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noisereductions 06.17.2009 09:59 AM

best pop punk albums
As the weather gets warmer, I find myself in the mood for pop-punk. Groovie Ghoulies, Queers, Mr. T Experience, Screeching Weasel, etc. A lot of kind of classic Lookout! Recs stuff etc. I don't know. I shouldn't even narrow anthing down. Basically fast, catchy and fun I guess. Gimme some of yr classic albums in this catagory, huh?

batreleaser 06.17.2009 10:05 AM

the first descendents album i guess, and the first adolescents album (kinda pop right?)

noisereductions 06.17.2009 10:14 AM

Which one was the first Descendents album? I have some of their early stuff, but I'm not certain on the chronology. Love em though.

lechaoscestmoi 06.17.2009 11:26 AM

rancid "and out come the wolves"

Rob Instigator 06.17.2009 12:09 PM

Pegboy - Strong reaction

ALL - Trailblazer (live)

atsonicpark 06.17.2009 12:23 PM

milo goes to college and screeching weasel's "my brain hurtS" and "anthem for a new tomorrow". as far as more recent bands, i really like steinways...

loubarret 06.17.2009 12:38 PM

Nada Surf-Nada Surf

I will stop here before I get to happy about poppunk

atsonicpark 06.17.2009 12:40 PM

neither one of those is pop punk.

loubarret 06.17.2009 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
neither one of those is pop punk.

General their placed under pop-punk but ok. I don't call rancid really pop-punk either.

Can you explain what is pop-punk in your opion?

atsonicpark 06.17.2009 12:45 PM

I've never heard them described as pop punk. If you know anyone in real life who has described them as such, they don't know what they're talking about. And no, Rancid, definitely isn't pop punk either. It's not my opinion.

Weezer is power pop. Nada Surf is alt rock. Rancid is just punk in general, I guess.

noisereductions 06.17.2009 12:48 PM

Yeah Weezer, etc is like Pop-Rock maybe.

I'd call Rancid Pop-Punk. It's Punk that's poppy.

Jeremy 06.17.2009 12:49 PM

Generic answer but the first few Ramones records qualify, correct?


atsonicpark 06.17.2009 12:49 PM

Rancid has done music in many genres. They have ska songs...

I mostly hear them described as "street punk".

radarmaker 06.17.2009 12:51 PM

Must everything be segregated and categorised?

loubarret 06.17.2009 12:54 PM

Ah, power-pop always seemed a weird turn to me but I can get in nada and alt-rock. So according to wiki this are my favorite pop-punk albums:

Setting Sons-The Jam
Singles Going Steady-Buzzcocks
Dookie/Kerplunk-Green Day

atsonicpark 06.17.2009 12:54 PM

Sure. Why would you call every band that's half-way punk "punk"? I don't want to listen to ska, I don't want to listen to crust, I want pop punk. So.. if I'm looking for pop punk, categorization makes it easier.

loubarret 06.17.2009 12:55 PM

You have another point there but sub-gernes sometimes cause that some bands get misplaced.

noisereductions 06.17.2009 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by radarmaker
Must everything be segregated and categorised?

no, it must'nt. But I'm in the mood to hear similar sounding bands. THat's what I was asking for.

atsonicpark 06.17.2009 12:58 PM

I want to make a topic called "watch how quickly we get off the topic".

loubarret 06.17.2009 01:00 PM

Pretty soon in every thread.

I don't mind really.

atsonicpark 06.17.2009 01:01 PM

Me either....

I would like to start making experimental threads on here. Maybe one day soon.

radarmaker 06.17.2009 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
no, it must'nt. But I'm in the mood to hear similar sounding bands. THat's what I was asking for.

S'alright, it wasn't aimed at you.

noisereductions 06.17.2009 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by radarmaker
S'alright, it wasn't aimed at you.

we're cool


dionysusundone 06.17.2009 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
the first descendents album i guess, and the first adolescents album (kinda pop right?)

As far as I'm concerned, this is really all you need, though I do have a soft spot for some of the early to mid-period (pre major label) AFI stuff, Agent Orange if they count, Groovy Ghoulies are pretty cool, annnnd maybe the Lillingtons....Servotron are pretty poppy too, sorta the pop-punk answer to Devo or something? Yeah. I'll say those.

uhler 06.18.2009 01:11 AM

i don't care what anyone says, but the first few green day albums are great pop punk records.

EMMAh 06.18.2009 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
milo goes to college and screeching weasel's "my brain hurtS" and "anthem for a new tomorrow". as far as more recent bands, i really like steinways...

Yes on the Screeching Weasel albums.

No on anything by the Descendants.

Death & the Maiden 06.18.2009 05:58 AM

Ramones - It's Alive

ZEROpumpkins 06.18.2009 06:30 AM

In my opinion:


Surprisingly a really good album, given that Jimmy Eat World are pretty bad (IMO) today. Also check out Clarity, but it's less punk.


An absolute classic. Better with every listen.

Definitely Milo Goes to College, though by today's standards it's not very pop.

I'd also consider the first At The Drive-In album pop-punk, it's just hard to listen to knowing that Cedric and Omar had so much potential but instead decided to make the Mars Volta. They could have been modern day punk heroes.

I guess it's less punkish but I really dig Rival Schools, a band with members from Gorilla Biscuits and Quicksand, who I understand are also really good bands.

atsonicpark 06.18.2009 07:07 AM

Every album you just mentioned is post hardcore or alternative rock.

Still, I'm not going to give you too much shit, because if it makes people seek out the UNDISPUTABLE CLASSIC 24 Hour Revenge Therapy, then... fucking yeah!

noisereductions 06.18.2009 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by EMMAh

No on anything by the Descendants.

Really, Emmah? I love The Descendents.

atsonicpark 06.18.2009 07:08 AM

I love the Descendents too. I hate All though :(

noisereductions 06.18.2009 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I love the Descendents too. I hate All though :(

I only like the All live album that came packaged with the Descendents live album. But the All studio albums suck.

atsonicpark 06.18.2009 07:14 AM

I like the Descendents album "all" though. I even like "Everything Sucks" and "Cool to Be you". They're not as good as the first two albums but still...

The way they fused amazing hooks with immature, bratty vocals/lyrics, with some honest-to-god musical complexity (!) is not something to take for granted. A very important band. The bass on Milo Goes To College is enough for me to consider it an amazing record.

atsonicpark 06.18.2009 07:15 AM

my day will come, i know some day i'll be the only one

atsonicpark 06.18.2009 07:15 AM

I'm just a square going nowhere


I think I'm going to break that album out right now.

ZEROpumpkins 06.18.2009 07:18 AM

Yeah man Hope is my favourite one from that album

atsonicpark 06.18.2009 07:21 AM

You know who my favorite "pop punk" band is? I totally always forget to mention them because I guess they're more uh, "mature" than most of those bands... but this band Craig's brother are just amazing.

Seriously, listen to that. Fucking awesome.

batreleaser 06.18.2009 02:37 PM

crossed out and man is the bastard are two really catchy pop punk bands with superb melodies and accesible breaks.

that is the world without any categorization.

Derek 06.18.2009 02:45 PM

I'm gonna throw out a suggestion you'll all mock me for but listen to The Offspring's Ignition. It was before they became big and it's just a great, well written album.

EMMAh 06.18.2009 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
Really, Emmah? I love The Descendents.


SW kicks their ass any day.

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