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mil_pl 06.25.2009 01:19 AM

nine inch nails with thurston moore
just today I've read that in polish magazine in article for nin gig in poland.
have you heard about it?

viewtiful_alan 06.25.2009 01:36 AM

Please, please elaborate

ZEROpumpkins 06.25.2009 05:31 AM

I don't see how T fits into this.

Shifty Prophet 06.25.2009 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
this sounds like it could possibly be a bit of misinformation.

well....trent can get pretty noisy from time to time. i always wanted to hear his take on a straight up noise record. or maybe just something realllllly droney/ambient. some of the stuff on the ghost sessions left me wondering....the dude is much more talented than what most people are willing to give him credit for.


barnaclelapse 06.25.2009 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
this sounds like it could possibly be a bit of misinformation.

well....trent can get pretty noisy from time to time. i always wanted to hear his take on a straight up noise record. or maybe just something realllllly droney/ambient. some of the stuff on the ghost sessions left me wondering....the dude is much more talented than what most people are willing to give him credit for.


I still think The Fragile is a masterpiece.

nancykitten 06.25.2009 11:19 AM

but not really.

floatingslowly 06.25.2009 11:45 AM

sweet fucking jesus, why do I even come here?

this was supposed to help me work through my rage, not exacerbate it.

NIN has always been a Skinny Puppy wannabe band for people who just can't fucking handle Skinny Puppy. if it wasn't for Adrian Sherwood, the world might have been spared this fuckery.

that said, I love the Peter Murphy/Trent Reznor/TVOTR radio shows.


floatingslowly 06.25.2009 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
i dont know why people compare NIN to skinny puppy...there are similliar elements...but still, way different.

start with "Down In It" being "Dig It" and go on from there forward through time.

floatingslowly 06.25.2009 01:31 PM

I'm not talking "influence". I have no problem with that. if I did, you would hear me being a fascist about everything after The Velvet Underground.

I'm talking straight-up rip-off.

-the beat for Down In It was jacked straight from Dig It. it IS Dig It.


-the video to "Hurt" includes Trent performing from behind a back-lit white screen, exactly as Skinny Puppy used to perform "Harsh Stone White".

-he inserted himself into Pigface and Revolting Cocks (despite not being "gasp" industrial himself) in an effort to develop "scene-cred". it didn't fucking work. his fan base of jocks and poseurs wouldn't dream of seeing either of those two bands

^^^as a funny side story to this, he's apparently had his RevCo tattoo lasered-off. at least, I've not seen it in pictures for almost 20 years. I saw Ohgr's a couple months ago.

let's see....more?

-he made Dave Ogilvie (long time Puppy producer and one-time member) the producer of his Marilyn Manson crap (which, with Ogilvie at the helm, wasn't all that bad....even if it also sounds like Skinny Puppy-lite).

-he has a side project named "Tapeworm" (a Nivek Ohgr song from Pigface's Gub album).

-he has a pet dog named "Skinny" that he face-fucks each night while humming along to Stairs and Flowers (ok...I made that one up, but it seems plausible).


so...yeah....bring on the Thurston Moore. why the fuck not?

dionysusundone 06.25.2009 01:40 PM

Eh, Trent admitted he stole Down In It years and years ago and not much that he's made since has really sounded like Puppy. Trent seems like a pretty cool guy, even if he's not one of my fave musicians in the world. Hating on him for something he did 20 years ago seems beside the point.

Besides, how do you figure he 'inserted' himself into RevCo and Pigface? Pretty sure if people didn't want him there, he wouldn't have been there.

Shifty Prophet 06.25.2009 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I'm not talking "influence". I have no problem with that. if I did, you would hear me being a fascist about everything after The Velvet Underground.

I'm talking straight-up rip-off.

-the beat for Down In It was jacked straight from Dig It. it IS Dig It.


-the video to "Hurt" includes Trent performing from behind a back-lit white screen, exactly as Skinny Puppy used to perform "Harsh Stone White".

-he inserted himself into Pigface and Revolting Cocks (despite not being "gasp" industrial himself) in an effort to develop "scene-cred". it didn't fucking work. his fan base of jocks and poseurs wouldn't dream of seeing either of those two bands

^^^as a funny side story to this, he's apparently had his RevCo tattoo lasered-off. at least, I've not seen it in pictures for almost 20 years. I saw Ohgr's a couple months ago.

let's see....more?

-he made Dave Ogilvie (long time Puppy producer and one-time member) the producer of his Marilyn Manson crap (which, with Ogilvie at the helm, wasn't all that bad....even if it also sounds like Skinny Puppy-lite).

-he has a side project named "Tapeworm" (a Nivek Ohgr song from Pigface's Gub album).

-he has a pet dog named "Skinny" that he face-fucks each night while humming along to Stairs and Flowers (ok...I made that one up, but it seems plausible).


so...yeah....bring on the Thurston Moore. why the fuck not?

Yes, ^that just happened

dionysusundone 06.25.2009 01:41 PM

On-topic though, didn't T once say he hated NIN?

Seandi 06.25.2009 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
sweet fucking jesus, why do I even come here?

this was supposed to help me work through my rage, not exacerbate it.

NIN has always been a Skinny Puppy wannabe band for people who just can't fucking handle Skinny Puppy. if it wasn't for Adrian Sherwood, the world might have been spared this fuckery.

that said, I love the Peter Murphy/Trent Reznor/TVOTR radio shows.



floatingslowly 06.25.2009 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by dionysusundone
Hating on him for something he did 20 years ago seems beside the point.

you just stop right there, mister.

I'm having fun working up swa(y) with my hardcore prejudices.

don't you come in here trying to ruin it!


GeneticKiss 06.25.2009 02:31 PM

Nine Inch Nails would be awesome if not for Trent Reznor's singing/lyrics.

He should just write music and have someone truly intelligent sing/write all the lyrics. Listen to the Natural Born Killers and Lost Highway soundtracks and you'll agree.

The Downward Spiral would be a masterpiece if not for stuff like:

"Nothing can stop me now/'Cuz I don't care anymore" - "Piggy"
"God is dead/And no one cares/If there is a hell/I'll see you there"- "Heresy"
"Take the skin and peel it back/Doesn't it make you feel better?"- "March of the Pigs"
"I want to fuck you like an animal/My whole existance is flawed/You get me closer to God" - I shouldn't have to tell anyone what song this is
"The ruiner's a collector/He's an infector/Serving shit to his flies" - "Ruiner"
"I want to be everywhere/I want to be to know everything/I want to fuck everyone in the world/I want to do something that matters" - "I Do Not Want This"
"I'm big man (yes I am)/And I've got a big gun/Got me a big 'ol dick/And I like to have fun" - "Big Man With A Gun"
"Oh my beautiful liar/Oh my precious whore/My disease, my infection/I am so impure" - "Reptile"
"I wear this crown of shit/Upon my liar's chair/Full of broken thoughts/I cannot repair" - I shouldn't have to tell anyone what song this is either

As for the whole NIN vs. Skinny Puppy thing, I used to be on floatingslowly's boat, but now I don't really care anymore. Sure, SP probably deserve more credit for introducing goth overtones to industrial music, but at the end of the day I like both bands, and I don't think Skinny Puppy themselves really care either.

floatingslowly 06.25.2009 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
I used to be on floatingslowly's boat, but now I don't really care anymore.

it's not a boat so much as an unmanned submersible.

dirty bunny 06.25.2009 03:25 PM

Trent Reznor seems like he's got his head up his butt. I don't like when musicians diss each other. It seems petty. As for the music he makes, well, that's the subject of another post probably.

vulva 06.25.2009 04:51 PM

even if NIN ripped off skinny puppy, NIN did it better. Skinny Puppy kinda sucked

Diesel 06.25.2009 06:03 PM


floatingslowly 06.25.2009 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
working me up?

well it doesn't really work after I admit to it.

my extensive list of truths and half-truths was causing too much collateral damage and I had to abort.

I'll catch you next time, secret squirrel.

jennthebenn 06.25.2009 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
well it doesn't really work after I admit to it.

my extensive list of truths and half-truths was causing too much collateral damage and I had to abort.

I'll catch you next time, secret squirrel.

Likewise me, Morocco Mole!


Thread saved.

pantophobia 06.25.2009 07:28 PM

too much rep you deserve, more then i cn give, in the meanwhie help your self to more stock

dionysusundone 06.25.2009 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
Nine Inch Nails would be awesome if not for Trent Reznor's singing/lyrics.

He should just write music and have someone truly intelligent sing/write all the lyrics. Listen to the Natural Born Killers and Lost Highway soundtracks and you'll agree.

The Downward Spiral would be a masterpiece if not for stuff like:

"Nothing can stop me now/'Cuz I don't care anymore" - "Piggy"
"God is dead/And no one cares/If there is a hell/I'll see you there"- "Heresy"
"Take the skin and peel it back/Doesn't it make you feel better?"- "March of the Pigs"
"I want to fuck you like an animal/My whole existance is flawed/You get me closer to God" - I shouldn't have to tell anyone what song this is
"The ruiner's a collector/He's an infector/Serving shit to his flies" - "Ruiner"
"I want to be everywhere/I want to be to know everything/I want to fuck everyone in the world/I want to do something that matters" - "I Do Not Want This"
"I'm big man (yes I am)/And I've got a big gun/Got me a big 'ol dick/And I like to have fun" - "Big Man With A Gun"
"Oh my beautiful liar/Oh my precious whore/My disease, my infection/I am so impure" - "Reptile"
"I wear this crown of shit/Upon my liar's chair/Full of broken thoughts/I cannot repair" - I shouldn't have to tell anyone what song this is either

As for the whole NIN vs. Skinny Puppy thing, I used to be on floatingslowly's boat, but now I don't really care anymore. Sure, SP probably deserve more credit for introducing goth overtones to industrial music, but at the end of the day I like both bands, and I don't think Skinny Puppy themselves really care either.

Reznor's got an alright voice but I really do agree about the lyrics. He needs Bernie Taupin or whatever that dude's name is!
Yeah I don't think Puppy cares either considering they've worked with Trent on projects before. (I think)

nancykitten 06.26.2009 02:55 AM

Kinda Like A Cloud I Was Up, Way Up In The Sky.

Magic Wheel Memory 06.26.2009 07:07 AM

I would say Trent Reznor is the most important rock/pop musician to emerge within the last 20 years. More than anyone, I think he changed what people are listening to.

Bal 06.26.2009 07:16 AM

i dont know much of his music as i always thought it was so mediocore
i could never get into that epic kinda metal or wathever music..

Glice 06.28.2009 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
If it wasn't for Adrian Sherwood, the world might have been spared this fuckery.

He's also done SP, PWEI and the Woodentops. Let's not inculcate the mighty Sherwood in your self-abasement.

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