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to.w 11.01.2009 12:16 PM

New free netlabel : myhand.thanx records
Hi everyone,
Some friends are starting a netlabel to "promote" DIY artists. The only rule is : no money implied. Which means free download of the artists creations (music, pictures, videos), and free use of it. Everything's based on mutual trust : if you use / cover / remix a myhand.thanx records artist's creation, just tell them!
I'm happy to be their first release!!!
If you want to be part of the netlabel, just ask them, send them an email with your mp3s/jpg/videos or some links to your creations!!!
Here's their email address :

take care
DIY art rules!

shabbray2.0 11.01.2009 12:32 PM

sounds interesting, and thanks

to.w 11.02.2009 06:21 AM

By the way, there's a new musician labelled "myhand.thanx"... He seems to be Norwegian, his name's Giles Morris. What surprised me was the song on myhand.thanx rds' space... It's entitled "a dreamed duet with Kim G." and there's a sort of mix of Kim's voice at the end of the song...

to.w 01.01.2010 06:36 AM

Here is a direct link to download mh.t 002 :
Giles Morris - Nervous Works and Other Collages

to.w 01.01.2010 06:36 AM

Here is a direct link to download mh.t 002 :
Giles Morris - Nervous Works and Other Collages

to.w 01.01.2010 06:37 AM

Here's what the netlabel says about it :
mh.t 002 - Giles Morris "Nervous Works and Other Collages"


Et voici la 2ème sortie numérique et gratuite de myhand.thanx records!!! Il s'agit des "Nervous Works and Other Collages" de Giles Morris. Musicien étrange, bidouilleur amateur, il qualifie lui-même sa musique de "bits of noises, howls, murmurs, piss and shit eaten and thrown up by a schizophrenic lonely queer Norwegian"... A vous de juger. Pour nous, ses travaux DIY reflètent avant tout un esprit libre dans un monde de contraintes, de limites et de règles à démolir...

Here is the 2nd digital and free release of myhand.thanx records!!! Giles Morris's "Nervous Works and Other Collages." Weird musician, amateur DIY man, he identifies his own music as "bits of noises, howls, murmurs, piss and shit eaten and thrown up by a schizophrenic lonely queer Norwegian"... Whatcha think!? For us, his DIY works are first of all the reflection of a free spirit evolving in a world of constraints, limits and rules ready to get smashed up...

to.w 01.08.2010 01:01 PM

mh.t 003 - Robert Zaza "You Make Me Afraid When You Tell Me I'm Crazy"


myhand.thanx records est fier de vous proposer ces 3 morceaux de Robert Zaza, musicien DIY champenois, expatrié de Reims, reclus dans la montagne sparnacienne. Robert est une personne discrète, autrefois peintre sur bandes magnétiques et aujourd'hui virtuose de l'arpège loopée... Décidément la Champagne a beaucoup à offrir!

myhand.thanx is proud to offer you 3 tracks by Robert Zaza, DIY musician from Champagne, emigrated from Reims, and living as an ermit in Epernay's mountain. Robert is a discreet man, formerly known as a painter on magnetic tapes, who is now famous for his looped arpeggios...
well, the Champagne region has so much to give us!


to.w 01.18.2010 04:17 PM

mh.t004 - Hangin Freud - Sunken


Paula et Jonathan vivent entre Sao Paulo et Londres, et proposent aujourd'hui leur 3ème EP, intitulé "Sunken."
myhand.thanx records a un réel coup de coeur pour ce duo atypique, dont la musique rappelle parfois les Theoretical Girls, Shannon Wright, la no wave, ou les films de Lynch... "Swamp" est hypnotique, "We are not" nous emmène dans des contrées familières et pourtant angoissantes... Découvrez les autres morceaux en téléchargeant "Sunken" dès maintenant!!!

Paula and Jonathan split their time between Sao Paulo and London, and they release now their 3rd EP, entitled "Sunken."
myhand.thanx records really had a crush for this uncommon duet, whose music reminds of the Theoretical Girls, Shannon Wright, no-wave or Lynch's movies... "Swamp" is hypnotizing, "We are not" is leading us to familiar but frightening places... Discover and enjoy the other tracks by downloading "Sunken" right now!!!

Hangin Freud's Space


to.w 01.18.2010 04:18 PM

mh.t005 - Jacques De Villiers - Sleep Songs


Sud-Africain, Jacques est un pianiste et manipulateur de sons qui tente d'allier mélodie et bruit en créant un état musical où la frontière entre les deux se désagrège et chacun se retrouve lié à l'autre inexorablement... Travaillant seul, De Villiers élabore des paysages sonores langoureux, des peintures de sons mélancoliques. Son but principal est de rendre le bruit plus accessible et de présenter la mélodie de façon plus expérimentale.
myhand.thanx records est fier de vous proposer "Sleep Songs" en téléchargement, laissez-vous aller à la rêverie...

A South African pianist and sound manipulator, who attempts to merge a meeting point between melody and noise, creating a musical state where the line between the two disintegrates and both elements are melt together inseparably. Working on his own, De Villiers constructs dreamy soundscapes and melancholy washes of sounds. His overall aim is to make noise more accessible and the presentation of melody more experimental.
myhand.thanx recors is proud to offer you "Sleep Songs", let yourself dive into daydream...

Jacques is also a video artist, film editor and photographer/photo manipulator. His photographic work can be seen at Visit him at


nowideau 01.18.2010 04:53 PM

Hangin Freud is some awesome thing!

Keeping It Simple 01.18.2010 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by nowideau
Hangin Freud is some awesome thing!

Isn't Knox one half of Hangin Freud?

Derek 01.18.2010 05:34 PM


to.w 01.21.2010 01:30 PM

I really dig Hangin Freud! "Sunken" is so inspiring!

to.w 01.28.2010 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
Isn't Knox one half of Hangin Freud?

I don't think so...

_slavo_ 01.28.2010 09:21 AM

yes, she is.

knox 01.28.2010 09:22 AM

yes I am

chrome noise tape 01.28.2010 09:25 AM

yes you are

knox 01.28.2010 12:57 PM

yes we are

Keeping It Simple 01.28.2010 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by knox
yes we are

Hangin Freud does come across as a thinly disguised ego project of yours, knox.

to.w 01.29.2010 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by knox
yes we are

so cool!

knox 01.29.2010 05:36 AM

when will he stop trying?

hey tom

Keeping It Simple 01.29.2010 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by knox
when will he stop trying?

hey tom

I want your autograph. :D

Genteel Death 01.29.2010 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
I want your autograph. :D

Really? So fucking what?:rolleyes: :) :eek:

to.w 06.23.2010 05:49 AM

mh.t006 - Zack Kouns - Savage Histories of the Appalachian Region


myhand.thanx is so proud to release Zack's wonderful album! His music is so intense, rooted in American history, poetic and disturbing... Here's what he declares about it :

"Savage Histories of the Appalachian region" is an album about the underlying and unconcious wickedness in this world, the numinous sense of loss and the desperation this intimation stirs into being. That being said the setting could have been Uzbekistan, Kenya, Singapore or France; desperation and the mutilated modern man is a global phenomenon, maybe a commonality that we share the deepest with our fellow human organisms. Recognition of this rift is tantamount to the awakening of empathy; empathy being our most human but conversely our most divine characteristic. To understand is to forgive, to truly love and cherish, to be merciful and to be honest with ourselves and others. Seemingly simple and logical requests from one suffering being to another, but simplicity itself has an astounding, ancient and directly felt force that by it's very startling nature renders its concept complex and difficult, making music the ideal conveyor of this abstract idea (music itself hinting, suggesting and brushing often unintentionally against our broadest and most archetypal understandings.)
Thank you to Shelby Lee Adams and Arch Napier for authorising the free use of the artwork photograph

to.w 07.16.2010 04:08 AM

New release! Have a nice DIY summer!!!
mh.t007 - Tiny Concept - S/T


Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons.

Tiny Concept... du pur minimalisme qui ne pouvait que plaire à myhand.thanx! Letty, qui se cache derrière ce pseudonyme mystérieux, nous propose des morceaux crus, percutants et entêtants. Une guitare, une batterie sommaire et une loop station, pour un folk hardcore sans compromis, qui pourrait rappeler autant Shellac que Cat Power (période "Myra Lee"). Tiny Concept est une nomade du rock, quittant souvent Bordeaux pour des salles obscures d'Allemagne, des apparts ou des bars aux Etats-Unis. Letty nous emmène loin, à travers le monde certes, mais surtout dans les tréfonds de l'âme humaine... Un concept pas si tiny que ça!

Tiny Concept... some pure minimalism which was bound to please myhand.thanx! Letty, who's hidden behind this mysterious pseudonym, offers raw, striking and obsessing songs. A guitar, a rudimentary drumset and a loop station, for an uncompromised hardcore folk music which may remind you of Shellac as well as Cat Power ("Myra Lee" era). Tiny Concept is a rock nomad, often leaving Bordeaux for dark places in Germany, flats and bars in the U.S.A. Letty is taking us far away, all over the world, but above all, deep in the human soul... This concept is not as tiny as it seems!


Tiny Concept's Space

Tiny Concept's New Friend Live Video!!!

chicka 07.16.2010 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
Hangin Freud does come across as a thinly disguised ego project of yours, knox.

Hey Punk why don't you just go and fuck yourself will you. You're so stinkin shallow. that's right have a laugh on me cause you got under my skin. Glad to oblige you, you waste of skin..........

to.w 07.20.2010 04:22 AM


to.w 08.06.2010 11:00 AM

mh.t008 - Mutant Beatniks - #1 Little Shadows on the Mix Tape


Une nouvelle collaboration pour myhand.thanx records! C'est avec un immense plaisir que nous vous proposons "Little Shadows on the Mix Tape" des Mutant Beatniks. Un collage de divers mixes et autres sons glanés au fil des années par ce collectif à géométrie variable venu de Bath, UK. Aujourd'hui composé de Shaun Roberts, Dennis Ward et Roj Crompton, le projet Mutant Beatniks existe depuis 1986, et propose des créations sonores électroniques, proches de la musique noise, des collages, et de la musique expérimentale du XXème siècle. Autant inspirés par Cabaret Voltaire, John Foxx, Stockhausen, Pierre Henry que par les bruits de leur environnement, le trio compose, (dé)construit formidablement une musique empreinte d'instinct, d'inventivité et de réflexion sur la création. "Little Shadows on the Mix Tape" est le premier mix d'une (longue?) série proposée par Mutant Beatniks.

Here's a new collaboration for myhand.thanx records! It is with great pleasure that we offer you "Little Shadows on the Mix Tape" by Mutant Beatniks. A collage of varioous mixes and other sounds gathered throughout the years by this flexible collective coming from Bath, UK. Today, it consists in Shaun Roberts, Dennis Ward and Roj Crompton. Mutant Beatniks exist since 1986 and propose electronic sound creations, close to noise music, artistic collages and 20th-century experimental music. Inspired by Cabaret Voltaire, John Foxx, Stockhausen, Pierre Henry as well as by the noises of their surroundings, the trio extraordinarily composes, (de)constructs a music fraught with instinct, inventiveness and reflexion on creation. "Little Shadows on the Mix Tape" is the first mix of a (long?) series proposed by Mutant Beatniks.


Des albums précédents peuvent être téléchargés ici /Former albums can be downloaded here
BLAZEN (2009)

to.w 08.10.2010 08:27 AM

mh.t009 - Ph.G - The DIY sessions from outer space a.k.a. the attic



Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons.

Ph.G... drôle de pseudonyme derrière lequel se cache Pier, et quelques autres amis (Vinsh, Tow...) qui se sont souvent retrouvés à ne savoir que faire de leur temps libre dans les années 90... Car c'est en fait une compilation de leurs créations musicales spontanées que vous propose ici myhand.thanx records. On entend encore les craquements de la bande magnétique et aussi la poussière qui s'y est déposée au fil des années. Du pur DIY, de la musique bout de ficelle, mais toujours faite avec réflexion et maîtrise! On aime particulièrement "I want to live in the wood" qui rappelle Jesus and Mary Chain, mais aussi "Tintin, Haddock et Milou" qui pourrait bien être l'influence principale de Katerine sans même qu'il le sache....!
Ph.G... a funny pseudonym behind which is hidden Pier, and some other friends (Vinsh, Tow...) who often found themselves bored and wondering what to do during their free time in the 90s... Indeed, myhand.thanx records offers here a compilation of their spontaneous musical creations. We can still hear the crackling of the magnetic tape and also the dust which appeared throughout the years. Pure DIY music, but always made with reflexion and mastery! We particularly love "I want to live in the wood" which reminds us of the Jesus and Mary Chain, but also "Tintin, Haddock et Milou" which could be the main influence of Katerine (even if he doesn't know it!)


to.w 08.19.2010 03:57 AM

mh.t010 - Mutant Beatniks - #2 The dust of the Ether



Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons.

Voici le 2ème mix des Mutant Beatniks. "The Dust of the Ether" est un collage de bruits et de musique, et propose une ambiance atmospherique, sombre, comme un chaos imminent, qui s'approche peu à peu, pour soudain disparaître dans la poussière de l'éther...

Here is the second mix by the Mutant Beatniks. "The Dust of the Ether" is a collage of noises and music which renders a particular mood : atmospheric, dark, like some imminent chaos that comes nearer and nearer, to suddenly vanish into the dust of the ether...



to.w 09.04.2010 07:59 AM

mh.t011 - Mutant Beatniks - #3 Tape Memories in the Ghost Machine


3ème mix de la série proposée par les Mutant Beatniks, Tape Memories in the Ghost Machine est un éloge à la bande magnétique, aux parasites et aux ghost tracks.

3rd mix from the series offered by the Mutant Beatniks, Tape Memories in the Ghost Machine is an elegy to the magnetic tape, to parasites and to ghost tracks.


to.w 09.19.2010 04:07 AM

mh.t012 - Giles Morris - daAdaA ep



Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons.

Giles is back, folks!!! Last year, he threw his nervous works at us, right in the middle of our faces, and it was quite difficult to get out of that nightmare... But the "daAdaA ep" is more intimate now... 3 tracks played on an old folk guitar, no real audible voice, and a more contained violence. This ep has to be listened to from A to Z, each track being linked to each other, each minute taking you deeper and deeper to the roots of Morris's musical background, which is NOISE.

Giles est de retour!!! L'an dernier il nous avait lancé ces "nervous works" en plein visage, et il était plutôt difficile de sortir de ce cauchemar... Mais ce "daAdaA ep" est plus intimiste cette fois... 3 morceaux joués sur une vieille guitare folk, une voice pas franchement audible, et une violence plus contenue. Cet ep doit s'écouter du début à la fin, chaque morceau étant lié aux autres, chaque minute passée vous emmenant encore plus profondément vers les vraies racines musicales de Morris : LE BRUIT


to.w 09.19.2010 04:08 AM

mh.t013 - DRUNkEN C - Toc Toc Toc



Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons.

C'est un immense plaisir que de vous proposer "Toc Toc Toc" de DRUNkEN C sur myhand.thanx records! Cet ep de 2009 risque de vous trotter dans la tête pendant des jours et des jours, tant il est addictif! DRUNkEN C, alias Cécile, offre des mélodies entêtantes, saturées, sur des beats minimalistes, une espèce de minimal-noise frôlant l'electro du bout des doigts... De "Tussing and turning" à "Buries his claws" l'esprit divague, erre, et fait de nombreuses rencontres inquiétantes... N'hésitez pas une seule seconde, téléchargez "Toc Toc Toc"!

It's such a great pleasure to offer you DRUNkEN C's "Toc Toc Toc" on myhand.thanx records! This 2009 ep will surely keep running through your head for days and days, cuz it's so addictive! DRUNkEN C, aka Cécile, creates intoxicating, saturated melodies, on minimalist beats, a kinda minimal-noise slightly touching electronic music... From "Tussing and Turning" to "Buries his claws" the spirit raves and roams and meets bizarre creatures... Don't hesitate another second, download "Toc Toc Toc"!


knox 09.19.2010 05:46 PM

i'll be getting some of those, i'll let you know!

to.w 09.20.2010 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by knox
i'll be getting some of those, i'll let you know!

Cool! I think you may like DRUNkEN C's "toc toc toc"

to.w 10.06.2010 09:43 AM

mh.t014 - Mutant Beatniks - #4 Please Punk Interlude Into Repose



Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons.

Et voici le 4ème mix des Mutant Beatniks! Interlude punk, ode à la musique live, aux parasites et à l'électricité statique, Shaun & Co. redent un bel hommage au bootlegging.

Here is the 4th mix by Mutant Beatniks! Punk interlude, ode to live music, parasites and static, Shaun & Cie. pay a great tribute to the act of bootlegging.


to.w 10.06.2010 09:44 AM

mh.t015 - Mutant Beatniks - #5 Dometic Twilight of an Illusionary State



Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons.

5ème mix de la série. Le plus étrange, le plus froid, hypnotique...

5th mix of the series. The strangest, the coldest, hypnotic...


to.w 10.06.2010 09:44 AM

mh.t016 - DRUNkEN C - Dreamville



Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons.

DRUNkEN C revient avec ce nouvel EP "Dreamville"... et nous emmène dans ce lieu étrange, cette ville fantôme dont on a du mal à sortir! On est accroché dès le premier titre "Soul Empty" qui, sous ses faux airs de rock'n'roll old school, propose une new wave dépoussiérée et inspirée. Les 7 titres de "Dreamville" se suivent et s'enchaînent dans un logique implacable, dévoilant peu à peu leurs secrets, cette Dream Ville se changeant peu à peu en Dream Evil... jusqu'au final, "The Sweet Devil Hand," qui achève la transformation.

DRUNkEN C is back with this new EP " Dreamville"... and takes us to this weird place, this ghost town out of which it's hard to flee! We're hooked as soon as the 1st track "Soul Empty" starts, and, under its old school rock'n'roll appearance, proposes a dusted and inspired new wave. The 7 tracks of "Dreamville" follow each other very logically, unveiling bit by bit their secrets, this Dream Ville turning slowly into a Dream Evil... until the final track, "the Sweet Devil Hand," which ends up the transformation.


to.w 10.06.2010 09:45 AM

mh.t017 - Jacques de Villiers - More Wind For Lonely Suburbs



Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons.

Jacques de Villiers nous offre après "Sleepsongs" un EP magnifique, annonçant la sortie prochaine d'un album. Trois nouveaux morceaux subtils et profonds, qu'il définit lui-même comme "des sons cassés et bruyants qui vous feront pleurer..." Comme avec son précédent album, Jacques de Villiers nous montre des paysages inconnus, et (r)éveille des émotions insoupçonnées...

After "Sleepsongs," Jacques de Villiers offers this wonderful EP, announcing the forthcoming release of a full-length album. Three new, subtle and deep tracks he defines as "noisy broken sounds that will make you cry..." As with his previous album, Jacques de Villiers shows us unknown landscape, and digs out unsuspected emotions...


to.w 10.24.2010 03:08 AM

mh.t018 - Mutant Beatniks - #6 My Brain Stalk is Milky



Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons.

"My Brain Stalk is Milky" est le 6ème mix proposé par Shaun et ses Mutant Beatniks. Un moment quasi-mystique, qui ressemble à un songe, avec ses pensées incongrues, ses transitions illogiques, certes, mais qui nous mène là où chacun le désire...

"My Brain Stalk is Milky" is the 6th mix given by Shaun and his Mutant Beatniks. It's an almost-mystic moment which sounds like a dream, with its incongruous thoughts, its illogical transitions, but which leads each of us to the place we want to reach...


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