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I don't know anyone would be interested in this.
Hi, does anybody think it'd be a good idea to, or interested even to give opinions on some music that is probably unfinished?
I know a lot of people switch off at this point but... Basically my band and I did some recording over the weekend and got the mixes back today. I think I need to go back to finish them off properly, but it's probably the only thing I've done musically to come back that I haven't completely hated. If it's any deciding factor I'd say the Sonic Youth force comes through pretty strong in this one. But i'd rather not give away too much what i think about it and would rather some other opinions/perspectives before going back and committing to finishing it. The band is always teetering on the point of death but I think it'd be nice to maybe be able to put together a physical copy of something that's possible at half decent. However you might think differently or that work in progress shouldn't be put out on to a forum. So I dunno, what do you think? |
I'd say post it here. I'm happy to have a listen. I'm sure plenty of other people here will do the same. I would say, however, that I would never trust the opinions of most people here, except for myself and maybe two or three others, but that's very much me and my personal take.
If you're conscious of not putting it into the public sphere (as it were), feel free to PM me. I can only really comment on aesthetics though (and only that from my perspective) - if you're after recording tips, terminal pharmacy seems to know his shit inside out, and the lately absent Savage Clone knows the fuck out of it too. I really, really wouldn't use this forum for recording tips though - those two and a handful of others excepted, it's pretty much shit-fi central here. |
thank you, mr Glice - that's pretty much exactly what I'm looking for and not recording tips persay. Though I wouldn't mind if terminal pharmacy or Savage Clone would like to put in their two cents.
I'll send a PM your way. In fact I think that's probably a better idea than wasting other peoples time by making them, kind of unconciously listen to it. if they don't want it. if that makes any sense. So yeah, if anybody else would care to partake just say so and I shall PM you a link. |
yeah send it through, i can always give you some mix tips and not necessarily input stage tips, little tweaks that are quite easy but you may not think of. also it is always good to get an opinion at an early stage and generally that is how i work all the time. but my music is generally written for completely different purposes than most on here. oh and it is as a general rule, if you know someone who can mix that hasn't heard much of your music before and will do it for free, get them to do some rough mixes, you may hear your music in a different light.
you blatant honesty is always specatular monsignor glice...
I do try... I think a lot of people on this forum would like this, having listened to it. I've sent some fairly in-depth notes to auto-aim, and I'd be surprised if this wasn't right up a lot of people's street on SYG. Even with my peculiar drum prejudices. |
so if this right up the alley of people on syg, then how come only you and and one or two other people can give worthy feedback? i was going to listen to it but now i'm worried glice will cunt out on me |
Well, liking something and having a worthwhile opinion are two entirely different things. I was only really commenting on my personal taste, which is to say, I wouldn't really refer to anyone here for an opinion on music I'd made. Different strokes and all that, I shouldn't take it to heart dollface.
okay,but you're using the "different strokes" without giving up on yr hard earned superiority you're saying yr stroke is not merely different but far more valid, please give me a reason that yr opinion is one of the worthwhile ones, preferably a reason that doesn't make me think you drink with yr small finger up, pay $50 for a scone, and claim that famous people from the past were related to you eventhough you don't actually know
how come yr opinion on beenieman is valid? |
First of all - and I don't want you to miss this very important point - fuck off, you useless turd. Secondly - I've no idea why you've taken umbrage at me being a cunt. It's nothing new or unexpected. Any malice you perceive seems to be: a) I think my opinion is right - most people do. b) terminal pharmacy really does know the fuck out of recording techniques, while most gear threads here show that most people here have a few techniques/ bits of software and stick with that. I don't really see it as a problem that some people genuinely know more about the process and techniques of recording than others, and pointing that out, in a thread asking for feedback on recordings. Thirdly - When I said that I wouldn't trust the opinion of many people here, I strictly mean that I personally wouldn't trust the opinion of many people here. If I made country music, I'd want the opinions of people who like country music rather than SYG. There really is no more 'superiority' in that statement than that. Fourthly - If I qualified my opinion as 'correct', and you counter-qualified it as 'incorrect', do we get any further than a flamewar? Fifthly - I like the idea of being a bourgeois dilettante; sadly, this is a long way from the actuality of my life. Sixthly - Just in case you didn't the first time, please fuck off you insufferable prick. |
Oh, there was an edit - my opinion on Beenie Man isn't valid or invalid. I just really like him.
Yeah, but auto-aim said it sounded like SY, and this is an SY board, so your analogy is flawed. This situation would not be similar to you making a county song and the checking with country fans to see if it was good. It would be more like you going to a country board for feedback on your country song, and someone telling you not to trust the other people there who are also country fans, but to only trust him and a couple of other people. So, yeah, there is a little 'superiorty' there. But, hey, not my fight, right?!? I'm OUTTIE G, 5000! 5000!! |
Fair point, except I've stated 4 times now that I personally wouldn't (blah blah)
And I'm also happy to admit I'm being a cunt with the statement concerned. That's as perspicuous as I can be without posting you parts of my own body. |
1. okay,good call 2(A) Naturally you think that your opinion would be right but have gone all the way to imply it's one of the only ones of any use to the person looking for feedback, since he chose to post it here i would assume sonic youth fans would be a part of his target audience so i figure that your statement was created simply to claim yr vast superiority over all over living creatures (B) i haven't commented on that part or your post,because it was good advice that could prove very useful, from the posts i've read from him about recording he clearly knows much more than the majority of people here and you were correct to point to him for help in that department,,please don't be a cunt and bring terminal pharm into this, i am only being a cunt to you 3. The person in the original post said that the recording has a clear sonic youth style and i'm assuming he chose to put it here because he thought multiple people, probably more than 2 or 3 appreciate this type of music. he's not posting country music, he's posting about the sort of music generally discussed here,that's why he wants the opinions of this site,it's like if he made country.... "I'd want the opinions of people who like country music rather than SYG." 4)"Well, liking something and having a worthwhile opinion are two entirely different things." that's what you've done here, i don't want to flame you so don't play the victim, i'm just curious why yr opinion is one of the worthwhile ones, don't bring back the whole "of course i think my opinion is right in my opinion" because the feedback is for the original poster and it has no importance whether the other people offering feedback are valid in your mind. the only reason he should care who you do or don't find credible is if he had set out to make music specifically for you. i'll give in to the fact that some opinions,namely batreleaser's definitely count for less than yours 5)I noticed,hence "claim that famous people from the past were related to you eventhough you don't actually know" i'm not implying you are a bourgeois prick, i'm implying you're trying to act like one, it's like some bastard walking around with his nose up because his mother fucked so many people one of them must have been related to churchill 6) how come your wanting me to fuck off, is more important than my not wanting to fuck off, dear friend |
I know, and I was full aware of that before I even replied. Unfortunately, my falacy detector will not allow me to go on until I point it out. It has caused great division in my family and personal life. Pray for me. |
I am fully qualified in prayer dispensation. I'ma hit your eternal soul up with some Hail Marys all up in this motherfucker.
Look, I don't get what you're getting at, at all. Whatever you're saying is lovely and all, I just don't care. I don't think I can explain myself any better than I have, and I can't really be bothered to. The only thing I would pick up on is that erudition (or in my case prolixity) is not synonymous with the bourgeois elite. If I'm a cunt, it's because I'm a cunt, not for any other reason. I'm not playing the victim, I just don't care to argue about this. Let's get back to auto-aim's awesome recordings or prayer dispensation, eh? |
Wellcharge, I think those are all really good points, but until Glice tells me they are, I just can't be sure.
i think you care and can be bothered considering you wrote a large amount on the subject already when you really didn't have to. as far as his recordings, you might have missed this but i've basically been asking you for permission to comment on them? if i'm placed in the batreleaser class of not knowing anything i'd rather not waste the original poster's time |
Oh, fuck my opinion, you don't need my permission. I thought you were after a personal taxonomy of taste, which is a whole different thing. Go ahead, or not, matters not a jot to me. I'm sure it'd benefit auto-aim to have different takes. They are good recordings though.
I want to listen to them. Also. As well.
where's the goddamn tunes man???????
If you are gonna make music and put it out PUT IT OUT, don;t worry bout what reactions you get. let's hear this thang! |
thanks for the laughs
ah haha - but it is invite only! A special club. But really, it's just because they're work in progress and I don't want to whip it out, so to speak, onto nowhere for everyone to shit on or ignore. I don't care if I don't like what people think, but I don't expect much response so thought it would be better PM'ing one or two people the link who might actually be interested. Speaking of which - if you've expressed any interest I'll send a link your way now.
oh, also Glice - It was recorded live and that bit is improvised (if it can be called that). I forgot to mention that in my message.
these recordings are cool so i would recommend asking him for the link!
I'd be down for sampling it and give you some feedback, feel free to PM me the link
what? what's the problem with glice saying he only trust the opinion of a few people on here and stating that as something for music he made and recommending that someone else seeks the opinion of said people.
i think you may have just misread some things in glice's original post wellcharge. |
This stuff is balling auto-aim! Just listened to Drone is None. After listening to some Blind Idiot God this works perfectly after it. Right before the really harsher parts it would be cool to hear a calamity in the instrumentation or a buildup. In two cats having a fight maybe try a little bit higher levels on the vocals. But really, this is jammin'
thanks hypertonic and inhuman! Personally, yeah, I want to head back (probably not til the new year) and re-do/consider the vocals and also just mess around some more with the mixes on all but about two of the songs. The vocals were the last thing done and a bit rushed at the end of the session, so all like first takes. A couple were semi-improvised and you know that kind of thing... Maybe go back and record a couple more songs with it too.
I'd like to be able to release it in some capacity - and certainly if theres some interest and if this is some kind of litmus test I might feel more er - i dunno - motivated. that's not to say i don't expect it to do anything other than just be. Or those are the right reasons for doing something. The band unit is a little dilapidated at the current time also - so i'm not sure whats going to happen - in terms of members, maybe renaming, re-jigging. I've got a couple of ideas - one would be to release it as a film with a physical copy as well. I know there's a couple people even here who are into filmic stuff like atsonicpark and it might be cool to get other people involved if they were interested. So yeah, I'm just a bit insecure at the moment. I know what I'm doing, i think, but also having some other perspectives on it is important to me. And again, for that, thanks! |
I want to hear this
you should. this shit is great.
has everybody had a chance to listen to this? I'm thinkng to pull it down shortly.
improvisation is always work in progress so don't be afraid to show to the world your way of expression...just PUT IT OUT! fuck elitism ! |
Improvisation is a broad church. I'm of the opinion that that church is at its weakest when it's treated as 'work in progress'. Which isn't a sleight on Herr Aim's work, just a comment on the nature of improvisation. In the case of this work, I think it's good, but if Herr Aim isn't happy, it's probably worth waiting until he is happy.
in my opinion i don't think "work in progress" for improvisation it's a weakest point, if your way of music is improvisation, it's hard to know even for the musician when he is happy with his work that depends of many things (even the mood of the player can have a huge influence on the music he's playing )
well you always can say if he plays the same music in another way, the theme it's not same, so will be another thing, in that way he's really improvised. ( i understand your point of view but my english it's not good enough to explain exactly my point ) |
That's cool. I get a bit defensive on this point just because I'm mainly an improviser. I play improv in a few ways, but the stuff that's most gratifying is the stuff that's good (to my ears) without needing anything added or taken away, that couldn't be repeated. Which is very difficult, but amazing when it happens. However, there are as many ways of improvising as there are people - I'm kind of fascinated with how classical players 'improvise' to written solo material, but that's a very different thing.
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