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Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.03.2006 11:23 AM

New futurama episodes on comedy central!
taken from just scroll down on the main page.

After word from two voice actors had spread during the last two days, the news agency Reuters is now reporting that "Comedy Central has resurrected the former Fox animated series from "The Simpsons" creator Matt Groening and David X. Cohen. At least 13 new episodes will be produced."

They go on to quote David Bernath, senior vice president for programming at the network.
"We are thrilled that Matt Groening and 20th Century Fox Television have decided to produce new episodes of 'Futurama' and that Comedy Central will be the first to air them."
"There is a deep and passionate fan base for this intelligent and very funny show that matches perfectly with our audience, and it is great that we can offer them not just the existing library but something they've never seen as well."

A press release from Comedy Central dated June 22nd supposedly verifies this information but is not available to the public on their media website yet.

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 11:31 AM

Old. It isn't supposed to start until 2008. But either way, MORE FUTURAMA!!!!

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.03.2006 11:35 AM

really? I just heard about it last night on adultswim. Oh well, Im still excited. I plan on picking up the 3rd and 4th seasons this summer.

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 11:42 AM

Poser, I already have them all ;)

They are really great.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.03.2006 11:46 AM

haha, I dont have cable in my room so I watch the first two seasons when I go to bed, a disc a night. With only seven discs I could write out every episode by memory.

fishmonkey 07.03.2006 11:47 AM

atari was saying this a few days ago on some thread about TV shows, fuckin Ninja shit, cant wait for these

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
haha, I dont have cable in my room so I watch the first two seasons when I go to bed, a disc a night. With only seven discs I could write out every episode by memory.

I did that last year. I don't know about all 4 seasons by memory, but you can tell me just about any quote and I can tell you what episode, why it is said, etc.

h8kurdt 07.03.2006 11:54 AM

"A man can dream.. a man can dream" which episode?

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 12:02 PM

Anthology of Interest I. Last lines of the show because the professor wanted to know what it would be like if he had invented the finglonger, so he asks the what if machine and it shows him showing the rest of the cast the what if machine. Did that last part make sense?

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.03.2006 12:03 PM

What if Bender was really giant?"

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 12:05 PM

Haha, that line is great. I wish they did more Anthology of Interests. Which did you like better I or II?

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.03.2006 12:09 PM

The only one I can think of right now is the first one.

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 12:16 PM

First one:

What if bender was really giant?
What if Fry never got frozen?
What if Leela was more impulsive?

Second one:

What if Bender was human?
What if that thing I said? (life more like a video game)
What if Leela had found her parents? (although she gets hit in the head and doesn't get to see her 'what if' and it is a dream of her in the wizard of oz thing)

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.03.2006 12:17 PM

oh yeah. I think i'd go with the second one, just because bender as a human is great. + Ive seen the first one a million times.

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 12:19 PM

Yeah, it is a better episode overall.

What is one of your favorite episodes? Or lines? Or whatever?

I personally love Problem with the Popplers.

It has a little bit of everything. It has Zapp, Kif, the whole crew, and Lurr (ruler of Omicronion Percsi 8)

HaydenAsche 07.03.2006 12:21 PM

Leela: Where's the Professor?
Bender: Well, I was walking the professor and some crazy lady came running at me saying I stole her purse so I threw the professor at her. That didn't stop her so I had to throw this purse I found at her.

I know it's way off but it made me laugh so hard the first time I watched it.

finding nobody 07.03.2006 12:23 PM

i seen the episode the other day where they go back in time to the 1950s. thats a good one

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Leela: Where's the Professor?
Bender: Well, I was walking the professor and some crazy lady came running at me saying I stole her purse so I threw the professor at her. That didn't stop her so I had to throw this purse I found at her.

I know it's way off but it made me laugh so hard the first time I watched it.

Close enough. I think Bender says something about Morgan making him take the professor. But that part is hilarious. That episode is also really great. My favorite line is:

"You were having sex with you"

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by finding nobody
i seen the episode the other day where they go back in time to the 1950s. thats a good one

Roswell that Ends Well. The whole Zoidberg part is good.

finding nobody 07.03.2006 12:27 PM

yeah that was cool. check this out!

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 12:29 PM

God damn, I have to go play Go Fish with my sister. I'll be back.

afterthefact 07.03.2006 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
haha, I dont have cable in my room so I watch the first two seasons when I go to bed, a disc a night. With only seven discs I could write out every episode by memory.

trust me, it doesn't get any better once you own them all... I have seasons 1-4, and everytime I go to put one in, I feel like I just watched it, with and without commentary... still, the futurama must go on...

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.03.2006 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
Yeah, it is a better episode overall.

What is one of your favorite episodes? Or lines? Or whatever?

I cant really remember the episode names, but my favorite is when Fry makes a deal with the robot devil and he ends up getting his his hands so he can make music for leela.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.03.2006 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by afterthefact
trust me, it doesn't get any better once you own them all... I have seasons 1-4, and everytime I go to put one in, I feel like I just watched it, with and without commentary... still, the futurama must go on...

it does feel like that a lot. But I have trouble sleeping without some noise, music helps too. Its better than what I have though. I lot of dvds have those annoying menu songs that play over and over.

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
I cant really remember the episode names, but my favorite is when Fry makes a deal with the robot devil and he ends up getting his his hands so he can make music for leela.

Hmm...The episode name for that...I don't recall, I'll go find it.

It is the last episode though, it was a good way to end the show.

It is called "The Devils Hands are Idle Playthings"

h8kurdt 07.03.2006 12:45 PM

So tell me alex what's the next best series to steal, I have season 2 already...

afterthefact 07.03.2006 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
it does feel like that a lot. But I have trouble sleeping without some noise, music helps too. Its better than what I have though. I lot of dvds have those annoying menu songs that play over and over.

Futurama can be pretty bad about that actually, like I fell asleep today with the last disc of the last season, and while it doesn't play music, you heard talking, and whistling, and other weird noises... not that it's always bad, sometimes they can work into your mind while you are asleep and form some pretty strange dreams :)

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 12:48 PM

Wow...I have to go look at all of mine before making a decision like that.

afterthefact 07.03.2006 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
Wow...I have to go look at all of mine before making a decision like that.

I'd say season 4, if for nothing else than "The Farnsworth Paradox"

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 12:51 PM

Yeah, I just looked and, as much as it pains me to make that decision, I'd say season 4, season 3 and then season 1. Not that season 1 is bad, they are all really good. But season 1 has the least episodes.

h8kurdt 07.03.2006 12:55 PM

Season4 it shall be then.

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by afterthefact
I'd say season 4, if for nothing else than "The Farnsworth Paradox"

"The box says no"

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.03.2006 01:08 PM

its just not funny in spanish.

finding nobody 07.03.2006 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
its just not funny in spanish.

i thought that was mad funny! and i cant even speak spanish

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 01:18 PM

Hearing fry sing "walking on sunshine" in spanish was funny.

Also that episode is good. I don't remember the quote exactly but it is really funny when the ball says something like "First he bounced 1.2 meters in the air, then he bounce 4 meters in the air, and then...he bounced 5 meters in the air. Do you understand me?!"

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.03.2006 01:25 PM

"what was that?"
War were declared."

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 01:30 PM

"Is she Asian?"
"No, cyclops"

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.03.2006 01:56 PM

"Kip, raise him about nipple high."

Alex's Trip 07.03.2006 02:16 PM

Kip? Its Kiff!

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.03.2006 02:24 PM


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