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phoenix 12.06.2009 10:05 PM

please help me decide
I can't afford both, not right now. I kind of think the wing ones are cool, but not sure how much I'd actually wear them? They might not go with as much, like plain black would. But then, plain black is kind of plain. I dont know.


amerikangod 12.06.2009 10:36 PM

The plain black. I'd laugh at anyone wearing the winged ones.

You're also not locked into only deciding between the two.

pbradley 12.06.2009 11:21 PM

Winged ones are definitely too Led Zeppelin-y.

I'd like them better if they were positioned more like Hermes' winged sandals and I know shit all about what looks good.

girl! 12.06.2009 11:27 PM

No wings!!!

Really. Don't do the wings.

alteredcourse 12.06.2009 11:37 PM

The zips are awesome. Paint the wings yourself with a sharp tinged brush.
= Zips.

phoenix 12.06.2009 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
You're also not locked into only deciding between the two.

I can't buy 20 ups the calf area is far far too big, they look like wellingtons. They need to be black, and I don't just want the plain old lace up. I'd buy patent, but my last pair were that and I want something different.

so... hehe those are the two to decide between.

I think I'd really like the wings more if they were embroidered in black not colour.. hm.

amerikangod 12.07.2009 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
I can't buy 20 ups the calf area is far far too big, they look like wellingtons. They need to be black, and I don't just want the plain old lace up. I'd buy patent, but my last pair were that and I want something different.

so... hehe those are the two to decide between.

I think I'd really like the wings more if they were embroidered in black not colour.. hm.

SYRFox 12.07.2009 12:54 AM

plain black for the win!

jon boy 12.07.2009 01:28 AM

this is an easy choice, black.

automatic bzooty 12.07.2009 01:47 AM

despite being plain, you can never (ever) go wrong with plain black.

nicfit 12.07.2009 06:04 AM

I think those wings are pretty ugly, that's an easy choice...

Glice 12.07.2009 06:16 AM

I think the fact that you would even consider those vile wings is a firm validation of the need for all of your future sartorial decisions to be carried out by internet poll.

Also, the plain black ones will make you look like a fat goth, whether you're a fat goth or not. Profoundly unflattering boots on anyone.

phoenix 12.07.2009 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
I think the fact that you would even consider those vile wings is a firm validation of the need for all of your future sartorial decisions to be carried out by internet poll.

Also, the plain black ones will make you look like a fat goth, whether you're a fat goth or not. Profoundly unflattering boots on anyone.

thanks for yr input, you get an F.

wellcharge 12.07.2009 06:26 AM

if F stands for fully fucking correct, then i give him an f also

nicfit 12.07.2009 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
thanks for yr input, you get an F.

As in F U C K Y O U or what?
I admire Glice's grounded thoughts.

phoenix 12.07.2009 06:39 AM

They aren't grounded, they're fucking rude. The opinion on shoes is one thing, trolling on my decision making capacity.. har har, keeping on and being outright mean :confused:

just... what the fuck why is the first thing negative toward a girl that come's out of a males mouth on the internet usually something to do with being fat. get fucked, you clearly fat fuck. just because you can't see me, doesn't mean you should take a stab and be so rude. I'm scrawny, but tall boots look damn awesome on me. My decision will not be based on feedback, it was just a thread, about some shoes, for discussion.

Glice 12.07.2009 06:47 AM

Ha. Ok, I'll disentangle the blithe cuntestry:

The problem is that it's very difficult to dress around these boots - they tend to require a long over coat, and the closest you can go into bright colours with a black knee-height boot is a dark maroon or brown. Trousers-wise, you're limited to quite tight and (again) dark colours; some sort of striking belt would be required. From there, you've not got much wriggle room with a top, although you can go into the primary colours a bit easier. Short tops are out, because my personal opinion is that if you're covering up elsewhere, a little bit of belly looks massively disingenuous.

I'm very shoe-centric when it comes to dressing, and I think a very overbearing boot can destroy a whole outfit, no matter how brilliant the remainder is. I think it's probably fine for the British winter, but as you're in Australia I don't think a lot of dark colours really suits the climate.

But of course, by all means entirely ignore everything I've said, it really doesn't matter.

phoenix 12.07.2009 06:55 AM

my wardrobe consists of babydoll t shirts in 'misc' or 'band' on the top..
and for the bottom... tight cotton/stretch drill/denim pants with black canvas shoes, or short black/grey/dark coloured skirts with black mary janes or boots. oh, or short-ish cotton dresses in black/grey variety of that with boots or mary janes.... so I guess I'm fine, with dressing myself.

australian weather is kind of crappy, but I don't spend enough time hiking or discovering new lands to really care too much about the colour of my clothes in relation to their heat absorption qualities.

nevermind, I created the thread I should have realised it would only lead to bs. I should have put it on the goth forum. :rolleyes: so the other fat goths can discuss which shoes would make them look the least fat. :rolleyes: or make me look the most fat, so they don't look as fat, beside me.


Originally Posted by Glice
The problem is that it's very difficult to dress around these boots - they tend to require a long over coat, and the closest you can go into bright colours with a black knee-height boot is a dark maroon or brown. Trousers-wise, you're limited to quite tight and (again) dark colours; some sort of striking belt would be required. From there, you've not got much wriggle room with a top, although you can go into the primary colours a bit easier. Short tops are out, because my personal opinion is that if you're covering up elsewhere, a little bit of belly looks massively disingenuous.

I don't think a lot of dark colours really suits the climate.

Glice 12.07.2009 07:05 AM

Goths aren't really people though. They're like the French in that regard.

demonrail666 12.07.2009 07:09 AM

i'm oddly edging towards the winged ones. They're horrible but in a strangely glorious way. I'd be far more impressed if I saw someone wear those than I would the plain black ones. They're like a big up yours to all that's considered 'right' and, for that reason alone, I think you should get them.

Glice 12.07.2009 07:13 AM

At the risk of saying the unthinkable, I really think you've listened to too much of the Cramps.

demonrail666 12.07.2009 07:23 AM

Objectively speaking you're right. Have another look at them though. They're sort of brilliant.

Glice 12.07.2009 07:43 AM


I mean... I'd be impressed, certainly, but only in the same way I'm impressed when I see a 50-something in leather trousers.

nicfit 12.07.2009 07:53 AM

There's something wrong in that design imo, wings should be "mounted" in the opposite direction, if you get what I mean.

I think I'll copy and paste the rest of this post in a pm.

Pookie 12.07.2009 08:55 AM

What Glice said (each time).

floatingslowly 12.07.2009 12:53 PM

am I the only one who voted wings?

grated, I have very little care for fashion, but winged shoes are awesomely hermetic.

demonrail666 12.07.2009 12:54 PM

exactly. there's something of the ancient god about a wing emblazoned boot, i always say.

floatingslowly 12.07.2009 12:57 PM

truth be told, I prefer my ancient gods with tentacles.

wings are the next best thing.

demonrail666 12.07.2009 01:00 PM

true, although if you're anything like me you'll find the combination wing and tentacle god pure overkill.

also, i'm assuming that the winged boots come with some kind of helmet as standard.

floatingslowly 12.07.2009 01:05 PM

without wings, even tentacles gods have difficulty moving about the ęther.

demonrail666 12.07.2009 01:07 PM

i'd think that's where the boots would come in useful

floatingslowly 12.07.2009 01:14 PM

so that's two votes for wings made by the only people in this thread who understand the greater implications of flying footwear.

ps: my phone does not like the word tentacled. :(

!@#$%! 12.07.2009 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
There's something wrong in that design imo, wings should be "mounted" in the opposite direction, if you get what I mean.

I think I'll copy and paste the rest of this post in a pm.


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
am I the only one who voted wings?

grated, I have very little care for fashion, but winged shoes are awesomely hermetic.

nicfit is right though, with those wings you'd fly backwards

floatingslowly 12.07.2009 01:49 PM

they are on the downstroke.

if they were pointed the other way, you would likely fall from the sky.

!@#$%! 12.07.2009 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
they are on the downstroke.

if they were pointed the other way, you would likely fall from the sky.

i trust rocket shoes better

floatingslowly 12.07.2009 01:58 PM

I'd buy that for a dollar.

demonrail666 12.07.2009 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i trust rocket shoes better


!@#$%! 12.07.2009 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666

winged shoes require constant feeding. i don't wanna be carrying birdseed in my pockets as i circle around the skies looking for prey.

pus, they may start to crap when you stand on a ledge. this could be fun, yes, but terrible for sex appeal.

demonrail666 12.07.2009 02:20 PM

when have you ever seen a pair of boots that needed feeding or that defecated?

!@#$%! 12.07.2009 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
when have you ever seen a pair of boots that needed feeding or that defecated?

in this thread

don't tell me those wings propel themselves with telekinesis

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