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demonrail666 07.14.2009 03:53 AM

what's your main drink?
In a pub or bar, what do you usually order?

chrome noise tape 07.14.2009 03:56 AM


Satan 07.14.2009 03:59 AM


vodka & red bull

demonrail666 07.14.2009 04:05 AM

yeah, ok. But if we're talking beer could we be a bit more specific? i mean do you go to the bar and say I want a beer? you must ask for a type of beer, surely.

Satan 07.14.2009 04:16 AM

or guinness

chrome noise tape 07.14.2009 04:18 AM


SYRFox 07.14.2009 04:21 AM

Coca Cola.

nicfit 07.14.2009 04:26 AM


when available

ploesj 07.14.2009 04:42 AM

sparklng water or orange juice.

i'm quite boring when it comes to drinking :P

Toilet & Bowels 07.14.2009 05:14 AM

guiness, it's not my favourite but it's the most widely available of the beers i like

Antagon 07.14.2009 05:58 AM

White Russian

and if they do not have any White Russian

Sometimes Absinthe

MellySingsDoom 07.14.2009 06:05 AM

(or if I'm desperate) Fosters

I can't drink Wife Beater (aka Stella) any more.

sonic sphere 07.14.2009 06:41 AM

guinness or if they have it.............beamish.

Trasher02 07.14.2009 06:56 AM


Only €0,70 for 50cl.. aaaaaaaaah yeeeeah

ALIEN ANAL 07.14.2009 07:01 AM


Trasher02 07.14.2009 07:10 AM

Stella's alright I guess... I prefer Jupiler though.

Shifty Prophet 07.14.2009 08:01 AM

If its beer then:
Staropramen or Starobruno
Carlsberg (preferably Elephant)
If its a shit bar that only has american beers I'll usually get:
Pabst Blue Ribbon
Miller High Life
Samuel Adams

Proper Liquor:
Bourbon on the rocks
Scotch on the rocks
Vodka on the rocks with a twist

Mixed drinks (which I don't usually like)
White Russian
Rum and Coke
And I recently had a very good Caipirinha which reinvigorated my previous love for the drink.

Torn Curtain 07.14.2009 08:10 AM

Orangina (yeah I don't drink alcohol very often).

deflinus 07.14.2009 08:16 AM

shot of jose
or jack and coke

_slavo_ 07.14.2009 08:17 AM

Pilsner Urquell, Heineken, Carling, John Smith, Saris, Zlaty Bazant, Singha, Chang

Jack Daniels on the rocks on most occasions when in a bar (since they don't have anything else and it's not that bad). When at home, I like me some fine single malt ... at the present time I have a bottle of Glennfiddich 12yrs old, Macallan 12yrs old, Bruichladdich 12yrs old and a shitty Glen Turner god knows how old it actually is.

floatingslowly 07.14.2009 08:21 AM

my main drink is coffee (black). this is closely followed by diet cherry coke zero.

Satan 07.14.2009 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
my main drink is coffee (black). this is closely followed by diet cherry coke zero.

= my life.

ALIEN ANAL 07.14.2009 08:37 AM

I overall prefer a glass of juice, the less real the better

SONIC GAIL 07.14.2009 09:42 AM

... a bud light of course.

pantophobia 07.14.2009 10:00 AM

at this point if it has vodka, rum, or tequila in it i shall drink it, and pretty much nothing else

!@#$%! 07.14.2009 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
In a pub or bar, what do you usually order?

beer for sure-- the most reliable drink in amerikkka

when i need to liquor myself up i'll order with the seasons & mood.

summers, i love a good gin & tonic, but a GOOD gin & tonic is hard to find

schizophrenicroom 07.14.2009 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Satan
vodka & red bull

oh god, yum.

diet coke.

DeadDiscoDildo 07.14.2009 11:07 AM

Gin & Tonic.

Prisstina 07.14.2009 11:14 AM

apple juice.

Zombie Robot 07.14.2009 12:21 PM

vodka is like my gatorade.

no bottom shelf shite tho, cheapest i will drink is schmirnoff when im buying.
belvedere, stoli, grey goose, kettle one, etc. if someone else is payn.

sarramkrop 07.14.2009 01:27 PM


demonrail666 07.14.2009 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
diet cherry coke zero.

I bought cherry coke by accident recently and had to drink it on a really hot bus. Quite possibly one of the lowest points of my entire life. A personal 9/11.

floatingslowly 07.14.2009 01:46 PM

I'm sorry, "diet cherry coke zero" is redundant. it should read: cherry coke zero.

ps: DR666 - don't tell me, let me blame the jews.

dirty bunny 07.14.2009 02:02 PM

I used to like caffeine free coke, but they stopped making it. I never really understood why people liked the taste combination of cherries and cola though.

As for me bar-wise I guess Molson's, Corona, or something similar.

blunderbuss 07.14.2009 02:21 PM

A pint of best bitter, please, Landlord.

Unless it's Timothy Taylor's. I fucking hate that stuff.

chicka 07.14.2009 02:23 PM

scotch and a water is schiltz or sam adams

pbradley 07.14.2009 02:31 PM

I've recently got the first beer gut in my life, and it is relatively very small, so I'm giving up on the amber nectar at the moment.

Manhattan on the rocks.

Toilet & Bowels 07.14.2009 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by blunderbuss

Unless it's Timothy Taylor's. I fucking hate that stuff.

yeah, it's horrible

jon boy 07.14.2009 03:02 PM

granville island honey lager
r&b pale ale
r&b honey lager

TheDom 07.14.2009 06:47 PM

jack & coke!!!!

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