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Pax Americana 06.22.2006 04:54 PM

So I was listening to In On The Killtaker today and it occured to me to start a Fugazi thread. Anybody else love Fugazi or just have a general appreciation of all things Ian Mackaye?

Favorite album? Discuss!

drrrtyboots 06.22.2006 05:04 PM

Yes, yes and yes. What a great band, I love all of their stuff although I heard the argument first and kind of went backwards from there. I'm not so crazy about Mackaye's new band though, The Evens.

finding nobody 06.22.2006 05:04 PM

fugazi is great. a freind let me borrow rapeater earlier this year. i love it. and sense i've gotten into their other albums.
the day before yesterday i listened to in on the kill the taker, red medicine, and steady diet of nothing while at work in one sitting
im buying some fugazi vinyl very soon

luxinterior 06.22.2006 05:07 PM

Fugazi are one of those bands that I lost myself in for quite some time. It's fairly easy to become obsessed with them.

Pax Americana 06.22.2006 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by finding nobody
fugazi is great. a freind let me borrow rapeater earlier this year. i love it. and sense i've gotten into their other albums.
the day before yesterday i listened to in on the kill the taker, red medicine, and steady diet of nothing while at work in one sitting
im buying some fugazi vinyl very soon

All great albums, I think that Red Medicine might be my favorite but it's hard to say.

Also, Drrrtyboots that Evens album took a few listens but I ended up really enjoying it.

Pookie 06.22.2006 05:13 PM

Can't go wrong with Fugazi. One of the few bands who haven't done a thing wrong as far as I'm concerned. And GREAT live too.

So if you want recommends, then ANYTHING and EVERYTHING they've done.

My personal favourite is probably Repeater but Red Medicine is a fantastic very close second.

nomadicfollower 06.22.2006 05:14 PM

I have Repeater, but I never really got it..
Maybe I should give it another try?

gmku 06.22.2006 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Pax Americana
So I was listening to In On The Killtaker today and it occured to me to start a Fugazi thread. Anybody else love Fugazi or just have a general appreciation of all things Ian Mackaye?

Favorite album? Discuss!

Are you kidding? Who could NOT love this awesome band?! It's incredible to me that there are actually people who don't like fugazi. It seems like a no-brainer to me that a Sonic Youth fan could only love this great, noisy band.

My favorite is Repeater, followed closely by Steady Diet of Nothing. But I like almost everything they've ever set their hand to.

drrrtyboots 06.22.2006 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Pax Americana
All great albums, I think that Red Medicine might be my favorite but it's hard to say.

Also, Drrrtyboots that Evens album took a few listens but I ended up really enjoying it.

If I gave it a few more listens i'd probably enjoy it. I guess I was just expecting something different.

krastian 06.22.2006 05:34 PM

I have a hard on for Fugazi and anxiously await for the boys to get back together to fucking rock out. My favorite is In on the Killtaker because it is da bomb diggidity. They can't possibly disappear after an album as glorious as The Argument.

marleypumpkin 06.22.2006 05:41 PM

I've just recently started getting into this group, Believe me, I've been wanting to for a long time. But I must say, very impressive.

I know, I'm an enlighteng MF. (haha)

finding nobody 06.22.2006 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by nomadicfollower
I have Repeater, but I never really got it..
Maybe I should give it another try?


Norma J 06.22.2006 06:47 PM

HAHA fuck! I was just going to make a thread about how Ian Mackaye is on the track "Youth Againt Fascism" from Dirty. Which was going to be my segway to talk of Ian Mackaye and anything related to him talk.

I think Minor Threat and Fugazi are great. More so of the latter for me.

finding nobody 06.22.2006 06:50 PM

what does Ian do on "Youth Againt Fascism"?

lizzarddd 06.22.2006 06:51 PM

my favorite song by fugazi, is probably cash out,

nomadicfollower 06.22.2006 06:53 PM

I'll give Repeater another chance..

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.22.2006 06:57 PM

I am more of an all things Guy Picciotto guy. I like Minor Threat and Fugazi, but as far as Ian Mackaye goes, Embrace and the Evens were horrible. Guy Picciotto can do no wrong though.

My favorite Fugazi songs- Do You Like Me?, Shut the Door, Blueprint, Glueman, SMALLPOX CHAMPION.

Norma J 06.22.2006 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by finding nobody
what does Ian do on "Youth Againt Fascism"?


Pax Americana 06.22.2006 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I am more of an all things Guy Picciotto guy. I like Minor Threat and Fugazi, but as far as Ian Mackaye goes, Embrace and the Evens were horrible. Guy Picciotto can do no wrong though.

My favorite Fugazi songs- Do You Like Me?, Shut the Door, Blueprint, Glueman, SMALLPOX CHAMPION.

I liked the Evens record personally, and I agree that Guy is pretty awesome. Rites of Spring were a great band!

Yeah, Ian plays some of the noisey guitar parts on Youth Against Facism.

Infinite Spark 06.22.2006 09:13 PM

One of the few bands who i can't criticise one bit, my personal favourite is The Argument, maybe cos i'm more familiar with it though (Infinite Spark is now searching on Limewire for The Evens)

Inhuman 06.22.2006 09:23 PM

I've barely heard anything by Fugazi. I know they were in with all the older punk bands like Rites of Spring and Moss Icon. I heard repeater, suggestion, and turkish disco; all of which I liked. I LOVE the bassist, and the guitarist is insane as well. I'd like to get into them more, but I really don't have the money to get an album.

finding nobody 06.22.2006 09:25 PM

i just won this in a bid! name=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1

schizophrenicroom 06.22.2006 09:29 PM

I love In On The Kill Taker so much, especially Smallpox Champion. The best part is when everyone stops except for Brendan on drums then they all kick back in. It's kind of chilling how the song is about the wiping out of Native Americans, but it could be applied to today.

The Argument is my second-favorite.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.22.2006 09:48 PM

Yeah, the "breakdown" sort of thing that some Fugazi songs have I think came from Guy's Gang of Four influence which is pretty obvious on a few Rites of Spring songs like "End on End" where it strips down to the bass and everything comes back in.

Infinite Spark 06.22.2006 10:09 PM

Embrace??? surely not...?

Originally Posted by Pax Americana
I liked the Evens record personally, and I agree that Guy is pretty awesome. Rites of Spring were a great band!

Yeah, Ian plays some of the noisey guitar parts on Youth Against Facism.

Shurely shome mishtake??? you can't possibly mean the same Embrace that are behind the current Official England World Cup Song? If so, I thought i was the only guy from west Yorkshire into Fugazi

EDIT: I meant to reply to the previous post, this new-look message board freaks me out!

Dan 06.22.2006 10:39 PM

The Argument is probably my favorite. I went to see Ian sepak at Franklin and Marshall back in March and it was really great. The Instrument is one of the best music related things on DVD out there and I highly recommnd it for anyone who hasn't seen it. Just yesterday I wached a DVD from one of their shows in 1988 that was pretty rad.

I don't see why people can't seem to give it up for Embrace. I think that's a really great record. I still need to hear Faith.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.22.2006 10:59 PM

I don't know. I really feel Rites of Spring beats them in every way.

Forensic Scene 06.22.2006 11:00 PM

Red Medicine is their best. Greatest band ever, next to sonic youth (IMO). They can do no wrong, never have and never will. The only tihng fugazi can do that is wrong is not getting back together. Guy is better than Ian, however Embrace was pretty damn good. I like the song "Money", i tihnk its very honest and true.

RockerNino 06.22.2006 11:13 PM

these guys are the shit. so many good albums to choose from. i like arguement, in on the kill taker, and repeater. but all are good.

krastian 06.22.2006 11:21 PM

The first time I saw them when Ian started the first few notes of Long Division I yelled "Yeahhh!" and he looked down at me and nodded his head to me as if to say, "Oh yes." I need that shit.....NOW!!!

SugarLips 06.22.2006 11:30 PM

I've got 13 songs and the Instrument both are great pieces of work, the bassist Joe Lally is also amazing... Ian has creative strength beyond words.. I can't say I've heard his new band tho..

youthoftomorrow 06.23.2006 12:25 AM

i've got 13 Songs, The Argument, and a 3-song EP that i can't recall the name of. i borrowed Repeater from my brother a while back and loved it, but had to give it back (it was eventually stolen). they're a great band. the rhythm section is one of the most amazing in rock music. The Argument is a perfect summer album.

my name is Brendan.

Norma J 06.23.2006 01:03 AM

I like End Hits alot, but I tend to be alone on that one.

Dan 06.23.2006 08:07 AM

End Hits is sweet-- especially Break, Five Corporations, and Caustic Acrostic.

sonicl 06.23.2006 08:13 AM

Anyone got any of the Fugazi Live Series CDs?

I have two (the most recent London one, and another that I can't remember), and they're excellent.

stvpttrsn 06.23.2006 08:59 AM

...yeah fugazi!...I think I have all the cds...I guess fav would be in on the killtaker just because it was the first one I's all good...

stvpttrsn 06.23.2006 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by finding nobody

...everyone should own a copy of this...I never get tired of watching this one...

stvpttrsn 06.23.2006 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Anyone got any of the Fugazi Live Series CDs?

I have two (the most recent London one, and another that I can't remember), and they're excellent.

...I haven't got any of the live series, but there was some killer shows out on

afterthefact 06.23.2006 09:43 AM

instrument soundtrack: best album in my opinion

krastian 06.23.2006 01:46 PM

sonicl, I have 4 or 5 of the live series.....I love them.

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