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dazedcola 03.27.2006 10:39 PM

Favorite Beatles Record ?
They have so many, but which is your favorite ?

I love the White Album that one is my favorite. It has so many good tracks on it, I feel like its the beatles pushing themselves to the limits and coming up with some amazing songs.

My Runner Up is: Abbey Road (Because,Oh Darling, She's So Heavy, Here Comes the Sun, Something are all great songs)

finding nobody 03.27.2006 10:44 PM

yes. white album is as good as it gets. 2nd best is magical mystery tour. why because of this

TheDom 03.27.2006 10:47 PM

It's pretty fucking hard to beat the White Album.

After that, I love Rubber Soul and Revolver. A tie. Tomorrow Never Knows is one of the best songs ever.

marleypumpkin 03.27.2006 10:49 PM


I'd have to say "Let It Be". All of the group was bitter at someone else/ Like Paul being mad @ John for having Yoko in the studio too much, & things like that. & they managed to write & record an excellent album out of those bad times.
I have a bunch of Beatles demos, radio performances, & shit. Would you like me to upload then for you?

finding nobody 03.27.2006 10:51 PM

i would like that marleypumpkin

sellouteater 03.27.2006 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by marleypumpkin

I'd have to say "Let It Be". All of the group was bitter at someone else/ Like Paul being mad @ John for having Yoko in the studio too much, & things like that. & they managed to write & record an excellent album out of those bad times.
I have a bunch of Beatles demos, radio performances, & shit. Would you like me to upload then for you?

upload stuff?
hell no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just kidding yeah upload some stuff

hey alex 03.27.2006 10:53 PM

revolver for me. It's their most rockin record and the first time the drug influenced sounds starting really popping up. White album and sgt peppers are right behind it, but revolver's solid.

anyone else also really like beatles for sale? No one really ever talks about that one, but I love it.

marleypumpkin 03.27.2006 10:53 PM

Alright, I'll have everything posted A.S.A.P Stay Tuned

hey alex 03.27.2006 10:56 PM

awesome awesome

i have a white album bdemos boot called off white. If anyone wants that I can try and find the cd and up it sometime

marleypumpkin 03.27.2006 10:59 PM

I am posting one of those demos, I think. I have "Piggies" (demo) that was recorded @ George's home. also, "Polythene Pam"

krastian 03.27.2006 11:32 PM

The White Album

marleypumpkin 03.27.2006 11:53 PM


I also have the re-release of Let It Be. "Let It Be...Naked". The bonus disc has a bunch of little demos & outakes from the Let It Be sessions. Very interesting to listen to. It includes them playing G.Harrison's, "All Things Must Pass", & it sounded great even back then.

krastian 03.28.2006 12:00 AM

Yeah Magical Mystery Tour just beats out Sgt. Pepper for me for my second guys have seen The Magical Mystery Tour movie, right?

marleypumpkin 03.28.2006 12:03 AM

MMT Movie: Oh yeah, I was watching that the other day as a matter of fact.

krastian 03.28.2006 12:04 AM

It's pretty fucked up.

marleypumpkin 03.28.2006 12:08 AM

It's definetly an interesting watch. I have "A Hard Days Night" on DVD. You know, that Miramax re-release.

jennthebenn 03.28.2006 12:17 AM

revolver, then magical mystery tour.

rubber soul my least favorite (yes, i know you didn't ask that;bwaha).

krastian 03.28.2006 12:21 AM

I always love the part when John is talking to that little girl and says, "Have a guess!!!"

noumenal 03.28.2006 12:24 AM

Abbey Road and Sgt. Pepper are my faves

marleypumpkin 03.28.2006 01:05 AM

I'm sorry the Beatles uploads are taking so long. I should have them posted soon. (22 tracks)

soniknirve 03.28.2006 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by TheDom
It's pretty fucking hard to beat the White Album.

After that, I love Rubber Soul and Revolver. A tie.

i agree with dom...

marleypumpkin 03.28.2006 01:28 AM

So, am I the only one who likes "Let It Be".

sonikold 03.28.2006 01:33 AM

it's pretty hard to decide... i guess i'm going to say Sgt Pepper ON VINYL. digital does not do it justice.

LifeDistortion 03.28.2006 02:58 AM

I love them all, but have been IN love with The Magical Mystery Tour since I heard it. It blew me away. Have not heard any of the Beatles albums on vynil unfortunately. They are really great though, even on CD.

marleypumpkin 03.28.2006 03:44 AM

I have an original vynil of "Magical Mystery Tour", w/ the original comic book.

I have "Sgt.Pepper's" on LP, I have "The White Album", "The Beatles First w/ Tony Sheridan", "Beatles '65", I could go on & on about my Beatles LP collection.

marleypumpkin 03.28.2006 08:27 AM

My personal Beatles stash
Well here it is, my own collection of rarish Beatles. F/ radio performances, demo's, poems, home recordings. All the gritty gritty. Enjoy :)
(some of this stuff you might already have)

1.Beatles 1st Ever Recording (1958)
2.It Won't Be Long
3.Johnny B. Good (Chuck Berry)
4.My Mommy's Dead (J.Lennon home recording)
5.Kansas City
6.Keep Your Hands Off My Baby
7.It's All Too Much
8.12-Bar Original
9.Only A Northern Song (outtake)
10.You Know My Name (Look Up The #)
11.Falling & She Keeps Calling
12.Over You
13.Fat Buggy (J.Lennon poem)
15.Oh, Darling (demo)
16.P.S. I Love You (radio perf.)
17.Oh, My Soul (radio perf.) (Little Richard)
18.Piggies (demo, recorded in George's home)
19.Mr.Postman (radio perf.) (The Marvelettes)
20.Please, Please Me (1st ever radio perf.)
21.Polythene Pam (demo, recorded in George's home)
22.Only A Northern Song (original version)

Let me know what you think. Sonic Life! :cool:

marleypumpkin 03.28.2006 08:54 AM


Just because there's only 3 topics in the new posts section.

Look above, WOW!

hey alex 03.28.2006 12:06 PM

looks like something i'll have to check out, thanks

truncated 03.28.2006 12:11 PM

Can't pick a favorite, depends on my mood

But I really dig "Rubber Soul," partly because for some inexplicable reason I think Norwegian Wood is one of the greatest songs of all time.

nature scene 03.28.2006 12:21 PM

My favorite is probably Revolver followed closely by Rubber Soul. I used to really like Sgt. Pepper's a lot. It's still great, just not my favorite.

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 03.28.2006 12:40 PM

Abbey Road....Side 2. Although, admittedly, I'm not a big fan of the band in general.

Gainsbarre 03.28.2006 12:51 PM

It's All Too Much is my favorite Beatles song. Why is it so slept on??? They don't even mention it in the Beatles anthology book.

Inhuman 03.28.2006 12:51 PM

I've listened to most of them, and I'd have to go with the White album, and then Abbey Road. I love the song "Piggies"

FruitLoop 03.28.2006 03:52 PM

I agree with truncated.... really depends on the mood, theuyre all (except between the first ones) totally different. Like after revolver. But I'd choose Sgt. Pepper over any other album. It's so..... perfect, somehow. All the work (analog!) that had been done, it's crazy....

Spanks 03.28.2006 07:12 PM

Magical Mystery Tour followed by Help!

TheDom 03.28.2006 09:34 PM

Hot damn! marley, thanks a million!

most of my Beatles stuff is on LP. I was lucky enough to find most of them cheap ($2-$4) each and in good condition, though I don't have them all. I even found Magical Mystery Tour is somebody's TRASH! Complete with the booklet thing and it looked as if it hadn't even been played yet.

marleypumpkin 03.28.2006 09:39 PM

Yeah, I have The MMT LP w/ the comic book as well. Let me know what you think of all the tracks I posted.

marleypumpkin 03.28.2006 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Gainsbarre
It's All Too Much is my favorite Beatles song. Why is it so slept on??? They don't even mention it in the Beatles anthology book.

It could be the fact that the song was written for the "Yellow Submarine" movie. It could be the fact that George wrote this song about actual LSD tripping, & the childlike state that it puts you in. It could be the fact that George was the Beatle who wrote it. There could be many reasons.
It really gets me angry when people underestimate George Harrison's song writing talents. He's the only Beatles member who I actually like their solo stuff. John's is o.k., Paul's was not too great, but George's was absolute brilliance.
&, oh yeah, "It's All Too Much" fucking kicks ass.

HaydenAsche 03.28.2006 10:19 PM

I dig Sgt. Pep's. "She's Leaving Home" brings me really close to tears every time I hear it.

dazedcola 03.28.2006 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by marleypumpkin
oh yeah, "It's All Too Much" fucking kicks ass.

yea, that and "hey bulldog" are probably the best least heard beatles tracks around.

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