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Moshe 12.06.2009 01:33 AM

R.I.P. Jack Rose s_died.html

jerome231 12.06.2009 01:36 AM

Fuck. One of the greats. RIP Jack.

jon boy 12.06.2009 02:03 AM

oh man this is very sad news. i saw him a few times and pelt are amazing. he was drunk and fell off his bar stool when i saw him in leeds and just got up and kept playing, it was amazing anf funny and amazing. i am sad now.

andrei 12.06.2009 04:16 AM

man... what the fuck... i can't believe it. he was on tour in europe just a few weeks ago. i don't know what to say, this is just fucking sad.

!@#$%! 12.06.2009 04:42 AM

thats what fucking happens when you live in a fuckin cavern and mix booze and pills

what a fuckin pity.

thanks for the good times jack.

i hope hades is kind to you.

Derek 12.06.2009 07:11 AM

What the FUCK?

nicfit 12.06.2009 07:53 AM

:(:(:( sad...


atsonicpark 12.06.2009 08:55 AM

About to post this myself, fucking awful news.

Saw him play 2 or 3 months ago, one of the greats.. fucking shit.

narlus 12.06.2009 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
thats what fucking happens when you live in a fuckin cavern and mix booze and pills

what a fuckin pity.

thanks for the good times jack.

i hope hades is kind to you.

save your bile for someone else, and fuck you.

Decayed Rhapsody 12.06.2009 12:22 PM

Fuck. RIP.

fugazifan 12.06.2009 05:33 PM

fuck. this might be the first musician that i know and follow, kind of that has been taken down in his prime.
and may you and Fahey jam the night away together

the ikara cult 12.06.2009 08:28 PM

id been reading about him and his work recently, evidently he was someone who had a good following. Im glad of that and im gonna look into his music, best wishes to all his fans

blunderbuss 12.07.2009 10:15 AM

What a shock, I've learned of so much music that I love through that guy. There's not much one can say. RIP.

tesla69 12.07.2009 11:41 AM

this is such sad news, Jack was just coming into his prime, and he was always easy to talk to. if there is any bright side, he didn't suffer, and at least this didn't happen while he was in Europe last month. I missed his show in NYC last month because I was out of town, I wonder if that was his last gig?

stu666 12.07.2009 01:00 PM

i'm shocked to read this very sad news, RIP Jack.

A Thousand Threads 12.07.2009 01:02 PM

A friend told me about this yesterday.
Very sad

Rob Instigator 12.07.2009 01:13 PM

any good clips to check out? never heard of this guy.

!@#$%! 12.07.2009 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by narlus
save your bile for someone else, and fuck you.

what bile, cooz? and fuck your mother. i loved the music and the guy. i wish him well in the afterlife, but i don't believe in "heaven". hades is the best we can hope for, especially for musicians, who can manage a free pass out. he died and it sucks-- but you dont get a heart attack at 38 unless your doing something really wrong, and from references i have he drank like a fish. always sad to see great talent crash like this.

!@#$%! 12.07.2009 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
any good clips to check out? never heard of this guy.

there are some good youtubes. you might not like his devendra-compilated acoustic guitar but he was really a virtuoso. played at arthurfest. i have some files somewhere but my digital shit is in disarray. im sure someone will post links.

gmku 12.07.2009 01:53 PM

it is sad, but it always floors me to hear people say things like, "How can this be? I just saw him on suchandsuch a day." Well, that's because he was alive then. Now he's dead.

demonrail666 12.07.2009 02:01 PM

meanwhile, jeremy clarkson continues to breath. life is just wrong.

narlus 12.07.2009 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
what bile, cooz? and fuck your mother. i loved the music and the guy. i wish him well in the afterlife, but i don't believe in "heaven". hades is the best we can hope for, especially for musicians, who can manage a free pass out. he died and it sucks-- but you dont get a heart attack at 38 unless your doing something really wrong, and from references i have he drank like a fish. always sad to see great talent crash like this.

if you don't think your post is disrespectful, then re-read it. his cause of death is of little consequence. the last thing i need to read about jack is drivel like yours.

rest in peace, jack.

!@#$%! 12.07.2009 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by narlus
his cause of death is of little consequence.

that's debatable.

to me the last thing we need to read about is trite shit like "rest in peace". rest how? where? drivel and cack.

i much rather he had stay alive.

but anyway, im pissed off he died, you're claiming sadness, we both agree it sucks, let's each deal our own way & move on.

tesla69 12.07.2009 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
- but you dont get a heart attack at 38 unless your doing something really wrong, and from references i have he drank like a fish. always sad to see great talent crash like this.

have you ever heard of undiagnosed pre-existing conditions?

Rob Instigator 12.07.2009 02:45 PM

I think the overly repetetive acoustic wankery killed him.

andrei 12.07.2009 03:02 PM


scott v 12.07.2009 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
have you ever heard of undiagnosed pre-existing conditions?

exactly there are many reasons for a sudden heart attack, also if such a heart condition(s) ran in the family and nothing was done for one reason or another...

but thats not what i'd like to discuss or think about...

it is indeed sad news, i saw him at least twice and had the pleasure to briefly talk to him once after one of his shows, extremely talented and was in his prime (having just been signed to Thrill Jockey and album to be released in Febraury).

Pookie 12.07.2009 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I think the overly repetetive acoustic wankery killed him.

It's so easy to say hurtful, thoughtless and disrespectful things from the safety of your keyboard.

And some fools would say that's a bad thing.

atsonicpark 12.07.2009 06:53 PM

3rd neg-rep I've ever given, Rob...

Just sayin'!

Trasher02 12.07.2009 06:56 PM


東京親父ギャグ研究所 12.08.2009 04:21 AM

Pelt was great and had a huge impact on me when I first heard them. I'm not terribly interested in his solo work, but I think he was a great talent none the less. It's terrible to lose him at such a young age.


Originally Posted by gmku
it is sad, but it always floors me to hear people say things like, "How can this be? I just saw him on suchandsuch a day." Well, that's because he was alive then. Now he's dead.

We're all very impressed by your lack of human emotions.
How silly of us to be shocked by someone's death.

gmku 12.08.2009 10:32 AM

Bra ha ha ha ha ha!

but I'm NOT dismissing the sadness of this death or anyone's. I'm just saying it's a really dumb thing to say. It's also part of our society's whole denial of death as reality. "How can he be dead? He was alive yesterday." Duh.

stu666 12.08.2009 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I think the overly repetetive acoustic wankery killed him.

:( did you really say this Rob or has someone hacked yr account?

gmku 12.08.2009 11:00 AM

I tend to agree with Rob.

narlus 12.08.2009 11:19 AM

Goodbye, Jack

nicfit 12.08.2009 12:32 PM

Gmku would (perhaps) be sad only if Daniel Craig died. He's shown this attitude towards lots of dead people, so I guess he basically doesn't give a shit about "intenet mourning" and stuff.
I dismiss every stupid Rob's post (meaning: not everything he posts is stupid, but sometimes he posts things that in my eyes are pretty stupid) thinking of it as an accidental typing between a "big ass" google image search and a "fuck this fuck that" post.
But to be honest, it saddens me that he pays tribute to "barrel man" 's death in his blog, than comes here to go all cynical and talk shit about a great musician he probably never cared for.

PAULYBEE2656 12.08.2009 12:52 PM

its ad, yeah jack rose was a very talented musician but he doesnt float everyones included... r.i.p. nonetheless...i had to laugh at robs comment tho...... funny..

shit i am going to hell............

Rob Instigator 12.08.2009 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie
It's so easy to say hurtful, thoughtless and disrespectful things from the safety of your keyboard.

And some fools would say that's a bad thing.

I will say the same thing about steve vai when he dies, except it will be "electric" instead of "acoustic"

Rob Instigator 12.08.2009 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
3rd neg-rep I've ever given, Rob...

Just sayin'!

no prob.

Rob Instigator 12.08.2009 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
Gmku would (perhaps) be sad only if Daniel Craig died. He's shown this attitude towards lots of dead people, so I guess he basically doesn't give a shit about "intenet mourning" and stuff.
I dismiss every stupid Rob's post (meaning: not everything he posts is stupid, but sometimes he posts things that in my eyes are pretty stupid) thinking of it as an accidental typing between a "big ass" google image search and a "fuck this fuck that" post.
But to be honest, it saddens me that he pays tribute to "barrel man" 's death in his blog, than comes here to go all cynical and talk shit about a great musician he probably never cared for.

so I like NFL football more than acoustic drone-folk. so what?
I will never joke about death again. I have learned my lesson. death is sacred.

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