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viewtiful_alan 10.08.2009 10:22 PM

Is quickly becoming one of my favorite boardies.
He can destroy lame threads with merely a picture, but at the same time contributes plenty of fun to read stuff, sometimes awesome, sometimes nonsense.
In any case, a toast to suchfriends. The least pretentious pretentious person on the board, and also one of my favorite posters.

viewtiful_alan 10.08.2009 10:24 PM

Not to mention I think you are one of the more unsung pillars of hte board.

Alex's Trip 10.08.2009 10:28 PM


Mushrooms, etc.

He's a great guy

alteredcourse 10.08.2009 10:43 PM

Yep, I love that guy. Suchfriends gets really excited about stuff. I like that.

pbradley 10.08.2009 10:52 PM

We agree sometimes, we disagree sometimes, but always an entertaining poster.

Rob Instigator 10.08.2009 11:35 PM

suchfriendsisthemanandIgivehimgrieffromtimetotimeb utit'sallinthe sessionandnotpersonalmuchrespectisdangerous

infinitemusic 10.09.2009 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
i like the fact that hes unpredicatable.

except for when it comes to Jesus.

What do you mean?

notyourfiend 10.09.2009 12:35 AM

we seem to have a lot of similiar political views.

i like him.

amerikangod 10.09.2009 12:46 AM

As much as I hate reggae, I will come out and say that this guy is good internet people.

I really wish he spoke about my dick more though.

amerikangod 10.09.2009 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
reggae is least its not ska.


FUCK ska.

Man, fuck anything with horns in it!

amerikangod 10.09.2009 01:11 AM

I also cannot do jazz. I tried for many years on the recommendation of so many people. Aside from the musical whole being way boring to me, I simply don't like the sound any of the instruments make on their own.

There is nothing redeeming aurally. To me jazz is the musical equivalent of a limp dick.


EVOLghost 10.09.2009 01:14 AM

yeh. where is dat guy.

_slavo_ 10.09.2009 01:14 AM

he cool

EVOLghost 10.09.2009 01:14 AM


amerikangod 10.09.2009 01:22 AM

Ha ha, I hate NOFX, I was just being a douchebag. All of those times.

amerikangod 10.09.2009 01:23 AM

And what I meant to say is that El Heffe has more musical talent in his little trumpet playing pinky than all of the jazz 'greats' combined.

Rob Instigator 10.09.2009 08:39 AM

^patently ridiculous

roots reggae is where it's at!

original ska too, for two tone and reggae all came out of the ska. Long live the skatalites.

dub too, dub rules like a magick kiss.

SONIC GAIL 10.09.2009 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
i mean he mentions biblical stuff a lot.

i live in the south. not his fault, it just gets old.

and by undpredicatable....i mean just that. his topic matter is a bit all over the place...i can appreciate that.

that is all.

I would say predictably that this is one of the reasons I enjoy suchfriend's posts. The big J word. We seem to share common views when it comes to this topic.
Not the only reason though he always has something scientific to post that is way over my guy..for a stoner (another commanality)

SONIC GAIL 10.09.2009 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
Ha ha, I hate NOFX, I was just being a douchebag. All of those times.

NOFX is sooo 1995 man

Satan 10.09.2009 08:51 AM

he's a cool dude.

reggae rules if it's played by black people.

i salute you, fellow stoner.

sonicpixie 10.09.2009 04:16 PM

abso bloody exactly its mostly guaranteed if you read his posts you will have many interesting things to muse upon throughout the day....
although im now wondering if he may have read this thread and been scared away??? its just much respect!!!

Kloriel 10.09.2009 05:32 PM

first rule about suchfriends: you do not talk about suchfriends.
second rule about suchfriends: if you fucked up the first rule already then fuck it all let's fucking stretch our minds and post the most relevant shit and by shit i mean fertilIZER that we can find to forward our
not whatcha thought
scroll scroll
back now let's empty
such is with guppies
that's right i put my
igenious bar amongst
his sedimentarian layers

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.09.2009 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
he's a cool dude.

reggae rules if it's played by black people.

I agree with you, as a white reggae musician, I ONLY play in reggae bands with black folks in em, and I only enjoy reggae bands with black folks in em, its not even a racial thing, I have just noticed over the years that all-white reggae bands tend to suck..

much thanks and love to you all! I have been here for five years, and it is nice to be appreciated, after all, this board swallows incredulous amounts of my free time and also some time that is not free at all.

stay blessed sonic people, above all spread the love!

ahh, a dem a wicked line up against ini but the sweet love of the people come across to me every time as I-man a tell it to you.."


Kloriel 10.09.2009 05:46 PM

Where's such?

He's in the following video but i'm bound by contract not to disclose any more letters.. for words. words. you use them.. to communicate.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.09.2009 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I don't care

'Fucked with' is very strong language. I think "I help police out with their routine enquiries" would be more appropriate.

I'm on the internet. I think it's patently obvious I wouldn't be if I could fuck myself.

Many years ago, and they had good reason to.

This doesn't happen to me. I'm generally a law-abiding citizen, and the police don't have the same powers over here.

Right. The point I was trying to make is that if you're not breaking the law, you've got nothing to worry about. Further, I've been stopped by police while carrying what could've amounted to 20 years in prison. Thanks to talking politely, staying calm and not acting in a juvenile I didn't end up getting searched, and so on.


Oh, there's more. Sorry, don't let me...


Well. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why they're hassling you? Obviously, you may have a legitimate claim, but all the people I know who compain about police harassment are generally the sort of people that live on the other side of the law to me. I don't know American police, but over here they only hassle you if you give them grief. Personal thing and all...

oohh, joanie loves chachi

floatingslowly 10.09.2009 10:34 PM

I now think that glice knows ninja karate. his fucked up teef are from mouthpunching. only crazy people get mouthpunched a lot. better lay off him man, he's crazy. and he knows karate.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.10.2009 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I now think that glice knows ninja karate. his fucked up teef are from mouthpunching. only crazy people get mouthpunched a lot. better lay off him man, he's crazy. and he knows karate.



floatingslowly 10.10.2009 03:16 PM

the problem is, once you get yr gang of cholos to gatwick, UK customs is bound to take most of them.

by the time that you get to the curb outside, the only thing that will be left is that fat sack of chocolate thai that you have up yr rectum.

that's when glice shows up. he'll jump out of the shadows and gut you like a pig.

....and that's only the start of it.

some say, that once yr down, he takes yr teef and adds them to his own grisly collection. and by that, I mean, he sticks them in his mouth.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.10.2009 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
the problem is, once you get yr gang of cholos to gatwick, UK customs is bound to take most of them.

by the time that you get to the curb outside, the only thing that will be left is that fat sack of chocolate thai that you have up yr rectum.

that's when glice shows up. he'll jump out of the shadows and gut you like a pig.

....and that's only the start of it.

some say, that once yr down, he takes yr teef and adds them to his own grisly collection. and by that, I mean, he sticks them in his mouth.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to floatingslowly again.

a) I smuggle my weed on the plane wrapped around my legs like ounce balls of heroin, leave my ass out of this thank you.

b) the funniest part about this thread is imagining a bunch of southsiders going to the UK, creased up and beyond out of place.



'hey holmes, chingaso, eh I don't think we're in Montebello anymore."

HaydenAsche 10.10.2009 05:14 PM

I hate him on common principal.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.10.2009 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I hate him on common principal.


and on that note:


Glice 10.10.2009 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

b) the funniest part about this thread is imagining a bunch of southsiders going to the UK, creased up and beyond out of place.


Americans don't own the exclusive rights to looking like a massive pile of ballsacks. Sadly.

Sonic Youth 37 10.10.2009 10:15 PM


Sonic Youth Gossip 10.11.2009 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
I also cannot do jazz. I tried for many years on the recommendation of so many people. Aside from the musical whole being way boring to me, I simply don't like the sound any of the instruments make on their own.

There is nothing redeeming aurally. To me jazz is the musical equivalent of a limp dick.


oh fuck i am raging

amerikangod 10.11.2009 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth Gossip
oh fuck i am raging

So listen to some jazz! It'll suck all of the emotion right out of you. Saltpeter for your ears bro.

exploding plastic candle 10.11.2009 01:33 AM

I kinda like jazz but I tend to shy away from it because of all the pretentious assholes I know who play it. I don't give a shit that you spent 6 hours giggin' last night with some guy who you act like I should have heard of...

ps suchfriends teach me your ways of finding pictures for everything

phoenix 10.11.2009 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
a) I smuggle my weed on the plane wrapped around my legs like ounce balls of heroin, leave my ass out of this thank you.


you bother to take it on the plane?

Where are you going that you can't buy weed when you get there? :confused:

The only places I think It would be hard for me to buy drugs, are the ones that I wouldnt even TRY to buy them, let alone smuggle them in.

Being surrounded by asia and countries in which drug trafficing is a punishable by death-(the lined up and shot kind), or most of my life in a shitty prison, kind of has this effect on me..

phoenix 10.11.2009 01:43 AM

anyway.. I love suchfriends. :)

Rob Instigator 10.11.2009 11:32 AM

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.12.2009 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Americans don't own the exclusive rights to looking like a massive pile of ballsacks. Sadly.

those dudes might not necessarily even be americans ;)

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