AM

man is so awesome (We started in January 2001 and already have over 6,000 articles. ) 873d46

pbradley 01.12.2010 10:07 AM

Nostalgia kills the present.

Toilet & Bowels 01.12.2010 10:09 AM

nostalgia is easily cured when you revisit all the things you remember as being good and realise they are actually rubbish

Trasher02 01.12.2010 10:18 AM

The emoticons were awesome!

Rob Instigator 01.12.2010 10:36 AM

I was there

SonikJesus 01.12.2010 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox

No way!!! I didn't post a lot but it brings back memories. And yeah, Rob, I think yr name was like something cheeto or whatever.

akprodr 01.12.2010 06:08 PM

forget the past and just say 'yes'

Rob Instigator 01.12.2010 06:11 PM

I was cheeto55.

do not know why. I first signed on to it in 99.

shabbray2.0 01.12.2010 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
fuck fullerene with a chainsaw?

I needed almost a year to register after the change to the new board. or to say it better, to use my nick

shabbray2.0 01.12.2010 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
i found it a bit weird when the old board was being closed down and all these people were trying to archive it so they could go back and reread old threads, it made me wonder if they tape record their conversations and listen back to them too

I wonder if they dont do that...

samuel 01.12.2010 07:40 PM

If you remember your email and password, you can use your old name to sign into other forums, like Yeah Yeah Yeahs'.

JiggleJiggly 8/19/04
I don't get myself.

jon boy 01.12.2010 08:28 PM

i thought the old board was more funerrer.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.12.2010 09:25 PM

I was Tapeworm Donor, and I was in high school. Ah, how times have changed.

SONIC GAIL 01.13.2010 10:44 AM

I live in a remote location that did not have internet access then, so no I don't remember.

noisereductions 01.13.2010 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by samuel
If you remember your email and password, you can use your old name to sign into other forums, like Yeah Yeah Yeahs'.

JiggleJiggly 8/19/04
I don't get myself.


noisereductions 01.13.2010 11:02 AM

remember Or was it

Toilet & Bowels 01.13.2010 11:30 AM

do you remember that guy sonik tooth who had probably the world's largest SY collection and then sold it all because his wife made him or something

noisereductions 01.13.2010 11:49 AM

I remember him, but I don't remember that part of the story... what happened??

Toilet & Bowels 01.13.2010 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I remember him, but I don't remember that part of the story... what happened??

I don't know, I think he was too ashamed to tell the full story

noisereductions 01.13.2010 12:12 PM

maybe he cheated and she knew that the best way to cut off his manhood would be to make him SY-less.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.13.2010 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
The other one was much easier to deal with. I actually liked it because it wasn't like all of the other message boards. you could just go on and browse threads organized by updates rather then general topics. this style of board makes you have to decide where you want to browse, and honestly i usually dont care THAT much. the other board offered you topics on the fly, just for showing up. this one sucks.

"such friends (are dangerous)":fuckyou:


nicfit 01.13.2010 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

hope you learned the "today's posts" trick in the long timespan between that post you quoted and now.

Genteel Death 01.13.2010 06:02 PM

The thread someone started on the old forum asking if SY smoked weed was one of the best ever.

Toilet & Bowels 01.13.2010 06:11 PM

people used to start threads fairly frequently about whether SY took drugs, but now i never see threads like that anymore, which leads me to wonder do teenagers no longer take drugs based on whether their favourite musician does or doesn't?

static-harmony 01.13.2010 06:18 PM

I only posted once in the old board.

Keeping It Simple 01.13.2010 06:22 PM

I've noticed most message boards had previous iterations which its users reminisce over through rose-tinted spectacles.

Genteel Death 01.13.2010 06:23 PM

That was the only one
I remember seeing. When I asked why they wanted to know I got an acerbic reply from what must have been a 14 year old, which made it all the more amusing.

Genteel Death 01.13.2010 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
I've noticed most message boards had previous iterations which its users reminisce over through rose-tinted spectacles.

I'm not surprised when that happens if you post on them, sunshine.

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