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SonikJesus 11.07.2009 04:06 PM

so what do you guys think?
so I work at pizza hut as a delivery driver sometimes and sometimes as a cook. my manager wants me to come in half an hour early so I can hold up one of those signs on the corner and shake it around. now I don't have a problem coming in early but I have a problem with employers that make their emplyees do the sign thing. it is just straight demeaning and shows a lack of respect towards the employee. aside from telling my manager to fuck off cause I'm not goin to do that, do you guys think I should have to do that? any suggestions as to what to say?

jon boy 11.07.2009 04:07 PM

change the sign:


Kannibal 11.07.2009 04:13 PM

rather disgusting way to work.

Keeping It Simple 11.07.2009 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by SonikJesus
so I work at pizza hut as a delivery driver sometimes and sometimes as a cook. my manager wants me to come in half an hour early so I can hold up one of those signs on the corner and shake it around. now I don't have a problem coming in early but I have a problem with employers that make their emplyees do the sign thing. it is just straight demeaning and shows a lack of respect towards the employee. aside from telling my manager to fuck off cause I'm not goin to do that, do you guys think I should have to do that? any suggestions as to what to say?

It all depends on what is printed on the contract I assume you signed when you accepted the job. If it doesn't mention humiliating yourself doing the sign thing, then you are perfectly within your rights to refuse to do it. If your manager throws a temper tantrum and sacks you for refusing, you can do him for unfair dismissal. :)

artsygrrl 11.07.2009 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by SonikJesus
so I work at pizza hut as a delivery driver sometimes and sometimes as a cook. my manager wants me to come in half an hour early so I can hold up one of those signs on the corner and shake it around. now I don't have a problem coming in early but I have a problem with employers that make their emplyees do the sign thing. it is just straight demeaning and shows a lack of respect towards the employee. aside from telling my manager to fuck off cause I'm not goin to do that, do you guys think I should have to do that? any suggestions as to what to say?

I also agree that it's really demeaning to have to stand by the curb waving a stupid sign for God knows how long. I dunno. Maybe you could make up some medical reason or you're allergic to road dust or fumes or something like that.
I think it's fucking hideous to make somebody do that.

SonikJesus 11.07.2009 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
It all depends on what is printed on the contract I assume you signed when you accepted the job. If it doesn't mention humiliating yourself doing the sign thing, then you are perfectly within your rights to refuse to do it. If your manager throws a temper tantrum and sacks you for refusing, you can do him for unfair dismissal. :)

that's something I was thinking but I'm afraid she'll probably say something about insubordination and undermining the authority of the manager. I mean, I don't have much but I would like to keep my self-respect. unfortunately, I know that this shit is part of life and working at shitty jobs like this.

Conrad 11.07.2009 04:42 PM

At my old job, my manager asked me to go out into the mall and approach people to force fliers on them and fill their ears full of shit.

I did this to two people (one happened to be my friend and his mother haha) and fucking everyone else would see me standing there and go way out of their way just to avoid me.

So, I went in there and old the bitch that I didn't feel comfortable doing it. It's one thing if they're in the store, cause then at least you know they're slightly interested. But all those other poor little people did not deserve to be harassed.

Now I have this sneaky suspicion that I can't find a job cause the bitch has been saying how horrible I am when people call there for a reference.

Keeping It Simple 11.07.2009 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by SonikJesus
that's something I was thinking but I'm afraid she'll probably say something about insubordination and undermining the authority of the manager. I mean, I don't have much but I would like to keep my self-respect. unfortunately, I know that this shit is part of life and working at shitty jobs like this.

I've done loads of shitty jobs in the past which only lasted several months because I got fed up with the bullshit I had to put up with from the people in charge who I saw as nothing but insufferably condescending tin-pot dictators who liked to make themselves feel important by trying to make their staff feel small. I've always said they might feel they're a somebody in the firm they work for, but as soon as they're out on the street, they're a nobody.

SonikJesus 11.07.2009 04:50 PM

that sucks, dude. thing I don't get is why they need a fucking person out there. why don't they just get a sign or banner and put it outside? they're clearly trying to get people's attention by demeaning the signperson.

edit: to Conrad

Keeping It Simple 11.07.2009 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by SonikJesus
that sucks, dude. thing I don't get is why they need a fucking person out there. why don't they just get a sign or banner and put it outside? they're clearly trying to get people's attention by demeaning the signperson.

Yeah, what's wrong with using a sandwich board?

pbradley 11.07.2009 05:32 PM

I would probably ask for increased pay for those hours. Can't say my dignity isn't for sell, especially considering that I don't find the board holding thing all that demeaning. It's just boring as fuck, isn't it. If the boss said no, then I would refuse. If the boss threatened me with firing, I would go about doing it but go back on the job hunt, as well. I don't need a job that gives me no respect.

demonrail666 11.07.2009 05:35 PM

put simply, don't do it

SonikJesus 11.07.2009 05:40 PM

if I didn't have any debt I would tell them to fuck off without even thinking. I still want to so bad. finding a job is so hard right now too

atsonicpark 11.07.2009 06:14 PM

Did I read this correctly? You only have to do it for 30 minutes? Getting paid to hold a sign up, that's like the easiest job in the world. Money's money,
I don't see what the big deal is at all.

SonikJesus 11.07.2009 07:01 PM

it's not about that dude.

SonikJesus 11.07.2009 07:05 PM

I mean, u can't hire a car salesman then tell
him his job is building houses

atsonicpark 11.07.2009 07:16 PM

I am pretty sure a car salesman is usually considered a "career" (at least, when you're successful at it)... you work at Pizza Hut, what do you expect? I mean, my job is simply to stock frozen television dinners. If I'm asked to clean some floors or help some costumers, I don't really stop and go, "WELL, THAT'S NOT MY JOB DESCRIPTION." It's quick, simple, easy, and pays the same. So, uh, who cares? ... When you get hired as part of a company, you're, well, part of the company. Hence why you might be required to help out other aspects of the company. Hell, maybe your boss really trusts you and likes you and might give you a raise from it. No reason to raise a stink over 30 minutes of (non)-work.

I don't see how holding a sign is any more "demeaning" than telling people you work at Pizza Hut to begin with. Don't get me wrong, I don't find it demeaning -- a job is a job, and it's good you have a job, so if you want to keep a job, you might want to reconsider your position on this. It's not like he's asking you to clean shit out of a toilet or something. Then I could see you complaining.

No offense, but with this way of thinking, maybe for your next job/career you should make a list of things you will do and won't do on your application.

Kinda unrelated, but this thread kinda reminds me of my (spoiled) ex-girlfriend, she worked at Sears but demanded she would only work certain days and certain hours, no matter what (she didn't have anything else going on at the time) and they gave it to her. Then they tried to make her fold clothes and shit, and she said "No!" and eventually kept making all these demands until all she had to do was check people out. Then, she bitched to me later when she wouldn't the big raises and shit. I just don't really understand, working kinda sucks either way, but you're getting paid either way, so yeah. I mean, I dunno. I guess when I work at anything, I kinda aspire to be good at it and to make a good impression, even if it's some shit job. I don't see anything demoralizing about advertising a company by holding a sign.

acousticrock87 11.07.2009 07:46 PM

I would just be honest with her and say you really, really don't want to do that, are uncomfortable with it, etc. If she still makes you, don't try very hard at it. If you're a good employee otherwise, she shouldn't even consider firing you for only doing that part of the job poorly.

Unless she's just a bitch. Then, your situation sucks.


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Kinda unrelated, but this thread kinda reminds me of my (spoiled) ex-girlfriend, she worked at Sears but demanded she would only work certain days and certain hours, no matter what (she didn't have anything else going on at the time) and they gave it to her. Then they tried to make her fold clothes and shit, and she said "No!" and eventually kept making all these demands until all she had to do was check people out. Then, she bitched to me later when she wouldn't the big raises and shit. I just don't really understand, working kinda sucks either way, but you're getting paid either way, so yeah. I mean, I dunno. I guess when I work at anything, I kinda aspire to be good at it and to make a good impression, even if it's some shit job. I don't see anything demoralizing about advertising a company by holding a sign.

I get where you're going with this, but everyone is up for different things. I try really hard to please my manager at work because she probably hates the job as much as I do, and she's a respectable person, but if she ever had me clean shit out of the bathroom, I'd flat-out refuse. The manager is able to fire me if it's that big of a deal, but more often than not, they understand. And I'm good at my job, so firing me over that would just be a dumb decision.

It's all about weighing your options.

automatic bzooty 11.07.2009 07:46 PM

i'm with sir sonicpark on this 'un.

it's stupid, yeah, but i don't think it's absolutely unreasonable or awful request.

SonikJesus 11.07.2009 10:57 PM

yr a moron. I'm one of the hardest workers there. I do all of the supid shit that you mentioned. the point is that's a completely different job than mine. if they want someone to do that, they should hire someone that is applying for that. it's just like a manager, insider, and a driver are all different jobs. they aren't all concerned with one thing but hey are still different. and who gives a shit if it's a career or not, I was just giving an example of a similar situation that could he applied to any other one. but for your sake I'll give you an example you can understand: you don't hire a lawnkeeper then tell him he has to clean yr house too.

edit: that was to atsonic

Seandi 11.07.2009 11:18 PM

worst job ive ever had

knox 11.07.2009 11:51 PM

read the contract what does it say that you should do?

phoenix 11.08.2009 02:07 AM

It's totally lame and if I were running a pizza store I would not make anyone do it. Around here, it ONLY seems to be pizza stores, too.

I don't think it brings in any extra biz. It just makes people driving past in cars go 'wow, that poor guy must be so fucking bored'...

Is telling yr boss to shove it completely not an option? Can you say no?

godsfavoritedog 11.08.2009 08:30 AM

I'd attack it from a different angle. I wouldn't make it a pissing match about what she wants you to do .... you're not going to win. Instead, I'd make it an issue about the schedule change. If the schedule was posted saying you were to report at one time and then she wanted you to come in a half hour earlier, just say that you made plans AFTER the schedule was posted and you can't make it in until your scheduled time. I'm not exactly an expert at labor law, but I have managed businesses in the past and l know that in certain cases a posted work schedule is considered a legal document and can't be changed without the employee's permission. If it's that big a deal to you, you may want to check with the company's HR department ... or even your state's labor board.

EVOLghost 11.08.2009 03:17 PM

it's fuckin' pizza hut.

I'm hired as a class c truck driver. Though there are times when I don't drive a truck. It's not that big of a problem doing another job that isn't really in my job description.

terminal pharmacy 11.08.2009 03:25 PM

Welcome To The Slave Classes

SonikJesus 11.08.2009 04:03 PM

showed up half an hour late but at my orignal time. told me I was late so I looked at the schedule and saw my old time was crossed out and a new one written in pen and didn't say anything. she knew I was right. she didn't even notify me of the change; just wrote it in and hoped I would see. she Made somone else do it. they said she didn't make me do it cause I was talking shit about it the day before. she still wants to make me do it though just so she can show that she's the one with the power and not me. funny thing isneveryone that she's made do it has issues with it but no one is willing to say anything.

Prisstina 11.08.2009 11:25 PM

the people that stand outside with the signs at little caesars do it in 8-hour shifts.

i usually do whatever i'm told to at work. helps pass the time.

girlgun 11.08.2009 11:33 PM

what's with all this contract talk? you don't have a fucking contract at pizza hut... unless you're some sort of higher up.

would you have accepted the job in the first place if they had told you that you had to hold that fucking sign on the corner. no? then i would ... like everyone else... say you're not comfortable doing that, but if they'd like you to come in 30 minutes early so that you can relieve someone else to go outside and hold the sign... you're more than happy to do that.

fuck that shit. fuck that sign. that just pisses me off.

SONIC GAIL 11.09.2009 10:06 AM

When you get a job you have to do what they say. That's why it's called work. It's better than cleaning the toilets right?

I see this kid every day doin that shit at the whatta burger. He has the best attitude. He wears his ipod and just jams out with no care of any one elses opinion of him. Doin some dorky dance and wavin his sign. He's just some skinny little 10th grader, it looks like ....but he rocks! I give him a wave when I pass to show my support of his positive contribution to my drive home.

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