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Skuj 11.20.2009 01:59 AM

Your Top 10 Whatever. Paste 'Em Here For Convenience And Discussion.
10 Things That I Love (Not In Order):
-Godard Films.
-Merzbow Sounds.
-Art History Books.
-Red Wine.
-A Huge Cup Of Coffee.
-Doing Nothing.
-Vancouver Island.

atsonicpark 11.20.2009 03:46 AM

everything you just said applies to me as well.


Lamont Cranston 11.20.2009 04:08 AM


atsonicpark 11.20.2009 04:22 AM

Best quote from a Godard movie has to be in Notre Musique... "If you understand what I'm saying, then maybe I'm not being clear enough." (spoken by Godard himself)

Rob Instigator 11.20.2009 10:12 AM

Top Ten Mudhoney songs

10. Flat Out Fucked
9. Blinding Sun
8. Who You Drivin Now?
7. Suck You Dry
6. Sweet Young Thing (ain;t sweet no more)
5. In and out of Grace
4. You Got It (Keep It Outta My Face)
3. Let It Slide
2. Into The Drink
1. Touch Me I'm Sick

Skuj 11.20.2009 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
everything you just said applies to me as well.


I just rewatched Alphaville....hated it the first time, loved it the second time......Lemmy......what a guy!

Keeping It Simple 11.20.2009 02:37 PM

Top 10 crisp flavours:

1 Cheese & onion

2 Salt & vinegar

3 Ready salted

4 Smoky bacon

5 Prawn cocktail

6 Roast chicken

7 Spring onion

8 Beef

9 Cream cheese and chives

10 Chilli

Salt & Vinegar used to be my fave, but I've grown more fond of Cheese & Onion due to it's tangy taste.

Hip Priest 11.20.2009 02:39 PM

Top Ten British Sitcoms

=1 Ever Decreasing Circles
=1 On the Buses

3 Nightingales
4 All Gas and Gaiters
5 The Young Ones
6 Only When I Laugh
7 Oh Brother!
8 15 Stories
9 Rising Damp
10 Last of the Summer Wine*

* would have been a lot higher if we only included episodes with Foggy Dewhurst in

Rob Instigator 11.20.2009 02:46 PM

there are british sitcoms? do they all involve a blue haired lady? ;)

Keeping It Simple 11.20.2009 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Hip Priest
Top Ten British Sitcoms

=1 Ever Decreasing Circles
=1 On the Buses

3 Nightingales
4 All Gas and Gaiters
5 The Young Ones
6 Only When I Laugh
7 Oh Brother!
8 15 Stories
9 Rising Damp
10 Last of the Summer Wine*

* would have been a lot higher if we only included episodes with Foggy Dewhurst in

"Rising Damp" should be number one. :)

Dead-Air 11.20.2009 03:07 PM

Top Ten Positive Things from the Worst Year of My Life

1) Rocking out with my son to Sabbath
2) Internet romance with my Canadian dreamgirl
3) Hawaii trip
4) Sonic Youth Portland gig right up front with two cameras
5) Free lap dances at home from a professional
6) Some truly awesome Dead Air Freshener gigs behind Jennifer Robin
7) Friends
8) I forgot what 8 was for
9) My radio show, and some amazing guests
10) Intoxicants

Rob Instigator 11.20.2009 03:23 PM

mad rep

Skuj 11.20.2009 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
2) Internet romance with my Canadian dreamgirl


pbradley 11.20.2009 05:49 PM

Umberto Eco: The list is the origin of culture. It's part of the history of art and literature. What does culture want? To make infinity comprehensible. It also wants to create order -- not always, but often. And how, as a human being, does one face infinity? How does one attempt to grasp the incomprehensible? Through lists, through catalogs, through collections in museums and through encyclopedias and dictionaries. There is an allure to enumerating how many women Don Giovanni slept with: It was 2,063, at least according to Mozart's librettist, Lorenzo da Ponte. We also have completely practical lists -- the shopping list, the will, the menu -- that are also cultural achievements in their own right.,00.html

Dead-Air 11.20.2009 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj

I've got them, but she's taken any that really identify her off of her sites, so I have to be cool and respect that. One thing we have in common is a love of taking blurry/arty photos. Here's one from her My Space that she's actually in:


In a way, that shows her perfectly...

!@#$%! 11.20.2009 07:00 PM

1, good fuck, 2, good food, 3, photos, 4, movies, 5, books, 6, music, 7, heating in winter, 8, air conditioning in summer, 9, good health should be higher in the scale, 10, cities

EVOLghost 11.20.2009 07:04 PM SY on yer list?

Toilet & Bowels 11.20.2009 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Hip Priest
Top Ten British Sitcoms

=1 Ever Decreasing Circles
=1 On the Buses

3 Nightingales
4 All Gas and Gaiters
5 The Young Ones
6 Only When I Laugh
7 Oh Brother!
8 15 Stories
9 Rising Damp
10 Last of the Summer Wine*

* would have been a lot higher if we only included episodes with Foggy Dewhurst in


Skuj 11.20.2009 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
I've got them, but she's taken any that really identify her off of her sites, so I have to be cool and respect that. One thing we have in common is a love of taking blurry/arty photos. Here's one from her My Space that she's actually in:


In a way, that shows her perfectly...

Wow. And it looks very my neck of the woods. BC most likely!?

Skuj 11.20.2009 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost SY on yer list?

Oh shit, hahaha.

Well, that's my 10 things as listed at the Sonic Youth official forum, so....

I love Oxygen and the Sun too. :)

Rob Instigator 11.21.2009 01:45 AM

oxygen and the sun!!!!!
me tooo sonic youth onm par with oxygen and the sun

looking glass spectacle 11.21.2009 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Umberto Eco: The list is the origin of culture. It's part of the history of art and literature. What does culture want? To make infinity comprehensible. It also wants to create order -- not always, but often. And how, as a human being, does one face infinity? How does one attempt to grasp the incomprehensible? Through lists, through catalogs, through collections in museums and through encyclopedias and dictionaries. There is an allure to enumerating how many women Don Giovanni slept with: It was 2,063, at least according to Mozart's librettist, Lorenzo da Ponte. We also have completely practical lists -- the shopping list, the will, the menu -- that are also cultural achievements in their own right.,00.html

i hate making top ten lists... but you reminded me of borges' Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge, so...

top ten types of animals:
  1. those that belong to the Emperor
  2. embalmed ones
  3. those that are trained
  4. suckling pigs
  5. mermaids
  6. fabulous ones
  7. stray dogs
  8. those included in the present classification
  9. those that tremble as if they were mad
  10. innumerable ones
  11. those drawn with a very fine camelhair brush
  12. others
  13. those that have just broken a flower vase
  14. those that from a long way off look like flies

Dead-Air 11.22.2009 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Wow. And it looks very my neck of the woods. BC most likely!?

If only. That's not far at all. No, it's the other side of the continent - Nova Scotia.

ni'k 11.22.2009 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Umberto Eco: The list is the origin of culture. It's part of the history of art and literature. What does culture want? To make infinity comprehensible. It also wants to create order -- not always, but often. And how, as a human being, does one face infinity? How does one attempt to grasp the incomprehensible? Through lists, through catalogs, through collections in museums and through encyclopedias and dictionaries. There is an allure to enumerating how many women Don Giovanni slept with: It was 2,063, at least according to Mozart's librettist, Lorenzo da Ponte. We also have completely practical lists -- the shopping list, the will, the menu -- that are also cultural achievements in their own right.,00.html

arg thats painful to read. in mytop ten list of overrated intellectuals eco would be no.1 along with dawkins, hitchens and chomsky.

pbradley 11.22.2009 04:04 PM

I would honestly rate Eco and Chomksy over Dawkins and Hitchens anyday.

EDIT: Not in being overrated, but in my appreciation. I guess I should put it that I consider Dawkins and Hitchens far more overrated.

Satan 11.22.2009 04:09 PM

warm temperatures
getting revenge
high quality marijuana
kurt vonnegut
dub music
carl sagan
marlboro reds
playing drums
"like to blow"

Keeping It Simple 11.22.2009 04:15 PM

Be comforted in the knowledge, satan, that you're in my top ten of SYG babes.

Satan 11.22.2009 04:18 PM


Keeping It Simple 11.22.2009 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Satan


ni'k 11.22.2009 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
I would honestly rate Eco and Chomksy over Dawkins and Hitchens anyday.

EDIT: Not in being overrated, but in my appreciation. I guess I should put it that I consider Dawkins and Hitchens far more overrated.

dawkins and hitchens belong more in the morally repugnant category. dawkins with his whole "i'm a guilty materialist trying to existentialise god so he can not exist and i can be the daddy i want so desperately to exist. and, obviously, since i'm a rich celebrity intellectual i must have the right genes.

dawkins the twat doesn't realise that BY DEFINITION god can't be concieved existentially. he makes his cash out of the disparity between the "real" relegion of crude materialistic selfish individual capitalism and what said individuals feel immense guilt about replacing their parents with - i.e money and stuff. if i just get rid of that bad father figure from the bible i can do and have whatever i want! if only i could get rid of my parents i could get whatever i want! it's their fault for saying no! dawkins is the same as some fundamentalist preacher. he is just another version for another fundamentally christian lifestyle. by conceiving of god as an existential black hole in the universe he can fill it with himself or whatever individual or conception of self he chooses.

comfort food for the guilt of idiots.

and then you read his books.


now i'm sure he's prob contributed something to the categorising and research of animal biology.

but as for his theology. (and it is a theology altho he would never admit it). its a fucking joke. it comes down to believing in the fairies at the bottom of the garden because it's more "magical". this is exactly what he advocates at the end of the god delusion. a book which is so full of blatant shit that none of its arguments couldn't be turned around instantly as a point in favour of the existance of god.

the fact that he feels he is being profound by providing arguments against the bible being literally true just proves how much his first instinct was to believe it and take it as such!

his main task seems to be to try to convince us that self interested existential individualism (ie. the relegion of capitalism as it has been for the past couple of hundred years) is somehow immovably encoded into us, in our very "materialism" (another illusion). i find what he is preaching to be so utterly morally repugnant i feel like some schizophrenic christian who'se actually afraid that dawkins is the antichrist haha.

he has his documentaries series on channel four, where he is used to sell advertising space. and he actually suggests that the redeeming feature of humanity are our soup kitchens - that "somehow" despite it being impossible for us to conceive of anything but our own lonely selfish material gain (and thus death) there "exists" an altruism that involves people volunteering to give shelter and a hot meal to the homeless in london! he walks around it talking to the homeless (or at least being videoed talking to them while his own voiceover plays) and expects us not to REALISE that this place contains the very social domination that keeps these men begging and just serves as a cosmetic at best.

he makes his cash as the ringleader of the endless pointless circular debate between the athiest and non athiest sects of christianity. it would be funny if it wasn't sad imagining the genuinely lost/curious people get hooked in by his schtick

Satan 11.22.2009 04:46 PM

i forgot crack

chairman of the bored 11.22.2009 05:57 PM

and pcp

the ikara cult 11.22.2009 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
he makes his cash out of the disparity between the "real" relegion of crude materialistic selfish individual capitalism and what said individuals feel immense guilt about replacing their parents with - i.e money and stuff.

Top 10 vices for you

1. Lucidity
2. Lucidity
3. Lucidity
4. Lucidity
5. Lucidity
6. Lucidity
7. Lucidity
8. Lucidity
9. some chocolate or something
10. Lucidity

demonrail666 11.22.2009 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Hip Priest
Top Ten British Sitcoms

=1 Ever Decreasing Circles
=1 On the Buses

3 Nightingales
4 All Gas and Gaiters
5 The Young Ones
6 Only When I Laugh
7 Oh Brother!
8 15 Stories
9 Rising Damp
10 Last of the Summer Wine*

* would have been a lot higher if we only included episodes with Foggy Dewhurst in

A nice list, definitely right about LotSW's relience on Foggy. here's mine

1. Rising Damp
2. The Good Life
3. The Office
4. Porridge
5. Blackadder
6. Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em
7. Sorry
8. George and Mildred
9. I'm Alan Partridge
10. Till Death Us Do Part

Dead-Air 11.22.2009 06:37 PM

Top Ten Reasons to Get Drunk

1) no pot
2) the ex
3) to be cool and Bukowskiesque
4) to understand the deeper meaning behind the "Superfuzz Bigmuff" ep by Mudhoney
5) to get rid of all money before considering buying a birthday present for the ex
6) the fucking holidays loom
7) it's 5-o-clock somewhere
8) to prevent oneself from googling and wikipediaing enough to pretend to understand what the psuedo-philosophical psuedo-philosopher set are on about on the SYG board
9) plausible deniability
10) to loosen those otherwise tight internet inhibitions

ni'k 11.22.2009 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
8) to prevent oneself from googling and wikipediaing enough to pretend to understand what the psuedo-philosophical psuedo-philosopher set are on about on the SYG board

better "psuedo philosophy" than "real" alcohol

the ikara cult 11.22.2009 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
Top Ten Reasons to Get Drunk

1) no pot
2) the ex
3) to be cool and Bukowskiesque
4) to understand the deeper meaning behind the "Superfuzz Bigmuff" ep by Mudhoney
5) to get rid of all money before considering buying a birthday present for the ex
6) the fucking holidays loom
7) it's 5-o-clock somewhere
8) to prevent oneself from googling and wikipediaing enough to pretend to understand what the psuedo-philosophical psuedo-philosopher set are on about on the SYG board
9) plausible deniability
10) to loosen those otherwise tight internet inhibitions

The level of righteousness you exhibit in this list has the heartening side effect of making getting drunk feel like a less lonely experience. Thank You.

the ikara cult 11.22.2009 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
better "psuedo philosophy" than "real" alcohol

You are bollocks. Go away.

Dead-Air 11.22.2009 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
better "psuedo philosophy" than "real" alcohol

Better to be pretentious than to pretend that you're not.

the ikara cult 11.22.2009 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
A nice list, definitely right about LotSW's relience on Foggy. here's mine

1. Rising Damp
2. The Good Life
3. The Office
4. Porridge
5. Blackadder
6. Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em
7. Sorry
8. George and Mildred
9. I'm Alan Partridge
10. Till Death Us Do Part

Lets give this a crack

The Office
Red Dwarf
15 Storeys High
All the Alan Partridges
Fawlty Towers
Peep Show

struggling for the last two
Red Dwarf deserves more critical acclaim than it gets.

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