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o'connor 08.19.2009 01:28 PM

I Finally Feel Comfortable Commenting On The Eternal
ya know how alot of people on here hated rather ripped... well i think i hate the eternal even more. i personally liked rather ripped, but the eternal just seems like a great disappointment to me. it just doesn't sound like sonic youth to me, which i usually welcome, but the eternal just sounds, for lack of a better word, goofy to me. there's the obvious stooges influence on it, but it just comes off wrong to me. i dunno, i only like the lee and kim songs on it (and not all of teh kim songs either), but the thurston songs just sound horrible to me. i don't like the new singing style he's using. i really felt let down by this cd, i'd been looking forward to a new SY cd for a long time, and then i get it and it wasn't up to par in my opinion. oh well, i'm sure the next album will be killer (keeping my fingers crossed on that one though). i even pre-ordered it, and that live LP sounded like shit, it was all muddy. the cover was cool though. anybody wanna buy my copy of the live LP?

noisereductions 08.19.2009 01:32 PM

I liked RR as well. I liked it a lot. But I love Eternal. I think it kicks much ass.

SuperCreep 08.19.2009 01:38 PM

How much are you willing to sell the live LP for?

o'connor 08.19.2009 02:08 PM

i'm thinking $20. and i'm keeping teh poster that came w/ it, that shit was bad ass.

Satan 08.19.2009 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by o'connor
it just doesn't sound like sonic youth

this is the most bogus statement i've ever read

noisereductions 08.19.2009 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
this is the most bogus statement i've ever read


This album literally sounded better to me with each listen.

This Is Not Here 08.19.2009 02:38 PM

It's good, but with an album that varied you're bound to please most people with at least one track. The Eternal is Sonic Youth playing it safe, including tracks to please every type of Sonic Youth fan. Whilst it may be better, The Eternal is less of an 'artistic risk' than Rather Ripped. And that element of it was dissapointing.

atsonicpark 08.19.2009 02:40 PM

It's 110% Sonic Youth. It's just old, "mature" Sonic Youth, with some flirtation with their youthful ways. Sonic Geezers. But I mean that lovingly -- that "mature" songwriting sounds like a stepback when looking at such masterworks as "A Thousand Leaves" and half of "Washing Machine", sure; hell, it's hard to believe sometimes that this is the same band who made "Daydream Nation" years ago. The thing is, though, while everyone is pining for them to write another "Cross the Breeze" or "Diamond Sea", they already made those songs. In fact, it seems like instead of looking back, they're constantly pushing to "refine" their sound with every album, which is extremely interesting and pleasing to my ears... maybe too pleasing, in general, as it's surely going to frustrate some fans. Sonic Youth is removing the "edges" from their music, for the most part, and those edges are what attract most people, afterall.

...There's still plenty of old-SY on this record: Thurston singing the exact same notes he's playing, noise breakdowns, sassy Thurston vocals, etc. Admittingly, these are the worst and most forced-sounding parts of the album. I think, however, instead of focusing on that, let's look at how flawlessly the songs flow. For a band with wild tunings and sometimes-bizarre song structures, it's a wonder that they make these songs work so well. They flow organically; most parts don't sound out of place (except for some aforementioned noise parts that don't fit, a shocking SY first! Listen to "Antennae" for one such example). SY makes this stuff look easy, because they basically invented this sound.

And, yes indeed, they're maturing it; the background vocals, Kim's best singing in years, some wonderful acoustic guitar! Again, they're "softening" their sound to some, but to me they're simply pushing to write more "mature" material, and I don't mind the change as long as the songs are still good. It seems like that's something they've been trying to do for years, and I think it's taken awhile to get to this point. This album is way better than Rather Ripped, to me. It's got some great songs, some throwaways of course but eh. It's actually pretty damn consistent.

...Sonic Youth constantly reveals a fascinated and fascinating tension -- an oscillation -- between attraction to the feminine version of "notre musique"… and a corresponding need to erect, sometimes brutally, a barrier to the femininity which is perceived as all-absorbing. Educate, inform, and entertain -- pop goes the easel.

It's not the be-all, end-all album people were expecting, but it's 10x better than Nurse and 100x better than Rather Ripped. Also, Fahey did the cover art (posthumously, of course). That alone raises it a few notches in my book.

Rob Instigator 08.19.2009 02:49 PM

the eteranl is the best fucking thing sonic youth have put out in 15 goddamn years man.

it is fucking AWESOME.

I cannot stop listening to it. it gives me the same rush that daydream nation gave me in 88 and that goo did after that and evol when I finally got it.

noisereductions 08.19.2009 02:51 PM

I think atsonicpark composed the end-of-thread. For real.

noisereductions 08.19.2009 02:52 PM

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to atsonicpark again.

atsonicpark 08.19.2009 02:55 PM


noisereductions 08.19.2009 03:06 PM

You definitely hit all the major points I was thinking but not putting into words.

Rob Instigator 08.19.2009 03:09 PM

fuck that shit. The eternal is BETTER than wwhat atsonicpark said.

it is fucking awesome.

o'connor 08.19.2009 03:19 PM

i love you rob, but it simply isn't that good of an album... in my opinion. it sounds like really long demo versions of a lost stooges album. thurston's songs at least. and washing machine and 1,000 leaves sounds way more "mature" to me than the eternal does.

noisereductions 08.19.2009 03:20 PM

OMG. I feel like you listened to it once. In the background while watching TV.

o'connor 08.19.2009 03:21 PM

nope, i got it in teh mail 2 days before it hit shelves and have been listening to it since. i tried it sober, drunk, stoned and every way in between. i simply think it sounds juvenile to me.

Rob Instigator 08.19.2009 03:25 PM

stooges? stooges? the stooges are turgid boring fucking one-riff wonders compared to sonic youth and The Eternal man.

fuck "mature" I want SY to ROCK and the eternal rocks fucking HARD. Best lee songs in years, thurston is writing inventive changes and rifffs again insteaad of his barely tolerable acoustic guitar noodling.
Kim is singing with purpose again, and not just trying to sound as bad as possible.

when I play sides 1 and 3 on my stacker turntable, side one ends and then side three begins right where side one finished! It makes me think the same song is starting but it is just a neat sequencing tirck! The same thing happens when you lay side 2 and side 4 on the stacker. side 2 ends and it fades back in at the beginning of side 4. genius!

I know I will get a lot of flack for this, but it is the best thing I have heard from SY since thousadn leaves., better that sonic nurse (which I love) and far far better than washing machine (which is deadly dull at times) and murray street, (which is tepid throughout and actually sounds more like what you describe in the first post)

noisereductions 08.19.2009 03:26 PM

it's pretty unbelievable to me that an SY fan could not appreciate this album. It sounds like the end to a decade-long journey for the band.

Rob Instigator 08.19.2009 03:28 PM

I agree. It makes me get up off my ass and dance around.

Rob Instigator 08.19.2009 03:46 PM

i have listened to it 20+ times and it gets better each time.

murray street got less better each time....

and you know how I feel about the stooges albums. half great, half disposable garage ca ca

Rob Instigator 08.19.2009 04:15 PM

to each their own!

cagedbird 08.19.2009 04:28 PM

their personalities really come through on The Eternal. Quasi-religious Thurston, introspective Lee, daring Kim, and bad-ass Steve keeping it all together.

I have been disappointed by SY before, like all of you I am sure, but th Eternal doesn't disapoint me.

Maybe you need to see what's changd about the world. That always helps m when figuring out new SY records. I mean, noise has fallen away and now is a time of a folk resurgence (I don't really know what I am talking obout here...) SY n The Eternal is tight, focused, zany and fun.

atsonicpark 08.19.2009 04:48 PM

wassup? \, I saw your pics on wayn or wayn ....I forget which one but I remember adding you cause you were cute! Hit me back on msn messenger so we can talk ttys

el duderino 08.19.2009 04:52 PM

Eternal is a solid album, but probably my least favourite in a while. I liked Rapper Ripped for the catchy poppy melodies, Sonic Nurse for the intricate guitar work, Washing Machine and 1000 Leaves and NYC for the amazing experimentation. This one just seems to be a bit bland - perhaps the first album in their career where they are just resting??

Rob Instigator 08.19.2009 04:56 PM

bland? Murray street was fucking BLAND. the eternal ROCKS.

el duderino 08.19.2009 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
bland? Murray street was fucking BLAND. the eternal ROCKS.

I actually agree, Murray St was pretty bland, Nurse was far superior

el duderino 08.19.2009 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
i like murray street. it just, i dont know, has an "incomplete" vibe when i listen to it. the album feels like it should have been longer.

for real, could have prob used one more long track. But will Karenology, Radical Adults and Strawberry are rad.

atsonicpark 08.19.2009 05:16 PM

I loved Murray Street a long time ago. I find a lot of it a bit bland now. Still has precisely 2 of my favorite SY songs ever ("Strawberry" and "Rain on Tin").

barry swedgin 08.19.2009 05:20 PM

I LOVE The Eternal, it's my favourite LP of 2009 so far. But it's not as good as Sonic Nurse. That is a classic SYLP, make no mistake. It might end up beating Murray Street. Maybe. I fucking love it, mind (The Eternal & Battery Park LPs). Antenna is an ace tune, I can't wait to hear it live....

joe11121 08.19.2009 05:41 PM

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to atsonicpark again.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Rob Instigator again.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to noisereductions again.


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to swa(y) again.

pinkstation 08.19.2009 06:19 PM

"walkin blue"
i mean come on. such an unbelivable song, and WAY better than "rats."

best lee song since "karenology"

mysonichaircut 08.19.2009 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by o'connor
ya know how alot of people on here hated rather ripped... well i think i hate the eternal even more. i personally liked rather ripped, but the eternal just seems like a great disappointment to me. it just doesn't sound like sonic youth to me, which i usually welcome, but the eternal just sounds, for lack of a better word, goofy to me. there's the obvious stooges influence on it, but it just comes off wrong to me. i dunno, i only like the lee and kim songs on it (and not all of teh kim songs either), but the thurston songs just sound horrible to me. i don't like the new singing style he's using. i really felt let down by this cd, i'd been looking forward to a new SY cd for a long time, and then i get it and it wasn't up to par in my opinion. oh well, i'm sure the next album will be killer (keeping my fingers crossed on that one though). i even pre-ordered it, and that live LP sounded like shit, it was all muddy. the cover was cool though. anybody wanna buy my copy of the live LP?

Nice to meet someone with ears. Its true, its the most stupid thing they ever did. I remember, when i first listened to sy and someone entered my room, i felt embaressed caus i knew he/she/it would be pertubed about the noise. Now i feel the same, but because of the stupid melodies - as if someone would see me dancing to Christina Aguilera. But i like to see how they enjoy playing it. And i DO like almost 1 Minute of Walkin Blue, 30 Seconds of Malibu Gas Stations, 10 Seconds of No Way - and some of Massage the History too.

automatic bzooty 08.19.2009 06:53 PM

i feel like i'm in a rep lockdown.

gonna put on some stunna shutter shades and sing a heavily auto-tuned song about it [via kanye]

viewtiful_alan 08.19.2009 06:55 PM

I'm stunned... I mean other than daydream they don't really have an ablum that's genuinely great the whole way through, with no tracks you really wanto to skip.
Opinions are opinions but in this case, I think you're just wrong.

mysonichaircut 08.19.2009 06:58 PM

and the noise part in what we know is cool too.

noisereductions 08.19.2009 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by viewtiful_alan
I'm stunned... I mean other than daydream they don't really have an ablum that's genuinely great the whole way through, with no tracks you really wanto to skip.
Opinions are opinions but in this case, I think you're just wrong.

are you serious?

I know I'll catch hate, but DDN isn't even in my Top 10 SY albums dude. There's so many others that I think are so beyond perfection... namely the one in my avatar.

viewtiful_alan 08.19.2009 07:23 PM

I meant after ddn. All the other albums after ddn have definite trash on them. They are all msotly great albums, just not without their trash. How is ddn not in your top ten?

noisereductions 08.19.2009 07:29 PM

It's just not. I don't know. I know I'm a minority, but I think DDN is (gasp) a bit over-rated in the SY cannon.

MURRAY STREET is easily in my Top 10 though. THE DESTROYED ROOM may be as well. Probably.

Just being straight up based on my own personal listening habits.

viewtiful_alan 08.19.2009 07:35 PM

WEll destroyed room is a compilation, and while it doesn't really have any weak points, it just doesn't stack up as classic to me.
Yeah... I guess I didn't think about Murray Street. Murray Street is incredible, but I find the Eternal alot more enjoyable.

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