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ni'k 08.19.2009 09:20 PM

the idea that -

you make the best music when you are fucked up on drugs
you need to be fucked up on drugs to make your best music
drugs increase/are an essential part of the creative process
the best musicians were those who were really fucked up on drugs


but at least explains the type of music some of you are listening to in 09

its also the cause of so much needless suffering/self indulgent bill hicks narcissism

automatic bzooty 08.19.2009 09:29 PM

there is massively substantial evidence against yr position good sir.

atsonicpark 08.19.2009 09:32 PM

Surprise is having a bomb go off under a table over which two people are talking. Suspense is showing us the bomb before it goes off.

ni'k 08.19.2009 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
im guessing yr experience w/ drugs is minimal at best.

you're guessing wrong.

ni'k 08.19.2009 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by automatic bzooty
there is massively substantial evidence against yr position good sir.

i don't think so. all i see is over hyped mediocre rockstars whose music is nothing but pastiche with celeb personality attached self destructing and being hailed as genius' when they are nothing of the sort.

ni'k 08.19.2009 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
nah, im guessing right.

...not that that is a bad thing. its not.

but anyone thats had a decent amount of experience w/ drugs knows the effects they can have on the body, as well as mind...the negative, as well as the positive effects, and the intense inspiration that can come from both.

im NOT encouraging drugs.

so what you're saying is that i obviously haven't done as much drugs as you cos if i did i would have had the intense inspiration you have had from them.

atsonicpark 08.19.2009 09:41 PM

drone drug

ni'k 08.19.2009 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
so, what is genius ni'k? please explain since you are so informed....

i never claimed to know. i think it's just an adjective people use.

ni'k 08.19.2009 09:47 PM

i just said i never claimed to know. how the fuck am i speaking as if i'm enlightened?

ni'k 08.19.2009 09:58 PM

when i said i never claimed to know, i was referring to when you said "so what is genius ni'k? please explain since you are so informed..." not about drugs. so i didn't prove your point.

but instead of wasting anymore time talking to you everyone can just read your actual posts. they speak for themselves.

dirty bunny 08.19.2009 10:27 PM

I don't know how much drugs really inspire people, as much as they can make them look at things differently, perhaps let things flow more easily.

Having the talent before you take the drugs is necessary if you're going to be inspired to do anything good.

Elder. 08.19.2009 10:28 PM

To me drugs just help to put you in another plane, to look at music in a whole different perception. Sometimes good and sometimes bad. Though there is no doubt that they make music sound a lot better.

Zombie Robot 08.19.2009 10:29 PM

im on drugs rt now.
and i just finished playn guitar.
and i have nothing else to say really that's relevant to this thread.

atsonicpark 08.19.2009 10:29 PM

drugs fucking rule

Elder. 08.19.2009 10:33 PM

I used to be really anti-drug...until I tried them.

notyourfiend 08.19.2009 10:58 PM

Hallucinogenics can make you think/experience beyond the limits of yr ego and all....but there are a lot of other things that can do the same thing. Meditate, record yr dreams etc. I personally think that drugs tend to be used as a cop-out mode of mind expansion. And that many times, they bring out false epiphanies. That being said, I don't think that drugs are necessarily bad, at least not much worse than a lot of other shit. They can be a hell of a lot of fun. And sometimes jamming out on them can be fun. But I really think that they are often overrated in the process of producing art. I don't really like the mystification about them being the key to creative power that we attribute to them.

Also, I've found that drugs/alcohol tend to distract people from actually being productive.

automatic bzooty 08.19.2009 11:31 PM

obviously, it's a case by case basis.

and obviously, there's always going to be something good behind it. it's not like you can just shoot up fucktons of heroin and sit around expecting genius results on tape.

Satan 08.20.2009 12:41 AM

every musician i know of was better on drugs but they weren't good because of the drugs. the drugs just made them better.

however i do not condone drug use (yes i do)

no but really theyre not for everyone. but if you can handle it, go for it.

GeneticKiss 08.20.2009 12:55 AM

Drinking a bit can loosen me up enough to be a be more daring on guitar. Same goes for playing video games.

I remember a bit back, two of the members of my band were smoking pot (I got a little bit of a contact high) before we jammed, and we got some pretty cool results.

However, we usually get cool results whether drugs are involved or not.

I think it's more of a case that people who are inclined towards music or any kind of art are just the kind of people who'd be prone to drug use.

Today, everyone uses drugs, even if it's just caffeine.

infinitemusic 08.20.2009 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
im guessing yr experience w/ drugs is minimal at best.


ni'k 08.20.2009 01:30 AM

as i said before, my experience with drugs is NOT minimal at best. i've taken a lot of drugs. but if you want to assume i haven't it only shows the weakness of yr position. i don't need to play the "oh i've taken so much more drugs than you have" game.

Satan 08.20.2009 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by ni'k
i don't need to play the "oh i've taken so much more drugs than you have" game.

for real, fuck that noise

notyourfiend 08.20.2009 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by ni'k
as i said before, my experience with drugs is NOT minimal at best. i've taken a lot of drugs. but if you want to assume i haven't it only shows the weakness of yr position. i don't need to play the "oh i've taken so much more drugs than you have" game.

I find that often people who've taken a lot of drugs tend to hold yr position because they've seen and perhaps experienced the horrible downsides that some drugs can have.

ni'k 08.20.2009 02:14 AM

you edited out a lot of that post before i could respond to that.

i think you can almost prove my argument chemically. with drug addiction, your brain is wired to get its dopamine fix from drugs, you're not going to want or enjoy music, you're only going to be doing music so you can get more money/drugs. you're not going to give a fuck about putting your energy/creativity towards music, it all goes towards drugs, and the fantasies they allow you to have about yourself. you don't have the time/energy/money to make music anything other than a side effect/justification/way to get paid.

notyourfiend 08.20.2009 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by ni'k
you edited out a lot of that post before i could respond to that.

Yeah, I edited because I wasn't sure if I wanted personalized hate responses over this one by certain members on the board.....

But whatever. I'll go ahead anyway.

What I had essentially said before is that I've watched a lot of people become addicts and I work with inner city smack addicts at my job. I have a really difficult time entertaining the notion that these people are really doing something productive.

Occasionally there is an amazing drug infested talent out there...but usually people are broken before they break through.

There can sometimes be too fine of a line between experimenting (which yes, i do think can provide some creativity/insights) and addiction


Originally Posted by ni'k
i think you can almost prove my argument chemically. with drug addiction, your brain is wired to get its dopamine fix from drugs, you're not going to want or enjoy music, you're only going to be doing music so you can get more money/drugs. you're not going to give a fuck about putting your energy/creativity towards music, it all goes towards drugs, and the fantasies they allow you to have about yourself. you don't have the time/energy/money to make music anything other than a side effect/justification/way to get paid.

I don't really remember much of the neurology I have taken but i do remember the professor mentioning that serotonin levels are effected by lsd, therefore bringing forth thoughts/images that usually might only show up in yr dreams.

But why don't people lucid dream or meditate instead? It's a lot less dangerous and actually requires the focus and discipline that it takes to make awesome music.

Sonic Youth Gossip 08.20.2009 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by ni'k
you edited out a lot of that post before i could respond to that.

i think you can almost prove my argument chemically. with drug addiction, your brain is wired to get its dopamine fix from drugs, you're not going to want or enjoy music, you're only going to be doing music so you can get more money/drugs. you're not going to give a fuck about putting your energy/creativity towards music, it all goes towards drugs, and the fantasies they allow you to have about yourself. you don't have the time/energy/money to make music anything other than a side effect/justification/way to get paid.

That is such a load of crap. I don't even know where to begin with a response.

Green_mind 08.20.2009 02:49 AM

yeah wtf, it doesn't need saying. Take some more drugs please until you're inspired to make this thread better.

ni'k 08.20.2009 03:04 AM

that's a fantastic point about lucid dreams.

Mark Fisher - "The Mondays' transposition of Sly Stone and Krautrock into a Mancunian idiom, their translation of p-funk glossalalia into what Simon called 'dosser speak', was a mystical materialism - but they had to be sold as just ordinary lads, havin' a fookin laff, any weirdness played down, attributed to the pills... (One more way in which drugs, far from undermining the reality principle, tend to shore it up...)"

i think an example of what i was saying earlier would be kurt cobain, who after fleeing rehab to take heroin, found that his credit card had been cancelled, and so got all the heroin he could on loan and then shot himself. seems to me that drugs where more important to him than music.

in our culture of commodity fetishism, you could make the argument that drugs and the myth that is sold with them actually serves the purpose of making people believe that they need to buy a little pill to get high. that they will always have to rely on a product, something external they have to buy. what is implied here is that the mind is incapable on its own of pyschoactive/hallucinatory/imaginative feats, and that you have to put something external inside to do these things. this is of course utter bullshit. it's as if the drugs act as an obstacle to block up your brain that are also highly detrimental and addictive.

people seem to think they are radical or counter cultural by taking drugs, yet the cia sells crack, and drugs make you more dependent on the dealer and only limit your freedom.

notyourfiend 08.20.2009 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by ni'k

in our culture of commodity fetishism, you could make the argument that drugs and the myth that is sold with them actually serves the purpose of making people believe that they need to buy a little pill to get high. that they will always have to rely on a product, something external they have to buy. what is implied here is that the mind is incapable on its own of pyschoactive/hallucinatory/imaginative feats, and that you have to put something external inside to do these things. this is of course utter bullshit. it's as if the drugs act as an obstacle to block up your brain that are also highly detrimental and addictive.

people seem to think they are radical or counter cultural by taking drugs, yet the cia sells crack, and drugs make you more dependent on the dealer and only limit your freedom.

yupppp!!! i totally agree with you.

that being said, i think that you should still do drugs if that's what you so please. i've done drugs. my friends do drugs. whatever. i'm over romanticizing them. i think that we should be honest with ourselves. and then if we still wanna do them, go ahead. i mean, they can be tons of fun.

atsonicpark 08.20.2009 07:31 AM

life is hot in cracktown!

SONIC GAIL 08.20.2009 08:42 AM

It depends on the drug and yr idea of what fucked up is really. Like me for instance. I work best when fucked up on pharms. and herb. Just enough so that i am not wanting to pass out. Give me x I am worthless for about 12 hrs. I don't comprehend chord formations that ryan is teaching me..I can tell he gets impatient. Alcohal..depends on what I am trying to do. If it's work of any type it renders me unable to finish any task. It loosens me up though with music, until I have had one too many.

demonrail666 08.20.2009 08:45 AM

do cups of tea qualify as drugs?

SONIC GAIL 08.20.2009 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by notyourfiend
yupppp!!! i totally agree with you.

that being said, i think that you should still do drugs if that's what you so please. i've done drugs. my friends do drugs. whatever. i'm over romanticizing them. i think that we should be honest with ourselves. and then if we still wanna do them, go ahead. i mean, they can be tons of fun.

Agreed. At some point you start hating yr drugs. Like junkies who hate thier heroin. You realize they are taking hold of your every thought and action. It is no fun to feel that way. You start taking them cause you need them to get on with daily life. THere is nothing Romantic about it. I have already killed my endorphins it is too late for me. I have doomed myself to a lifetime of dependancy.

SONIC GAIL 08.20.2009 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
do cups of tea qualify as drugs?

Caffine is the most addictive.

DeadDiscoDildo 08.20.2009 01:43 PM

you guys need to SHUT THE FUCK UP and take some drugs.


MellySingsDoom 08.20.2009 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
you guys need to SHUT THE FUCK UP and take some drugs.


But I'm a fag already *cries*

Anyone who argues against the influence of drugs on music is basically a spazzmonaut, and has probably got a crush on Donald Rumsfeld.

static-harmony 08.20.2009 01:48 PM

The beatles made better music after drugs.

DeadDiscoDildo 08.20.2009 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
But I'm a fag already *cries*

Anyone who argues against the influence of drugs on music is basically a spazzmonaut, and has probably got a crush on Donald Rumsfeld.

Dont cry melly, Im using the term out of context.

Derek 08.20.2009 03:23 PM

Drugs aren't my thing.

MellySingsDoom 08.20.2009 03:24 PM

DDD-dude - I've quit bawling like a girl :)

Anyone here tried STP?

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