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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.14.2009 03:36 PM

Post pictures of guitars, synths, amps, pedals that you want
Fender Bass VI:


Electra Outlaw (the only one on here I'll actually probably own):


Fender Jazzmaster Candy Apple Red with red tortoise pickguard, matching headstock, and block inlays.


Fender Electric XII:


SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.14.2009 03:39 PM

Ovation Breadwinner (without the ugly sticker):


Rickenbacker 360:


jon boy 12.14.2009 03:42 PM


jon boy 12.14.2009 03:47 PM


DeadDiscoDildo 12.14.2009 04:39 PM

I'd love to get an echoplex or some kind of reverb tank but for now, this is in my sights to replace my piece of shit electroharmonix holy grail. They're stuff is so cheaply made, fuck electroharmonix.


DeadDiscoDildo 12.14.2009 04:42 PM

& Yes to that rickenbacher

Trasher02 12.14.2009 05:21 PM


And I'd like to have me some deathbyaudio pedals.

Satan 12.14.2009 05:21 PM


amerikangod 12.14.2009 05:24 PM


DeadDiscoDildo 12.14.2009 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Satan

Oh shut up

_slavo_ 12.14.2009 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy


I've got this one, sort of a smaller version of Sleepdrone.


highly recommend it.

jon boy 12.14.2009 05:52 PM

i have a lot of different things like that, one that i am using right now but its always nice to have more.

Satan 12.14.2009 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
Oh shut up

what? I WANT ONE.

jon boy 12.14.2009 05:54 PM

what i would love is one of these:


keep buying those lotto tickets.

nicfit 12.14.2009 06:01 PM





davenotdead 12.14.2009 06:05 PM

i own a kp2 that i rarely use. still want the kp3.



jon boy 12.14.2009 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit




i have a rickenbacker bass, probably the best bass i have ever used. also the dl4 is very good but they have a new one out now which is probably worth a look.

DeadDiscoDildo 12.14.2009 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
what? I WANT ONE.

I know, they are badass. That's what you put in your mansion when you're rich and famous though. So impractical for live use, be a BITCH to lug around.

Keyboards with a mellotron feature are just as good

Satan 12.14.2009 06:52 PM

no, they are absolutely not just as good.


i can easily fit one in my apartment i'm just not too sure i want to spend 2 grand on an instrument.

wellcharge 12.14.2009 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
I'd love to get an echoplex or some kind of reverb tank but for now, this is in my sights to replace my piece of shit electroharmonix holy grail. They're stuff is so cheaply made, fuck electroharmonix.


i've been thinking of buying one of these, and i think i might even do it tonight, i need my money and have no will power

matt g 12.14.2009 07:01 PM


nicfit 12.14.2009 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
i have a rickenbacker bass, probably the best bass i have ever used. also the dl4 is very good but they have a new one out now which is probably worth a look.

too bad the dl4 costs a kidney (even used)over here .. had no idea a new model had been released, go figure...which rickennbacker model do you have? that's a 4002 (in the pic).

!@#$%! 12.14.2009 07:10 PM

do microphones count?


sennheiser mk60 short shotgun


akg c414b large diaphragm multi-pattern condenser

about $2.5K for both, not counting accessories!

Death & the Maiden 12.14.2009 07:14 PM


I also want a flanger pedal.

chrome noise tape 12.14.2009 07:17 PM

i would like to try this baby...the zon hyperbass


chrome noise tape 12.14.2009 07:22 PM

...or to put a thousand of drum sticks in a Warr guitar


DeadDiscoDildo 12.14.2009 07:26 PM

Hey WELLCHARGE if you get one of those boss pedals let me know how you like it! It's sold out and on back order everywhere around here...pissin me off haha.

DeadDiscoDildo 12.14.2009 07:27 PM

From what I hear tho it's the best Boss Reverb pedal, and I know Boss will be more reliable than my Holy Grail

automatic bzooty 12.14.2009 08:13 PM


i just lots of stupid pedals to drown myself in fuzz and reverb and shit.

DeadDiscoDildo 12.14.2009 08:16 PM

^^Is that a stab at me?

I stand by my Fuck Electro Harmonix.

I dont use fuzz either.

Put it this way, if a pedal cuts the tone/makes a 1959 Fender Bassman amp sound like shit, then "Hey Pedal, yr doin it wrong"!

DeadDiscoDildo 12.14.2009 08:16 PM

Also, it likes to suddenly cut not the tone but the SIGNAL which makes it unnacceptable for gigging.

automatic bzooty 12.14.2009 08:28 PM

no, no, it's not a stab. kinda mocking my own cluelessness.

wellcharge 12.14.2009 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
Hey WELLCHARGE if you get one of those boss pedals let me know how you like it! It's sold out and on back order everywhere around here...pissin me off haha.

i jsut brought it back from the store.i'll let you know what it's like when i try it, but i'm not a guitar expert or anything so probably watching youtube videos or something would give you a better idea than anything i would say

wellcharge 12.14.2009 09:58 PM

so okay ddd,i'm playing this pedal,i like it. i basically bought it so i can try learn to play surf, i think this pedal sounds like surf so i'm happy with the purchase,if you play low chords it sounds like being inside of a cave that has lots of bats in it

what kind of ac adaptor is good for a boss pedal? i don't want to buy the official boss one when i can probably get the same thing at a non-music store for $2

DeadDiscoDildo 12.14.2009 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by wellcharge
so okay ddd,i'm playing this pedal,i like it. i basically bought it so i can try learn to play surf, i think this pedal sounds like surf so i'm happy with the purchase,if you play low chords it sounds like being inside of a cave that has lots of bats in it

what kind of ac adaptor is good for a boss pedal? i don't want to buy the official boss one when i can probably get the same thing at a non-music store for $2

Hmm, I tend not to use ac adaptors because they are always bad for stages. They dont reach far enough etc. and extension cables are annoying. I just use 9 volts. BUT, usually the manual has a recommended adapter or if you check online for that specific pedal I'm sure you can find an adapter.

Im surprised you were able to get it so close to the holidays. Are you in a big city? How does it sound when you crank the reverb really high, like all the way? I use reverb for a basic surf sound, but sometimes I like to crank it all the way, to a ridiculous level to manipulate it when I want to do stuff over the guitar pick ups to get psych sounds.

DeadDiscoDildo 12.14.2009 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by wellcharge
i jsut brought it back from the store.i'll let you know what it's like when i try it, but i'm not a guitar expert or anything so probably watching youtube videos or something would give you a better idea than anything i would say

Oh and right on, missed this post. The videos I saw seemed rad, but noone put the reverb ALL the way up.

wellcharge 12.14.2009 10:08 PM

with the reverb all the way it doesn't sound super ridiculous or anything, dark reverb with loads of sustain

playing with a bass guitar right now and it actually makes the fret noises sound really cool when all the settings are on max

i'm not really sure why it was in stock, i just called the guitar store nearest me and they had it

wellcharge 12.14.2009 10:21 PM

i made a shitty little recording with the settings all the way up, the computer mic couldn't handle it and there's clipping like mad but it could give some idea i guess

DeadDiscoDildo 12.14.2009 11:02 PM

Wicked thanks! That gives me an idea though of what it will sound like. Was your guitar clean or distorted? It sounds clean but I cant tell because of the digital distortion.

eitherway I think with my guitar and amp and distortion with the reverb that high I will get the effect I'm lookin for. Nice sustain. Thanks brother

wellcharge 12.14.2009 11:14 PM

guitar and amp were clean,the tone on the amp was turned up a little. basically the sound is one 100% from the pedal

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