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atsonicpark 10.05.2009 09:41 PM

blaze the pot smoking deer

After I finish my next film, I'm collaborating on the BLAZE THE POT SMOKING DEER: THE SERIES with this guy. More soon.

viewtiful_alan 10.05.2009 09:42 PM

Consider me excited.

floatingslowly 10.05.2009 09:45 PM

fuck a deer. Electric Wizard do it better.

exploding plastic candle 10.05.2009 10:04 PM

I have one word for you: claymation

atsonicpark 10.15.2009 11:15 AM

episode 1:

SONIC GAIL 10.15.2009 11:21 AM

Weird but very cool..i like how you keep seeing the image of the kid showing through.

atsonicpark 10.15.2009 11:23 AM

Thanks. That girl is my x-girlfriend when she was a small child. Subliminal. I did the whole thing in about 30 minutes using like 3 drawings that Joe (psychicpilgrim) sent me. I will probably spend more time on the next ones
I do.

Derek 10.15.2009 11:33 AM

Catchy theme song

atsonicpark 10.15.2009 11:34 AM

of course derek, it's going to be a very musical show, haha..

EVOLghost 10.15.2009 11:46 AM

Oh god the intro is amazing. The part when the doe is on him and he has 2 shotguns is just awesome

dale_gribble 10.16.2009 01:35 AM

can't wait for the rest, how many episodes you gonna make?

atsonicpark 10.16.2009 02:11 AM

Well, for now, we're probably going to do 30 minutes worth, so I dunno. 6-8 maybe? (the rest of the episodes will probably be longer than 3 1/2 minutes) Then we'll probably release it as season 1 on dvd, for really really cheap, since it'll be short (of course we'll offer it for free download too). We're going to edit all the episodes together to make one continuous episode when we release it for real. Probaby send Adult Swim a copy and see if they want to turn it into a full show. I think it has potential. Hahaha.

atsonicpark 10.16.2009 02:11 AM

Also, everyone please subscribe/befriend BLAZE himself:

...this will be where all future episodes are uploaded to, and we will actually respond to your comments/msg's as blaze. These aren't episode these are blaze's home movies!

atsonicpark 10.20.2009 05:40 AM

episode 2

Satan 10.22.2009 04:12 AM

you kick ass, i like blaze the potsmoking deer even more than your movies

going thru random fbook stuff i found this (sorry i cant get a bigger version) and thought you might like to use it for soemthing, it reminded me of you


atsonicpark 10.22.2009 04:25 AM

thanks Satan, I will use that for episode 3, you're right -- it is totally me. Haha. and thanks for the support as well, I really appreciate it, I'm glad you like this series, I'm trying to improve with everything I do, so I hope everything I do is better than the thing I did before it

i think you "get" me, Satan.

vulva 10.22.2009 04:41 AM

yo, I love this. Like full on, serious love. Like marry it and take it home to the family love.

atsonicpark 10.22.2009 04:43 AM

cool, I'm going to incorporate that reply into the next episode as well.

SONIC GAIL 10.22.2009 08:42 AM

Hillarious.This one is even better than the last! Music very cool. I love the stuffed Kiss head on the wall. Great "love" scene.

atsonicpark 10.22.2009 08:50 AM

episode 3 (with satan and vulva's contributions):

Thanks again for the support everyone.

Quick question: Why does it seem like it's mostly women who like my work?

nicfit 10.22.2009 01:17 PM

coz men talk less. ha.

vulva 10.22.2009 01:38 PM

I'm a maaaaaan

nicfit 10.22.2009 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by vulva
I'm a maaaaaan

of constant sorroooooowwwwww

vulva 10.22.2009 03:23 PM

feel free to use this
blazetone.mp3 - 0.60MB

atsonicpark 10.22.2009 06:37 PM

I thought you were a girl, VULVA!

...anyway, I got this "You Are Using Ad Block Plus or some other advert blocking software!
zSHARE relies on advertising for revenue!.
Please add zSHARE to your ad blocking whitelist or disable ad blocking when you visit zSHARE

any way you can upload it to sendspace, mediafire, yousendit, rapidshare, or megaupload?

Satan 10.22.2009 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
episode 3 (with satan and vulva's contributions):

Thanks again for the support everyone.

Quick question: Why does it seem like it's mostly women who like my work?

this is tops

DeadDiscoDildo 10.22.2009 10:23 PM

Haha not bad man!

vulva 10.22.2009 11:00 PM

atsonicpark 10.23.2009 01:01 AM

haha vulva, mega man and pulp fiction..

Dunno how I'd go about using this but we'll see haha.

vulva 10.23.2009 01:38 AM

don't feel obliged, but I thought it might work

atsonicpark 10.23.2009 05:58 PM

if you still use myspace

atsonicpark 10.29.2009 04:44 AM

episode 4

atsonicpark 11.04.2009 01:13 PM

episode 5

DeadDiscoDildo 11.04.2009 06:11 PM

HAHAHA dude awesome.

thanks for usin my song in blaze, it actually sounded amazing all fast and trippy like that!

atsonicpark 11.04.2009 07:07 PM

haha yeah, no problem, I had to speed it up to fit the scene better, the original speed wasn't workin haha. The idea is that it's the soundtrack to the most psychadelic bar ever. Or something. Haha.

DeadDiscoDildo 11.04.2009 07:10 PM

No yeah, it was cool. It fit really well haha!

Im gonna send u a live version of it I did today with my drummer, could use an opinion of how its coming along

DeadDiscoDildo 11.05.2009 02:45 PM

Episode 4 was awesome too, they are getting better adn better

atsonicpark 11.10.2009 06:07 AM

hilariously rushed finale (for now)

atsonicpark 11.10.2009 07:01 AM

Here's a download link for every episode combined (127.64mb). Burn it and burn one!:

atsonicpark 11.14.2009 05:19 AM

blaze on

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