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Keeping It Simple 09.19.2009 06:44 AM

Anyone here jog?
The reason I ask is because it seems to be "de rigueur" at the moment where I live, especially with the females. I've chilled out in the park for years and this is the first time I've noticed a marked rise in their numbers to almost plague proportions. I swear they now outnumber the park's rat population! The only explanation I can think of is they're white-collar workers who lost their jobs because of the credit crunch and they can't think of anything better to do with themselves other than jog. Personally I've never jogged. If I want to stay fit I go for long walks through the countryside, and I've spotted joggers nigh on torturing themselves there too. :)

ploesj 09.19.2009 08:00 AM

i'm not supposed to run long distances since every heavy physical activity that i do outdoors can trigger an asthmatic attack (especially when the air isn't too good)

simulated stereo 09.19.2009 08:01 AM

I jog three or four days a week. Helluva weight reducer.

greedrex 09.19.2009 08:13 AM

fuck i need to jog more regularly, it's good for what i have......
I swear that i tell myself off every fucking day for not going jogging....
run forrest..

Satan 09.19.2009 08:16 AM

there are so many funner things to do for exercise

running fucking sucks

Conrad 09.19.2009 10:10 AM

I wish I could get off my ass and go for a run. I used to love love love running, and I was fast too.

Now I'm a smoker with black lungs and can't run ten feet without a heart attack and my air ways closing up.

Glice 09.19.2009 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
there are so many funner things to do for exercise

running fucking sucks

You used to have a valued contribution; you used to be jailbait/gobshite - as it is, you're just captain boring post-teenager. Captain restraint/ lack of OC. Captain no-idea. Captain stuck-in-someone-else's-nostalgia.

Running is the least interesting thing. It's also the only thing that keeps me from the tabs.


gmku 09.19.2009 05:48 PM

I jog in place 3-4 times a week for 20 minutes at a time, with light weights.

king_buzzo 09.19.2009 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Satan

running fucking sucks

big up.

swimming pretty much wins there, running gives me this heart ache, and it feels really weird

terriblecanyons 09.19.2009 05:49 PM

Swimming is the best exercise ever. It's so fun. Running fucking sucks.

davenotdead 09.19.2009 05:49 PM

i run.

its pretty satisfying at the end of a long run, and you feel better/breathe easier the rest of the day

Glice 09.19.2009 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo
big up.

swimming pretty much wins there, running gives me this heart ache, and it feels really weird

Useless cunt.

terminal pharmacy 09.19.2009 05:51 PM

females running is good!!!

gmku 09.19.2009 05:52 PM

I would hate to run if I had boobs. Would need a really good fitness bra.

terriblecanyons 09.19.2009 05:53 PM

Running is painful with boobs unless you've got like a super constrictive bra which makes it painful to breathe anyway, so basically unless you've got the build of a 10 year old boy you're fucked.

greedrex 09.19.2009 05:57 PM


"moi j'aime mon corps"

gmku 09.19.2009 05:57 PM

In which case perhaps just substitute fucking for jogging.

terriblecanyons 09.19.2009 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by greedrex

"moi j'aime mon corps"

that bitch is a fucking hipster

davenotdead 09.19.2009 05:59 PM

love watching chicks run

greedrex 09.19.2009 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
that bitch is a fucking hipster


Imma let u finish but you got the hippest trainers of all time

gmku 09.19.2009 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
love watching chicks run

Two strikes. One more and you're on my ignore list, you asshole.

simulated stereo 09.19.2009 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
I would hate to run if I had boobs. Would need a really good fitness bra.

When I started I had man-boobs.

davenotdead 09.19.2009 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Two strikes. One more and you're on my ignore list, you asshole.

i run too. its not like i sit in the shrubbery and spy on them

gmku 09.19.2009 08:24 PM

Not the impression I get about you, but whatever.

Shifty Prophet 09.19.2009 08:35 PM

I run at least 4 times a week. Yes its boring, but its a good time to think shit out and get lost with your thoughts.

gmku 09.19.2009 08:39 PM

It releases chemicals in yr brain and shit like that to that make you feel better. It's a good time.

kierkegaarden 09.19.2009 09:07 PM

running addict, 3 miles a day. last summer i ran 9 miles a night for three months, my doctor thought i was on drugs, but it was just divorce.

gmku 09.19.2009 09:17 PM

I don't like running addicts though. Worse than druggies.

viewtiful_alan 09.19.2009 09:21 PM

I skate. I'll probably jog when I get older though

kierkegaarden 09.19.2009 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
I don't like running addicts though. Worse than druggies.

i apologize for allowing will some ardor

joe11121 09.19.2009 09:35 PM

Running is great. Especially if you live in a cool place where you can like jog around and see a lot of cool things. I live in a flatland area so nothing is interesting here. Biking is funner though.

davenotdead 09.19.2009 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
I don't like running addicts though. Worse than druggies.

i've never had my car window smashed by avid runners

alteredcourse 09.20.2009 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
its pretty satisfying at the end of a long run, and you feel better/breathe easier the rest of the day


Originally Posted by Shifty Prophet
but its a good time to think shit out and get lost with your thoughts.


Originally Posted by gmku
It releases chemicals in yr brain and shit like that to that make you feel better. It's a good time.

I took it up at the beginning of summer, and I love love loved it for a few months, I was soaking up all those qualities above^ and more, but then I reached a few weeks where they all disappeared.
There were aches I couldnt stop thinking about,
I couldnt stop thinking...period. What I loved about running was being OUTSIDE of my brainbox for once, just being my body. Just letting that take over, just getting through it. At this point, however, I couldnt stop counting
And finally, by the end, I would NOT feel good, or even accomplished that I at least made it despite it being one of those bad days. I would just just feel like fucking hell like I would rather have not gone through the effort or embarrassment of being so fucking shitty at something so easy.

It's been a month. It really, really felt awesome for a while, so I'm pretty disappointed.

pbradley 09.20.2009 01:58 AM

I come from a long line of lawyer runners.

Fuck that. I'd rather drive.

pbradley 09.20.2009 02:08 AM

I'm not up because of stress. I'm up because it is the weekend of my birthday and I feel like drink. Albeit by myself... with my birthday wine.

And I know all about the therapeutic nature of the outdoors. Eagle scout, over 300 miles of backpacking, etc.

davenotdead 09.20.2009 02:17 AM

its not the outdoors, exercise does make you sleep better.

also, i do like walking, but walking 7 or 8 miles takes so long... don't really have time for it.

a couple mile run is quick and great, and like altered mentioned, its kind of a 'being OUTSIDE of my brainbox for once, just being my body'. its cool

pbradley 09.20.2009 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
its kind of a 'being OUTSIDE of my brainbox for once, just being my body'. its cool

Not only cool, it is absolutely pouring outside of my brainbox. I need a braincoat!

pbradley 09.20.2009 02:39 AM

It isn't all that great being an "Eagle." Just some shit to put on a resume, a piece of paper, a medal you will put in a drawer and forget.

It is the experiences that matter, the award is mostly bullshit.

pbradley 09.20.2009 02:53 AM

Yeah, that is true, I'm pretty sure it really sweetened the deal with my college application.

pbradley 09.20.2009 02:58 AM

Now you are trying to butter me up after that lashing you gave me before. No need, young squire, I have a firm grasp of my faults and strengths. The truth illuminates all sides.

And so does this wine.

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