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random homie 06.29.2006 06:06 PM

Homie Says Yo
Hello. Please post UR thougHts on the RAndom HOMIE to yr left <---

guess who dis is and read my SIG

HaydenAsche 06.29.2006 06:21 PM

Diaper Nation

HaydenAsche 06.29.2006 06:38 PM

Ahh, yes. I'm sorry. So many idiots I can't keep them straight.

It isn't me. Rest assured.

krastian 06.29.2006 06:50 PM

Somebody with big hair.

Toilet & Bowels 06.29.2006 07:07 PM

who cares who it is?

HaydenAsche 06.29.2006 07:08 PM

Everyone. This guessing game is the most important event in my life. I've been training for 9 years.

HaydenAsche 06.29.2006 07:14 PM

I doubt it. It is most likely Diaper. He is already Gookid.

krastian 06.29.2006 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by AssBlaster
I guess it's Christian, I mean Krapstain, I mean Krastain

Sorry AssCracker.....I wouldn't make up some fake name.

HaydenAsche 06.29.2006 07:18 PM

She was like "I know you" and I asked her where I lived and changed my location. She had no idea. As truncated said she was a 'tepid, ignorant cunt.'

That was probably Daycare too.

HaydenAsche 06.29.2006 07:21 PM

Yeah. That's because there are more people that like me than there are stupid people smart enough to vote in a poll.

Therefore, I win. Always.

when 06.29.2006 09:29 PM

if everyone claims to be random homie at once, then he will no longer have an identity or any will to live

cryptowonderdruginvogue 06.29.2006 09:48 PM

i say daycare nation?

Toilet & Bowels 06.29.2006 10:06 PM

whoever it is is officially the lamest and least funny person to ever post on this message board. which is really saying something.

acousticrock87 06.29.2006 10:13 PM

I am Sparticus.

alyasa 06.29.2006 10:26 PM

It's Danny Himself.

HaydenAsche 06.29.2006 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
whoever it is is officially the lamest and least funny person to ever post on this message board. which is really saying something.

Yes. Can you say 'Void of humour'?

Toilet & Bowels 06.29.2006 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Yes. Can you say 'Void of humour'?

no, because my words get sucked away into the vacuum of limbo.

HaydenAsche 06.29.2006 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
no, because my words get sucked away into the vacuum of limbo.

Poor thing. Make sure you have them tied down.

krastian 06.29.2006 10:44 PM

Ha the guy is actually a cool kid. He's been known to walk around looking like Art Garfunkel.

Toilet & Bowels 06.29.2006 10:52 PM

maybe he can give us a rendition of scarborough fair in a high pitched voice too?

HaydenAsche 06.29.2006 10:56 PM

That'd be awesome.

Glice 06.30.2006 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by shocking racial stereotype maker
I reckon it's val-holla-ing. He's one of them lot, isn't he?

Je m'excuse.

_slavo_ 06.30.2006 05:28 AM

"yo, lemme have a philly
you lame ass biatch shopkeeper"

I used to get this a lot when i was in Baltimore working in a convenient store

fishmonkey 06.30.2006 06:15 AM

i wanna know who it is, we need more clues god dammit

krastian 06.30.2006 03:07 PM

It's Joel....finding nobody.

DemonBox 06.30.2006 03:12 PM

Yeah, he has big hair

schizophrenicroom 06.30.2006 04:21 PM

I want to know who this is.

acousticrock87 06.30.2006 05:26 PM

Thurston, obviously. He talks like that.

Inhuman 06.30.2006 05:43 PM

"homie says follow da cluez to find out who te heff dis is!! winNer gets rep 4 lyfe from the real RANDOM HOMIE and random homie homie-self".

I'm probably way off, but it may be Vodka Goblin. Look at the spelling

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