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your experiences meeting SY
For those who have met any of the members of SY, how did you feel afterward?
I just met Thurston, Steve and Lee in Toronto (at separate times) and I gotta say, Thurston seemed quite standoffish. I'm not one to immediately label him an 'asshole' or anything like that, nor was I running up to him, screaming "I LUV U OMG!!!", but I saw him walking along the street, hours before the Massey Hall show, and I approached him. We spoke, he signed my DDN book, gave me a smile and a handshake, but still seemed rather distant. Later, I was hanging around the stage door before the show (where I met Steve) and these two old hounds were trying to score autographs so they could sell em, (They knew NOTHING about Sonic youth. He asked me to point out 'the drummer' on the Jet Set album, and then asked me for his name) and were shunned by Thurston straight up, which I respect. Anyway, I met Lee after the show, with a crowd waiting for him. He was quick and impersonal, but I managed to get a picture with him and everything. It was a dream come true. So, what were they like when you met them? Anything specific you noticed? |
Thurston wasn't neccesarily standoffish with me, he just seemed pretty chilled out and relaxed. When you're that excited to meet someone it can seem that they're being cold just because they ain't excited to meet you. I spoke to Thurston for almost 10 minutes I guess, it was the night before they did Jools Holland so we discussed the merits or lack of Mr. Holland, and who was worse Lilly Allen or Depeche Mode. Also discussed Dylan for a bit, because I'd seen him 2 days before and so had Steve. Kim was right there, but she was speaking to whats-his-name-guitarist-from-the-YYYs, and various other rock stars, so I felt it would be too rude to say "step aside rock stars, I want to speak to my Kim". I did wish her happy birthday and said thanks for the show to a muffled reply of "thankyou".
Also spoke to Steve that show, he was genuinely extremely good natured and polite, and seemed actually interested in what we were saying. He was inquistive to learn which of the SY shows I saw in a week (Austria, Donau, then London Scala) I enjoyed most. Lee I spoke too, albeit briefly in Austria. It wasn't long enough for anything of particular interest to be said or happen, but long enough to say we met him. All in all, Sonic Youth are a great band to meet, they are genuinely nice people. However, that said when you meet them remember whilst it's special to you, there have been a 100 kids like you approach them that day alone. I'm not sure I'll ever get to speak to Kim, which is a shame because I think we'd have the most to say to eachother. My attempts to approach her in Austria and London met with her ignoring me/mumbling a mono-sylabic reply. I do not beleive she is up-herself, it's not like she was speaking to any other fans on both occasions, I reckon shes just pretty shy in those situations. However, in London she was the only member of SY who remembered me from the week before, and gave me a personal smile when she left the stage. |
For my only time in New York, on Sunday 13th 1999, i went to the Seaport Atrium (or so it seems according to the Concert Chronology), which was really only a shopping mall.
On the floor with all the restaurants i caught a glimpse of Lee Ranaldo and Thurston Moore eating some pizza on a bench and couldn't believe my eyes. There was apparently a Jazz festival happening that night and Sonic Youth were scheduled to play (i had no idea of that). When i saw Thurston at a cash machine i went to him to ask him at what time they played. I told him i had a plain to catch to fly back to France so i wouldn't be able to attend the show, he nicely invited me to the soundcheck they were gonna do. So there i stood, alone, while they performed instrumentally then-unknown songs (Renegade Princess and Free City Rhymes) and a good rendition of Expressway. So Thurston was very nice, but we didn't chat a lot. Kim seemed cold on the stage, maybe only focused. I remember Lee and Thurston did not seem very happy with Steve's playing, maybe he didn't totally master the new songs. The whole experience was very cool of course and Thurston seemed like a very nice guy. |
so what did he say? i met Steevo once in Paris. probably the nicest person ever. |
I want to know how you meet these people. At the two gigs I've been to, I can't think of any way one can approach the band.
I met Thurston on the Murray Street tour. I was pretty drunk on gin and tonics. And I said "hey man, I always had you on my list of people I'd hug if I met." And he said "oh yeah, cool." And he bended way down (I'm only like 5'5") and gave me a hug. I figured he'd then be sort of all set with such a fanboy, but he was pretty chatty, asking me what I thought of the new album. Then we talked about his freejazz discs, and the recently released In The Fishtank EP. I thought he was really nice.
My friend met Kim around the same time, and told her about how he had a friend who was obsessed with Sonic Youth, so she took this picture as a kind gesture: ![]() |
i think they're pretty cool people to meet. i remember i went to thurston's solo show in hoboken and saw thurston eating at a table right next to us. of course i waited until he finished his meal and approached him. he was pretty nice, shook my hand and posed for a picture for me. "rocking out the camera phone" he said. i told him to kick ass at the show. i met steve the same night and he was nice. shook his hand and posed for a picture. it was pretty cool how they were just hanging out at the place, along with everyone else.
i met lee at the filmore in philly and he was hanging out at the balcony with everyone else while the opening band played. i caught him and shook his hand. he even asked for my name, which was really cool. i should of said my last name! |
These are really awesome stories.
Nothing but praises from me. I've met them 3 different times. First was at a pub in Providence a couple hours before the show during Nurse tour. They were all there except Lee eating dinner. I stood at the bar and flagged down their waitress and told her I'd pick up the tab. After they ate I was given the $86 dollar bill from the waitress and they told me to come over. I talked to them for a while and they all asked me questions like where i was from, what i did for work. Then they let me take a couple pictures with them. What surprised me most that during the concert Thurston said "I'd like to thank Jeff for treating me to my Lobster dinner". Then after show, Kim walk by and gave me her bass pic. Sounds magical, but it's a true story.
Other time before the CBGB show I ran into Thurston on Bleeker St. He had a small bag (probably water and twinkies), and I just said Hi,shook his hand and said good luck tonight. My friend took a couple of pics with him but i didnt. Third time I was at the Brookyn No Fun Fest 2009 (show sucked), and I was by myself on the second floor bar. Kim and some other older guy came up next to me. I said hi to Kim and told her I'd buy her a drink. She ordered and I told waitress I was paying. Then waitress said theirs are on the house. Kim saw I was a little disapointed, so she said thanks anyway and held up her drink for a toast. That was it. So I dont know why people would think they are snobby. I guess I'm lucky to meet them a few times but I've been to about 21 of their shows. But I doubt I'll see them this friday. But who knows. I got my fingers crossed. |
I'm going to get a shirt at the Philly show tonight for Steve (and maybe Thurston and Lee) to sign. I don't know. I'm kind of nervous. I've never met anyone famous that I really admired (except Kim Deal for about three seconds.) Steve seems like the most approachable out of everyone. I have things planned out that I could say, but once I'm there, it'll probably turn all into nonsensical blabbering. It seems so ridiculous since they're only human after all...
Anyone know what the best way to go about meeting them is? I'm going to be there early tonight and I can afford to wait a while after the show. |
I met Lee after they played their set at Penns Landing in 2003? I just had him sign an album cover and that was pretty much it. I've heard stories where Kim is standoffish and doesnt chat with fans.
There is a door on the side where they come out. You'll see it. |
that's insanely lucky to see all 3 seperately! where was Thurston hanging out if I might ask? |
at a free kitten show thurston gave me a sandwich and kim put me on the guest list. that was pretty cool. years later i saw lee play with ikue mori and managed to say hi and shake his hand...
i've only been to one sonic youth show and didn't have the chance to meet them, and probably wouldn't if i had, unless it was a very casual thing. i don't like the idea of harassing people just because some selfish desire of mine.
I've had some pretty awesome experiences not meeting them.
Can I talk about those? |
I've met Thurston a few times. He seemed OK. Not stand offish at all. I spoke to Kim when she was over doing the Harry Crews gigs with Lydia Lunch and she was great. I never spoke to Lydia which I'm sort of grateful for because I did have an enormous crush on her at that time. I've said hello to Lee and Steve but never actually spoken to them properly. Steve does seem ridiculously nice though.
I was the Ray Davies Show at Irving Plaza in 2006, Thx to a good friend who got me VIP passes....anyways, as the set break began, i went outside for a cigarette, who do i see walk out to smoke? Lee!! For me, this was really cool, because my favorite member of SY is also a Ray Davies fan.
I did not want to bother him, so I just went up to him and with my hand out and said "Thank you". He was nice enough to shake my hand and say "For what?" For which I reply back, "For your music!" He just smiled and I went back inside for set 2. |
some years ago a cool person send me great photos of when he meet SY later of a concert...he and their friends with Thurston and Lee only..T and L appear very relaxed and friendly with him...
Thurston,Lee and Steve are very cool but my favorite SY member is Kim...she's monosilabic/shy but very enigmatic at the same time...and I like that...:) |
I hung out after a Sonic Nurse show in Houston and talked to Steve among a lot of people, and he was cool as fuck, and he signed my sonic nurse shirt which I have not worn again to this day.
Oh, man, this thread has gotten me so excited for tonight. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll have a chance to speak to them. I'll be waiting at the door after the show!
I met lee while locked outside of a sonic youth show I couldn't get into.
He gave me a free copy of rather ripped (it was brand new at the time) and talked with me briefly... I think he felt sorry for me. |
I was at MoMA (NYC) in 1994 and I saw Lee looking at some art. It didn't even occur to me that I should introduce myself. I guess I was starstruck.
In 1995 I went to the Knitting Factory to see Thurston. I was hanging out in the lobby before the show when Thurston walked through the door carrying his amp. I just stared at him curiously without approaching him. He stared right back. It was kind of evil. I should have been more grateful for his presence. It was a great show. |
If someone seems standoffish it could act as a barrier. That way it makes you think twice about spewing your fanboy shit. If you really have something interesting to say then you can say it.
I can say that it truly made my day to talk to someone I really admire. "If you needed my autograph, I'd give it to you." Bob Dylan |
met thurston.....nice guy...
met steve....nicest guy ever.....totally cool! there is another thread where i go into more detail! |
PART THREE: http://www.sonicyouth.com/gossip/showthread.php?t=17487&highlight=thurston PART FOUR: http://www.sonicyouth.com/gossip/showthread.php?p=777013&highlight=thurston#post777 013 PART FIVE: http://www.sonicyouth.com/gossip/showthread.php?t=18057&highlight=ecstatic+peace Since all those posts ^ I have met them all a couple times each. Every experience was special. I have multiple autographs from them now on different memorabilia, my most prized is probably Thurston’s love note in my MixTape book. |
Byron Coley accidentally bumped into me in Astor Place crossing the street once (early this year? my memory is shit, it was when him and Thurston were doing those round of talks about the No Wave book in NYC). So he's all apologetic and I just go "You're Byron Coley!" and he seemed really surprised that I knew who he was, and then I noticed Thurston was right near him chuckling. Nice guys.
A couple years ago I went to meet my friend who was working one of the fashion shows at Bryant Park and Kim (looking fabulous) and VINCENT GALLO strutted past. She noticed I was looking at her and gave a very timid smile. I don't blame her for being reclusive, I probably would do the same in her position of mini-fame. I also saw Mark Ibold on the 7 train once which was just unexpected. Didn't say anything to him. This doesn't pertain to an actual meeting, but I remember watching Eyewitness News in nyc sometime in 2007. Thus story came up about a parent-student protest of some kind at an inner-city school and they interviewed LEE. "Lee Ranaldo - Parent." Does he still live in the city? I know he has young kids, so it was related to that. |
Very cool-regular peeps
It's really funny and almost sad in a way, but I remember passing Lee in the street about an hour before a Sonic Youth gig in Glasgow. I was too surprised/shy to talk to him (really, he was gone by the time I'd fully realised anyway). He walked through the front doors to get in. The sad part is because he walked past all the kids who were hanging around outside in Sonic Youth t-shirts and not one of them recognised him.
I bet that's also a blessing too though, to be able to walk around like that and not get harrassed. You get to be famous and also non-famous all at once. And as far as Thursty goes: I met him in a record shop in Glasgow and he was as charming and laidback as you'd expect. Really nice guy and not stuck up or pretentious at all. He was raving about some band I had never heard of before (and probably no one else has ever heard of). I'd love to meet Kim but I'd be a bit in awe as well. |
i love these threads. cool stories.
man, i'm even embarrassed just by imagining running into any of SY before/after a show. "teehee, yr thurston moore omgz. great show, awesome. that like made my life. OMG LEEEEEEEEEE!" |
I waited for them but they never showed :-(
I met Lee at a Text Of Light show in 07. It was really neat. He was really friendly and talkative. I asked to get my picture taken with him. He said, "Only if I can I get my picture taken with you" so I did, and so he did. It was lovely. He's very friendly
I hope to meet them next time I see them. I'm extremely shy and probably won't know what to say. Hopefully I can get something signed.
I'm going through my stuff right now thinking of what to get signed - I might have them sign a small poster I have hanging in my room that I got for free when I purchased one of their CD's (on one side it's an awesome picture of them, and on the other it's promoting DDN Deluxe.
Or EVOL. |
The CD booklet if you want to get technical.
I might just do that -it'll be easier. |
I've never gotten anything signed before so I'm nervous.
I actually just met Thurston and Kim earlier this evening! I was a dream come true and I almost cried out loud from joy.
First Kim came out. I thanked her and told her that Sonic Youth means so much to me, they changed my life. She smiled and replied "hopefully for the better." I told her yes, certainly, and then wished her luck in NYC tomm. Then Thurston came out. He made a joke about how he was trying to get the new songs straight and seemed appreciative when i told him that i am a huge fan. Then he shook my hand and asked if i had seen kim. i pointed where she had gone and wished him good luck traveling to nyc. amazing night. sonic love, sonic love. |
yes that's true. it worked for me, and I'm not really a chatty person indeed. |
Seriously. I was surprised by how approachable they are!
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